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Читем онлайн Становление Европы: Экспансия, колонизация, изменения в сфере культуры. 950 — 1350 гг. - Роберт Бартлетт






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John Boswell The Royal Treasure: Muslim Communities under the Crown of Aragon in the Fourteenth Century (New Haven, 1977), pp. 74, n. 41, 384; Book of Fees (2 vols, in 3, London, 1920–31) 1, p. 146; Red Book of the Exchequer, ed. Hubert Hall (3 vols., RS, 1896), 2, p. 454 (Wrenoc ap Meurig, 1212); Constance Bullock-Davies, Professional Interpreters and the Matter of Britain (Cardiff, 1966).


Walter Kaestner, 'Mittelniederdeutsche Elemente in der polnischen und kaschubischen Lexik', in P. Sture Ureland (ed.). Sprachkontakt in der Hanse Akten des 7. Intemationalen Symposions iiber Sprachkontakt in Europa, Lubeck 1986 (Tubingen, 1987); pp. 135–62; Т.Н. Parry-Williams, The English Element in Welsh (Cymmrodorion Record Series 10, London, 1923), pp. 68, 76–7, 155; Rees Davies, Conquest, Coexistence and Change: Wales 1063–1415 (Oxford, 1987), p. 104); J.N. Hillgarth, The Spanish Kingdoms 1250–1516 (2 vols., Oxford, 1976–8) 1, p. 185.


Codex diplomaticus Brandenburgensis, ed. Adolph Friedrich Riedel (41 vols., Berlin, 1838–69), A 22, p. 114; Statutes … of the Parliament of Ireland: King John to Henry V, pp. 434–5 (clause 3); Glamorgan County History 3: The Middle Ages, ed. T.B. Pugh (Cardiff, 1971), p. 359. Подробнее этот вопрос рассматривается в Гл.11.


Thietmar of Merseburg, Chronicon 3.21, ed. Werner Trillmich (AQ 9, Darmstadt, 1957), p. 108.


Heinz Zatschek, 'Namensanderungen und Doppelnamen in Bohmen und Mahren im hohen Mittelalter', Zeitschrift für Sudetendeutsche Geschichte 3 (1939), pp. 1–11, at p. 10.


Angel Gonzalez Palencia, Los mozarabes toledanos en los siglos XII у XIII fvolumen preliminar' and 3 vols., Madrid, 1926–30), vol. prel, p. 123.


Frantisek Graus, Die Nationenbildung der Westslawen im Mittelalter (Nationes 3, Sigmaringen, 1980), pp. 21, 93.


Rees Davies, 'Race Relations in Post-Conguest Wales', Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion (1974–5), pp. 32–56, at p. 34.


Davies, Conquest, p. 17.


Gearoid MacNiocaill, Na Buirgeisi (2 vols., Dublin, 1964) 2, no. 77, pp. 351–2 (1279–80).


Jonathan Riley-Smith, The Knights of St. John in Jerusalem and Cyprus с 1050–1310 (London, 1967), pp. 283–4.


Regesta diplomatica пес поп epistolario Bohemiae et Moraviae, ed. K.J. Erben, J. Ernler et al. (7 vols., to date, Prague, 1854 —), 2, no. 1106, pp. 466–8.


Peter of Zittau, Chronicon Aulae Regiae 1.68, ed. Ernler, p. 83.


Lites ac res gestae inter Polonos Ordinemque Cruciferorum (2nd ser., 3 vols., Poznan and Warsaw, 1890–1935) 1, p. 163.


Ranald Nicholson, 'A Sequel to Edward Brace's Invasion of Ireland', Scottish Historical Review 42 (1963), pp. 30–40, at pp. 38–9; Geoffrey Barrow, Robert Bruce and the Community of the Realm of Scotland (2nd ed., Edinburgh, 1982), p. 434.


Walter Bower, Scotichronicon 12.32, ed. D.E.R. Watt, 6 (Aberdeen, 1991), p. 402.


William Stubbs (ed.). Select Charters (9th ed., Oxford, 1913), p. 480.


Annales capituli Cracoviensis (Rocznik Kapitulny Krakowski), ed. August Bielowski, MPH 2 (Lwow, 1872, repr. Warsaw, 1961), pp. 779–816, at p. 815.


Karl Gottfried Hugelmann, 'Die Rechtsstellung der Wenden im deutschen Mittelalter', Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Germanistische Abteilung 58 (1938), pp. 214–56, at p. 238.


Historical Manuscripts Commission, 10th Report, appendix 5 (London, 1885), pp. 260–61, no. 8; cf. the Statutes of Kilkenny of 1366, Statutes of the Parliament of Ireland: King John to Henry V, pp. 434–5 (clause 3).


Perroy, L'Angleterre et le Grand Schisme, pp. 394–5 (cf. p. 403).


James Lydon, 'The Middle Nation', in idem (ed.), The English in Medieval Ireland (Dublin, 1984), pp. 1–26, at pp. 22–3.


Historical Manuscripts Commission, Wth Report, app. 5, p. 308.


William R. Schmalstieg, Studies in Old Prussian (University Park, Pa., 1976), esp. pp. 68–97; idem. An Old Prussian Grammar University Park, Pa., 1974), p. 3, for the quotation.


Reinhold Olesch (ed.). Fontes linguae dravaeno-polabicae minores et Chronica Venedica J.P. Schultzii (Cologne and Graz, 1967), p. 165.


Julio Gonzalez, Repoblacion de Costilla la Nueva (2 vols., Madrid, 1975–6) 2, pp. 87–90.


Helbig & Weinrich 2, no. 93, p. 352.


Pomerellisches UB, no. 159, pp. 133–4.


Friedrich Lotter, 'The Scope and Effectiveness of Imperial Jewry Law in the High Middle Ages', Jewish History 4 (1989), pp. 31–58, at pp. 48–9.


Helbig & Weinrich 1, no. 36, p. 158.


Coleccion de fueros municipales у cartas pueblos de los reinos de Castillo, Leon, Corona de Aragon у Navarro, ed. Tomas Mufloz у Romero (Madrid, 1847), p. 537 (1142).


Das alte Lubische Recht, ed. Johann Friedrich Hach (Lubeck, 1839), p. 302, no. 110 (contrast p. 206, no. 68); Gustav Korlen (ed.), Norddeutsch Stadtrechte 2: Das mittelniederdeutsche Stadtrecht von Lubeck nach seinen gltesten Formen (Lund and Copenhagen, 1951), p. 104 (clause 75); Wilhelm Ebel, Lubisches Recht (I) (Lttbeck, 1971), pp. 275–6; Wolfgang Zom, 'Deutsche und Undeutsche in der stadtischen Rechtsordnung des Mittelalters in Ost-Mitteleuropa', Zeitschrift für Ostforschimg 1 (1952), pp. 182–94, at p. 184.


Les assises de Romanie 198, ed. Georges Recoura (Paris, 1930), p. 282.


Alfonso Garcia-Gallo, 'Los Fueros de Toledo', Anuaiio de historia del derecho espanol 45 (1975), pp. 341–488.


ibid., app., doc. 1, p. 460.


ibid., doc. 3, p. 463.


Gonzalez, Repoblacion 2, pp. 94–6; Maria Luz Alonso, 'La perduracion del Fuero Juzgo у el Derecho de los castellanos de Toledo', Anuario de historia del derecho espanol 48 (1978), pp. 335–77, p. 345 with n. 29.


Garcia-Gallo, 'Los Fueros de Toledo', doc. 6, p. 467.


Luz Alonso, 'El Fuero Juzgo', pp. 346–9, and doc. 1, pp. 374–5.


Coleccion de fueros ed. Muftoz у Romero, pp. 415–17.


Boswell, Royal Treasure, p. 131, n. 79 (1348).


Las Siete Partidas 7.24. 1, ed. Real Academia de la Historia (3 vols., Madrid, 1807), 3, p. 676.


Rees Davies, 'The Law of the March', Welsh History Review 5 (1970–71), pp. 1–30, at p. 4; см. также: R. Bartlett, Gerald of Wales 1146–1223 (Oxford, 1982), pp. 41–2; and the Statute of Wales, Statutes of the Realm (11 vols., Record Commission, 1810–28) 1, pp. 55–68 (12 Edward I), at p. 68.


Davies, 'Law of the March', p. 16; idem., Lordship and Society in the March of Wales 1282–1400 (Oxford, 1978), pp. 149–75, 'Judicial Lordship', and pp. 310–12.


Helbig & Weinrich 2, no. 138, p. 520.


Coleccion de fueros, ed. Munoz у Romero, pp. 415–17.


Jose Maria Font Rius (ed.), Cartas de poblacion у franquicia de Cataluna (2 vols., Madrid and Barcelona, 1969) 1/i, no. 303, pp. 444–6.


Francisco Fernandez у Gonzalez, Estado social у politico de los mudejares de Costilla (Madrid, 1866), p. 119, n. 2.


Helbig & Weinrich 1, nos. 132 (1286), 141 (1351), pp. 488–90, 522.


Fernandez у Gonzalez, Estado de los mudejares, doc. 24, p. 325.


Helbig & Weinrich 2, no. 93, p. 354.


Heibig & Weinrich 2, no. 77, p. 294; цит. actor forum rei, etc. взята из Codex Iustinianus 3.13.2 and 3.19.3, ed. Paul Krueger (Corpus iuris civilis 2, Berlin, 1895), pp. 128–9, и была включена в Декреталии Григория ГХ; см.: Gregory IX's Decretals 2.2.5, ed. Emil Friedberg (Corpus iuris canonici 2, Leipzig, 1881), col. 249 (из послания Александра III). Происхождение этой цитаты автору любезно помог установить Ричард Гельмгольц.


Helbig & Weinrich 2, no. 93, p. 354.


Sachsenspiegel, Landrecht 3.69–70, ed. Karl August Eckhardt (Germanenrechte, n.s., Göttingen, 1955), pp. 254–6.


Coleccion de fueros, ed. Mufloz у Romero, pp. 415–17.


Iura Prutenorum 18, ed. Jozef Matuszewski (Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu: Fontes 53, Torun, 1963), p. 29; Reinhard Wenskus, Ausgewahlte Aufsatze zum frühen und preussischen Mittelalter, ed. Hans Patze (Sigmaringen, 1986), p. 422.


Liv-, esth- und curlandisches UB, ed. F. G. von Bunge et al. (1st ser., 12 vols., Riga and Reval, 1853–1910), 1, no. 435, cols. 549–50; no. 437, col. 551 (1273).


Fueros de Sepulveda, ed. Emilio Suez (Segovia, 1953), p. 74 (Tuero romanceado' 41).


Mecklenburgisches UB (25 vols, in 26, Schwerin and Leipzig, 1863–1977) 14, no.8773, p.616.


Rotuli chartarum in turn Londinensi osservati (11991216), ed. T.D. Hardy (London, 1837), p. 172 (cf. Davies, 'Race Relations', p. 34); Iura Prutenorum 89, ed. Matuszewski, p. 49.


Thomas Glick, Islamic and Christian Spain in the Early Middle Ages (Princeton, 1979), p. 191.


Historical Manuscripts Commission, 10th Report, app. 5, p. 323.


Sachsenspiegel, Landrecht 3. 71, ed. Eckhardt, pp. 256–7.

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