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Cam grimaced. “Ive already come to terms with the fact that my private

life isnt private and hasnt been for some time. Whats his name?



“Jesus, Valerie, Cam snapped. “If hes not dirty it wont mat er. If he is,

we need to know because hes probably not the only one. Do you

seriously think that

Matheson could pul of something like the assault on Blair with only one

contact on the inside? For al we know, hes got a network . For al we

know, hes going to try again.

Cam jumped to her feet, too wired to sit, and winced at the sudden

surge of pain that sliced down her back and into her right leg. She

barely bit back a groan.

Valerie grasped her hand. “Sit down, Cameron. Youre in too much

pain to stand.

“Whats his name? Cam looked down at Valerie and at their hands, stil

joined, remembering. She had held this woman in the night. She had

come in her arms. She had found some semblance of peace in her touch

during the darkest hours of her life. And she had loved her as much as

shed been able to then.

“Henry, Valerie said softly. “Thats al I


“Fifteen years and you never tried to find out


Valerie shook her head. “Thats not the way things are


Cam gently released Valeries hand and sat down again. “I know. Do you

think hes the link?

Pain flashed across Valeries face and was quickly erased. “I dont

know. And until I do, I cant contact him or anyone else on the inside.

“Where were you planning to


“Just before 9/11 we began to see intel igence that there was an active

cel in France, possibly Paris, working with other cel s in Europe and the

Middle East. They were rumored to be planning a coordinated at ack


Cam swore and struggled to keep her temper in check. “Why didnt

anyone else



“Cameron, Valerie said with a resigned sigh. “You know how every

agency guards its intel igence. And certainly those of us in the field

were never told anything. I didnt learn this until after everything


“When they sent you to work with us, Cam said bit erly. Shed been

used, and although it hadnt been the first time and in al likelihood

wouldnt be the last, she resented it.

“Yes. They were hoping we might find a lead to the cel in Paris in the

course of investigating Foster.

“What do you think you can do there on your


Valerie shrugged, clearly frustrated. “I dont know. Possibly nothing. But

if I dont find the link that ties Foster and Matheson and the Company

together, Im never going to be able to come in.

“Come in now, with


“I trust you, but you cant protect me once Im visible. And we both know

the easiest way to make this al go away is to eliminate me. Valerie

drained her Scotch and set the glass careful y on the end table.

“Whoever tried to run you down tonight probably knows about our

relationship. Kil ing you would cut of one more avenue of escape for


“I came to the same conclusion, Cam said, hoping Blair




“For what? Cam laughed wearily. “For believing in the Company line,

or for meeting me in the bar that first night?

“Certainly not the lat er. Im coming to regret the first. Im already

responsible for

one at empt on your life. I dont want to be the cause of


“Im your best shot, and you know it. Cam stood. “If you let me bring

you in, I give you my word no one wil know until weve identified

Mathesons source. Il personal y guarantee that you are protected.

“I dont want to spend months, possibly years, in a safe house, Cam.

Valerie laughed. “God knows, if I wanted to disappear and start over as

someone else, I could. Im tired of being someone else. I want out.

Cam made a decision based on everything she knew, and more

importantly, on everything she believed. “Work with me and my team to

find Matheson, and Il get you out.

“Im not sure even you can do that, Cameron. Rising, Valerie slid her

hand to the back of Cams neck and kissed her on the cheek. “I need to

think about it.

“The longer you stay under, the worse it







“I shouldnt have contacted her today. It was selfish. Valerie hooked

her arm through Cams as they walked toward the door. “I wont try to

see her again.

Cam gave her a secure phone number as she shrugged into her jacket.

“No one wil know. You have my word.

“I wont be here in the morning, in case you were


“I wont come after you, not unless I have


“Thank you. Valerie smiled sadly. “Goodnight,


Cam drew her into a gentle embrace. “Cal me.


Chapter Twelve



T homas Jef erson Matheson picked up the phone on the first ring. If he

hadnt been listening for it, he wouldnt have recognized the faint buzz

emanating from the electronic jammer. Hed put his own people on

surveil ance duty as soon as hed got en word of where the bait had

landed. Trusting an agent he couldnt directly control was not ideal, and

he wanted his own back-up plan in place if he needed to set le mat ers

himself. “Yes?

“Nothing to report,


“No activity during the


“No sir. Everyone is stil in the


“Real y. Matheson swal owed a generous mouthful of steaming cof ee,

ignoring the burn in the back of his throat. Hed slept wel , risen

before dawn, and worked out vigorously in the hotel health club for an

hour. And hed had a most satisfactory evening. “No one in or out?

“Wel his man said hesitantly.

Matheson heard the rustle of


“Routine movement reported ataharound 1900 yesterday. Roberts went

for a runseveral hours later security changed shift uh, todaythree

subjects arrived at

0800, most likely for start of shift briefing. Nothing

beyond that.

“You seem to be missing a few details in your


“Yes sir. What would that be,


Matheson smiled, picturing the man squirming. He was new.


1932 last night, Roberts was struck by a passing motorist and


have sustained substantial injuries. He still felt a surge of


thinking about the flicker of shock on her face as he bore down


her. When

hed had the good fortune of passing by just as she exited

the building, his only intention had been to fol ow her. But the

longer hed watched her pound through the streets as if she

owned them while he hid like impotent prey, the more his

anger had grown. She had destroyed his compound and kil ed

some of his best boys, and now she stood in the way of him

completing his mission. She needed to be neutralized.

“Apparently your surveil ance team didnt think it necessary to

cover her.

To the mans credit, he defended his team. “Im sure they felt it

more important to watch for any contact between our critical

target and those on site, sir.

“Its just as strong a possibility that Lawrence will contact Roberts.

I expect Roberts will move her base today. Its what I would

do after a pre-emptive strike. As soon as you have a new

location, contact me. Bleeker is the bait, but Roberts is in

command. Without her, theyll break ranks.

“Yes sir. Ill relay your orders.

“Be prepared to take action soon. Matheson felt his groin

tingling as he considered a plan to turn the hunters into

quarry. “Im growing tired of this waiting game.

* * * * *

“Are you sure you want me to come with you? Diane asked as

she packed her suitcase. “I know what Cam said, but

“If you werent already here, wed come and get you. Blair

sat cross-legged on the bed in blue jeans and a long-sleeved

navy T- shirt. Her hair was loose and she was barefoot. “I cant

believe I let you go back to Manhattan alone in the first place.

“Who knew that these people these maniacs who tried to hurt

you would keep coming? How can they possibly think they

can gain power in this country? We arent some third world

dictatorship thats likely to topple at the slightest show of


Blair shrugged. “Theyre fanatics. Look at all the paramilitary

and right wing fundamentalist groups springing up across this

country. T h e y think they can change the order of things,

and theyre recruiting more people all the time who agree.

“God, its like those zealots who shoot abortion doctors and

think thats going to stop the pro-choice movement. Diane looked

at Blair in confusion. “I can hardly believe its real.

“I cant believe we didnt see it coming, and after what

happened last month, I dont think its going to stop. Chafing at the

inactivity, Blair stood and started folding clothes. “Every

psycho with an agenda is going to think they have a chance after


Diane stopped what she was doing, her fingers digging into the sweater

she held. “Im ashamed to admit that part of me wishes your father

wasnt president, because I hate to think of you or Cam in danger. I

can only imagine how you must feel.

Blair smiled rueful y. “You know, for the first time in my life Im

honestly glad that my fathers president, and I want him to be president

for as long as he can be. She careful y placed a silk blouse into the

suitcase. “Because these fuckers, whoever they are, wherever they are,

have to learn that we wont be victims.

“I guess wel have to keep that sexy dress you bought for the wedding

in the closet a while longer.


Diane regarded her with surprise. “I cant imagine either you or Cam is

going to want to think about wedding plans until al of this is resolved.

“Were not waiting for something that might never happen. Blair folded

her arms, part defiance, part comfort. “And were not put ing our lives on

hold until it does. Im instructing Lucinda to slip a nice quiet statement

out to the press today that Cameron and I intend to be married in a

private ceremony before the end of the year.



Blair grinned. “And


“Indeed. Diane kissed her cheek. “I think youre the bravest person I


“I wish I were, Blair said. “Im terrified every day that something wil

happen to

Cam. And if it did, I dont think Id

survive it.

“I would never have imagined you with


Blair lifted her shoulders. “We dont choose who to


“No. We dont. Diane smiled sadly. “Now I cant imagine you with

anyone else.

“Neither can I. Blair stroked Dianes arm. She was already


to travel in a pale blue cashmere cowl-neck sweater and tan

slacks. For the first time Blair realized that Diane, always slender,

had lost weight. “How are you holding up?

“Its so hard, knowing that Cam saw Valerie last night and I

cant even speak to her.

“Have you thought maybe you should try to let her go?

Blair reached for Dianes hand. As hard as it was to ask, it

was even harder to watch her suffer.

Diane twined her fingers through Blairs and squeezed

lightly. “Cam didnt tell me very much about what went on. I

understand that she cant. She wouldnt tell me exactly why

Valerie is staying away, but I know its partly because of me.

“She doesnt want you to be


Diane trembled and Blair drew her close. With a shaky

breath, Diane continued, “Cam must trust her, because she

didnt try to detain her. I love Valerie. I have to trust her as

much as Cam does.

“Youre real y sure, arent you? Blair said.

Diane smiled almost shyly. “I really am. Nothing has felt as

right since I met you.

“Then Im on your side, Blair said, hugging Diane tightly.

“And hers.

* * * * *

“Well travel in two groups to Whitley Point, Cam said,

scribbling on a flip chart that she had dug out of the closet

earlier. She couldnt find the stand, so she balanced the oversized

pad of paper on her knees facing Stark, Savard, and Davis,

who clustered around her in the living room. “Stark, you and

your people will take Blair and Diane. Youll fly out of

Andrews again at 1100 hours, but this time youll land at

Westover, Mass.

Stark frowned. “Whats there?

“Its an Air Force Reserve base, so its relatively low profile.

Well have Tanners people pick you up in three vehicles and

take you the rest of the way, each vehicle fol owing a different


“Who knows about the itinerary?

“The flight plan was filed through Lucindas office, but theres

no attendant passenger list. Only Tanner knows the routes and

final destination.

“Youre putting a lot of faith in Tanners people, Stark said mildly.

“My feeling is that we know more about her team than we could about


coming to us from inside the system right now. Youre the security

chief. Whats

your cal


Stark took her time. “Until we find Valerie and Matheson, I dont want

anyone new get ing close to Blair.

“I agree. Cam blew out a breath. “Basical y wel handle Blairs security

in the same way the Vice Presidents has been set up since the at acks.

Shel be based in a secure location away from the White House known

to as few people as possible, and shel make very few and only

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