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change her behavior now.

“Fun, Paula mut ered. “More like

hel .

“You never know. Blair laughed as the elevator opened and they al

stepped out. “You might end up enjoying it.

Paula, busy alerting Hara in the vehicle idling at the curb that they were

exiting, didnt bother to object.

“Oh, goody, Blair said as Felicia moved up beside her, “girls

day out.

“We didnt think Greg would mind if I took his shift this afternoon,

Felicia said. “Hi Diane.

“Its good to see you again, Diane said, as she climbed into the rear

of the

Suburban next to Blair. “Hows Mac


Felicias smile widened. “Hes out of the hospital and doing

very wel .

“I suppose hes chafi ng to get back to


“Hes like the rest of us. If were not working, we tend to get into trouble.

Felicia glanced at Stark. “I know he misses being part of the team.

“The team misses him, Stark


“Hopeful y, hel be back soon, Blair said, wondering if Mac would

resume his duties as second-in-command and communications of i cer.

That would be up to

Paula now. Felicia had taken over Macs responsibilities when he

was shot during the assassination attempt at the Aerie, but her

real expertise was intel igence and data analysis. “Tel him I said hi.

“I wil , Felicia replied. “Where are we


“Georgetown Park, Paula said with a


Felicias eyes widened. “Oh, I should be get ing hazard pay. To be

surrounded by al that trendy glit er and not be able to window shop.

Thats harsh.

Blair laughed. Even though she loved Mac and enjoyed Greg

Wozinskis dry humor and subtle sensitivity, if she had to have close

surveil ance twenty-four hours a day, it was so nice to have female

agents. They understood about shopping.

Nevertheless, three hours later, Blair found that even Paula was as

grumpy as any of the male agents who had ever accompanied

her on a shopping excursion.

“Im just going to try on these dresses. She gave Paula a

winning smile. “I need something for the fundraiser this


“It feels like divine punishment that were shopping at a

place cal ed the White House, Paula said with a sigh.

“Maybe its cosmic destiny, Blair said as she carried another

stack of clothing into the dressing room. “If you see Diane, tell

her Im in here. She went to check out the shoes.

“Fine. Great. Paula turned her back to the dressing room door

and folded her arms. It wasnt that she minded shopping so

much, she just didnt like to do it for hours on end. And

when she went shopping, it was always with something specifi c

in minda new pair

of shoes or a suit to replace one that got torn up or soiled

during work. It was never just to check out the latest styles. She

scanned the dress department, automatical y reviewing the faces

to see if any seemed familiar from other stores, other

departments. She didnt recognize anyone and was comfortable

that they were not being fol owed. Felicia, posted in the aisle

between the dresses and accessories, was doing the same thing.

Hara had drawn the short straw and stayed with the vehicle.

Idly, Paula watched a woman pull a white halter dress from a

rack and hold it up in front of her body. The unexpected mental

picture of Renée in that dress stirred a hum of arousal in the

pit of her stomach, and she swiftly looked away. Felicia was

right. Shopping was dangerous duty.

* * * * *

Diane lifted a Louboutin black lace and suede pump with a

peep toe, thinking it would go well with the dress she was

planning to wear to the fundraiser Blair had invited her to.

Ordinarily, she would have looked forward to a gala event, but

it was hard to be excited about a night out now.

“Would you like to try those on? a saleswoman asked with a

polite smile.

“Yes I Diane caught her breath as she glimpsed a fi gure slip

from view on the opposite side of the room. She went on

hurriedly, “Not just yet, thank you.

“Of course. Just let me know.

Diane dropped the shoe back onto the rack and walked quickly

across the

seating area toward the sign marked exit. She pushed through the fi re

door and into the stairwel .

Valerie stood on the


“Oh my God, Diane breathed. She extended one hand, but didnt touch

her. “I wasnt sureI thought I saw you once earlier, but I told myself it

was just my imagination. She let her fi ngertips drift down Valeries

cheek. “It is you, isnt it?

Valerie caught Dianes hand and kissed her palm.


“How did you know where I


“I cal ed the gal ery and asked for you. They know me as an art

dealer, remember? Valerie kept hold of Dianes hand, stroking the top

with her thumb. “They told me you were in DC, and it wasnt hard for

me to fi gure out where.

“But how did you know I would be

here ?

Valerie smiled softly. “The Suburban is hard to miss. Ive just been

waiting until you werent with Blair.

Diane touched the loose curls at the base of Valeries neck. “Youve

cut your hair. She fi ngered the soft blond strands. “Its nice. She

was used to seeing Valerie in stylish slacks, silk blouses, and designer

jackets. Today she wore a navy T-shirt, low-cut Levis, and scuf ed

brown boots. Her worn brown leather jacket was over-sized, hiding

her ful breasts and slender torso. She looked younger. And she

looked very tired. “Are you al right?

“Yes. Valerie drew a shaky breath. “God, I want to kiss


Diane smiled. “Thats good, because I feel the same way. Do you think

we could get out of the stairwel ?

Valerie shook her head. “I shouldnt even be here, but I just hadI just

wanted to



“Youre in trouble, arent


“Im not sure. Valerie leaned forward and brushed her lips over Dianes.

“Im so sorry.

“For what? Diane gently caressed Valeries face again, then drew closer

and kissed her softly. Shed left her coat in the car, and the heat of

Valeries body penetrated her silk blouse and slacks as if they werent

even there. Dianes nipples tightened instantly and she moaned softly.

“Oh, Ive missed you. Where are you staying? Can I come to you?

Valerie shook her head. “No. You cant right


Diane slid her hand inside Valeries jacket and clasped her waist. “Then

come to me. We need to talk. I need to understand whats happening.

She kissed her again, harder. “I need you. Please.

Valerie skimmed her fi ngers into Dianes hair, her body trembling. “You

cant. It might be dangerous, and I wont have you hurt.

“Being away from you hurts me, Diane whispered. “Not knowing

whats happening to you is driving me mad. Please. Give me a

number to cal , somewhere to meet you.

“Im using disposable phones. Il cal you. Valerie curled her hand behind

Dianes neck and pul ed her close. Her tongue slid possessively into

Dianes open mouth. She groaned, the sound mingling with Dianes

echoing moan. When she pul ed away, her ice blue eyes sparkled

with tears. “I love you. No mat er what happens, I want you to know


Diane pressed her fi ngertips to Valeries mouth. “There wont be any

goodbyes. Whatever has happened, Cam can help you. You know how

to reach her. Cal her.

Valerie shook her head. “Not yet. Not until I know


“You can trust her, Diane said insistently. “I know you can. Yo u know

you can.

“Cam cant control everything, Diane, Valerie said wearily. “There are

powerful people involved. Dangerous people.

“And thats al the more reason for you to have help. You cant do this

alone. Diane kept both arms around Valeries waist, afraid that she

would bolt and disappear. “I dont want you to be alone.

“Ive always been alone, Valerie whispered, “until


“And Im not going to let you go, Diane said urgently. “Il only be here

a few more days. Let me come to you.

“Are you going back to

Manhat an?

“I dont know. Im probably going Out of years of habit, Diane

hesitated mentioning anything about Blair.

Valerie stif ened. “Never mind. You dont have to

tel me. Diane shook her head. “Its not what you


“You dont have any reason to trust me. Valerie gently disengaged

Dianes hold on her and backed away. “I should apologize for ever

involving you.

“Dont you say that, Diane shot back. “This isnt just about you, and what

you need and what youre afraid of. Im in this too, because I chose to be.

She closed the distance that Valerie had created. “I chose to be with


“How can you choose when you dont even know whats

going on?

Dianes heart clenched at the uncertainty in Valeries voice and the

tormented look in her eyes. She sensed Valerie struggling not to pul

away and risked sliding her hand inside her jacket again. When she

rested her fi ngertips against Valeries side, Valerie trembled.

“Oh, dont, Diane breathed. “Dont hurt so much, my darling.

Help me understand. Tel me, so that when I say I love you, you can

trust me.

“I cant seem to think straight when youre near me, Valerie murmured

before kissing her again. When the door behind them opened, she spun

Diane to the wal , shielding Dianes body with her own, and pushed her

hand into her jacket pocket. “Keep your head down.

Diane held her breath, her heart jumping in her chest. Valeries face had

gone completely stil , her blue eyes intently focused, and her body

coiled as if it were poised to explode. Footsteps passed behind them and

started down the stairs, clat ering loudly in the enclosed space. Dianes

breath whooshed out. “God.

“Do you understand now. Valerie backed away until their bodies didnt

touch. “Thats what youre asking me to bring into your life. I cant.

Dianes gaze dropped to the bulge in Valeries jacket pocket, which she

now realized was a gun. Having been around Blair since they were

teenagers, shed seen men and women with guns before. But shed

never sensed the lethal menace of one as acutely as she did now. “Are

you saying that someone wants to kil you?

“I dont know. Valerie moved to the stairs leading down. “And until I

do, you cant be anywhere near me.

Diane fol owed her and grasped her jacket tightly. “Im not going to let

you walk away from me so easily again, Valerie.

“Il come back, Valerie said, her voice choked. “I have to. I cant get you

out of



Diane kissed her, hard and long. Then, though it wrenched her heart so

badly she felt like she was bleeding inside, she let go of Valeries jacket.

“Come soon.





Then Valerie turned and hurtled down the stairs until all

that remained was the distant echo of her footsteps.

* * * * *

“Hey! Blair said. “You missed the fashion show.

“Sorry, Diane said breathlessly. “I got lost in the


“So what do you think. Blair held up a strapless black silk

chiffon dress.

“Nice, Diane said, running her fi ngers over the sheer fabric.

Blair frowned and cast a glance in Paulas direction.

Paula appeared not to be watching them, although Blair knew

she was. She lowered her voice. “Youre shaking. Whats wrong?


“Of course, Blair said, loud enough for Paula to hear, “now I

have an excuse to buy more shoes. She moved closer to

Diane. “Bul shit. What happened?

“I just saw Valerie.

Blair slipped one arm around Dianes waist and draped the


over her free arm as she guided Diane through the dress

department and out of hearing range of her security team.

“Here? When?

“Yes. Just a few minutes ago.

“You talked to her?

“Briefl y. Shes scared, Blair. Dianes voice broke. “She scared,

and shes alone.

“What did she


Diane shook her head. “Not much. It was only a couple of

minutes. She laughed unsteadily. “And I was kissing her about

half the time.

Blair rol ed her eyes. “Why am I not surprised. Jesus, Diane.

You have to be careful. When Diane started to pull away,

Blair tightened her grip. “Im sorry, I know you love her. And

I love you. And if shes in trouble, you could get hurt. Blair

felt Diane shiver. “What? What happened?

“Nothing, Diane said quickly. “Real y. Its



“Someone came into the stairwell while we were together,

and Valerie acted as if she expected someone to try to hurt

her. She was armed and

“Thats it, Blair snapped. “You have to talk to


“I dont have to do anything until Im certain Valerie will



“You dont trust Cam?

“Shh, Diane warned, aware that Paula and Felicia had closed the

distance behind them. “I dont know who to trust, al right? I trust you .

Just let me have a few days. Please.

Blair bit back another angry retort, thinking that she would probably

behave the same way in Dianes position. Stil , she wasnt certain she

trusted Valerie, not just with her best friends heart, but possibly with her


Chapter Nine

I ts Cameron Roberts, Cam said in response to the question cal ed

through the door. The thunk of the lock disengaging was fol owed by the

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