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Читем онлайн Становление Европы: Экспансия, колонизация, изменения в сфере культуры. 950 — 1350 гг. - Роберт Бартлетт







Цит. по кн.: (Helmold of Bosau, Chronica Slavorum 1.62, ed. Heinz Stoob (AQ 19, Darmstadt, rev. ed., 1973), p. 220. (Имеется рус. издание: Гельмольд, Славянская хроника, М., 1.62.)


Bull of Alexander HI, 11 September 1171, Nom parum animus noster, J.-L. 12118; Epistolae et privilegia, ep. 980, PL 200, cols. 860–61; Liv-, esthund curlandisches UB 1, no. 5, cols. 5–6.


Bull of Innocent HI, 5 October 1199, Sicut ecclesiasticae religionis (al. laesionsis), Po. 842; Registrum sive epistolae 2. 191, PL 214–16, at 214, cols. 739–40 (cf. PL 217, cols. 54–5, supplement, ep. 25); Liv-, esth- und curlandisches UB 1, no. 12, cols. 13–15; Die Register Innocenz' III 2, ed. Othmar Hageneder et al. (Rome and Vienna, 1979), no. 182, pp. 348–9.


La regie du Temple, ed. Henri de Curzon (Paris, 1886), p. 11.


Richard of Poitou, Chronica (excerpts, with continuations), ed. Georg Waitz, MCG, SS 26 (Hanover, 1882), pp. 74–86, at p. 80.


Bernard of Clairvaux, De laude novae militiae 1.3, in J. Leclerq and H.M. Rochais (eds.). Opera 3 (Rome, 1963), pp. 205–39, at pp. 214, 217.


Alexander III, 25 September 1164, Justis petentium desideriis, J.-L. 11064; Epistolae et privilegia, ep. 273, PL 200, cols. 310–12.


Francesco Gabrieli (ed.), Arab Historians of the Crusades (Eng. tr., Berkeley and London, 1969), p. 124.


Cartulaire general de l'ordre des Hospitaliers de St-Jean de Jerusalem, ed. J. Delaville Le Roulx (4 vols., Paris, 1894–1906), 1, no. 95, pp. 85–6; Elena Lourie, “The Will of Alfonso El Batallador. King of Aragon and Navarre: A Reassessment”, Speculum 50 (1975), pp. 635–51; A.J. Forey, “The Will of Alfonso I of Aragon and Navarre”, Durham University Journal 73 (1980), pp. 59–65; Lourie, “The Will of Alfonso I of Aragon and Navarre: A Reply to Dr Forey”, and Forey, 'A Rejoinder', ibid. 77 (1985), pp. 165–72 and p. 173.


Friedrich Benninghoven, Der Order der Schwertbriider (Cologne and Graz, 1965), p. 81.


Liv-, esth- und curlandisches UB 1, nos. 16–18, cols. 22–5; cf. nos. 23 and 25, cols. 30–33.


Pommerellisches UB, ed. Max Perlbach (Danzig, 1881–2), no. 28, p. 24; Walter Kühn, Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur mittelalterlichen Ostsiedlung (Cologne and Vienna, 1973), pp. 142, 350, 427; Benninghoven, Der Order der Schwertbriider, pp. 8–9, 263–4; Julio Gonzalez, Repoblacion de Costilla la Nueva (2 vols., Madrid, 1975–6) 2, p. 31, n. 120.


Mecklenburgisches UB (25 vols, in 26, Schwerin and Leipzig, 1863–1977) 1, no. 344, pp. 334–5 (a confirmation by his sons in 1227).


ibid. 25Д no. 13, 794, p. 33.


Helbig & Weinrich 1, no. 68, p. 274.


Erik Fügedi, 'Das mittelalterliche Königreich Ungarn als Gastland', in Walter Schlesinger (ed.), Die deutsche Ostsiedlung als Problem der europaischen Geschichte (Vortrage und Forschungen 18, Sigmaringen, 1975), pp. 471–507, at p. 494; cf. p. 480: 'die Europaisierung Ungarns'.


Derek W Lomax, The Reconquest of Spain (London, 1978), pp. 56, 63.


Marie Therese Flanagan, 'Monastic Charters from Irish Kings of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries' (Unpublished MA thesis, University College, Dublin, 1972), p. 213.


Peter of Zittau, Chronicon Aulae Regiae 6, ed. J. Emier, Fontesrerum Bohemicarum 4 (Prague, 1884), pp. 1–337, at p. 12.


Orderic Vitalis: Historia Ecclesiastica 13.45, ed. and tr. Marjorie Chibnall (6 vols., Oxford, 1968–80), 6, p. 554.


Heinz Zatschek, 'Namensanderungen und Doppelnamen in Bohmen und Mahren im hohen Mittelalter', Zeitschrift für Sudetendeutsche Geschichte 3 (1939), pp. 1–11, at pp. 3–4.


Orderic Vitalis, Historia ecclesiastica 8.22, ed. Chibnall, 4, p. 272.


Victoria County History of Shropshire 2 (London, 1973), p. 5.


Grosser historischer Weltatlas 2: Mittelalter, ed. Bayerisch SchulbuchVerlag (rev. ed., Munich, 1979), map 68a: 'Die Verenrung des HI. Remigius'.


Charles Higounet, 'Les saints merovingiens d'Aguitaine dans la toponymie', in his Paysages et villages neufs du Moyen Age (Bordeaux, 1975), pp. 67–75.


Geoffrey of Durham, Vita Bartholomaei Famensis 1, in Symeonis monachi opera omnia, ed. Thomas Arnold (2 vols., RS, 1882–5), pp. 295–325, at p. 296.


Christopher Brooke, 'The Composition of the Chapter of St Paul's, 1086–1163', Cambridge HistohcalJoumal 10 (1951), pp. 111–32.


Gillian Fellows Jensen, “The Names of the Lincolnshire Tenants of the Bishop of Lincoln c. 1225', in Otium et negotium: Studies in Onomatology and Library Science presented to Olof von Feilitzen (Acta Bibliothecae Regiae Stockholmiensis 16, Stockholm, 1973), pp. 86–95.


Eadmer, Life of St Anselm ed. and tr. R.W. Southern (London, etc., 1962), p. 51; иная точка зрения сформулирована в кн.: Susan Ridyard 'Condigna veneratio: Post-Conquest Attitudes to the Saints of the Anglo-Saxons', in Anglo-Norman Studies 9 (1986), ed. R. Allen Brown, pp. 179–206; David Rollason, Saints and Relics in Anglo-Saxon England (Oxford, 1989), pp. 217–38.


Margaret Gibson, Lanfranc of Bee (Oxford, 1978), pp. 170–72.


Gesta abbatum monasterii sancti Albani, ed. Henry T. Riley (3 vols., RS, 1867–9), 1, p. 62.


Gerald of Wales (Giraldus Cambrensis), Vita Ethelberti, ed. Montague R. James, 'Two Lives of St Ethelbert, King and Martyr', English Historical Review 32 (1917), pp. 222–36, at pp. 235–6.


Close Rolls of the Reign of Henry III (1237–42) (London, 1911), p. 227 (1240) (Edward); Red Book of Ormond, ed. Newport B. White (Irish Manuscripts Commission, Dublin, 1932), p. 48 (David).


Edmond de Coussemaker (ed.), Documents relatifs a la Flandre maritime (Lille, 1860), pp. 65–6 (Clementia of Banders for Watten, 1097); Heinrich Hagenmeyer, Chronologie de la premiere croisade 10941100 (reprint in one vol., Hildesheim and New York, 1973), p. 50, no. 103; St George: Continuatio Aquicinctina of Sigebert of Gembloux, ed. Ludwig Bethmann, MGH, SS 6 (Hanover, 1844), pp. 268–474, at p. 395.


L'estoire d'Eracles empereur et la conqueste de la terre d'Outremer, RHC, Occ. 2, pp. 1–481, at p. 209; La continuation de Guillaume de Тут (11841197) 155, ed. Margaret R. Morgan (Documents relatifs a l'histoire des croisades 14, Paris, 1982), p. 169 (see also p. 168).


Walter of Coventry, Memoriale, ed. William Stubbs (2 vols., RS, 1872–3), 2, p. 242 (the 'Barnwell Chronicle').


Rees Davies, Conquest, Coexistence and Change:Wales 10631415 (Oxford, 1987), pp. 181–2, 207; Wendy Davies, The Uandaff Charters (Aberystwyth, 1979), p. 20.


Julia Smith, 'Oral and Written: Saints, Miracles and Relics in Brittany, с 850–1250', Speculum 65 (1990), pp. 309–43, at pp. 336–7.


AAM. Duncan, Scotland: The Making of the Kingdom (Edinburgh, 1975), pp. 628–9; Handbook of British Chronology, ed. E.B. Fryde et al. (3rd ed., London, 1986), pp. 56–8, 500–501, 503, and, for the descendants of Matad, earl of AthoU, Liber vitae ecclesiae Dunelmensis, ed. A Hamilton Thompson (facsimile ed., Surtees Society 136, 1923), fol. 60; Geoffrey Barrow, The Anglo-Norman Era in Scottish History (Oxford, 1980), p. 159, n. 80; Manfred Hamann, Mecklenburgische Geschichte (MF 51, Cologne, 1968).


Wolfgang Fleischer, Die deutschen Personennamen (Berlin, 1964), p. 51; idem, 'Die Namen der Dresdener Ratsmitglieder bis 1500', Beitruge zur Namenforschung 12 (1961), pp. 44–87.


Julio Gonzalez, Repoblacion de Costilla la Nueva (2 vols., Madrid, 1975–6) 2, pp. 78–85; Brut у Tywysogyon or The Chronicle of the Princes: Red Book of Hergest Version, ed. Thomas Jones (Cardiff, 1955), p. 65 (s.a. 1110); Егоров Д.Н. Колонизация Мекленбурга в XIII веке, т. 1, М., 1915.


Michel Parisse, 'La conscience chretienne des nobles aux Xle et XIIe siècles', in La cristianita dei secoli XI e XII in occidente: Coscienza e strutture di una societu (Miscellanea del Centro di studi medioevali 10, Milan, 1983), pp. 259–80, at p. 263.


Cosmas of Prague, Chronica Boemorum 1.34, ed. Berthold Bretholz (SRG, n.s., Berlin, 1923), p. 60; Gerlach of Muhlhausen, Chronicon, ed. Wilhelm Wattenbach, MGH, SS 17 (Hanover, 1861), pp. 683–710, p. 708.


Canonici Wissegradensis continuatio (to Cosmas of Prague), ed. Rudolf Корке, MGH, SS 9 (Hanover, 1851), pp. 132–48, at p. 133.


Fügedi, 'Das mittelalterliche Königreich Ungarn', p. 497, n. 78.


Erika Tidick, 'Beitrage zur Geschichte der Kirchenpatrozinien im Deutsch-Ordensland Preussen bis 1525', Zeitschrift für die Geschichte and Altertumskunde Ermlands 22 (1926), pp. 343–464.


Gonzalez, Repoblacion 2, p. 253.


Robert I. Burns, The Crusader Kingdom of Valencia: Reconstruction on a Thirteenth-Century Frontier (2 vols., Cambridge, Mass., 1967) 1, pp. 92–7.


Theodor Penners, Untersuchungen tiber die Herkunft der Stadtbewohner im Deutsch-Ordensland Preussen bis in die Zeit um 1400 (Leipzig, 1942), p. 11; Anna Rutkowska-Plachcinska, 'Les prenoms dans le sud de la France aux XUIe et XIVe siècles', Acta Poloniae Historica 49 (1984), pp. 5–42, at p. 7.


Arthur Suhle, Deutsche Münz- und Geldgeschichte von den Anfangen bis zum 15. Jahrhundert (2nd ed., Berlin, 1964); Stanislaw Suchodolski, Początki mennictwa w Europie środkowej, wschodniej i polnocnej (Wroclaw, 1971) (English summary, pp. 249–57); idem, Mennictwo Polskie w XI i XII wieku (Wrocław, etc., 1973) (English summary, pp. 144–52); Kirsten Bendixen, Denmark's Money (Copenhagen, 1967), pp. 7–22; Peter Spufford, Money and its Use in Medieval Europe (Cambridge, 1988), esp. chapters 4 and 8; Rolf Sprandel, Das mittelaltediche Zahlungssystem nach Hansisch-Nordischen Quellen des 13.15. Jahrhunderts (Stuttgart, 1975), map 1 and pp. 163–93.

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