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through the door. The thunk of the lock disengaging was fol owed by the

door opening, and she was face to face with a panicked-looking Renée


“Is Paula okay? Savard asked, her voice


“Yes, Cam said immediately. “Shes fi ne. Sorry, I shouldnt have

come by unannounced. I wanted to talk to you.

“Thats okay, Savard said, running her fi ngers quickly through her hair

as she stepped back.

“Thanks, Cam said. A quick visual sweep of the dimly lit room revealed

closed drapes, an unmade bed, and a room service cart just inside the

door. The food on the uncovered plate was mostly uneaten. The three

bot les of Becks were empty.

Savard grabbed the cart. “Here, let me get rid of


“Ive got it. Cam held the door open with one hand as she pul ed the

cart out

into the hal . Then she fol owed Savard toward the two chairs and

smal table that comprised the sit ing area. She noticed Savards

limp fi rst and then registered that she wasnt wearing her knee

immobilizer over her navy FBI sweatpants. The loose wrinkled white

T-shirt was also FBI issue. Savards initial panicked expression had

changed to one that Cam recognized as weary resignation. “Hows

the leg?

“Fine, Savard avoided her eyes. She eased into one of the chairs

without bending her knee.

“Going a lit le stir-


Savard grimaced. “Been there and


“How did you like being assigned to counterterrorism? Cam asked as she

took the chair opposite Savard at the lit le round table.

Savard blinked, then her body seemed suddenly infused with energy.

She sat forward, her elbows on the table, her eyes fi xed intently on

Cams face. “Before

9/11 it used to bug me a lit le bit, how much time I had to spend at the

desk on the computer, sifting through bits of data and chunks of memos,

screening crazy tips from civilians about strange looking characters in

their neighborhood. She shrugged. “Stil , when we identifi ed persons

of interest or traced messages to potential cel s, I felt like I was doing


“What about now? You said before


Savard averted her gaze again and slumped back in her chair. “I

fucked up.

You did? You personal y? Cam had seen Savard close to coming apart

when Stark had been hospitalized fol owing exposure to a possibly

lethal biological agent. Even as bad as it was then, Savard hadnt looked

or sounded like this. As if shed somehow already given up on

everything. “How do you fi gure that?

“I was there, Commander. Not just in New York City, but right in the

goddamn building that they hit. What kind of an agent sits in the target

zone and doesnt even have a clue about whats coming?

“I was in the Aerie, Cam said, “and my only job my number one priority

was to see that no one got close to Egret. I failed.

“Thats not true, Renée said sharply. “Blairs alive because of you and

your team. No one could have anticipated that kind of assault in the

middle of Manhat an. Jesus, Foster was one of us.

“Thats real y the point, isnt it? No one anticipated either of those events,

which makes us al equal y responsible. Cam didnt point out the very

real dif erences between her degree of culpability and Savards. It had

not been Renée Savards responsibility to anticipate disaster

scenarios on a worldwide scale, but safeguarding the fi rst daughter

against any conceivable at ack had been Cams. No amount of

rationalization would change that.

“I know in my head what youre saying is true, Savard whispered. “But I

stil feel guilty.

“Are things bet er or worse than a month


“Its dif erent. Then, I was just so angry. Now I


“Are you seeing anyone about


Savard fl ushed. “Yes. Couple times a week, were talking on the


“Good, Cam said briskly. “Then the only thing left to do is get you

back to work.

“Im due for my fi nal med check in a couple of days. Once I get

cleared, Im going to cal the SAC where I was last assigned and try to fi

nd out if Ive stil got




“Ive got another suggestion.

Savards eyes brightened.


“How would you like to work with me in homeland





Cam nodded. “Of i cial y as of





With a sigh, Cam confessed to the title shed rather not use, but

understood was part of the package. “Deputy director of


“Oh man, Savard whispered. “And you can take me with


“Ive got the green light to handpick my core agents. Cam grinned. “Kind

of a special ops thing.

“Yes. Im


Cam laughed. “I havent outlined what youl be


“I dont care. When can I


“How does tomorrow sound? Cam stood. “0700, room B-12 in the

West Wing. At Savards look of surprise, she said, “Temporary quarters,

just until we get organized.

“Looks like I need to get some clothes. Savard glanced down at her

sweats. “I just brought hanging-around stuf . I guess Paula wil have to

take me shopping tonight.

“Since thats what shes been doing al afternoon with Blair and Diane,

Cam said with a straight face, “Im sure shel be eager to do a lit le more.

Savard smiled, some of the pain lifting from her eyes. “Shel probably

hate it, but she wont complain.

“Bet er woman than me, Cam mut ered as she started toward the

door. Turning, before she exited, she said, “See you in the morning,

Agent Savard. And welcome aboard.











With a shake of her head, Cam walked out into the hal . She had a

few more people to talk to, a few calls to make, and then

she could go home. Home to Blair. She smiled, liking the sound

of it.

* * * * *

The phone rang in a room two fl oors below Stark and Savards. A

broad-chested, trim-waisted man with an upright, military bearing

strode across the room and picked up the receiver. His

dark button-down collar shirt and black pants were

pressed and wrinkle-free. On some men the clothes would

have appeared casual. On him, they were a uniform.

“Youre right on time. I hope you have something useful to report.

“Nothing yet, Im afraid.

The general smiled thinly. “How is it that one of your own


someone you presumably control, can evade you so successful y?

“Lawrence is a chameleon. She was trained to be elusive and

is very good at it. But well fi nd her. For now, I have

someone watching the girlfriend.

“We dont even know that Lawrence is trying to make contact

with her.

“We have reasonable intel that theyre lovers. Thats not her pattern

with women, so I suspect shell try to contact her.

His smile disappeared. “Its a long shot, but I suppose its the

best we have at the moment. Its your job to improve those

odds. I want her silenced before the rest of our operation is


“Yes, sir. Im tracking her through every known alias

and attempting to set up a meet, but I obviously cant go

through channels. Its slowing me down.

The generals jaw tightened. He hadnt been prepared for the

attack on his compound because he hadnt expected anyone

on the governments payroll to uncover his connection to Foster

and the assault teamcertainly not as quickly as Roberts had

managed. The warning from his contact within the CIA that his

mountain camp was about to be raided had barely come in time

for him to escape. Hed slipped their net but at the cost of

revealing that he had sources within the Company. He

preferred not to sacrifi ce those sources, but if he couldnt fi nd

the one person who might expose the link, then he might

be forced to take other action. “Im not interested in excuses.

You have someone on Bleeker?

“Yes sir, but close surveil ance is out of the question. Shes

with... her friend, sir, and security there is very tight, especial y

afterNew York.

“Yes, your percentages have been poor lately. The general

rolled the hotel pen idly between his fi ngers. His mission had

come so close to succeeding. His men, his handpicked boys,

had nearly succeeded in eliminating their prime target. “Im not


“Were confi dent Lawrence will attempt contact eventual y,

and then we can eliminate any chance of compromise.

“Lets hope the bait is sweet enough. Matheson drew a circle on

a notepad next to the phone and then placed a precise X through

the center. When he turned the pad, the X looked like the

crosshairs of a gun sight. “Perhaps this time we can sweep

the board. In memory of our fal en friends.

There was a moment of silence, then, “Yes, sir. And may

God bless America.

“May He indeed. You know where to reach me if anything

changes before our next scheduled communication. Lets take

care of these loose ends quickly, agent.

The general broke the connection, then pushed the extension

for valet parking and requested that his vehicle be brought to the

front of the hotel. He clipped a holster with his Glock to his

belt and selected a dark overcoat. It was time to take another

drive through the city, past the White House and Cameron

Robertss apartment building.

The time was rapidly approaching when he would have to


care of unfi nished business personal y.

* * * * *

Cam stepped off the elevator and, with a quick rush of

relief, nodded to Greg Wozinski, who stood just outside her

apartment door. For the fi rst time in almost a year, she hadnt

sat in on the morning briefi ng with Blairs security team.

She hadnt been advised of the shift schedule or known from

one minute to the next where Blair was. She had been uneasy all


“You can spell Hara in the lobby now that Im here, Cam said,

appreciating the close surveillance but knowing that it


Starks team thin. “I may not be offi cial, but I still know the


Wozinski grinned. “Ill check with the


“Absolutely. Whatever Stark says. Cam let herself into

the apartment and closed the door behind her. The fi rst thing

she noticed was that the living room was empty, and the

second was an amazingly good smell coming from the direction

of the kitchen. She fol owed it, to discover Blair and Diane

cooking together.

Cam eyed the stir-fry concoction that Diane tossed in a

large skil et. “Chinese?

“Thai, Blair said. She slipped both arms around Cams neck

and kissed her hel o. “Wine?

Cam encircled Blairs waist. “Sounds great. Let me change, and Il give

you two a hand.

“Il help, Blair said, grinning at Dianes snort. “Il be right

back, Di.

“Sure, Diane said good-naturedly. “I wont time you, but dont be

too long because this wil be done soon.

“Promise, Blair said, tugging Cam by the hand across the living room

and into the hal way to the bedroom.

“How was your day? Cam asked as she fol owed Blair into the bedroom.

She hung up her blazer and removed her weapon and holster. She

secured them on the top shelf in the closet and unbuckled her belt.

“It was fun, Blair said, sliding Cams belt through the belt loops and

draping it over the rack on the back of the closet door. “Id forgot en what

it felt like to just have fun, even though Stark seemed to be in serious


Cam laughed. “Shes in for some more, Im afraid. I saw Savard this

afternoon, and she said something about Stark taking her shopping for

work clothes.

“You saw Renée? Blair asked as she unzipped Cams trousers and pul

ed her shirt free, then began working on the but ons. “How come?

“I recruited her for my



Cam covered Blairs hands with one of hers and tilted Blairs chin up

with the other. “And Felicia.

“Thats good. Theyre good



Blair shook her head. “Nothing. Its just She smiled a lit le crookedly.

“Goddamn it! Id got en used to you and the rest of them being on my

detail. Now Im not going to know what youre doing, and they wil .

Cam sensed Blairs real concern that in this new position there were things

they would not be able to discuss. Theyd worked hard to

overcome the twin obstacles to communication between themCams

natural reluctance to share professional and personal information, even

when it wouldnt violate procedure or protocol, and Blairs deep-seated

need to safeguard her privacy, even from those she loved. Now, Cams

job was reconstructing those barricades, and this time she would be

taking some of the important people in Blairs life behind those wal s

with her.

Cam eased away and shed her trousers, exchanging them for a

pair of sweatpants. She fi nished unbut oning her shirt, placed it on the

pile to go to the dry cleaners, and pul ed on a T-shirt. Then she drew

Blair with her to the side of the bed, sat down, and guided Blair onto

her lap. She clasped her loosely around the waist and kissed her


“Its going to take some get ing used to, but wel manage. She rubbed her

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