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15. H. MacFall, op. cit., p. 27; ALS, AB to J. M. Dent, [October, 1892] (Private Collection); A. Vallance, in Morte Dartliur Portfolio, p. 12; A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 365; MDG, p. 34.

16. MDG, p. 38; MDG, p. 34; A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 263; D. S. MacColl, ‘The Beardsleys’; MDG, p. 34–38.

17. MDG, p. 38; R. Ross, op. cit., p. 20; A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 364–365; James G. Nelson, The Early Nineties, a View from the Bodlcy Head (Cambridge, Mass., 1971); A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 364–365; MDG, p. 47.

18. C.L. Hind, op. cit., p. xvi – xviii; For Alice Meynell, see Richard Le Gallienne, The Romantic Nineties (London, 1926), p. 74–7; Gertrude Atherton, Adventures of a Novelist (London, 1932), p. 286; William Rothenstein, Men and Memories (London, 1931), p. 282; K. L. Mix, A Study in Yellow (Kansas/London, i960), p. 137; C. L. Hind, op. cit., p. xvi – xix; Clive Ash win, ‘The Founding of The Studio’, Studio International – Centenary Number, 1993, p. 4; C. L. Hind, op. cit., p. xix; Iconography, items 28–iv, v.

19. C.L. Hind, op. cit., p. xix; Joseph Pennell, Pen Drawing and Pen Draughtsmen (London/NY, 1889), p. 1; J. Pennell, Aubrey Beardsley and Other Men of the Nineties (Privately printed, Philadelphia, 1924), p. 19–20; J. Pennell, The Adventures of an Illustrator (Boston, 1925), p. 216 (these provide very similar accounts); ALS, E.R. Pennell to Mr Kennedy, 3.3.1929 (Library of Congress, Washington, DC).

20. D.S. MacColl, Confessions of a Keeper (London, 1931), p. 89; D.S. MacColl, B. Misc., p. 22, 25. J. Pennell, Adventures of an Illustrator, p. 168; E. R. Pennell, Nights, p. 179; MDG, p. 38; ibid, p. 44; ibid, p. 38.

21. W. B. Yeats, Autobiographies, p. 332; Mabel Beardsley-Wright, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’ in Allgemeines Lexikon vol. Ill, p. m; R. Ross, op. cit., p. 39; ibid, p. 22.

22. A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 363–364; MDG, p. 35, 44.

Глава V. Свобода

1. C. Lewis Hind, ‘Introduction’ to UW, p. xix; Clive Ashwin, ‘Gleeson White – Aesthete and Editor’, Apollo, vol. CVIII (1978), p. 251–261; Gleeson White, ‘Aubrey Beardsley In Memoriam’, Studio, 1898, p. 260; A. W. King, ‘The Art of Aubrey Beardsley’, in R. A. Walker, An Aubrey Beardsley Lecture, p. 36; C. L. Hind, Naphtali (London, 1926), p. 74; Studio, 1, 1893, p. 36.

2. cf. Mark Samuels Lasner, A Selective Checklist of the Published Work of Aubrey Beardsley (Boston, 1995), p. 10–13; MDG, p. 43–45; W.L. [William Lawler], ‘Aubrey Beardsley’, The London Yearbook (London, 1898), p. 46; MDG, p. 44.

3. EW, p. 45; C. L. Hind, Naphtali, p. 74; Q.R. [C.L. Hind], ‘A Bookman’s Memories – Aubrey Beardsley’, Christian Science Monitor, 17.5.1921, p. 3; MDG, p. 44; Joseph Pennell, ‘A New Illustrator: Aubrey Beardsley’, Studio 1, 1893, p. 18; G. White, Studio, 1898, p. 256; Artist, April 1893, p. 115; Studio, 3, 1893.

4. James G. Nelson, The Early Nineties, A View from the Bodley Head (Cambridge, Mass., 1971); Pall Mall Budget, 2.3.1893, p. 239; J. Walter Smith, ‘A Chat with Beardsley’, Boston Evening Transcript, 16.2.1895, p. 16; C. L. Hind, ‘Introduction’ to UW, p. xx.

5. For best account of Degas debacle, cf. Alfred Thornton, The Diary of an Art Student of the Nineties (London, 1938), p. 22–32; quoted in ibid., p. 23, 33n; Walter Jerrold (ed.), Bon-Mots of Charles Lamb and Douglas Jerrold (London, 1893), p. 7.

6. Rupert Hart-Davis (ed.), The Letters of Oscar Wilde (London, 1962), p. 348; MDG, p. 46; A. Thornton, op. cit., p. 37; ‘Chronicles of Art’, Magazine of Art, May 1893, p. xxx; Artist, May 1893, p. 151; Spectator, 22.4.1893, p. 523–524.

7. M.S. Lasner, op. cit., p. 17; J. Pennell, Studio, 1, 1893, p. 14–19; Academy, 5.4.1893, p. 331; Artist, May 1893, p. 141 – the cover is described as ‘extremely handsome and decorative’; London Figaro, 20.4.1893, quoted in Stanley Weintraub, Aubrey Beardsley – Imp of the Perverse (Pennsylvania/ London, 1976), p. 81; Art Student [NY], 8–12.1893; Le Livre et L’Image, September 1893, p. 249; D.S. MacColl, ‘The Beardsleys’.

8. MDG, p. 47; Richard Ellman, Oscar Wilde; ‘Salome Contract’, in R. A. Walker, ‘Introduction’, Oscar Wilde, Salome (London, 1957), p. 14; Le Livre et Vintage, August 1893, p. 57; A. Vallance, in Morte Darthur Portfolio, p. 12; MDG, p. 48.

9. J. Pennell, Adventures of an Illustrator, p. 216; J. Pennell, Aubrey Beardsley and Some Other Men of the Nineties, p. 25–27; Elizabeth Robins Pennell, Nights (Philadelphia, 1916), p. 260; for Harland, cf. Katherine Lyon Mix, op. cit., p. 55–57; and G. Glastonbury [Aline Harland], ‘The Life and Writings of Henry Harland’, Redwood, vol. 10, no. 1 (1910), p. 2–10; E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 77; E. R. Pennell, op. cit., p. 260; Margaret Stetz and Mark Samuels Lasner, The Yellow Book – A Centenary Exhibition (Cambridge, Mass., 1994), p. 14–15.

10. E. R. Pennell, op. cit.; Pennell, Adventures of an Illustrator, Aubrey Beardsley and Some Other Men of the Nineties; Art Journal (1893), p. 216–220; Fortnightly Review, 1.6.1893, p. 774; MDG, p. 48–49; J. Pennell, Adventures of an Illustrator, p. 219; William Rothenstein, Men and Memories (London, 1931), p. 134–135, 187.

11. D.S. MacColl, B. Misc., p. 23; J. Pennell, Adventures of an Illustrator, p. 217, 220; J. Pennell, Aubrey Beardsley and Some Other Men, p. 28–30; E. R. Pennell, op. cit., p. 262–264; D.S. MacColl, ‘The Beardsleys’; E. R. Pennell, ‘The Two Salons’, Fortnightly Review, 1.6.1893, p. 782; D.S. MacColl, ‘The Beardsleys’.

12. ibid; E. R. Pennell, Nights, p. 262–264; J. Pennell, Aubrey Beardsley and Some Other Men, p. 32; J. Pennell, Adventures of an Illustrator, p. 217–220; E. R. and J. Pennell, Tlie Life of James McNeill Whistler (London, 1908), p. 311; J. Pennell, Adventures of an Illustrator, p. 220; Iconography, item 52; Leonard Smithers Catalogue No. 7 (1896), item 979: ‘These designs were executed at the commencement of [AB’s] career.’; J. Pennell, Adventures of an Illustrator, p. 220; A. Stodart-Walker, ‘Some Celebrities 1 Have Known’, Chambers Journal, 3.4.1909, p. 283.

13. Studio, 1894, p. 167; A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, p. 365; A. Vallance, Morte Darthur Portfolio, p. 12; MDG, p. 50; R. Ross, op. cit., p. 45; T. Wratislaw, ‘The Salome of Aubrey Beardsley’, Artist, 2.4.1894, p. 100–101; MDG, p. 51.

14. For AB’s decor cf. Herbert Small, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’, Book Buyer, February 1895, p. 26–29; J. W. Smith, Boston Evening Transcript, 16.2.1895, p. 16; Penrhyn Stanlaws, ‘Some Personal Recollections of Aubrey Beardsley’, Book Buyer, October 1898, p. 212–214; Netta Syrett, Sheltering Tree (London, 1939), p. 78–79; Leslie’s Weekly, 6.8.1894, p. 90; and information from Stephen Calloway; R. Ross, op. cit., p. 22, 44; J. – K. Huysmans (trans. Robert Baldick), Against Nature (London, 1959). P 30; N. Syrett, op. cit.

15. A. Thornton, op. cit., p. 38–40; D.S. MacColl, ‘The Beardsleys’; MDG, p. 49–51.

16. W. Rothenstein, op. cit., p. 135, 185; AB holograph (Harvard); Rothenstein, p. 185; David Cecil, Max (London, 1964); M. Beerbohm, A Variety of Tilings, p. 222; W. Jerrold (ed.), Bon-Mots of Samuel Foote and Tlicodore Hook (London, 1894), p. 15; Desmond Flower and Henry Maas (eds), The Letters of Ernest Dowson (London, 1967), p. 260; Rothenstein, op. cit. p. 134, 176; S. Calloway, Charles Ricketts (London, 1979).

17. Robert Emmons, The Life and Opinions of Richard Sicken (London, 1941), p. 96; Frank Harris, Oscar Wilde (London, 1997, edition), p. 75; Rothenstein, op. cit., p. 213; Julie Speedie, Wonderful Sphinx (London, 1993); R. Hart-Davis (ed.), Max Beerbohm letters to Reggie Turner (London, 1964), p. 67–8; Mary M. Lago and Karl Beckson, Max & Will (London, 1975), p. 17; Karl Beckson, Arthur Symons – A Life (Oxford, 1987), p. 92.

18. MDG, p. 51–52; Pastel [T. Wratislaw], ‘Some Drawings of Aubrey Beardsley’, Artist, 1.9.1893, p. 259–260.

19. Evelyn Sharp, Unfinished Adventure (London, 1933), p. 57–58; N. Syrett, op. cit., p. 79; M. Beerbohm, op. cit., p. 226; N. Syrett, op cit., p. 79; H. MacFall, op. cit., p. 1; M. Birnbaum, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’, Jacouleff and Other Artists (NY, 1946), p. 127; N. Syrett, op. cit., p. 71.

20. MDG, p. 53; ‘An illustration to the Gospel of To-Day’ by ‘Baudrey Weirdsley’, To-Day, 22.9.1894; ‘Frontispiece to Juvenile Poems’ by ‘Daubaway Weirdsley’ [Linley Sambourne], Punch, 2.2.1895, p. 58; Baby Beaumont in ‘Letters from a Debutante’, Punch, 20.10.1894, p. 180; B. Misc., p. 11; Westminster Gazette, quoted in P&P, April 1894, p. 66; Henry Harland, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’, Academy, 10.12.1898, p. 437.

21. Quoted in Margery Ross (ed.), op. cit., p. 27–28; A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 365; H. Macfall, op. cit., p. 41; R. Ross, op. cit., p. 21; A. Vallance, Morte Darthur Portfolio, p. 14, 12; A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 366; Mary Lago (ed.), Burne-Jones Talking (London, 1981), p. 174–175.

22. UW, p. 48; MDG, p. 65; Max Beerbohm letters to Reggie Turner, p. 53; Frances Winwar, Oscar Wilde and the Yellow Nineties (London, 1940), p. 214; F. Harris, op. cit., p. 75; Ada Leverson, ‘The Last First Night’ in Violet Wyndham, The Sphinx and her Circle (London, 1963), p. 107; G. B. Shaw, in Weintraub (ed.), Shaw: An Autobiography (NY, 1969), p. 252; quoted in Weintraub, Aubrey Beardsley – Imp of the Perverse, p. 62, 65; MDG, p. 52–54.

23. MDG, p. 38; Lord Alfred Douglas holograph notes for Autobiography (photocopy) (British Library, London); N. Syrett, op. cit., p. 95; MDG, p. 58; The Letters of Oscar Wilde, p. 384; Max Beerbohm letters to Reggie Turner, p. 84.

24. Rothenstein, op. cit., p. 134–135; Spectator, 23.12.1893, p. 913; Public Opinion, 1893, p. 659–660; MDG, p. 58; Spectator, 23.12.1893, p. 912.

25. MDG, p. 58; Public Opinion, 1893, p. 700; MDG, p. 51, 58; Catalogue of Loan Exhibition of Drawings by Aubrey Beardsley, National Gallery, Millbank 1923–1924, p. 5; MDG, p. 57 Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, November 1893, p. 858–867; W. B. Yeats, ‘The Autumn of the Flesh’ in R. Ellman, Yeats – Tlie Man and his Masks (London, 1979 edition) p. 214; J. – K. Huysmans, op. cit., p. 180; MDG, p. 60.

26. MDG, p. 230; D. S. MacColl, ‘The Beardsleys’, p. 3; M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 86–87.

Глава VI. Слава и богатство

1. Interview with Mabel Beardsley, Bon Accord, 2.2.1900, in M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 183–184; Henry Harland in Katherine Lyon Mix, A Study in Yellow (Kansas/London, i960) p. 68; G. Glastonbury [Aline Harland], Redwood (1910), p. 5; MDG, p. 61; John Lane, ‘The Yellow Book – Some Recollections’ [cTS], c.1922 (British Library, London); K. L. Mix, op. cit., p. 69; John Lane, ‘The Yellow Book’; MDG, p. 61.

2. J. Lewis May, John Lane and the Nineties (London, 1935), p. 72; R. Hart-Davis (ed.), Letters of Max Beerbohm (London, 1988), p. 76–77; M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 44; Margaret D. Stetz and Mark Samuels Lasner, The Yellow Book – A Centenary Exhibition (Cambridge, Mass., 1994), p. 24; Letters of Max Beerbohm, p. 176; Max Beerbohm letters to Reggie Turner, p. 88; D. S. MacColl, ‘The Beardsleys’, Laurence Housman, The Unexpected Years (London, 1936), p. 103, mALS Charles Shannon to John Lane, n. d. [March 1894] (British Library, London).

3. Joseph Pennell, Adventures of an Illustrator, p. 213; Critic, 7.4.1894, p. 240; Ernest Rhys, Everyman Remembers (London, 1931), p. 512; Publisher’s Note, Under the Hill (London, 1904), p. 21; ALS Haldane MacFall to H. A. Payne, 31.3.1898 (British Library, London); Arthur Waugh, One Man’s Road (London, 1931), p. 252; Critic, 21, 1894, p. 42–43; quoted in M. D. Stetz and M. S. Lasner, op. cit., p. 21; MDG, p. 62; Letters of Max Beerbohm, p. 94.

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