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3. Record, 23.1.1895, p. 4; M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 195; Ada Leverson, in The Sphinx and Her Circle, p. 109–115.

4. J. L. May, op. cit., p. 208; J. Brandon Thomas, op. cit., p. 166; AB to Mrs Brandon Thomas [n.d. 1895], Sotheby’s [London] Catalogue, 21–22.7.1975, item 522; Limner, no. 3, 1895, p. 13; cALS AB to Brandon Thomas [May 1895] (British Library, London).

5. MDG, p. 22; AB to [?], Christopher Millard catalogue (from Linda Zatlin); John Stokes, In the Nineties (Hemel Hampstead, 1989), ch. 1.

6. John Lane, op. cit.; Telegram, F. Chapman to J. Lane, 6.4.1895 (Princeton); J. Lane to F. Chapman 9.4.1895, quoted in J. Lewis May, John Lane and the Nineties, p. 83; Telegram, F. Chapman to J. Lane, 8.4.1895 (Princeton); Jean Moorcroft Wilson, / Was an English Poet (London, 1981), p. 125; Vincent O’Sullivan, Aspects of Wilde (London, 1936), p. 118; A.M. [Alice Meynell], ‘Exhibitions’, Pall Mall Gazette, 2.11.1904, p. 10; F. Chapman to J. Lane, 8.4.1895; Ella D’Arcy to J. Lane, 20.4.1895, in Karl Beckson, ‘Ella D’Arcy, Aubrey Beardsley and the Crisis at “The Yellow Book”: A New Letter’, Notes & Queries, September 1979, p. 331–333; Telegram, William Watson to J. Lane [2.15 pm] 8.4.1895, (Princeton); J. Lane to F. Chapman, 9.4.1895; F. Chapman to J. Lane, 8.4.1895; E. D’Arcy to J. Lane, 20.4.1895; Telegram, F. Chapman to J. Lane, 17.4.1895 (Princeton); J. Lane to F. Chapman, 9.4.1895; Telegram, F. Chapman to J. Lane, 16.4.1895 (Princeton).

7. MDG, p. 82; NEAC Spring Exhibition, 1895 Catalogue, ‘14th Exhibition of Modern Pictures’ – hanging day was 1.4.1895; MDG, p. 81.

8. E. D’Arcy to J. Lane, 20.4.1895; Telegram, F. Chapman to J. Lane, 17.4.1895 (Princeton); E. D’Arcy to J. Lane, 20.4.1895; Telegram, F. Chapman to J. Lane, 19.4.1895 (Princeton); H. Harland to E. Gosse, 5.5.1895, in Paul F. Matthieson and Michael Millgate (eds), Transatlantic Dialogue (Texas, 1965), p. 23; AB to F. Chapman [May 1895] from Paris, in J. Stephen Lawrence Catalogue No. 44; MDG, p. 83, n. 4; W. B. Yeats, Autobiographies, p. 323.

9. A. Michaelson, Blackfriars, October 1928, p. 609–610; Brocard Sewell, Footnote to the Nineties (London, 1968), p. 18ff.

10. A. Michaelson, Blackfriars, October 1928; Philip Healey, ‘Mentor and Telemaque: A Beardsley Friendship’, Journal of Eighteen Nineties Society, 1992; Evelyn Sharp, Unfinished Adventure (London, 1933), p. 57; W. B. Yeats, op. cit., p. 323; A. Vallance to R. Ross, 23.5.1895 in Margery Ross, op. cit., p. 38; A. Michaelson, Blackfriars, October 1928, p. 609; H. Harland to E. Gosse, 5.5.1895; mALS H. Harland to F. Chapman [2.5.1895] (British Library, London); J. Brandon Thomas, op. cit., p. 166; Julie Speedie, op. cit., p. 91; Baptismal Register of Brompton Oratory; F. Burnand to A. Leverson, 16.5.1895, in J. Speedie, op. cit., p. 95.

11. MDG, p. 84ff; A. Michaelson, Blackfriars, October 1928, p. 609; MDG, p. 84–86; David Nutt in Studio International, Special Centenary Number (1993). P. 117; A. Vallance to R. Ross, 23.5.1895 in M. Ross, op. cit., p. 38.

12. B. Sewell, op. cit., p. 43; A. Michaelson, ‘Oscar Wilde’, Blackfriars, November 1927, p. 697–700; MDG, p. 88; Mary Lago (ed.), Bume-Jones Talking (London, 1981), p. 42; MDG, p. 90.

13. mALS Arthur Machen to J. Lane, 28.9.1895 (British Library, London); Punch, 25.5.1895; A. Vallance to R. Ross, in Margery Ross, op. cit., p. 38; J. Lane, ‘The Yellow Book’; A. Vallance to R. Ross, in Margery Ross, op. cit., p. 38; Weintraub, Aubrey Beardsley – Imp of the Perverse, p. I42n; MDG, p. 93; Rothenstein, op. cit., p. 186; ibid., p. 245–246; MDG, p. 118; MDG, p. 92; H. MacFall, Aubrey Beardsley, p. 67–68 [MacFall served with the West India Regiment, receiving his commission in 1885]; A. Michaelson, Blackfriars, October 1928, p. 610.

14. For Leonard Smithers, cf. George F. Sims, ‘Leonard Smithers’, London Magazine, September 1956, p. 33–34, 40; Malcolm Pinhorn, ‘The Career and Ancestry of Leonard Smithers’, Blackmansbury, August 1964, p. 5; and Leonard Smithers and the 1890s, the catalogue of the Booth Collection of Books published by Leonard Smithers, Phillips, 13.6.1996; Leonard Smithers Rare Book Catalogue No. 3, September 1895, item 391; R. Hart-Davis (ed.), The Letters of Oscar Wilde, p. 630–631; ‘A European Critic’, Literary Review [NY], 5.3.1921, p. 5, in Weintraub, Aubrey Beardsley – Imp of the Perverse, p. 141; K. Beckson, Arthur Symons – A Life, p. 112ff; V. O’Sullivan, op. cit., p. 110–112.

15. Arthur Symons, Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1905), p. 13; MDG, p. 97; A. Symons to Mabel [Beardsley] Wright, 21.7.1912, in K. Beckson (ed.), Selected Letters of Arthur Symons (London, 1989), p. 225; A. Symons, op. cit., p. 13; Edgar Jepson, Memoirs of a Victorian (London, 1933), p. 279–285.

16. J. Pollitt, cf. Steven Hobbs, ‘Mr Pollitt’s Bookplate’, Book Collector, Winter 1987, p. 518–531; the photo, by Hollyer, was reproduced in the Sketch, 7.11.1894, p. 83; cf. also Sketch, 20.6.1894, p. 399; ALS AB to ‘Dear Sir’, 1.8. [1895] (Princeton); MDG, p. 102; AB’s German trip is uncertain, but cf. M. Benkovitz, op. cit., p. 141; MDG, p. 102; ‘Ballad of the Barber’ [MS] (Princeton); A. Symons, op. cit., p. 14; MDG, p. 97–98; Selected Letters of Arthur Symons, p. 111.

17. For Dieppe cf. Evelyn Sharpe, op. cit., p. 65; A. Symons, ‘Dieppe 1895’, Savoy, I, January 1896; John Rothenstein, The Life and Death of Conder (London, 1983), p. 104ff; and Jacques-Emile Blanche, Portraits of a Lifetime (London, 1937), p. 91ff; Rothenstein, op. cit., p. 106–113; J. – E. Blanche, op. cit., p. 94; J. – E. Blanche, ‘Preface’ to Sous la Colline, reprinted in Propos de peintre (Paris, 1919), p. 114; ALS J. – E. Blanche to Mrs Wright [Mabel Beardsley], 17.8.1912 (Princeton); J. – E. Blanche, ‘Preface’, p. 117; Portraits of a Lifetime, p. 95.

18. E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 77; M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 196; but see A. Symons, Aubrey Beardsley, p. 13; ALS Charles Conder to W. Rothenstein, 14.8.1895 (Harvard); C. Conder to W. Rothenstein, 5.9.1895 (Harvard); Vincent O’Sullivan, ‘Literature in France’ [MS] (Princeton), p. 10; A. Symons, op. cit., p. 14; Savoy, 1, January 1896, p. 5.

19. J. – E. Blanche, ‘Preface’, p. 114; A. Symons, op. cit., p. 15; The Story of Venus and Tannhauser [MS] p. 60 verso (Rosenbach Museum and Library, Philadelphia); MDG, p. 97–98. Brigid Brophy, Beardsley and His World, p. 99.

20. ALS C. Conder to W. Rothenstein, 14.8.1895; A. Symons, op. cit., p. 15; MDG, p. 127; J. – E. Blanche, ‘Preface’, p. 124; Herbert Small, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’, Book Buyer, February 1895, p. 26–29; J. – E. Blanche, ‘Preface’, p. 117; R. A. Walker, Some Unknown Drawings of Aubrey Beardsley, p. 25; J. – E. Blanche, ‘Preface’, p. 115; A. Symons, op. cit., p. 21.

21. MDG, p. 98–99 [dated ‘late August’, late September seems more probable]; W. B. Yeats, Memoirs, p. 92; W. B. Yeats, Autobiographies, p. 329–330 Under The Hill (London, 1904) p. 46.

22. ALS AB to Mrs Gosse, [8.10.95] (Cambridge University Library); AB to J. Lane, in Dulau Catalogue 163, p. 100; Elkin Mathews note, quoted in Boston Evening Transcript, 17.11.1920, p. 4; MDG, p. 104; R. A. Walker, op. cit., p. 22.

23. G. B. Shaw, quoted in Grant Richards, Author Hunting (London, 1936), p. 19; E. Jepson, op. cit., p. 286–287; Desmond Flower and Henry Maas, The Letters of Ernest Dowson (NJ, 1967), p. 331 [The story was not used]; Brian Reade, Beardsley (London, 1967), p. 354; Owen Seaman, ‘The New Quarterly Blue Book’, National Observer, 9.11.1895.

24. MDG, p. 107ff, 109; ALS Mrs William O’Brien [nee Raffalovich] to R. A. Walker, 24.11.1935 (Princeton); ALS E. Gosse to A. E. Gallatin, 19.6.1902 (Princeton); Athanaeum, 16.3.1895, p. 354; AB to L. Smithers, 16.12. [1895] Warrack & Perkins Catalogue 60, item 68; MDG, p. 109–111; cf. MDG, p. 174n; M. Beerbohm, ‘Be It Cosiness’, Pageant, 1895, p. 230–235.

Глава VIII. Сколько еще осталось?

1. For Savoy dinner, cf. M. Beerbohm, ‘First Meetings with W. B. Yeats’, Listener, 6.6.1955, p. 15–16; W. B. Yeats, Autobiographies, p. 328–329; and Memoirs, p. 91; Richard Ellam, Yeats, the Man and the Masks, p. 89–101; AB to [A. Leverson] [February 1896], Goodspeed Catalogue, No. 223, item 16; M. Beerbohm, Listener, 6.6.1955, p. 15–16; W. B. Yeats, Autobiographies, p. 328–329.

2. ‘Editorial Note’, Savoy, 2; Sunday Times, 26.1.1896, p. 6; Academy, 18.1.1896, p. 56; Athenaeum, 25.1.1896, p. 117; The Times, 30.1.1896, p. 8; Star, 20.1.1896, p. 1; MDG, p. 112; Sunday Times, 26.1.1896, p. 6; Sketch, quoted in Weintraub, Savoy, a Nineties Experiment (London, 1966), p. xxiv; Courrier Francais, 2.2.1896, p. 8–9; Athenaeum, 25.1.1896, p. 117; Academy, 18.1.1896, p. 56; Star, 20.1.1896, p. 1; World, 16.2.1896, p. 18; Sunday Times-Herald, May 1896, p. 33.

3. Quoted in Julie Speedie, op. cit., p. 99; Punch, 1.2.1896, p. 49; AB to [Ada Leverson] [February, 1896]; A. Symons, op. cit., p. 16; A. Symons to Mabel, [Beardsley] Wright, 21.7.1912, in K. Beckson and J. M. Munro (eds), Arthur Symons, Selected Letters, p. 224–225; MDG, p. 118; the title-page reads, ‘An heroicomic poem in five cantos. Embroidered with nine drawings by Aubrey Beardsley’; E. R. and J. Pennell, The Life of James McNeill Whistler, p. 310–311.

4. D. Flower and H. Maas, The Letters of Ernest Dowson, p. 350–351; Courrier Francais, 2.2.1896, p. 8–9; Letters of Ernest Dowson, p. 344; Vincent O’Sullivan, Aspects of Wilde, p. 127; Letters of Ernest Dowson, p. 347; Ratif de la Bretonne [Jean Lorrain] quoted in Jacques Letheve, ‘Aubrey Beardsley et la France’, Gazette de Beaux Arts, December 1966; MDG, p. 115–116, 119.

5. Prelim, page, Savoy, 2; MDG, p. 115; cALS A. Symons to John Gray [n.d.] (Blackfriars, Edinburgh); Letters of Ernest Dowson, p. 355; MDG, p. 119–123 passim.

6. MDG, p. 123; E. A. Beardsley to R. Ross, quoted in M. Easton, Aubrey and tlie Dying Lady, p. 95; V. O’Sullivan, Aspects of Wilde, p. 123, 115; W. Crane, Magazine of An, 1888, p. 15.

7. MDG, p. 126–129; Tlie Times [NY], 7.5.1896, p. 5; Times Herald [Chicago], 16.5.1896; J. Gray, ‘Andre Raffalovich’, Blackfriars, 1934, p. 405; Brocard Sewell, Footnote to the Nineties, p. 38, 112; A. Michaelson [A. Raffalovich], ‘Oscar Wilde’, Blackfriars, 1927, p. 697–701; E. A. Beardsley to R. Ross, quoted in M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 97; MDG, p. 130–131; E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 177–178.

8. MDG, p. 131; ALS E. Gosse to AB, 16.5.1896 (Princeton); MDG, p. 146 Manchester Guardian, 23.7.1896, p. 3; Saturday Review, 83, p. 426; The Times, 19.6.1896, p. 18; Manchester Guardian, 23.7.1896; Studio, VIII, 1896, p. 250; Metropolitan Magazine 4, [1896] p. 49–53; M. S. Lasner, op. cit., p. 65; ibid., p. 66; although the title-page date of the edition is 1897, it was first issued on 4.8.1896.

9. E. A. Beardsley to R. Ross, in M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 113; MDG, p. 136–137, 145, 133; AB to L. Smithers, 9.6.1896, Warrack & Perkins Catalogue 60, item 133; MDG, p. 133.

10. E. A. Beardsley to R. Ross, in M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 113; MDG, p. 137–141; Linda Zatlin, Aubrey Beardsley and Victorian Sexual Politics (Oxford, 1990), p. 141ff; MDG, p. 141–144; AB’s ‘Last Will and Testament’ (Somerset House, London); the other witness was Henry C. Keeble of the Spread Eagle Hotel; MDG, p. 143; W. B. Yeats, Autobiographies, p. 323; J. G. Nelson, ‘Leonard Smithers and the Chiswick Press’, Journal of the Eighteen Nineties Society, 1994.

11. MDG, p. 147–153 passim; Captain Sir Richard Burton and Leonard Smithers, Tlie Carmina of Catullus (Privately Printed, 1894), p. xvi; MDG, p. 152; Jean Lorrain, ‘Bathylle’, Le Chat noir, 1.7.1882; W. H. Mallock quoted in Cobham-Brewer, Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (London, 1896 ed.).

12. cTLS R. A. Walker to O. W. Lodge, 13.8.1935 (Princeton); MDG, p. 151; A. H. Lawrence, ‘Mr Aubrey Beardsley and His Work’, Idler, 1897, p. 189–202; MDG, p. 151, 153; M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 100; MDG, p. 152, 153, 169; W.L. [William Lawler], London Year Book, p. 49; MDG, p. 169.

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