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arms around Cams neck. “So what are you going to do while

Im with Lucinda?

Cam brushed both hands down Blairs back and cupped

her buttocks. “Probably be thinking about this.

Blair grinned and nipped at Cams lower lip.


“Youre getting my shirt wet, Cam murmured, nuzzling

Blairs throat.

“Just your shirt? Blair whispered in Cams ear and bumped her pelvis into

Cams crotch.

Cam groaned. “Cut it


Blair laughed, kissed her hard, and then let her go. Cams shirtfront

showed the wet impressions of Blairs breasts. “Uh-oh. You need a new





“So what are you doing this morning, Commander? Blair fol owed Cam

into the bedroom and sorted through the clothing she kept at Cams for

occasions when she stayed over..

“Im hoping to meet with your fathers security adviser about this new Of

i ce of

Homeland Security, Cam said as she changed her


“And your new job, Blair said casual y. Even though shed known

from the second her father of ered the position that Cam would take it,

the reality made her stomach tighten. She paused in the middle of

but oning her blouse. “I understand now why you wanted to be in

charge of my security detail, even when I didnt want you to be.

“What do you mean? Cam tucked in her shirt, but her eyes never left

Blairs face.

Blair slipped into her slacks and regarded her shoe choices. “I like

having you where I can see you. Even though it doesnt mean youl be

safe, it feels less scary.

“Hey, Cam said, gently resting her hands on Blairs shoulders. “Its not

that kind of job, okay?

“Yeah, yeah. Blair sighed. “I hate being this shaky about


“Were al of balance. Cam kissed her forehead. “Give yourself a


“Il try. Blair smiled. “Id bet er go take care of

Stark. Cam rol ed her eyes. “Be gentle.

Laughing, Blair skimmed her fi ngertips up the inside of Cams thigh.

“Always. With a mut ered curse, Cam fol owed Blair down the hal


In the living room, Paula pivoted away from the window

where shed been waiting. “Good morning. She nodded to

Cam before getting down to business. “I wanted to review your

plans for the day, Ms. Powell.

“After breakfast, Im going to call Lucinda and see when she can

fi t me in, Blair said. “This afternoon, Diane and I are

going shopping.

Blair was aware of both Cam and Paula stiffening. She

wasnt surprised. Neither of them would want her out and about.

“Im not staying locked up inside.

“You didnt mention a shopping trip. Cam fol owed Blair into

the kitchen.

“I just did, Blair said, peering into the refrigerator. “Theres

nothing in here to eat.

“You know what I mean.

Blair closed the door. “I fi gured there was no point in dealing

with your objections and then Starks. This way, I get it all taken

care of at once.

Cam grinned but her eyes were serious. “The things I love

about you make me crazy.

“Funny how that works. Blair kissed her. “Lets gather the

troops and go out to breakfast. Then lets go to the White House.

* * * * *

“Thanks for seeing me, Luce, Blair said. While shed been

waiting, shed counted two senators, three deputy directors,

the White House press secretary, and a handful of lobbyists

pass in and out of Lucindas offi ce. “Things look hectic.

“Its never a problem to meet with you. Lucinda relaxed into

a chair in the seating area as if she had all the time in the world.

Blair was instantly on guard. “I wanted to clear up a few

things about yesterday and inform you of some new plans.

“All right. Would you like something to drink? Pastry?

“No, Blair said careful y, trying to read what was behind


calm façade. Shed never been able to, and she still couldnt.

“We just had breakfast. Thanks.

“Oh, thats right. Cams here too, isnt she. Meeting with Averill.

Blair didnt see that the statement required an answer.


knew everything that was happening in the White House. In

the country for that matter. Hell, most likely in the entire

world. So she obviously knew that Cam was meeting with the

presidential security adviser. “I suppose you know all the details


Lucinda nodded, without actual y acknowledging


“Im not going to help you with


“Youve forgot en that I know Diane, Lucinda said evenly. “Ive

known her almost as long as Ive known you. She held Blairs eyes. “She

could be in trouble.

“Dont use my friends to blackmail me into doing something I know is

wrong, Blair said sharply.

“But I expect that Cam wil explain al that to





Lucinda sighed. “Blair, next to your father, youre my favorite

person in the world. But you real y can be a right pain in the ass


Blair smiled. “Im not going to suggest how I come by that trait

considering my role models.

“Im not exaggerating when I say that Diane may be in danger. If I know

that she was involved with Valerie Lawrence, other people do too.

Other people may think she can help them fi nd Valerie.

“Shes with me, and for the time being, I intend to keep her

with me.

“That might be a good idea, Lucinda mused. “If shes with you, shel be

under surveil ance by our people.

“Shel be safe , Blair snapped. She jumped up, too agitated to continue

to sit and pretend they were having an ordinary conversation. “God,

Lucinda! Is this what it costs to keep my father in of i ce? People you

know, people you love, become pawns?

A hint of color fl ared on Lucindas cheeks. “Sometimes it costs a great

deal more than that, Blair. It goes without saying that being under surveil

ance by the best security team in the world wil keep her safe. It also

might help us, and Id be a fool, or worse, to suggest otherwise.

Blair closed her eyes for an instant, and when she opened them again,

she gave Lucinda an apologetic look. “Im sorry. I couldnt do what you

do, and I know how necessary it is. She sat down again. “As soon as

Cam set les whatever she needs to do in this new position, Im taking

the whole team and Diane back to where weve been staying for the last


Lucinda raised an eyebrow. “Cameron intends to go back with you?

She held up a hand. “Never mind. Im sure Averil wil discuss that with

me. She crossed her legs, her black skirt rising to reveal the barest hint

of shapely thighs. “Let me give it some thought, but that just might be

an excel ent plan. Of course, youre going to have to tel me where it is.

“Just you?

“For now.








Lucinda laughed. “Oh my God, you and Diane and Tanner together? I

feel for your security team.

“Tanners married, Blair said, grinning. Lucinda had been around for most

of her wild prep school years and was aware of some of the trouble the

three of them had got en into. Of course, most of the time theyd been

successful in pul ing of their fairly frequent disappearing acts. “Which

brings me to the other thing I wanted to discuss with you.


“Cam and I intend to get married this

fal .

“That may be problematic, since same-sex marriages arent legal y

recognized anywhere in the United States.

“Neither is my sexual orientation, Blair said, “but that hasnt stopped me,

and it never wil . We wont have any dif i culty fi nding someone

to perform the ceremony, legal or not.

“That wil be dif i cult to keep quiet, Lucinda


“It wasnt my intention to keep it quiet. At Lucindas look of surprise,

Blair went on, “Im not planning on taking out an ad in the New York

Times, but Im not going to sneak around with this either.

“The fi rst person outside of your immediate circle who gets a hint of this

wil go straight to the papers with it. A caterer, a dressmaker, even

someone you think is a friendthis is going to be news, Blair, and

people wil pay for this kind of information.

Blair fl ushed. She hated the thought that her life was tabloid material.

“I cant stop that. Ive never been able to.

“Wel , at least consider the timing. Lucinda sat forward. “Wel be

facing midterm elections soon and then swinging directly into the

presidential reelection campaign. Your timing couldnt be worse for

something like this.

“Something like this, Blair said fl atly. “Something like this would be

my life , Lucinda.

“I know, Lucinda said gently. “I know, and I know how much of your

life has been overshadowed by your fathers career. Im not going to

apologize for that, but I do know.

Blair rubbed her forehead. “Dont switch sides on me now, Lucinda. Just

stick with the hard-ass routine.

Lucinda smiled. “Youre going to expose your personal life to

international scrutiny. To say nothing of fueling every right wing fanatic

in this country. Do you real y want that?

“What I want is to do what feels right for myself and my lover

and our relationship without worrying about the politics of it. Blair

sighed. “Dont tel me you cant fi gure out a way to spin it.

“Probably. At least give me time to work on


“Il postpone hiring a fl


“Thank you. Lucinda glanced at her watch and then rose. “Ive got a

budget meeting, so Il get back to you on this.

“Il let you know before I leave


“Good. By the way, theres a fundraiser in Boston this weekend that I

need you to attend.

“I cant do it, Luce. Theres just too much going on right


“I understand. Lucinda walked back to her desk, sat down, and drew a

fi le toward her. “Its for stem cel research. One of the primary

investigators at Harvard wil be there, and I just thought you might want

to show your support.

“Damn it. Blair had no doubt that proponents of stem cel research,

including major pharmaceutical companies, were lobbying hard in

Washington to prevent legislation aimed at restricting the source of

tissues used for the studies. Her father couldnt publicly issue a

statement in favor of the research, but she could, as the daughter of a

woman who died of breast cancer. Her presence at the fundraiser

would send a clear message as to the White Houses position. Despite the

fact that she didnt like to be used as a White House front person,

she happened to believe in this research. She yanked open the door. “Il

be there. E-mail me the details.

“Thats wonderful. Thank


Blair closed the door without answering. As usual after leaving Lucinda,

she was never certain if shed won or lost the skirmish. She walked

briskly past Paula and Felicia and pul ed out her cel phone.

“Hows it going? she asked when Cam

answered. “Im going to be here most of the

day. You? “Bloodied, but unbowed.

Cam laughed. “What about the rest of your plans? Any


“No. And you dont have to say it. Il be


“Thanks. Il see you later,


“Al right. I love


“I love you


Blair closed her phone, smiling. She wondered what the national security

chief thought about that .

Chapter Eight

A re you ready for some serious shopping? Blair held up Dianes

coat. She hoped that the diversion would take Dianes mind of

Valerie, but knew it wouldnt. Shed been there too many times

herself, not knowing what was happening with someone she loved, not

being able to help or protect them.

Diane smiled, but it didnt reach her eyes. Her smooth, milky

complexion was even paler than normal, and lines of tension marred the

sleek planes of her face. Diane was ordinarily so poised and kept her

emotions so tightly reined that to see those cracks in her composure

made Blairs heart ache. It also made her angry. Angry at Valerie for

involving Diane when she must have known something like this

could happen, at the political system that so ef ortlessly ignored the

human consequences of its policies, and even at herself, for not

knowing the best way to help her friend.

“The Shops at Georgetown? Blair


“Lets start on M Street and fi nish up


“Done. Blair grinned when she heard Stark muf l e a groan. Many of the

trendy boutiques on M Street in Georgetown fronted a portion of the

four-story mal that housed over seventy shops and restaurants. It was the

best shopping in DC. She hooked her arm through Dianes as they

stepped out into the foyer and pushed the but on for the elevator. “Im

glad youre here.

“So am I, Diane


Paula slid into the elevator next to them. “I dont suppose you could

think of a slightly less crowded place for your retail therapy?

“What, and take al the fun out of it? Blair feigned shock. She knew

from experience that her security agents hated it when she went to

large, crowded places where it was impossible for them to set up

advance surveil ance. But if she let that dictate her movements, shed

never go to a movie or a street fair or a shopping mal . Until the recent

at acks, outings such as this had been more an inconvenience than a

serious security issue, and that was al the more reason for her not to

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