Sachsenspiegel, Landrecht 3. 71, ed. Eckhardt, pp. 256–7.
Richard Siebert (ed.), 'Elf ungedruckte Urkunden aus einem im Herzoglichen Haus- und Staatsarchiv zu Zerbst befindlichen Nienburger Copiale', Mitteilungen des Vereins für Anhaltinische Geschichte und Altertumskunde 9 (1904), pp. 183–94, at pp. 190–91.
Wales: Rees Davies, 'The Twilight of Welsh Law, 1284–1506', History 51 (1966), pp. 143–64, at p. 160.
Breslauer UB 1, ed. G. Kom (Breslau, 1870), no. 121, pp. 110–11.
Codex iuris Bohemici, ed. Hermenegild Jiricek (5 vols, in 12, Prague, 1867–98), 2/2, p. 125 (Majestas Carolina 19).
Roger of Wendover, Flores historiarum, ed. H.G. Hewlett (3 vols., RS, 1886–9), 2, p. 56; Geoffrey Hand, English Law in Ireland 1290–1324 (Cambridge, 1967), chapter 1, and Paul Brand, 'Ireland and the Literature of the Early Common Law', The Irish Jurist, n.s., 16 (1981), pp. 95–113.
Foedera, conventiones, litterae et acta publico, ed. Thomas Rymer (new ed., 4 vols, in 7 parts. Record Commission, 1816–69), 1.1, p. 266; cf. Calendar of the Patent Rolls (1232–47) (London, 1906), p. 488.
Rotuli litterarum clausarum in turn Londinensi osservati (1204–27), ed. T.D. Hardy (2 vols., London, 1833–44), 1, p. 497.
Hand, English Law, p. 1.
Bower, Scotichronicon 12.26–32, ed. Watt, 6, pp. 384–402; Hand, English Law, pp. 198–205.
Kenneth Nicholls, 'Anglo-French Ireland and After', Peritia 1 (1982), pp. 370–403, at pp. 374–6.
Hand, English Law, p. 199. Эпизод имел место в 1301 г.
Calendar of the Justiciary Rolls of Ireland (1295–1303), ed. James Mills (Dublin, 1905), pp. 121–3.
ibid., p. 14.
Katherine Walsh, A Fourteenth-Century Scholar and Primate: Richard Fitz Ralph in Oxford, Avignon and Armagh (Oxford, 1981), p. 334.
Statutes of the Parliament of Ireland: King John to Henry V, p. 210.
Bower, Scotichronicon 12.28, ed. Watt, 6, p. 390.
Hand, English Law, p. 202, цит. из документов дела 1301г.
Calendar of the Justiciary Rolls of Ireland (1295–1303), p. 156.
Calendar of Archbishop Alen's Register, ed. Charles McNeill (Dublin, 1950), pp. 103, 115.
Hand, English Law, p. 208; Foedera 2. 1, pp. 293–4.
Gearyid MacNiocaill, 'The Interaction of Laws', in James Lydon (ed.), The English in Medieval Ireland (Dublin, 1984), pp. 105–17, at pp. 106–7.
Statutes of the Realm 1, p. 68.
Preussisches UB (6 vols, to date, Königsberg and Marburg, 1882 —) 1/i, no. 218, pp. 158–65, at p. 159.
Iura Prutenorum 25, ed. Matuszewski, p. 31.
Codex iuris Bohemici 2/2, p. 167 {Majestas Carolina 82).
Das Magdeburg-breslauer systematische Schöffenrecht 3.1.4, ed. Paul Laband (Berlin, 1863), p. 55; Das alte Kulmische Recht 3. 4, ed. C.K. Leman (Berlin, 1838), p. 53.
Helbig & Weinrich 1, no. 66, p. 270.
ibid. 2, no. 25, p. 154.
AJ. Otway-Ruthven, “The Request of the Irish for English Law, 1277–80”, Irish Historical Studies 6 (1948–9), pp. 261–70, at p. 269; see also Aubrey Gwynn, 'Edward I and the Proposed Purchase of English Law for the Irish', Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 5th ser., 10 (1960), pp. 111–27.
MacNiocaill, Na Buirgeisi 2, p. 336, n. 21; Geoffrey Hand, 'English Law in Ireland, 1172–1351', Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 23 (1972), pp. 393–422, p. 413 and n. 3.
Hand, English Law, p. 409.
Statutes of the Parliament of Ireland: King John to Henry V, p. 324.
Frederick Pollock and Frederic William Maitland, The History of English Law before the Time of Edward I (2nd ed., 2 vols., Cambridge, 1898, reissued 1968) 1, p. 91.
Mercedes Gaibrois de Ballesteros, Historia del reinado de Sancho TV de Costilla (3 vols., Madrid, 1922–8) 3, doc. 295, pp. 184–5.
Davies, “Twilight”; idem. Conquest, pp. 422–4; Oxford Book of Welsh Verse, ed. T. Parry (Oxford, 1962), p. 139.
Statutes of the Realm 3, pp. 563–9 (27 Henry VIII с 26), pp. 563, 567.
Сноска пропущена в оригинале.
Cosmas of Prague, Chronica Boemorum 2.23, cd. Bertold Bretholz (SRG, n.s., Berlin, 1923), p. 116.
Chronicon, ed. Wilhelm Wattenbach, MGH, SS 17 (Hanover, 1861), pp. 683–710, at p. 685.
Cosmas of Prague, Chronica Boemorum 1. 23, 31, ed. Bretholz, pp. 44–5, 56.
Symbolum Electorum 1.28, in J.S. Brewer, J.F. Dimock and G.F. Warner (eds.). Opera (8 vols., RS, 1861–91) 1, pp. 197–395, p. 306.
Honorius III, 20 June 1224, Cum olim fuisses, Po. 7272, and Cum olim venerabilis; Pontificia Hibernica: Medieval Papal Chancery Documents concerning Ireland 640–1261, ed. Maurice P. Sheehy (2 vols., Dublin, 1962–5), 1, nos. 167–8, pp. 253–5.
Frantisek Graus, Die Nationenbildung der Westslawen im Mittelalter (Nationes 3, Sigmaringen, 1980), p. 97, n. 78.
Codex diplomaticus Lusatiae superioris 1, ed. Gustav Kohler (2nd ed., Gorlitz, 1856), no. 86, pp. 137–8.
Helbig & Weinrich 1, no. 85, pp. 324–6 (1237); Jürgen Petersohn, Dei siidliche Ostseeraum im kirchlich-politischen Kraftespiel des Reichs, Polens und Danemarks vom 10. bis 13. Jahrhundert (Cologne and Vienna, 1979), pp. 323–4.
UB des ehemaligen Cistercienserstiftes Goldenkron in Bohmen, ed. M. Pangerl (Fontes rerum Austriacarum II, 37, Vienna, 1872), no. 79, p. 146, n. 3.
Peter of Zittau, Chronicon Aulae Regiae 1.68, ed. J. Emier, Fontes rerum Bohemicarum 4 (Prague, 1884), pp. 1–337, p. 84.
Codex diplomaticus Maioris Poloniae, ed. Ignacy Zakrzewski and Franciszek Piekosinski (5 vols., Poznan, 1877–1908), 1, no. 551, pp. 510–15; of 1326: ibid. 2, no. 1061, p. 396.
Monumenta Poloniae Vaticana 3: Analecta Vaticana, ed. Jan Ptasnik (Cracow, 1914), pp. 82, 90, 86, 88–9, 87, 90, 92, 93, 84–5.
Patent Rolls of the Reign of Henry III (1216–32) (2 vols., London, 1901–3) 1, p. 23; cf. p. 22; J.A Watt, The Church and the Two Nations in Medieval Ireland (Cambridge, 1970), pp. 69–84; idem. The Church in Medieval Ireland (Dublin, 1972), pp. 100–109.
Ralph V Turner, Men Raised from the Dust: Administrative Service and Upward Mobility in Angevin England (Philadelphia, 1988), pp. 91–106; Rotuli chartarum in turn Londinensi asservati (1199–1216), ed. T.D. Hardy (London, 1837), p. 218.
Honorius III, 6 August 1220, Pervenit ad audientiam nostram, Po. 6323, and 26 April 1224, Sicut ea que rite, Po. 7227; Pontificia Hibernica, ed. Sheehy 1, nos. 140, 158, pp. 225, 245–6.
Patent Rolls of the Reign of Henry III 2, p. 59 (1226); cf. Rotuli litterarum clausarum in turn Londinensi asservati (1204–27), ed. T.D. Hardy (2 vols., London, 1833–44), 2, pp. 29, 31 (1225).
J A Watt, 'English Law and the Irish Church: The Reign of Edward Г, in J.A Watt, J.B. Morrall and F.X. Martin (eds.), Medieval Studies presented to A Gwynn (Dublin, 1961), pp. 133–67, at pp. 150–51, n. 51; cf. Calendar of Documents relating to Ireland (1171–1307), ed. H.S. Sweetman (5 vols., London, 1875–86), no. 2, p. 10.
Edouard Perroy, L'Angleterre et le Grand Schisme d'Occident (Paris, 1933), pp. 394–5.
Innocent III, 14 September 1204, Venientes ad apostolicam, Po. 2280; Registrum sive epistolae 7.128, PL, 214–16, at 215, cols. 417–19.
Расчеты сделаны на основании: Acta capitulomm generalium ordinis praedicatorum 1 (1220–1303), ed. Benedictus Maria Reichert (Monumenta ordinis fratrum praedicatorum historica 3, Rome and Stuttgart, 1898).
W. Moir Bryce, The Scottish Grey Friars (2 vols., Edinburgh and London, 1909), 1, pp. 5–15; Andre Callebaut, 'A propos du bienheureux Jean Duns Scot de Littledean', Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 24 (1931), pp. 305–29, at p. 325.
Heinrich Finke (ed.), Ungedruckte Dominikanerbriefe des 13. Jahrhunderts (Paderbom, 1891), no. 15, pp. 59–60.
John Freed, The Friars and German Society in the Thirteenth Century (Cambridge, Mass., 1977), p. 72.
ibid., pp. 74–5.
Regesta diplomatica пес поп epistolario Bohemiae et Moraviae, ed. K.J. Erben, J. Emler et ей. (7 vols, to date, Prague, 1854 —), 2, no. 2505, p. 1078; Graus, Nationenbildung, p. 97, n. 79.
Codex diplomaticus Maioris Poloniae 1, no. 551, p. 513. Brzesc: Graus, Nationenbildung, p. 122, n. 254. Roudnice: Regesta diplomatica nee поп epistolario Bohemiae et Moraviae 3, no. 2008, p. 782 (1333).
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