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См.: Waller G.M. Op. cit. P. 228.
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См., напр.: Leach D. E. Arms for Empire. P. 151-152.
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См.: Buckingham Th. The Private Journals Kept by Rev. John [i. e. Thomas] Buckingham, of the Expedition Against Canada, in the Years 1710 & 1711. New York, 1825. P. 122-123, 128.
См.: Waller G. M. Op. cit. P. 230.
Diary of Samuel Sewall // Massachusetts Historical Society Collections. 5th Series. Vol. VI. P. 322.
См.: The Secret Diary of William Byrd of Westover, 1709-1712 / Ed. by L.B.Wright and M. Tinling. Richmond, 1941. P. 426.
См.: Governor Dudley to Mr. Secretary St. John. Boston, New England. November 13, 1711 // Calendar of State Papers. Colonial Series. Vol. XXVI: America and West Indies, 1711-1712. London, 1925. P. 139-141. No 164.; см. также: The Walker Expedition to Quebec, 1711. P. 40.
См.: Morgan W. Th. Op. cit. P. 486.
Leach D.E. Arms for Empire. P. 154; см. также: Osgood H.L. The American Colonies in the Eighteenth Century. Vol. I. P. 445.
Цит. по: Waller G.M. Op. cit. P. 231.
Sir William Asherst to Governor Dudley. Janyary 15, 1712 // Some Correspondence between the Governors and Treasurers of the New England Company in London and the Commissioners of the United Colonies in America, 1657-1712 / Ed. by J.W.Ford. London, 1896. P. 94-95.
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Governor Hunter to Lord Dartmouth. New York, November 12, 1711 // Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York. Vol. V. P. 284.
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