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“The Company has lost an important asset, and theyd rather not

inform their counterparts in the other divisions. Such a lapse is

embarrassing, especial y these days when everyone is a lit le unsure of

who wil remain top dog in the security world.

“Is this conversation being taped? Blair asked

casual y.




“No video cameras in



“Then do you think it would be possible, Blair said, emphasizing each

word, “for us to speak English, Lucinda?

“The CIA has lost a deep cover operative and they dont want the FBI

or the

Department of Defense to know

about it.

“Valerie Lawrence, Cam


Lucinda regarded her steadily. “Yes, and I dont think wed even know

about it except someone at Langley let a bit of a memo regarding the

lost contact slip into the daily security briefing report. Averil Jensen

picked it up.

Blair knew Jensen wel . He was her fathers hand-picked security

adviser, and before her fathers presidency, Averil had been at orney

general. Hed also been her fathers col ege roommate. She said,

“Averil would. He never misses anything.

“Yes, and when he fol owed up, the lid slammed shut. Lucinda

lifted her shoulder. “I suspect the operative responsible for the

information leak has been transferred someplace where the nights are

long and dark.

“So Valerie is out in the cold somewhere, Cam said. “Are they trying to

bring her in?

“We dont know. But wed like to find her ourselves. Lucinda crossed

her legs and folded her hands loosely in her lap. Relaxed. Friendly.

“You know her, Cam. That could be useful.

“I dont think I like where this is going, Blair said. “Cam and


“Have a history, yes I know. Lucindas gaze never wavered from Cam,

even when Blair stood abruptly.

“History, Luce. History. As in past. Blair wanted to pace but the room

wasnt quite big enough for it. Instead she walked to Lucindas desk

and stood there with her back to the others. She looked out the French

doors that opened to the esplanade running along one side of the West

Wing until the red haze of anger cleared from her brain, then she turned

back. Cam and Valerie had once been lovers when Cam had thought

that Valerie was a high-priced Washington cal girl. “Cam doesnt know


“Blair, Cam said gently. “Thats not why were


“I dont understand. Blair looked from Lucinda to Cam. “God damn it,

I hate this.

“Its Diane, Cam said, watching Lucinda.

“Isnt it?

“Oh no. No, no, no. Blair stalked back to the sit ing area but did not

sit. She slammed her hands onto her hips to hide the fact that they were

shaking. “Diane is not part of this. She was never part of this. She

doesnt know

“We havent been able to access very much information, Lucinda went on

in her conversational tone. “Averil wouldnt have pushed at al except

Lawrences name came up in association with the raid in Tennessee.

Thats get ing close to home.

“So you want to know what Valerie knows, Cam said, thinking out

loud. She reached up and pul ed Blair down beside her. “Its okay. Lets

just talk for a few minutes.

“Actual y, we want to know who Valerie knows, Lucinda replied.

“Because someone tipped Matheson about the raid. Hes disappeared.

Cam straightened in surprise. Matheson was the head of a

paramilitary organization that had direct ties with the men who had

staged the assault on Blair in the Aerie. Possibly even with the men who

had orchestrated the World Trade Center at acks. When Cams team

uncovered his identity, she, Renée, and a

hand-picked cadre of covert military operatives, had stormed the

compound. Matheson had not been there. “I thought the Company had


Lucinda shook her head. “As far as we know, no one has


“And someone thinks Valerie tipped him of ? Cam asked


“We dont know anything. We would very much like to speak to




“Whos we ? Blair


Lucinda rose. “Have you two had lunch? I was about to ring for


Blair closed her eyes and counted to ten. “This is one of those times

when my father doesnt know anything, right? Even when he does?

“Turkey clubs okay? Lucinda inquired with the phone in

her hand.

“Yes, fine, Blair said. “I stil dont understand why were


Lucinda gave her order to the kitchen, then hung up. “As I said,

wewel , Averil was able to access some of the information about

Valerie Lawrence before the door slammed shut. They had tapes. Phone

records. We have reason to believe shes going to contact, or already has

contacted, Diane Bleeker.

“Diane doesnt know anything about this, Blair repeated


“No, she probably doesnt, Lucinda said. “Al we need to know is


Valerie is. When she contacts Diane, wel


Blair laughed harshly. “Diane wil never tel

you that.

“No, Lucinda said. “But shel tel


Cam slid her arm around Blairs shoulders. Blair pul ed


“I wont do it. I wont do it for you, Luce, I wont do it for my father, I

wont do it for anyone. I love Diane. Shes my friend. I wont spy on her.

“I understand, Lucinda said. “Just think

about it.

“Theres nothing to think about. Nothing at al . Blair jumped to her

feet. “Im going for a walk.

Cam stood but Blair shook her head, insisting, “No, Im going by

myself. “Blair. Cam tried to catch her hand but Blair

sidestepped. “Baby, lets “No. Justno.

Cam watched her go, a sinking feeling in her chest. She reached for her

radio to cal the team, and then realized she didnt have it. She didnt have

it because she wasnt part of the team. “God damn it. She started toward

the door.

“Theyl pick her up right outside the of ice, Lucinda said. “Give her

some time, Cam. Its been a dif icult month.

It took everything Cam had not to go after Blair. To trust that

someone else would. That someone would keep her safe.

“Besides, Lucinda said. “It wil give us time to


Chapter Four

B lair yanked out the clip that held her hair at the back of her neck,

let ing her thick, unruly waves fal free around her face. She was

aware of Paula Stark fal ing in behind her as she hurried from Lucindas

corner of ice in the West Wing through the labyrinth of hal ways and

into the lobby. Once outside, she skirted

around the circular drive toward the northwest


“Ms. Powel , Paula said, slightly breathless as she fel into step. “It

would be bet er if we took the vehicle. If you let me know your destina





“Uh, yes, I can see that, but with al respect, were not prepared for

street surveil ance.

“If you and your minions werent tagging along behind me in your shiny

blue suits with your big-ass gas-guzzling black car, no one would

even notice me. Go away.

“I cant go away. Im sorry. Paula was wel aware that Blair could go

unnoticed in street clothes. She had fol owed her into enough bars, and

seen her pick up women who had no idea who she was enough times,

to be convinced of that. Nevertheless, she wasnt comforted by the

knowledge that people might not recognize Blair when she wasnt at an

of icial function or dressed for a political af air. It was just as

possible that unfriendlies were routinely watching the comings and

goings at the White House, and right now, Paula didnt have enough

personnel to guard Blair out in the open. “Maam, this is not advisable.

“I just need some air. Blair slowed and met Paulas worried gaze.

“Please. Just give me a few minutes.

“If you wouldnt mind waiting, I can have another team here in two

minutes. Paula glanced over her shoulder and saw the Suburban fol

owing slowly behind them on 17 St. She held a hand behind her

with two fingers extended and heard car doors open and close.

Hara and Wozinski should be on the ground now too. Unfortunately, it

was late afternoon and would be dark soon. They were also heading

toward the Mal , which was exactly where she did not want to be at


“Can we compromise? she urged. “Can you just sit somewhere, and I

promise wel disappear.

Blair laughed abruptly and looked past her to Hara and Wozinski. “The

three of you would stand out in a crowd, no mat er what you were

wearing. Out here, you might as wel be waving a sign saying were

government agents.

Paula pointed to a bench. “Theres a great spot right by the

reflecting pool.

“And with three people, you can easily watch my back and flanks, and

unless the creature from the Black Lagoon comes up out of the pool, you

dont have to worry about a frontal approach. Blair recited the tactics

flatly as she quickened her pace. She sat down on the white stone

bench, gripped the cold edges with her fingers, and closed her eyes.

She wasnt angry with Paula. Making Paulas job harder wasnt going

to ease the hurt and fury that stormed with equal measure inside


She couldnt believe that Lucinda had summoned her to Washington to

ask her to spy on Diane. No, actual y she could believe it. Shed seen

people in power compromise their principles often enough, but she hated

to think that the people she loved, Lucinda and her father, would

sacrifice trust and fidelity to achieve their goals. Maybe thats why shed

fal en in love with Cam. Because Cam was always so clear about

which side of the line she stood on. Cam did not compromise.

“Paula? Blair said softly as the sun went


“Yes maam? The reply came from somewhere

behind her.

“Would you cal Cam and tel her youre with me. Shel


“Right away. After a moments silence, Paula added, “Can I tel her

when we might be back?

“In a little while,



She should go back. Cam wouldnt be satisfied with a phone cal .

It didnt matter that she knew Paula was capable. It didnt matter

that she knew Blair was safe. She needed to see that for herself.

Blair sensed that Cam already felt powerless with Paula in

command and that she was having trouble adjusting to the

change in their relationship. She

loved Cam for wanting to protect her and care for her,

even though that wasnt why shed fal en in love with her or

even what she needed most from her. Trying to change that

about Cam would be denying what made her who she was.

And making her needlessly uncomfortable was just unkind. She

could be furious at her father and Lucinda just as easily at Cams



“Yes maam?

“Would you ask her to walk down to meet


“I dont think shell be able to, maam. Shes in a meeting with

the president.

Blairs stomach tightened. So there was more. Of course there

was. Lucinda didnt fly her down here just to solicit a little

snooping between girlfriends. Cam was a trained investigator. Cam

had been Valeries lover. Cam was talking to her father. Alone.

Cam never turned down an assignment, never stepped away

from her duty, never put her own safety first.

Blair stood abruptly and strode from the park, Paula and the


agents close behind.

Cam had given enough. And so had


* * * * *

Sybil Gretzky, the personal secretary to Andrew Powel , smiled


Blair as she entered the anteroom to the oval office. “Hel o


“Is my lover still with my father?

Sybils smile never faltered. “Agent Roberts is with the

president, yes. Would you like me to ring through?

“Sorry, Blair said, realizing shed been saying that all day.

She wasnt just edgy, she needed to pound something. “Yes,


She walked to the wide windows and looked out into the

Rose Garden. It was so beautiful in the spring, with everything in

bloom, but so desolate in the fal . Cold and a little barren.

“Let me take you in, Sybil

said. “Thanks.

Her father stood to greet her when she came in and kissed

her cheek.

“You feel cold, Andrew Powell


“Ive been out walking. Blair settled onto an antique sofa

and glanced at Cam, who sat in a chair opposite her father on the

other side of a low coffee table. “Hi.

“Hi, Cam rose and walked around the table to sit next to

Blair. “Okay? She touched her fingertips briefly to Blairs leg,

then put her hand back in her lap.

“Sure. Blair regarded her father. “I know there are some things we

cant talk about, but Cam is my partner. She almost died ten days ago.

What more can you ask of her?

Andrew Powel , in his early fifties but looking a decade younger, with

thick wavy hair and blue eyes the exact color of Blairs, regarded

her with an expression that might have been sympathy or regret. “We

need good people, Blair, especial y now. And Cam is one of them.

Blair shook her head. “How many times? Is there a quota on bul et

holes? Concussions? Because shes had her share. More than her share.

“Blair, Cam murmured. “Lets hear what the president has

to say.

“Im not talking to the president, Blair retorted. “Im talking to my

father. That counts for something, doesnt it, Dad? Just a little?

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