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“Im your father, the president said. “It means


“But youre stil going to ask her, arent you? For whatever job needs

doing, no mat er what it might cost.

Andrew Powel shifted his gaze to Cam. “You can say no, no questions

asked. No one wil think less of you.

Blair snorted. “Thats because the people giving the orders are sit ing safe

behind some desk somewhere. They dont have the bal s for anything




“Three weeks ago, Powel said, “I established the Of ice of Homeland


I expect within a year the of ice wil become a Cabinet department.

Were drawing from al sectors of domestic and foreign security to fil

the critical positions.

“Field posts or administrative? Cam






“For now, to the Director of Homeland Securitywho answers

to me.

“Anti-terrorism? Cam asked, very aware that she was

interrogating the president, and he was al owing it. She wondered how

much that had to do with her relationship with Blair. Quite a lot, she


“That and border security. Possibly Customs. Wel work those things out

as we finalize the Cabinet level responsibilities.

“Why cant the security agencies we already have handle anti-

terrorism? Blair asked. “The CIA, the FBI, the military security

divisions. God, how many are there?

“A lot, and thats part of the problem, the president said. “We obviously

need to centralize and oversee intel igence gathering, analysis,

projectionsthe whole thing. And we need to be able to respond with ef

ective, organized force.

Cam leaned forward. “On domestic

soil? Powel s face hardened. “If

need be.

“Its going to take some doing to get the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and

military intel igence to play together, Cam observed.

“I know that. And time is something we dont have. He stood and walked

to his

desk, then returned to his seat with a thick folder. “Were organizing a

number of special teams immediately, drawing from personnel across

security divisions. Id like you to head one, Cam.

“On behalf of the Secret Service? Cam


The president shook his head. “Obviously, al of this is for your ears

only, but I expect wel move the Secret Service completely into

Homeland Security within the next few months. I want you as one of

the new deputy directors of the OHS.

“In what capacity? She quel ed the quick surge of excitement. The

balance of power within the intel igence community was shifting, and she

was being of ered a premier seat.



Cam looked at Blair, and her focus instantly shifted from exhilaration to

concern. Blair was pale, and the shadows beneath her eyes were back.

“I cant give you an answer right now, Mr. President. Blair and I need to


“I understand. Once youve decided, we can discuss


“Thank you, sir, Cam said, standing and extending her


Powel rose to return the handshake. “I couldnt discuss this

with you beforehand, Blair. With either of you. Its a mat er of national


“Of course, Blair said dul y. “It

always is.

* * * * *

Stark approached as Cam and Blair stepped into the


“Wel be going directly to my apartment, Chief, Cam


“Very wel . Stark murmured a few words into her radio. “The

vehicles right outside.



Blair was silent on the walk to the Suburban and remained that way

for the cross-town ride. When they reached Cams building, Blair

automatical y took her position between Stark and Hara, with Cam and

the third agent slightly behind her as they entered the lobby and crossed

to the elevator.

“Hara, youre on radio backup. Wozinski, youl take the lobby this shift.

Stark glanced at Blair. “Wil you be going out this evening?

“I dont know, Blair said as she stepped into the elevator ahead of

Cam and


“You can reach me on my cel should you





When the elevator doors opened, Stark checked the hal before al owing

Blair to exit. There were only two apartments per floor with doors

opening of each end of a spacious, carpeted foyer and smal seating area.

The short hal way and the alcove next to the elevator were empty.

Cam removed her keys from her pocket. “Il check the apartment, if you

want to wait here with Ms. Powel .

Blair made no objection, and when Cam emerged from the apartment a

moment later and held the door open, Blair walked past her with no

comment. Cam fol owed her inside and closed the door.



Blair glanced at her watch. “Diane should be here soon. Lets wait. She


her phone, then pushed a but on. “Il see where she is. We can order


“Okay. Let me have your jacket. Cam held out her hand for Blairs

leather blazer. She hung it in the closet next to her own, listening as

Blair spoke with Diane.

“Where are you?. .Do you need a ride? Are you sure?. .Okay. See you


“Shes on the train? Cam


“Yes. Shel be here in about an


Cam crossed the room, took Blairs hand, and drew her to the sofa in

front of the windows. “Lets talk.

Blair leaned against Cams shoulder. “Why? It never changes


“I didnt see this coming, Cam said. She eased her arm around Blairs

shoulders and drew Blair against her side. She leaned her cheek

against Blairs hair. “I didnt give much thought to this homeland

security business when I first heard about it. Its going to be a huge

bureaucratic snafu with al the security agencies struggling to protect

their turf. Thats not my style.

“My father wants you to head a special team. Blair said. “That always

means outside normal channels. Thats your style.

“I admit thats a lit le more appealing. Ive never had a desk job. I dont want


“I know. Youre a field agent. But were not talking about chasing

counterfeiters, Cam. Special teams for homeland security means

terrorists. It means something dangerous.

“Not necessarily. Most of the time special teams are assembled just

because theyre more ef icient at gathering information. Its stil mostly

desk work.

Blair tilted her head up. “Thats bul


Cam smiled. “We dont know what your father wants me

to do.

“You cant possibly think its a coincidence that Lucinda brought up

Valerie Lawrence right before my father asked you to head

up a special counterintel igence team. Do you?

“No, Cam said quietly. “I


“My father cant talk about those kinds of operations, but Lucinda can,

which is why she met with us first. Abruptly, Blair stood up, walked to

the windows, and spoke with her back to Cam. “They want Valerie,

and theyl use me and my friendship with Diane if I let them. And

theyl use you, because you She raised her hand, then let it fal .

“Because you were in love with her.

Cam crossed to Blair and rested her hands on Blairs shoulders,

drawing her gently back until their bodies connected. “You know

thats not true. What happened between us was limited to a few

disconnected hours. It had nothing to do with the rest of our lives. And

I didnt know she was a counterintel igence operative. Jesus, I thought

she was a prostitute.

“I know al that. And I know you had feelings for her. Ive told you

before, its okay. Blair shrugged, her back stil to Cam. “Wel , mostly

okay. Except now and then when I let myself notice how beautiful she


Cam nuzzled Blairs hair. “I was never in love

with her.

“She was special, though. She had to be, for you to care for her.

Blair half turned so she could see Cams face. “Do you trust her?

“Thats part of what Im going to have to decide. Because if I

undertake this assignment, and its Valerie they want me to find, I have

to know who Im going after.

Blair turned completely and threaded her arms around Cams waist. “ If

you take the assignment?

“I wont do it if you dont want me


Blair pul ed away. “I hate when you do




“Make me be part of the decision. It was easier when you just did

what you wanted. Then I could be angry with you for doing it.

“Youre losing me. Cam caught Blairs hand again. “If Ive learned

anything about being with you, its that Im supposed to talk about things

with you. Dont confuse me.

Blair grabbed Cams shoulders, jerked her close, and kissed her. Hard.

“How would you feel about me if I said no. I dont want you to do it.




“I cant stand worrying about you. I cant take one more phone cal tel

ing me youre hurt.

“I wont do


“I want you to take a supervisory position in homeland security. You

know how to run teams. You can do it without being on the street.


Blair squeezed Cams shoulders, felt the hard muscles ripple under her

fingers. She flashed on an image of Cam naked, her body toned and

tight. Her body scarred. Her body bat le ready. She kissed her again,

tasting the heat of her mouth, feeling the strength in her arms as they

came around her and held her

tightly. “I love you so


“Blair. Cam whispered, sliding her fingers down over Blairs chest to

cradle her breast. She kissed Blairs throat as Blairs nipple hardened

against her palm. “I never want to hurt you.

“I know, Blair breathed, arching her back and exposing herself to Cams

mouth, of ering the vulnerable vessels in her neck to the glide of teeth

and tongue. She covered Cams hand where it held her breast and pressed

down, moaning at the ache of pleasure that shimmered through her. “Do

what you have to do.

Cam splayed her hand over Blairs back and pul ed Blairs shirt from her

jeans. She kissed down Blairs throat to the hol ow between her col

arbones. “What are you saying?

Blair leaned away and pul ed of her top, then swiftly released her

bra and dropped it to the floor. She arched her back, breasts lifting in

invitation while she fumbled at her jeans. “Hurry. We dont have much


Swiftly, Cam pushed Blair down onto the wide leather sofa and knelt to

pul of her boots. Grabbing the top of her jeans, she stripped the denim

and silk away in one long wrenching pul until Blair was nude.

“Lie down, Cam ordered. Easing between Blairs legs, she braced an

arm by Blairs shoulders and kissed her. While she stroked inside

Blairs mouth, she cupped her sex. Blair was wet, swol en, already

opening for her. Blairs hands came into her hair and Cam slid into her.

Blair jolted and cried out.

“I never want to hurt you, Cam said desperately, her breath tearing

from her chest as she pushed deeper.

“You arent. You cant. Not when you looh, god. Blair gripped Cams

forearm as Cam thrust between her legs. She drove her pelvis up to

meet Cam plunging down, the pressure building, burning, blinding.

“Cam, I

“Blair, Blair, Cam groaned against Blairs mouth. “Come, baby.

Oh Jesus, please let me feel you come.

“Oh now, Blair cried, her nails digging into Cams arm. Her abdomen

tightened and she jerked upright, clutching Cam as her orgasm spil ed

from her. “Hold me. Hold me. God, please hold me.

Cam gripped Blair tightly and as Blairs body sagged, she eased her back

onto the sofa, shifting until she could lie beside Blair and hold her in her

arms. “Okay? Baby, you okay?

Blair pressed her face to Cams chest, listening to her heart thunder. “God.

You make me come like nobodys business.

Laughing, Cam stroked her hair. “Is that


“Mmm. Blair stretched and eased her thigh between Cams legs. “You

sound hoarse again. Is your throat okay?




Blair nudged Cams crotch. “How bout




“Thought so. Blair gripped the but on on

Cams fly. Cam stopped her. “Uh-uh. Not

now. Il last.



“Since Dianes going to be here any


“Darling, Blair said in a reasonable voice. “I can make you come in under

thirty seconds.

Cam kissed Blair lightly. “Thats true. But I want you to take a lot

longer. Blair sighed. “If thats what you want, I suppose I can be


“So, Cam shifted onto her back so that Blair lay partial y upon her, “you

want to explain what you said back then just as my mind was melting?

Blair skimmed her hand back and forth over Cams chest. “I told you the

truth. I dont want you to be in danger. I want you to be safe. She met

Cams questioning gaze. “But I dont want my love to keep you from

being who you are. Or doing what you have to do. So you have to

promise me, on your word of honor, that you wont let anything happen

to you. Swear it.

“I swear, Cam whispered, stroking Blairs cheek. “I swear I wil love

you with my whole heart every day for the rest of my life.

Blair blinked back tears. “Thats not what I


“I know. Il be


Blair set led down again and pressed her face to Cams neck. “So

noted, Commander.

Chapter Five

T here! Diane Bleeker leaned forward over the front seat of the

cab and pointed to a building on the right side of the street. “Thats

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