Robert Fossier La terre et les hommes en Picardie jusqu'a la fin de XIIIe siècle (2 vols., Paris and Louvain, 1968) 2, p. 448.
Lacarra, no. 4 (1102).
Helbig & Weinrich 2, nos. 106–9, pp. 402–12 (1256–70).
ibid. 1, no. 131, p. 484.
Siegfried Epperlein, Bauembedrückung und Bauemwiderstand im hohen Mittelalter: Zur Erforschung der Ursachen bauerlichen Abwanderung nach Osten im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert (Berlin, 1960).
Osnabnicker UB 2, ed. F. Philippi (Osnabruck, 1896), no. 380, pp. 298–9.
UB des Hochstifts Hildesheim 2, no. 795, pp. 403–4 (1247).
Historia monasterii Rastedensis 35, ed. Georg Waitz, MGH, SS 25 (Hanover, 1880), pp. 495–511, at p. 509.
Walter Kiinn, 'Die Siedlerzahlen der deutschen Ostsiedlung', in Studium Sociale: Karl Valentin Müller dargebracht (Cologne and Opladen, 1963), pp. 131–54; idem, 'Ostsiedlung und Bevolkerungsdichte', in Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur mittelalterlichen Ostsiedlung (Cologne and Vienna, 1973), pp. 173–210.
A.J. Otway-Ruthven, “The Character of Norman Settlement in Ireland', in J.L. McCracken (ed.). Historical Studies 5 (London, 1965), pp. 75–84, at pp. 77, 83 (cf. her A History of Medieval Ireland (2nd ed., London, 1980), pp. 113–16); RE. Glasscock, 'Land and People c. 1300', in New History of Ireland 2: Medieval Ireland, 1169–1534, ed. Art Cosgrove (Oxford, 1987), pp. 205–39, at p. 213.
Gerald of Wales, Expugnatio Hibemica 1.3, 16, ed. A.B. Scott and F.X. Martin (Dublin, 1978), pp. 30, 64.
Geoffrey Martin, 'Plantation Boroughs in Medieval Ireland, with a Handlist of Boroughs to с 1500', in David Harkness and Mary O'David (eds.). The Town in Ireland (Historical Studies 13, Belfast, 1981), pp. 25–53.
J.A. Watt, The Church and the Two Nations in Medieval Ireland (Cambridge, 1970), esp. chapters 3 and 8: idem, The Church in Medieval Ireland (Dublin, 1972), pp. 87–109.
Rotuli chartarum in turn Londinensi asservati (1199–1216), ed. T.D. Hardy (London, 1837), p. 96 (1200).
Close Rolls of the Reign of Henry III (1247–51) (London, 1922), p. 480.
Rotuli litterarum clausarum in turn Londinensi asservati (1204–27), ed. T.D. Hardy (2 vols., London, 1833–44), 1, p. 394.
Red Book of Ormond, ed. Newport B. White (Irish Manuscripts Commission, Dublin, 1932), pp. 1–17, 19–83, 127–35, 145–58.
ibid., pp. 25–7.
ibid., pp. 33–4, 153;
Red Book of Ormond, ed. White, pp. 64–7.
ibid., pp. 34–41, 41–5, 46–7, 74–83; CA Empey, 'Conquest and Settlement: Patterns of Anglo-Norman Settlement in North Munster and South Leinster', Irish Social and Economic History Journal 13 (1986), pp. 5–31, pp. 26–7 and n. 67.
Red Book of Ormond, ed. White, pp. 108–11.
Thomas McErlean, “The Irish Townland System of Landscape Organization', in Terence Reeves-Smyth and Fred Hamond (eds.), Landscape Archaeology in Ireland (British Archaeological Reports, British Series 116, Oxford, 1983), pp. 315–39, at p. 317, table 1; T. Jones Hughes, 'Town and Baile in Irish Place-Names', in Nicholas Stephens and Robin E. Glasscock (eds.), Irish Geographical Studies in Honour of E. Estyn Evans (Belfast, 1970), pp. 244–58.
Els Furs de Valencia 35, ed. Rafael Gayano-Uuch (Valencia, 1930), p. 206.
Ulrich Bentzien, Haken und Pflug (Berlin, 1969); Walter Ktihn, 'Der Pflug als Betriebseinheit in Altpreussen' and 'Der Haken in Altpreussen', in his Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur mittelalterlichen Ostsiedlung (Cologne and Vienna, 1973), pp. 113–40, 141–71; Andre G. Haudricourt and Mariel Jean-Brunhes Delamarre, L'homme et la charme a trovers le monde (4th ed., Paris, 1955).
Цит. по кн.: Helmold, Chronica Slavorum 1.12, 14.88, ed. Stoob, pp. 70, 74, 312. (Имеется рус. издание: Гельмольд Славянская хроника. М., 1963.)
Die Urkunden Heinrichs des Lowen, ed. Karl Jordan, MGH, Laienfursten- und Dynastenurkunden der Kaiserzeit (Leipzig and Weimar, 1941–9), no. 41, pp. 57–61; Mecklenburgisches UB (25 vols, in 26, Schwerin and Leipzig, 1863–1977) 1, no. 65, p. 58; ibid., no. 375, p. 376 (c. 1230).
Pommersches UB 6 (Stettin, 1907, repr. Cologne and Graz, 1970), no. 3601, pp. 110–11 (1322).
Schlesisches UB 1, no. 82, p. 54 (1202).
Preussisches UB, 1/i, no. 74, pp. 54–5.
Codex diplomaticus Warmiensis 1, ed. Can Peter Woekly and Johann Martin Saage (Mainz, 1860), no. 42, pp. 79–80.
Kong Valdemars Jordebog, ed. Svend Aakjaer (3 vols., Copenhagen, 1926–1943), 2, pp. 50–52.
Pommeisches UB 5 (Stettin, 1905, repr. Cologne and Graz, 1970), no. 3234, pp. 408–15.
Preussisches UB 1/i, no. 105, pp. 77–81, p. 80; ibid. 1/i, no. 74, pp. 54–5; ibid. 1/ii, no. 612, pp. 387–8; ibid. 1/ii, no. 67, pp. 62–3.
Codex diplomaticus Maioris Poloniae, ed. Ignacy Zakrzewski and Franciszek Piekosinski (5 vols., Poznan, 1877–1908), 1, no. 402, pp. 354–5.
Preussisches UB 1/ii, no. 366, pp. 247–51, p. 248.
UB zur Geschichte der Herzoge von Braunschweig und Lüneburg und ihrer Lande 1, ed. H. Sudendorf (Hanover, 1859), no. 122, pp. 75–6.
Codex diplomaticus Warmiensis 1, no. 214, pp. 366–8 (1323).
Preussisches UB 1/i, no. 140, p. 105 (1242).
ibid. 1/i, no. 74, pp. 54–5; ibid. 1/i, no. 105, pp. 77–81, p. 80; ibid. 1/ii, no. 366, pp. 247–51, p. 248.
Visitationes bonorum archiepiscopatus пес поп capituli Gnesnensis saeculi XVI, ed. Boleslaw Ulanowski (Cracow, 1920), p. 365.
Schlesisches UB 1, no. 164, p. 117 (1217).
Helbig & Weinrich 2, no. 1, p. 72.
Helbig & Weinrich 1, no. 40, p. 178; Preussisches UB 1/i, no. 74, pp. 52–4 (Prussia, 1230).
Codex diplomaticus Brandenburgensis A 10, no. 9, p. 75 (1173).
Honorius III, 18 April 1220, Etsi поп sic, Po. 6229; Liv-, esth- und curlandisches UB, ed. F.G. von Bunge et al. (1st sen, 12 vols., Reval and Riga, 1853–1910), 1, no. 51, col. 54.
Mecklenburgisches UB 1, no. 255, p. 240 (1219); Helbig & Weinrich, 1, no. 82, p. 316 (1221); Helmold, Chronica Slavorum 1. 47, 55, 71, ed. Stoob, pp. 182, 204, 252. (Имеется рус. издание: Гельмольд, Славянская хроника, М., 1963.
Liber fundationis... Heinrichow 2, preface, ed. Grodecki, p. 309; cf. Genesis 3:19: In sudore vultus fui vesceris pane. См. также: Piotr Gorecki, Economy, Society and Lordship in Medieval Poland, 1100–1250 (New York and London, 1992).
'Rocznik lubiąski 1241–1281, oraz wiersz о pierwotnych zakonniach Lubiąza' [Versus lubenses], ed. August Bielowski, MPH 3 (Lwów, 1878, repr. Warsaw, 1961), pp. 707–10, at pp. 709–10; см. также: Slownik Laciny redniowiecznej w Polsce I, ed. Mariana Plezi (Wroclaw, etc., 1953–8), p. 1158.
John Elliott, 'The Discovery of America and the Discovery of Man', Proceedings of the British Academy 58 (1972), pp. 101–25, p. 112.
'Rocznik lubiaąski...' ed. Bielowski, p. 710; также см.: Gorecki, Economy, Society and Lordship.
Codex iuris Bohemici, ed. Hermenegild Jiricek (5 vols, in 12, Prague, 1867–98), 2/2, p. 145 (Majestas Carolina 49); ibid., pp. 145–50 (clauses 49–57).
Helbig & Weinrich 1, no. 2, p. 46.
H.E. Hallam, Settlement and Society: A Study of the Early Agrarian History of South Lincolnshire (Cambridge, 1965), p. 166.
M.M. Postan, The Medieval Economy and Society (London, 1972), pp. 57, 66.
Andrew M. Watson, Towards Denser and More Continuous Settlement: New Crops and Fanning Techniques in the Early Middle Ages', in J.A. Raftis (ed.). Pathways to Medieval Peasants (Toronto, 1981), pp. 65–82, at p. 69.
Helmut Wurm, 'Korpergrosse und Ernahrung der Deutschen im Mittelalter' in Bernd Herrmann (ed.), Mensch und Umwelt im Mittelalter (Stuttgart, 1986), pp. 101–8.
Об археол. раскопках в Вост. Германии, Ирландии и Центральной Европе см.: Eike Gringmuth-Dallmer, Die Entwicklung der frühgeschichtlichen Kulturlandschaft auf dem Territorium der DDR unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Siedlungsgebiete (Berlin, 1983), p. 68; Wolfgang Ribbe (ed.). Das Havelland im Mittelalter (Berlin, 1987), p. 79; ТВ. Barry, The Archaeology of Medieval Ireland (London, 1987), p. 72; Walter Janssen, 'Dorf und Dorfformen des 7. bis 12. Jahrhunderts im Lichte neuer Ausgrabungen in Mittel- und Nordeuropa', in Herbert Jankuhn et al. (eds.). Das Dorf der Eisenzeit und des frühen Mittelalters (Abhandlungen der Akadamie der Wissenchaft in Gottingen, philosophisch-historische Klasse, 3rd ser., 101, 1977), pp. 285–356, at p. 341.
Vladimir Nekuda, 'Zum Stand der Wüstungsforschung in Mahren (CSSR)', Zeitschrift für Archaologie des Mittelalters 1 (1973), pp. 31–57, passim.
Peter Wade-Martins, “The Origins of Rural Settlement in East Anglia', in P.J. Fowler (ed.). Recent Work in Rural Archaeology (Bradfordupon-Avon, 1975), pp. 137–57; idem, 'The Archaeology of Medieval Rural Settlement in East Anglia', in Mchael Aston et al. (eds.). The Rural Settlements of Medieval England (Oxford, 1989), pp. 149–65, at pp. 159–60.
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