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conversation dif icult, but it also provided excel ent cover.

“How are things at the new compound, Colonel? Matheson asked his

freshly- promoted second-in-command.

“The men have nearly finished the

barracks, sir.

“How is morale? Matheson had lost some of his best of icers during the

Special Ops raid on his compound in Tennessee. Unfortunately, many

of his ground troops were unseasoned volunteers who had never faced

combat or even given any thought to what a real bat le might be like.

Now he needed to rebuild his paramilitary force and relocate his

base, and some of the menmostly truck drivers and other blue-col ar

workerswere beginning to realize that they werent just playing at being

weekend soldiers. There was a war on. And war meant casualties.

“We lost about twenty percent of our original force to desertion, in

addition to those who were captured, the redhead reported. “But were

adding new men at twice the normal rate since 9/11. The patriots are

rising across the nation in response to the attack.

As we predicted , Matheson thought. The only reason that he and his

patriot brothers had been wil ing to aid the foreign insurgents was to

further their own agenda. An at ack on American soil was guaranteed

to ral y the loyal. Now, with more men joining them every day, he and

his compatriots could consolidate their power base and expand their

sphere of influence.

“The FBI wil undoubtedly accelerate their at empts to infiltrate our

ranks now, so be vigilant, Matheson said.

“Yes sir. Were screening careful y. The redhead hesitated. “Have we

resolved the problem with the security breakdown here, sir?

Matheson shook his head. “Not yet. Take this lesson to heart, my friend.

Never rely too strongly on anyone but your most trusted brothers-in-

arms. He clamped a hand on the younger mans shoulder. “But, despite

the unreliability of dealing with bureaucrats and low-level informants, its

also useful to have sources inside the system. We may be able to deal

with al our problems another way.


“I was advised that the White House press secretary released an

interesting tidbit last night, Matheson said. “Blair Powel and her

deviant secret service guard intend to hold a so-cal ed wedding

ceremony. I imagine the papers wil have that this morning.

The redhead grunted. “Shes an embarrassment to the entire


“But the timing is good for us. If a moral y outraged manor womanwere

to put a stop to them, wed fulfil our mission to destabilize

President Powel s administration, and wed cut of a possible return

route for our missing CIA agent.

“And we could disavow any


“Exactly. Lets cal on our friends to activate someone, preferably a

member of one of the splinter groupssomeone expendable who wont be

traceable to us or our Conservative Coalition al ies.

“What should I tel them about the target,


“That we want both neutralized, but Roberts should be the


“Do we have their location,


Matheson grimaced. “No, weve lost them temporarily, but Powel s

of icial schedule of appearances is updated daily.

“A public assault is a suicide mission, the redhead said


“All the better, as long as heor shetakes the targets out

first. “Yes sir.

The men shook hands. “Godspeed, Colonel. “God bless

America, General.

* * * * *

When Blair awoke, she was surprised to discover that Cam

had gotten out of bed without waking her. Ordinarily she was a

light sleeper, but she had lain awake for a long time the night

before, after Cam had fal en asleep in her arms. Partly, shed

still been wound up from worrying about Cam all day, but it

was more than that. Felicia and Renée were staying in the

guesthouse, which had been transformed into an ad hoc office

for the OHS. Her security team had relocated to the main

house, and Mac was probably already setting up a command

center in the dining room downstairs. Diane remained in

the main house at Paulas

suggestion, which made it easier to protect her as well. The

new arrangements made it impossible to deny that she was

living in a high security complex. And now her lover was a

deputy director in a national security organization that had not

existed two months before. Blair was faced with the cold hard

realization that, even when her father was no longer president,

her life was not suddenly going to be normal. This was normal,

and it was what shed been fighting to avoid all her life.

Blair rolled over and opened the bedside table. Cams

weapon wasnt there, because she was wearing it. Because

even in this, their soon-to-be new home, they werent entirely

safe. She walked to the window to look out over the dunes to the

ocean. There was no one in sight. Even the fishing trawlers

were so far out to sea they were no more than dots on the

horizon. She was as alone here as she had ever been, and she

should have felt free, but she didnt. With a sigh, she pushed

her melancholy aside and went to look for her lover.

She found Cam in the kitchen, leaning against the counter

drinking coffee. She wore her casual work attirechinos and a

button-down col ar shirtand her weapon.

“Did you eat something? Blair asked as she placed a hand in

the center of Cams stomach and kissed her. Then she sidled

around her to pour her own cup of coffee.

“I had some toast. You want some?

“No thanks. Blair kept her back turned. “Il grab some later.

Hows your shoulder and hip?

“Fine. Cam set her mug down and caught Blairs wrist before she

could slip




mat er?

Blair smiled and brushed her fingers over Cams chest again.


Cam waited until Blair had sipped her cof ee, then plucked the cup

from her hand and deposited it next to hers on the counter. Then she

threaded her arms around Blairs waist and pul ed her gently against her

body. She kissed Blair a little bit longer than her normal morning hel

o, and then studied Blairs eyes. “Something happen I should know


“Just a case of the blahs, Blair said lightly. She nipped at Cams chin.

“Real y. Go to work.

“Youl tel me when youre ready, right? Cam murmured, placing

another kiss gently on Blairs temple.

“Mmm hmm, Blair




Laughing, Blair pressed her mouth to the hol ow at the base of Cams

throat. “Ive forgot en how persistent you are. I was just thinking that

what you do, what you al do, isnt confined to some of ice in a building

in DC or Langley anymore. Its everywhere, wherever you are. Wherever

we are. Even here.

Cam caressed Blairs back. “I wish I hadnt had to bring this into our

home. I

wish it didnt touch you, or us. As soon as I can, Il move the


Blair shushed her with a kiss, sliding her hands into Cams hair and

melding her body a lit le more tightly to Cams. She felt Cams heart beat

against her breast and the muscles in Cams stomach and thighs tighten.

She felt the connection that held her secure no mat er where she was,

no mat er what was happening, and realized that just as the danger was

part of their life, no mat er where they were, so was their love. And that

mat ered more to her than any place on Earth. She stroked Cams neck

as she leaned back in her arms. “Thats not necessary. Id

rather you and the others work here if its the most secure location. She

pressed her hand to Cams heart. “This is my safe place.

Cams eyes darkened and she held Blair more tightly. The next kiss was

rougher, longer, deeper.

“Cam, Blair said just a lit le breathlessly. “One


“What, Cam growled, sliding her hands under the back of Blairs


“Briefing. Cam

hesitated. “What?

Blair laughed and bumped her pelvis into Cams crotch. “I love to

make you forget yourself, butwhat time is your briefing with Felicia and


“Hel , Cam mut ered, tracing the edge of Blairs ear with her mouth.

“How did you know I had one?

“Because its morning and you always brief in the morning. Blair

murmured appreciatively and closed her eyes as Cam sucked her

earlobe. Cams breath was quick and hot against her neck. Nothing

aroused her more than Cams desire. “Careful.

“I was tired and sore when I got home last night, Cam whispered,

kissing her way down the pulse that shimmered in Blairs throat. “Im

not anymore. She nipped at Blairs neck when Blair tilted her head back

with a sigh. “And I didnt thank you yet for the massage.

Blair caught her breath as Cam skimmed her fingers around her sides and

over her stomach. When Cam stroked higher, brushing the

undersurfaces of her breasts, her nipples tightened in anticipation of a

caress. She was dangerously close to not caring if Cam had a briefing

or if Diane came looking for her any minute to take a walk on the

beach, which was their habit. “You have two

seconds to decideeither move your hands or be late for your briefing.

Because if you get me any more excited, Il have to come, and since you

started it, I expect you to take care of that.

“You started it. Cam was seriously considering delaying the briefing

when a discreet cough from the doorway caught her at ention. She lifted

her head from Blairs neck and found herself staring at Tanner Whitley.

“Sorry, Tanner said, grinning broadly, “but Stark said to come on


“Remind me to speak to her about that, Cam

mut ered.

Blair pushed Cams hands away and spun around, leaning her back










“Ha ha. You live next door. Blair drew Cams arms around her

middle and folded hers over them. “Whats up?

“Wel , I was wondering if you and Diane were up for a lit le trip to see

what Ive been doing at the marina. She slid her hands into the pockets of

her khakis and rocked back and forth, stil grinning. “But I get the feeling

this isnt a good time.

“Its a great time, Blair said emphatical y. She tilted her head back and

kissed the side of Cams jaw. “Cam has to go to work and I dont

have anything planned until this afternoon. Once the lights a lit le bet er,

Im going to paint.

“Il let Stark know so she can organize your teams, Cam said as she

careful y loosened her hold on Blair. She would have preferred that Blair

stay close to the compound, but that wasnt her cal anymore. Plus, the

whole team would be heading to Boston the next day for the

fundraiser. Maybe if Blair had the opportunity to relax today she

might not resent the upcoming restrictions so much.

She kissed Blair lightly. “Have fun. Im heading down to the


“See you later,


“You wil , Cam


“Sorry about that, Tanner said after Cam had left. She strode across the

kitchen and looked out the back door. A member of her private

security force stood guard on the rear deck. “When Stark asked me to

assign some of my security of icers here, she requested the ones with

military training. Combat troops. She turned to face Blair. “I know you

cant tel me anything, but I just wanted you to know that Adrienne and I

are prepared to do whatever you need us to do.

“You two have done enough. Im not even sure we should have come

back here. Blair loved the island and she loved this house. But part of

what made the property so perfect for their needs was that it abut ed

Tanners estate. They had no year-round neighbors to the north and

Tanners house, which occupied half of the island, was less than a mile

down the beachclose by if they needed her, but far enough away for

privacy. “I feel like Im taking advantage of our friendship. And

Adrienne shouldnt feel obligated

“Adrienne is a naval officer. Do you think I could convince

her that it wasnt her duty to assist you in any way possible?

“God, this is hard.

Tanner walked over to her and put her arms around her. “It

is. But it would be harder if you didnt let us help.

Blair rested her forehead on Tanners shoulders. “Youre

helping. Not just with your security people, but because you

understand. Thank you.

“Youre welcome. So, lets get Diane and go cruising.

Blair laughed at the line that Tanner had always used when

they were planning to sneak out for a night of partying. She

squeezed Tanners hand, grateful that despite all the changes, the

love that the three of them had forged had never faltered. “Im

afraid this time, were not going to be able to duck security.

“No problem, Tanner said, grinning. “Ive already pissed off

your lover once today. Im not about to push my luck.

* * * * *

“So, Cam said, taking a chair across from Davis and Savard at

the sleek glass and wood table that now served as their

conference table. They had turned the first floor of the

guesthouse into their base of operations. Davis had the

computers up and running and networked. The dining room did

duty as their file room. All things considered, it was a better

working area than the converted storage closet they would have

worked out of in the West Wing. “Lets prioritize.

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