Annates capituli Cracoviensis (Rocznik Kapitulny Krakowski), ed. August Bielowski, MPH 2 (Lwów, 1872, repr. Warsaw, 1961), pp. 779–816, at p. 806.
Helbig & Weinrich 2, no. 77, pp. 290–96.
ibid. 1, no. 69, pp. 276–9.
Mecklenbwrgisches UB (25 vols, in 26, Schwerin and Leipzig, 1863–1977) 3, no. 2100, pp. 402–4 (1291); 4, no. 2503, pp. 58–5 (1298).
Hoffmann, 'Die Stadtgriindungen Mecklenburg-Schwerins', p. 68.
The Dublin Guild Merchant Roll с 1190–1265, ed. Philomena Connolly and Geoffrey Martin (Dublin, 1992), pp. 1–39.
Claude Cahen, 'Un texte peu connu relatif au commerce oriental d'Amalfi au Xe siècle'. Archivio storico per le province napoletane, n.s., 34 (1955 for 1953–4), pp. 61–6.
G.L.F. Tafel and G.M. Thomas (eds.), Urkunden zur alteren Handelsund Staatsgeschichte der Republik Venedig (3 vols., Fontes rerum Austriacarum II, 12–14, Vienna, 1856–7) 1, no. 40, pp. 79–89; William of Tyre, Chronicle 12.25, ed. R.B.C. Huygens (2 vols.. Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio mediaevalis 63–63. Tumhout, 1986), 1, pp. 577–81.
Joshua Prawer, Crusader Institutions (Oxford, 1980), p. 232, n. 40; Nicolas Morosini: ibid., pp. 226–7.
Wilhelm Heyd, Histoire du commerce du Levant au Moyen Age (2 vols., Leipzig, 1885–6) 1, p. 397.
Tafel and Thomas, Urkunden... der Republik Venedig 2, no. 232, pp. 143–5; Freddy Thiriet, La Romanie venitienne au Moyen Age: Le developpement et l'exploitation du domaine colonial venitien (XII–XTV s.) (Paris, 1959), pp. 125–6, n. 3.
Tafel and Thomas, Urkunden… der Republik Venedig 3, no. 350, pp. 56–9, at p. 57.
Edith Ennen, Die europaische Stadt des Mittelalters (4th ed., Göttingen, 1987), p. 132.
Heinrich Hagenmeyer (ed.), Epistulae et chartae ad historiam primi belli sacri spectantes (Innsbruck, 1901), no. 13, pp. 155–6.
David Abulafia, The Two Italics (Cambridge, 1977), p. 255.
George Pachymeres, De Michaele et Andronico Palaeologis, ed. Immanuel Bekker (2 vols.. Corpus scriptorum historiae Byzantinae 24–5, Bonn, 1835), 1, pp. 419–20.
Cornelio Desimoni (ed.), 'I conti dell'ambasciata al chan di Persia nel 1292', Atti della Societa ligure di storia patria 13/3 (1879), pp. 537–698, at pp. 608, 614; Michael Baiard, La Romanie genoise (XIIe-debut du XVe siècle) (2 vols., Rome, 1978) 1, pp. 134, 138.
Baiard, La Romanie genoise 1, pp. 154–5.
ibid. 1, Trois autres genes' (i.e. Caffa, Pera and Chios), title to chapter 4.
ibid. 1, pp. 199–202, 235–48, 339–41; Michel Balard (ed.), Genes et l'Outremer I: Les actes de Coffa du notaire Lamberto di Sambuceto 1289–90 (Paris, 1973).
Balard, La Romanie genoise 1, pp. 202–14, 250, 289–302; Giorgio Fedalto, La Chiesa Latina in Oriente (2nd ed., 3 vols., Verona, 1981) 2, pp. 61–3.
О продолжительности плавания из Венеции и Генуи см.: Thiriet, La Romanie venitienne, p. 187; Balard, La Romanic genoise 1, pp. 473–4; 2, pp. 76–85. Об особенностях навигации и морских путей Средиземноморья см.: John H. Pryor, Geography, Technology and War: Studies in the Maritime History of the Mediterranean, 649–1571 (Cambridge, 1988).
John H. Pryor, Geography, Technology and War: Studies in the Maritime History of the Mediterranean, 649–1571 (Cambridge, 1988).
Suzanne Lewis, The Art of Matthew Paris in the 'Chronica Majora' (Berkeley, etc., 1987), p. 350, fig. 214; Itineraires a Jerusalem, ed. Henri Michelant and Gaston Raynaud (Publications de la Societe de l’Orient latin. Serie geographique 3, Geneva, 1882), pp. 136–7.
Gabrieli, Arab Historians, p. 340 (Tashrif).
Robert S. Lopez and Irving W. Raymond (eds.). Medieval Trade in the Mediterranean (New York, 1955), doc. 158, p. 322; Balard, La Romanie genoise, index s.v. 'Negro (di)'.
Gunther Fehring, “The Archaeology of Early Lübeck: The Relation between the Slavic and the German Settlement Sites”, in H.B. Clarke and Anngret Simms (eds.). The Comparative History of Urban Origins in NonRoman Europe (British Archaeological Reports, International Series 255, 2 vols., Oxford, 1985) 1, pp. 267–87.
Цит. по кн.: Helmold, Chronica Slavorum, 1.48; 1.57; 1.71; 1.63; 1.76; 1.86 ed. Stoob. (Имеется рус. издание: Гельмольд Славянская хроника. М., 1963.)
ibid 2.21; Wilhelm Ebel, Lubisches Recht (Lübeck, 1971).
Die Urkunden Heinrichs des Lowen, Herzogs von Sachsen und Bayem, ed. Karl Jordan, MGH, Laienfursten- und Dynastenurkunden der Kaiserzeit (Leipzig and Weimar, 1941–9), no. 15, pp. 9–10; Hansisches UB 1, ed. Konstantin Hohlbaum (Halle, 1876), no. 17, p. 10.
Detlev Ellmers, “The Cog of Bremen and Related Boats”, in Sean McGrail (ed.). The Archaeology of Medieval Ships and Harbours in Northern Europe (British Archaeological Reports, International Series 66, Oxford, 1979), pp. 1–15, at pp. 9–11; Siegfried Fliedner and Rosemarie PohlWeber, The Cog of Bremen (Eng. tr., 3rd ed., Bremen, 1972).
Georg Lechner (ed.), Die hansischen Pfundzollisten des Jahres 1368 (Quellen und Darstellungen zur hansischen Geschichte, n.s., 10, Lübeck, 1935), p. 66.
Livlandische Reimchronik, lines 127–228, ed. Leo Meyer (Paderbom, 1876), pp. 4–6.
Цит. по кн.: Livonia, Chronicon Livoniae, 4.5, 5.1, ed. Leonid Arbusow and Albert Bauer (АО 24, Darmstadt, 1959), pp. 18–20. (Имеется рус. издание: Генрих Латвийский. Хроника Ливонии, М. — Л., 1938, 4.5, 5.1.)
Friedrich Benninghoven, Rigas Entstehung und der Frühhansische Kaufmann (Hamburg, 1961), pp. 41–7.
Hansisches UB 1, no. 88, p. 38; of 1225: ibid. 1, no. 194, pp. 60–61.
Benninghoven, Rigas Entstehung, plates opposite pp. 80, 105.
Liv-, esth-, und curlandisches UB 6, no. 2717, cols. 4–6.
Benninghoven, Rigas Entstehung, pp. 54–62, 98–100, 105–9.
Liselotte Feyerabend, Die Rigauer und Revaler Familiennamen im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert (Cologne and Vienna, 1985), p. 149.
Цит. по кн.: Henry of Livonia, Chronicon Livoniae, 9.4, ed. Arbusow and Bauer, p. 38. (Имеется рус. издание: Генрих Латвийский. Хроника Ливонии, М. — Л., 1938.)
Rerum Hungaricarum monumenta Arpadiana, ed. S.L. Endlicher (St Gallen, 1849), pp. 399–400.
Regino of Prani, Epistula ad Hathonem archiepiscopum missa, ed. Friedrich Kurze, Reginonis chronicon (SRC, Hanover, 1890), pp. xix — xx.
Statutes and Ordonances and Acts of the Parliament of Ireland: King John to Henry V, ed. Henry F. Berry (Dublin, 1907), p. 210; Kenneth H. Jackson (ed.), A Celtic Miscellany (rev. ed., Harmondsworth, 1971), p. 218; Helbig & Weinrich 1, no. 19, p. 98; Francesco Gabrieli (ed.), Arab Historians of the Crusades (Eng. tr., Berkeley and London, 1969), pp. 200–201 (Baha' ad-Din).
Etymologies 9.1.1, ed. W.M. Lindsay (2 vols.. Oxford, 1911, unpaginated).
Claudius Marius Victor, Alethia 3, line 274, ed. Cari Schenkl, Poetae Christiani minores 1 (Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum 16/1, Vienna, etc., 1888), pp. 359–436, at p. 416.
Peter of Zittau, Chronicon Aulae Regiae 1.68, ed. J. Emler, Fontes rerum Bohemicarum 4 (Prague, 1884), pp. 1–337, at p. 83.
Edouard Perroy, L'Angleterre et le Grand Schisme d'Occident (Paris, 1933), pp. 394–5.
Chronicon Aulae Regiae 2.23, ed. Emier, p. 301; Latinitatis Medii Aevi Lexicon Bohemiae: Slovnik Stredoveke Latiny v Ceskych Zemich (Prague, 1977 —), pp. 910–11.
Monumenta Poloniae Vaticana 3: Analecta Vaticana, ed. Jan Ptasnik (Cracow, 1914), no. 247, p. 278.
Pommerellisches UB, ed. Max Perlbach (Danzig, 1881–2), no. 492, pp. 442–3 (1292).
Register of the Abbey of St Thomas Dublin, ed. John T. Gilbert (RS, 1889), nos. 36, 269, 302, pp. 37, 224, 258; T. Jones Hughes, Town and Baile in Irish Place-Names', in Nicholas Stephens and Robin E. Glasscock (eds.), Irish Geographical Studies in Honour of E. Estyn Evans (Belfast, 1970), pp. 244–58.
Ramon Menendez Pidal (ed.), Documentes lingiiisticos de Espana 1 (Madrid, 1919, repr. 1966), p. 353.
Widukind of Corvey, Res gestae Saxonicae 2.36, ed. Albert Bauer and Reinhold Rau, Quellen zur Geschichte der sachsischen Kaiserzeit (АО 8, rev. ed.. Darmstadt, 1977), pp. 1–183, at p. 118.
Chronicle of Morea, tr. Harold E. Lurier, Crusaders as Conquerors (New York, 1964), pp. 37–56, 192, 223–4.
Gearoid Iarla, ed. Gear6id MacNiocaill, 'Duanaire Ghearoid Iarla', Studio Hibemica 3 (1963), pp. 7–59.
Geoffrey Malaterra, De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Cuiscardi ducis fratris eius 4.2, ed. Ernesto Pontieri (Rerum italicarum schptores, n.s., 5/1, Bologna, 1928), p. 86.
William of Apulia, La geste de Robert Guiscard 1, lines 165–8, ed. Marguerite Mathieu (Palermo, 1961), p. 108.
John Boswell The Royal Treasure: Muslim Communities under the Crown of Aragon in the Fourteenth Century (New Haven, 1977), pp. 74, n. 41, 384; Book of Fees (2 vols, in 3, London, 1920–31) 1, p. 146; Red Book of the Exchequer, ed. Hubert Hall (3 vols., RS, 1896), 2, p. 454 (Wrenoc ap Meurig, 1212); Constance Bullock-Davies, Professional Interpreters and the Matter of Britain (Cardiff, 1966).
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