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back down.

“Please stay away from the


“Wheres Cam? Blair took a shaky breath. “Wheres


“Paulais down. Im not sure about the commander, Renée said in a

monotone. For an instant, Blair couldnt decipher the meaning of what

she had just heard.

Paula is down. Down. Shot? Her mind veered away from the thought.


Cam wasnt wearing a


“Whos behind us? Blair careful y enunciated each word and forced

herself to think calmly. Her only hope of get ing to Cam was to maintain,

or take, control. She wasnt about to become an unwil ing captive of her

own security team ever again.

“Mac. Im not sure who






“Protocol is for radio silence, Renée


“I dont care. Cal them now. Consider it an order, Agent


Savard stared at Blair for a long moment, then punched two numbers

on her handy talky. “Status?

Blair couldnt hear a response, but only a few seconds passed before

Renée said, “Were secure, and slipped the radio back into an inside

pocket of her

jacket. At the sight of her hand trembling, Blairs stomach clenched into a

painful knot.




“Al present and accounted


“Whatwhat does that


“It means no one was left at the scene. Stark and the commander are

in the

Suburban behind




“I dont know, Renée


The tight fist around Blairs heart loosened enough for her to breathe

without each movement feeling like a knife stabbing through her.

“Diane, are you al right?




Blair concentrated on burying her panic. Cam was in the car behind her.

That was al that mat ered. “Where are we going?



Renée shuddered and for just a second, Blair thought she was going to

break down. Then she squared her shoulders and continued.

“Paula wil let Mac know the exit route, and hel communicate with our

driver. Blair looked out the window and saw that they were heading out

of the city. The

last thing she wanted was to end up in another safe house, but she

realized that

was one decision she couldnt impact. She closed her eyes and wil ed her


to go blank. It didnt work, but it kept her from trying to break down the

barrier between herself and whoever was driving and demanding to

know where they were going. Just when she thought she couldnt stand it

anymore, she felt the limo slow down. She jerked upright and saw a sign

for Interstate 495 South flash by as the vehicle turned into a deserted

truck weighing station by the side of the highway. “Whats happening?

Renée shook her head. “I dont


Blair reached for the handle, but Renée stopped her. She was about to

protest when the door opened and Cam slid in. The limo immediately

accelerated back onto the highway.

“Are you al right? Cam slid her arm around Blairs shoulders and pul

ed her close.

“Am I? Blair laughed shakily and pressed her palm to Cams chest. “I was


She lost the words and just kissed Cam instead. “Are


“Other than a few sore ribs from ending up under one of Tanners

security guards, Im fine. Cam stroked Blairs hair and looked at Diane

and Renée. “You both okay?

“Yes, Renée reported, sit ing tensely on the edge of the


“Stark took a round in the chest, Cam said. “Her vest stopped it. Shes in

pain, but shes stil in charge. Shel be okay.

Renée blinked and looked away. “Thank


“Was anyone else hurt? Blair


“Another one of Tanners people took a shot to the vest in the

process of shielding Emory Constantine.

“Emory! Blair said, momentarily stunned. “My God, is she


“She sprained her wrist, but shes tough and taking everything in

stride. Cam glanced at Savard. “We brought Emory with us. Shes in the


“Smart cal , Savard said. “What about the


“Hes dead. Stark left Wozinski behind temporarily to coordinate with

the FBI

and police. Cam coughed and


“Are you sure youre not hurt? Blair said


Cam shook her head. “Sore ribs. I got a quick look at the guy. Hes one

of the four on Emory Constantines watch list.

“You mean Emory was the target? Blair


“Were not sure, but its possible. Cam shifted, obviously trying

to get comfortable. “For now, were not making any assumptions.

“How much of this can we keep out of the press? Blair


“Starks already been on the line to Lucinda, whos spinning some story

right now about Emory suddenly being taken il to cover her leaving

the banquet. Fortunately, the scene was contained immediately so we

may be able to keep the real details out of the press.

“Good, Blair breathed. “The last thing I want is another story circulating

about me being a target. She took Cams hand. “Youre sure youre okay?

“Yes. Now she was, now that shed seen Blair. Now that some of the

helpless fury at not being able to reach her when shed been in danger

was dissipating. Despite the pain in her ribs, she held Blair more tightly.

“What? Blair murmured, sliding her hand to the back of Cams neck.


“Nothing, Cam whispered. The instant shed seen the assailant, shed

tried to shield Blair, but Tanners man had grabbed her from behind

and thrown her down. If Stark hadnt been there, hadnt moved without

the slightest hesitation, Blair could be dead. Cam closed her eyes, as if

that could obliterate the image in her mind, and buried her face in Blairs


Blair moved her mouth close to Cams ear. “Im al right. Im

right here.

Cam took a long breath, straightened, and directed her next

comments to Savard again. “Theres been no evidence of pursuit, and

this has the feel of a lone gunman.

“I agree, Savard said. Her color was bet er and her eyes focused and

intent. Beside her, Diane looked exhausted, but calm. “He was probably

staying at the hotel or knew someone who was.

“But how did he know where we were? Blair said. “Or that we were


“He could have paid one or even several of the hotel employees to keep

him informed, Cam said. “Its possible he had an accomplice who was a

legitimate guest at the fundraiser. He might have been watching

the limo from some vantage point within the hotel, but I think thats

less likely. Once Wozinski and the rest of the on-site team backtrack his

route, wel know more.

“He didnt say anything, did he? I didnt hear anything before the shots.

Blair knew how to fire a gun. Shed had a license since her late teens and

had been to the firing range fairly regularly since then. But the muf

led pops of control ed gunfire in a firing booth bore no resemblance to

the terrifying reverberation of gunshots echoing down a hotel corridor.

She could stil hear the shots, and the shouts, and her own silent

screams. She found Cams hand and held it. “I was wondering about

the guy earlierthe one outside the banquet hal who was quoting

scripture, or his version of it anyway.

“The gunman didnt say anything, Cam said. “His message was in his

gun hand.

“Where are we going? Blair


Cam smiled for a second. “Home to Whitley Point. Lucinda wil have

someone take care of the hotel room and pick up our luggage.

“If its al right with you, Id rather not leave the island again for six

months or so.

“Il see what I can do, Cam


“Thank you. Blair knew it wasnt possible, but for just a lit le while, it

felt good to dream.

Chapter Eighteen


T anners here, Blair said as the limo pul ed up behind the SUV parked

in the circular drive in front of the beach house. She stif ened when

three figures materialized out of the dark and approached the vehicle.

Even in the middle of the night, with only streaks of moonlight to cut

the inky blackness, she could make out the automatic rifles.

“Theyre Tanners people, Cam said. “Stark probably cal ed ahead

once we were out of range of the city and fil ed Tanner in on what


Despite Cams assurances that the figures posed no threat, Cam and

Savard got out of the limo first and closed the door, leaving Blair and

Diane shielded inside.

“I dont know how you stand it, Diane said. “Its al so


Blair slid across the space between the facing seats and put an arm around

her. “Try not to think about it right now, honey. Wel get you inside

and once were safe, youl feel better.

Diane laughed harshly. “Safe? Thats just an il usion, and I bet youve

known that al along, havent you? She touched Blairs face as if seeing

her for the very first time. “Youve known you could never be safe, so

there was no reason to let them pretend to protect you.

When the door opened and Cam leaned in, Blair didnt move but smiled

over at her. “Il be right out, darling.

“Go with her, Diane said. “Im al


“No youre not. None of us are. Blair rubbed Dianes arm and rocked her

gently as Cam moved away. “Youre partly right, you knowabout my

being guarded. I used to think there was no real need for protection

and I resented them for trying, especial y when it meant having them in

my life twenty-four hours a day. I stil hate iteverything about itbut

mostly I hate that one of them could be hurt trying to protect me. But

theyre very good and theyve saved my life and I trust them with it,

now. Al of them. She took a deep breath. “And I know that I need


Diane shivered. “I saw Paula jump in front of you and I saw her get shot.

Thank God, it was just a mil isecond, but I saw her body jerk, and Il

never forget the shock on her face. She looked down at her hands which

were clasped tightly in her lap. “Al the way back here, I kept

wondering if Valeries already dead. If someone

“Shes not, and you cant think that way. Blair took Dianes face

between her hands. “You never give up. Okay? Its not al owed. We will


“God, Diane laughed unsteadily. “Youre turning into one of


“Bite your tongue. Blair released Diane and opened the door. “Come

on, lets go inside.

Tanner stood waiting with Cam next to the vehicle. As Blair and Diane

slid out,

she wrapped her arms around both of them. “Hey, you two


“Just shaky, Diane


“Weve got a fire going and a nice bot le of wine waiting for you,

Tanner said.

“I dont even want to think about why you need your security people,

Blair whispered against Tanners ear, “but I owe you for the rest of my

life for them. She closed her eyes, trying to banish the sight of Cam

lying on the floor. “Thank you so much.

“Dont even go there, Tanner said grimly. “Im just sorry I wasnt there


“You did exactly what we needed. Blair eased away from Tanner. “Is

Emory inside already?

“Yes, she volunteered to check out Stark and Tanners security guard.

Cam wrapped her arm around Blairs waist as they walked to the house.

“Stark took a hard hit and I ordered her to stand down. Im sorry, but

I need to contact Wozinski to find out whats going on back there.

“I understand. Just promise me youll try to get some sleep tonight,

too. Blair held the door open and waited until everyone

else disappeared inside before asking, “Do you need

something for your ribs?

“No, its tolerable. Ill wrap this up just as soon as I can.

Cam cupped the back of Blairs neck and kissed her gently. “I love


Blair kissed her back, far less gently. “I love you


“If thats a come on, I might be too tired to deliver tonight,

Cam said.

“It is, but I think Im too tired to accept delivery. Blair gave her

a gentle push. “Go do what you have to do. Theres always a

shower to look forward to in a few hours.

* * * * *

“Wheres Diane? Blair asked when she looked in on Adrienne


Felicia in the living


“She wanted to be alone, Adrienne said. “Do you think shes

all right?

“She will be, Blair said. “Its the first time shes ever been shot


“If she needs a little escape from all of this, she can stay

with Tanner and me, Adrienne said. “The atmosphere around

here might be a little intense for her the next few days.

“Tanner never mentioned you had such a knack for


“Speaking of my spouse, Adrienne said, rising, “I should find

her and get her home before she decides to stand guard herself.

She glanced at Blair. “Shes more than wil ing, if you need her

Blair shook her head. “No. And youve both done enough.

Were fine.

“Weve got plenty of people to secure this location, Felicia

added, setting her coffee aside and standing as wel . “Im going to

check in with the commander.

“And I want to see Emory, Blair


She bade the others goodnight and walked down the hall to

the bedroom the agents used when they were off-shift. As

she knocked on the partially open door, it swung open

before she could catch it, affording her a glimpse of Emory

Constantine leaning over a semi-nude young woman stretched out

on the bed. Steph Fletcher, one of Tanners security guards.

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