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she resisted the urge to draw Cam near because she needed to judge

exactly how much of Cams concern was her normal distrust of any

public appearance and how much was a lovers less rational concern.

If she touched her, her perspective would be gone. “Why are you so

much more worried about this event?

“Jesus, Blair! Maybe youve forgot en what happened Cam bit of the rest

of the sentence, cursing herself inwardly when she saw Blair flinch. Of

course Blair

hadnt forgot en the assassination at empt at the Aerie. Blair would never

be able to forget it, and bul ying her with the memory instead of

explaining her own unease was cowardly. And cruel. “Im sorry, baby.

Blair took a long breath. “Dont apologize. Just

trust me. Cam fel silent and Blair watched her

struggle, waiting.

“I dont feel like Ive got a handle on anything right now, and I cant af ord

to be wrong when your safety is at stake. Cam took one step closer and

rested her fingertips lightly on the outside of Blairs thighs. “No one

knows what real y happened in September. We dont know how

much of the attack was orchestrated outside the country and what

part insurgents inside the country might have played. But we know

someone got very very close to you. She hesitated.

“Say it, Cameron. Al of it. Blair pressed Cams hands to her legs,

covering them with her own. Shed been wrong about not being able

to think when Cam touched her. As the distance dissipated she could

hear her far more clearly.

“Theres no reason to think they wont try again, Cam said. “Until

we have

Matheson, until we have Valerie, the risk is greater than Im

comfortable with.

“Im not the only one at risk, Blair said softly. “Have you forgot en

someone tried to run you down?

“That might not even be


Blair gave her a look. “What does Stark say about

Saturday? Irritation flared in Cams dark eyes. “I havent

discussed it with her. “Because

Cam grimaced. “Because I havent managed the transition to her as your




wel .

“You take a lot on yourself,


“I love you, Cam


“Oh I know. Blair said. “What if you dont find either Matheson or


“We wil


“Al right, until you find them, what do you suggest I do? It could be

months. Years.

“Are you trying to make me say things that wil piss

you of ?

“Wel , I do enjoy makeup sex. Blair lifted Cams hand and kissed the top

of it. “But Im trying something new. Im working on being reasonable

and rational.

“I think maybe youre more dangerous this way than when youre flat-out

furious, Cam grumbled. She eased forward until she was completely

between Blairs legs, then wrapped her arms around Blairs waist and

pul ed her forward until Blairs crotch rested against her middle.

“Im not ready for the makeup sex yet, Blair whispered, wrapping

her arms around Cams neck. “So dont get any closer.

Cam rested her forehead against Blairs. “Youre cal ing the


“Hardly, Blair murmured, running her fingers through Cams hair. “I

understand why youre not happy about the fundraiser, but it was

scheduled months ago and if I cancel now, it wil seem as if were

afraid. Add to that the newspaper headlines this morning, and it wil

also look like Im ashamed of us. Neither of those things is true. Its not

going to get any bet er, darling, because if its not Matheson, there wil

be someone or something else that poses a threat.

“Unfortunately, youre right. Cam sighed. “Assuming we do this, there are

going to be a lot more press than usual.

Blair grimaced. “I


“Have you given any thought to what youre going to say about the


“Wel , if its al right with you, I was thinking that Id say that Im deeply

in love with you and plan to spend the rest of my life with you,

and since thats traditional y the situation when people get married,

thats my plan, too. Blair nuzzled Cams neck. “What are you going to


Cam grinned and kissed Blair. “If its al right with you, I just thought Id

say that Ive never met anyone who was bet er in bed, so it seemed like

marrying you was the smart thing to do.

“Real y? Blair skimmed her lips along the edge of

Cams jaw.

“Real y. Cam dragged Blair another inch forward, her hands cupping

Blairs butt.

“I think I like your reasoning, Blair


“And I think we need to finish this conversation in


Blair nibbled on Cams neck, then bit her. “See, its not so dif icult for us

to come to an agreement.

Chapter Sixteen



Y oure not ready for field duty, Paula said. Renée clipped her Sig Sauer

to the waistband of her flaring black silk pants, set ling the pistol at the

middle of her back. Then she pul ed a dark green, notched col ared

jacket on over her black

shel and closed it loosely with a wide belt. She checked first that the lie

of the jacket was smooth, concealing her holstered weapon, and then

that she could draw unencumbered by any snag in her clothing. Satisfied

that the short jacket covered her weapon but wasnt going to interfere

with it, she checked her makeup in the mirror over the dresser.

After slipping into black heels, high enough for a formal event but low

enough to run in, she walked over to sit next to Paula on the sofa in their

hotel room.

“Im Dianes escort. Its not exactly field


“Youre split ing hairs. Just because youre wearing a fancy outfit, Paula

said, smoothing her hand up and down Renées thigh, “doesnt

mean youre not providing protection.

“I know, sweetie. Renée caught Paulas hand and held it. “And I

promise if al the standing around starts to get to me, Il signal for help.

But I can handle this. Real y.

Paula sighed. “Im not doubting you. Im just a lit le




“Has it occurred to you that were al operating of the radar ever since

we left



“You mean because were not reporting to some desk jockey who doesnt

know what it is that we do half the time anyway?

Paula laughed. “Yeah, I think thats what I


“Sweetie, were on Cameron Robertss radar. Il take her being in charge

over some SAC or deputy director Ive never seen and whos never had

my back in a firefight. What about you?




Renée slipped her arm around Paulas waist and turned her lovers face

toward hers with one finger on her chin. “Im real y okay. You know

that, right?

“You stil looked tired, Paula said, adding quickly, “ but , I can tel youre

feeling better.

“Oh yeah? Renée kissed her lightly on the lips.

“How? Paula grinned. “Youre sleeping better.

Renée kissed her again, a lit le more firmly. “Is

that al ?

“Youre walking bet er. No


“Mmm-hmm, Renée said, trailing a line of kisses along the edge of

Paulas jaw.

“Honey, Paula said just a lit le breathlessly. “Wel mess your


“Oh, like I care, Renée


“You know I cant have sex before a big game. Paula eased away. “It

saps my strength and makes my brain sluggish.

Laughing, Savard skimmed her hand inside Paulas jacket and over her

breasts. “Are you afraid youl forget al the big plays and run toward

the wrong end zone?

Paula jumped up and backed away. “No fair touching when youre just

teasing. You know I get excited.

Renées eyes glit ered. “Do you


“Renée, Paula said, hearing her own voice rise with a combination of

excitement and nerves. “Im leaving now. Im going to Wozinskis room

for the briefing. She held out her arm, palm facing forward. “ Dont get


“I know the schedule. Youre not briefing for an hour,


“I want to review everything by myself,


Renée smiled. “Okay sweetie. I know youve got a lot on your mind. She

rose and kissed Paula on the cheek. “But when were back here tonight,

Im going to show you just how much Ive recovered.

“Il look forward to a demonstration. Be careful





* * * * *

Cam tapped on the hotel room door, feeling like an interloper. Stark,

in a smartly tailored navy blue suit and white shirt, answered.

“Do you mind if I sit in on your briefing,


“No, come on


When Stark stepped aside, Cam nodded her thanks and entered the

dimly lit suite. The drapes over the windows were closed and the

overhead lights turned of , leaving only the scat ered table lamps for il

umination. The ef ect was oddly intimate. Cam strode directly to one

of the empty chairs grouped around the cof ee table in the seating area,

nodding to Mac, Wozinski, and Hara as she sat down. Stark returned to

the chair in the center of the group.

“We were just reviewing the exit routes,


“Go ahead, Cam said. “Sorry to


“No problem, Stark said quickly and handed Cam a printout. “The

timetable, shift assignments, and agent placements are al outlined there.

Cam glanced at it briefly. It was thorough and complete, as she

anticipated it would be. It wasnt the things they planned for that

concerned her. It was the threat of the unanticipated that had her

pacing in the suite across the hal until Blair had strongly suggested that

she ask to sit in on the pre-departure briefing. So now Cam found

herself in the awkward position of being an observer.

She was on the verge of get ing up and leaving when Stark pushed the

papers aside and said, “Is there something in particular you

wanted to review, Commander?

Cam cleared her throat. “First of al , I just wanted everyone to be clear

that Im here because Blair threw me out, not because Stark needs any


Stark smiled and the other agents


“Wel , Cam continued. “Im definitely more use over here than across

the hal right now. She addressed Stark. “I dont suppose metal detectors

are feasible, considering that the reception is in the open mezzanine?

“We could insist that everyone use one escalator and one bank of

elevators, but I think wed get a major logjam as a result. That kind of

chaos sometimes makes it easier to overlook things.

“I tend to agree. Plus, Cam said with a sigh, “it rather defeats the

purpose of having Blair make a public appearance if we ramp up the

security measures to the point where its obvious were worried.

“Im not worried, Commander, Stark said steadily. “As far as Im

concerned, every time Egret makes a public appearance, we have to

assume she is a target. Thats the only way to do the job.

After a moment of complete silence, Cam said, “Youre absolutely right,

Chief. She glanced at the others. “Perimeter coverage?

“I get to sit this one out in the surveil ance van, Mac said, unrol ing a


and spreading it out facing Cam. He pointed to a red X with a circle

around it. “Here. The other vehicle wil be at the south entrance. He

pointed to a blue X. “Here. One of Tanners men wil drive that vehicle.

He then opened another schematic of the bal room. “Exitshere, here,

here, and here. Also covered by Tanners people.

“Are we using the local field agents? Cam


“No, Stark said. “I decided that Tanners team has just as much

experience, maybe more. And were already used to working with them.

“Good cal , Cam murmured. She was as certain as she could be that the

local Secret Service agents were not compromised, but they also werent

as likely to fit seamlessly into their current team as Tanners security

personnel were. Under the circumstances, she would have made the

same decision.

“Savard wil be with Diane, Cam said. “We have to assume Diane is a

potential target as wel . She glanced at Stark. “But Savard stil has

mobility issues. Shel be fine at close range, but youre going to need

mobile backup for her.

Stark never changed expression. “Already taken

care of.

“Did anything turn up in the doctors background? Cam asked, referring

to the keynote speaker. “Threats, angry protesters, anything that

might spil over tonight?

Stark nodded to Mac, who opened a file folder. “Emory Constantine.

Shes thirty-one years old, has been at the Johnson Institute for five

years, and received a sizable federal grant matched by the Institute two

years ago. Has a bunch of recent publications and is considered one of

the front runners in stem cel research in the world.

“Young for that, Cam


“Apparently she was one of the few to see the writing on the wal before

anyone else. She did a lot of the preliminary work while she was stil an

undergraduate. A case of good timing and, from what Ive been able to

find out, a lot of brains.



“Not much there. Lives in Beacon Hil in the family residence with her

mother, divorced, no children.



Hara spoke up. “There have been right-to-life protesters at the last

three seminars where Constantine has been a headliner. This guy,

she passed out photographs, “was arrested at the last one for physical y

threatening her as she left the podium. Alexander Frenkel. Theres a

restraining order on him now. If he shows up within five hundred feet of

her, he goes to jail.

“Everyone has his picture, Stark said. “Hes not registered at the hotel,

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