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Читем онлайн Становление Европы: Экспансия, колонизация, изменения в сфере культуры. 950 — 1350 гг. - Роберт Бартлетт








Gwyn Jones, A History of the Vikings (Oxford, 1968), p. 117.


William O'Sullivan, The Earliest Anglo-Irish Coinage (Dublin, 1964); Michael Dolley, Medieval Anglo-Irish Coins (London, 1972), pp. 1–5.


D.M. Metcalf (ed.). Coinage in Medieval Scotland (1100–1600) (British Archaeological Reports 45, Oxford, 1977).


Цит. по кн.: Helmold of Bosau, Chronica Slavorum 1.38, ed. Heinz Stoob (AQ 19, Darmstadt, rev. ed., 1973), p. 158. (Имеется рус. издание: Гельмольд Славянская хроника, М., 1963.)


G. Jacob (ed.), Arabische Berichte von Gesandten an germanische Fürstenhöfe aus dem 9. und 10. Jahrhundert (Berlin and Leipzig, 1927), p. 13.


Joachim Herrmann (ed.). Die Slawen in Deutschland: Ein Handbuch (new ed., Berlin, 1985), pp. 132–4 and plate 49.


Ian Stewart, 'The Volume of the Early Scottish Coinage', in D.M. Metcalf (ed.). Coinage in Medieval Scotland (1100–1600) (British Archaeological Reports 45, Oxford, 1977), pp. 65–72.


John Porteous, 'Crusader Coinage with Latin or Greek Inscriptions', in Kenneth M. Setton (ed.), A History of the Crusades (Philadelphia and Madison, 6 vols., 1955–89) 6: The Impact of the Crusades on Europe, ed. Harry W. Hazard, pp. 354–420, at p. 370.


Pommersches UB 1: 786–1253, ed. Klaus Conrad (2nd ed., Cologne and Vienna, 1970), nos. 11–13, 15–16, pp. 12–15, 16–18.


ibid., nos. 23, 27, pp. 23–5, 28–9.


ibid., no. 30, pp. 32–4.


ibid., no. 43, pp. 47–8.


ibid., no. 48, pp. 51–3.


ibid., no. 62, pp. 77–81; хартия сохранилась в двух оригиналах в: Landeshauptarchiv Schwerin, l. Kloster Dargun Nr. 2; см. также илл. в кн.: М. Gumowski, 'Pieczęcie ksiąząt pomorskich', Zapiski Towarzystwo naukowe w Toruniu 14 (1950), pp. 23–66 (and plates I–XXI), plate I.


ibid., no. 54, pp. 63–7.


ibid., nos. 106, 126, 140–41, 146, 156–7, 162–3, 170, 181, 188, 195–6, pp. 136–8, 167–8, 179–80, 184–6, 195–7, 202–4, 211–12, 225–6, 232–3, 241–3.


no. 68, pp. 87–8 (Helbig & Weinrich 1, no. 80, p. 312).


Josef Joachim Menzel, Die schlesischen Lokationsurkunden des 13. Jahrhunderts (Wurzburg, 1977), pp. 127–35.


Wendy Davies, 'The Latin Charter Tradition in Western Britain, Brittany and Ireland in the Early Medieval Period', in Dorothy Whitelock et al. (eds.), Ireland in Early Medieval Europe (Cambridge, 1982), pp. 258–80.


Duncan, Scotland, p. 126.


David of Huntingdon: K.J. Stringer, 'The Charters of David, Earl of Huntingdon and Lord of Garioch: A Study in Anglo-Scottish Diplomatic', in idem (ed.), Essays on the Nobility of Medieval Scotland (Edinburgh, 1985), pp. 72–101, at p. 79.


Flanagan, 'Monastic Charters from Irish Kings', p. 213; the MacMurrough charter is Dublin, National Library of Ireland, D 1, and is reproduced in Facsimiles of National Manuscripts of Ireland, ed. John T. Gilbert (4 parts in 5 vols., Dublin, 1874–84), 2, plate briii.


Michael Clanchy, From Memory to Written Record: England 10661307 (London and Cambridge, Mass., 1979), p. 263.


Robert Fossier, La terre et les hommes en Picardie jusqu'a la fin de XIIIe siècle (2 vols., Paris and Louvain. 1968) 1, p. 263; 2, p. 570, n. 1.


David Ganz and Walter Goffart, 'Charters Earlier than 800 from French Collections', Speculum 65 (1990), pp. 906–32, at p. 921 (Goffart).


Codex diplomaticus Maioris Poloniae, ed. Ignacy Zakrzewski and Franciszek Piekosinski (5 vols., Poznan, 1877–1908), 1, no. 381, pp. 337–8 (1259).


De regimine principum 2. 13, ed. Pierre Mandonnet, in Thomas Aguinas, Opuscula omnia 1 (Paris, 1927), pp. 312–487, at p. 370.


Roger of Howden, Chronica, ed. William Stubbs (4 vols., RS, 1868–71), 3, pp. 255–6; William the Breton, Cesfcr Philippi Augusti, ed. H.-F. Delaborde, Oeuvres de Rigord et de Guillaume le Breton (2 vols., Paris, 1882–5), 1, pp. 168–333, at pp. 196–7; idem, Philippidos 4, lines 530–48, ed. Delaborde, ibid. 2, pp. 118–19; comments by John Baldwin, The Government of Philip Augustus (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1986), pp. 405–12.


Davies, Conquest, Coexistence and Change, pp. 355–6.


Registrum epistolarum 37, ed. P. Bruno Griesser, Analecta sacri ordinis Cisierciensis 2 (1946), pp. 1–118, at p. 47; Katherine Walsh, A Fourteenth-Century Scholar and Primate: Richard FitzRalph in Oxford, Avignon and Armagh (Oxford, 1981), p. 11, citing ASV, Reg. Vat. 59, fol. 196v, in WH. Monck Mason, The History and Antiquities of the Collegiate and Cathedral Church of St Patrick (Dublin, 1820), app., pp. ix — x.


Цит. по кн.: Helmold of Bosau, Chronica Slavorum 3.5, ed. Heinz Stoob (AQ 19, Darmstadt, rev. ed., 1973), p. 77. Гельмольд, Славянская хроника, M., 1963, 3.5.


Saxo Grammaticus, Gesta Danorum, preface, 1.2, ed. J. Olrik and H. Raeder (2 vols., Copenhagen, 1931–57), 1, p. 3; Hexaemeron: ed. Sten Ebbesen and L.B. Mortensen (2 vols., Copenhagen, 1985–8); Antique leges Scanie 14, in Danmarks gamie landskabslove 1, ed. J. Brandum-Nielsen (Copenhagen, 1920–33), pp. 467–667; cf. Skanske lov — Text III 1. 33, ibid., pp. 265–466, p. 288.


О реформаторской деятельности Андерса Сунесена см.: Innocent III, 17 December 1203, Ad nostram noveritis, Po. 2060, and 19 January 1206, Benedictus Deus a, Po. 2664; Registrum sive epistolae 6. 198 and 8. 196, PL 214–16, 215, cols. 223, 774; De Ordine Praedicatorum de Tolosa in Dacia, ed. M.C. Gertz, Scriptores minores historiae Danicae (2 vols., Copenhagen, 1917–22) 2/1, pp. 369–74; Jarl Gallen, La province de Dacie de l'ordre des freres precheurs (Helsingfors, 1946), pp. 1–11; отметим, что в 1204–1205 гг. Данию в составе Кастильского посольства посетил сам св. Доминик — ibid., pp. 196–216; о деятельности Сунесена в Эстонии см.: Генрих Латвийский, Хроника Ливонии. М. — Л., 1938, 10.13–14; 23.2; 24.2; 25.1.


'Rocznik lubiąski 1241–1281, oraz wiersz o pierwotnych zakonniach Lubiąza' [Versus lubenses], ed. August Bielowski, MPH 3 (Lwow, 1878, repr. Warsaw, 1961), pp. 707–10, at p. 710.


Цит. по кн.: Helmold of Bosau, Chronica Slavorum 1.35, ed. Heinz Stoob (АО 19, Darmstadt, rev. ed., 1973), p. 146–8. (Имеется рус. издание: Гельмолед, Славянская хроника. М., 1963.)


Bernardo Maragone, Annates Pisani, ed. Michele Lupo Gentile (Rerum italicarum scriptores, n.s., 6/2, Bologna, 1930), pp. 1–74, at pp. 6–7, s.a. 1088; Carmen in victoriam Pisanorum, lines 70–72, ed. H.E.J. Cowdrey, 'The Mahdia Campaign of 1087', English Historical Review 92 (1977), pp. 1–29, pp. 23–9, relevant stanza p. 28 (reprinted in his Popes, Monks and Crusaders (London, 1984), chapter 12.


Цит. по: Denys Hay, Europe: The Emergence of an Idea (2nd ed., Edinburgh, 1968), p. 74.


Luke of Tuy, Chronicon mundi, ed. Andreas Schottus, Hispaniae illustratae (4 vols., Frankfurt/Main, 1603–8) 4, pp. 1–116, at p. 116.


Ebo, Vita sancti Ottonis episcopi Babenbergensis 3.6, ed. Jan Wikarjak and Kazimierz Liman, MPH, n.s., 7/2 (Warsaw, 1969), p. 106.


Sancti Bonifatii et Lulli epistolae, ed. Michael Tangi (MCH, Epistolae selectae 1, Berlin, 1916), no. 23, pp. 40–41 (Bishop Daniel of Winchester to Boniface, 723–4).


Robert I. Bums, Islam under the Crusaders: Colonial Survival in the Thirteenth-Century Kingdom of Valencia (Princeton, 1973), p. 187.


Peter Spufford, Money and its Use in Medieval Europe (Cambridge, 1988), p. 245.


Julio Gonzalez, Repoblacion de Costilla la Nueva (2 vols., Madrid, 1975–6) 2, pp. 271, 277.


Herbert Grundmann, Wahlkonigtum, Territorialpolitik und Ostbewegung im 13. und 14. Jahrhundert (Gebhardts Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte 5, Munich, 1973), pp. 269, 284.


Robert Fossier La terre et les hommes en Picardie jusqu'a la fin de XIIIe siècle (2 vols., Paris and Louvain, 1968) 1, p. 330.


Helbig & Weinrich 2, no. 144, p. 536.


Ferdinand Chalandon, Histoire de la domination normande en Italie et en Sicilie, 1009–1194 (2 vols., Paris, 1907) 1, pp. 191–8.


Livlandische Reimchronik, lines 276–78, ed. Leo Meyer (Paderbom, 1876), p. 64.


Brut у Tywysogyon or The Chronicle of the Princes: Peniarth MS. 20 Version, tr. Thomas Jones (Cardiff, 1952), p. 38.


О политическом развитии княжества Гуинет XIII века см.: J.E. Lloyd, A History of Wales (3rd ed., 2 vols., London, 1939) 2, chapters 16–20; David Stephenson, The Governance of Gwynedd (Cardiff, 1984).


Preussisches UB (6 vols, to date, Kdnigsberg and Marburg, 1882 —) 1, no. 218, p. 161.


William of Newburgh, Historia rerum Anglicarum 3.9, ed. Richard Howlett, Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II and Richard I (4 vols., RS, 1884–9) 1–2, at 1, p. 239.


A.A.M. Duncan, Scotland: The Making of the Kingdom (Edinburgh, 1975), pp. 298–9; Acts of Malcolm IV, King of Scots, 1153–65, ed. Geoffrey Barrow (Regesta regum Scottorum 1, Edinburgh, 1960), pp. 65–6.


Annals of Connacht (Annala Connacht), ed. A. Martin Freeman (Dublin, 1944), p. 5.


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