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19. Montague Summers, The Galanty Show (London, 1980), p. 56; mALS, E. A. Beardsley to J. Lane, 11.9.1924 (British Library, London); Quoted in M. Easton, op. cit., p. 154; M. Summers, op. cit., p. 56–57; UW, p. 106–127; AB collection at Brighton Museum and Art Gallery.

20. UW, p. 102–105; Scotson-Clark, op. cit.; UW, p. 50, 101; George Derry, An Aubrey Beardsley Scrap Book (London, 1920), p. 22; the original ‘Pied Piper’ pictures are at Harvard; Walter Puttick, ‘An Old Boy’s Appreciation of Aubrey Beardsley’, P&P, April 1898, p. 66; Scotson-Clark, op. cit.; ‘Programme and Words for… The Dome, on Wednesday, 19 December, 1888’, BGS Archive (Lewes); P&P, February 1889, p. 15–17; O. H. Leeney, P&P, June 1925; MDG, p. 23.

Глава III. Сомнения

1. UW, p. 110–113; R. A. Walker, ‘Notes on the Family of Aubrey Beardsley’, B. Misc., p. 102–103; ccTLS. R. A. Walker to Oliver Lodge, 22.7.1935 (Princeton); UW, p. 71; AB’s entries, Hazell’s Annual, 1895, Who’s Who, 1898; MDG, p. 15–16; John Davidson, ‘Thirty Bob A Week’ [poem]; MDG, p. 15–16.

2. AB’s copy of Shakespeare’s Poems (Princeton); MDG, p. 15; M. Benkovitz, Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1981), p. 32; C. B. Cochran, Poster and Art Collector, 8.9.1898, p. 104 (Cochran dates the drawing 1888, but early 1889 seems more likely); M. Easton, op. cit., p. 5; J. Harding, Cochran, p. 6; Scotson-Clark, op. cit.

3. M. Easton, ‘Aubrey Beardsley and Julian Sampson: An Unrecorded Friendship’, Apollo (1967), p. 66–68; M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 164ff.; Alan Godfrey, Pimlico, Shane Square and Nine Elms, 1894, Old Ordnance Survey Maps (Gateshead, n. d.); M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 164ff; Crockford’s Clerical Directory, 1889; M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 164ff.

4. King, A Beardsley Lecture, p. 31; MDG, p. 18; Memories of Edmund Symes-Tliompson MD, FRCP, A Follower of St Luke, by his wife (London, 1908); MDG, p. 18.

5. EW, p. 4–13; Max Beerbohm, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’, A Variety of Things (London, 1928), p. 223; MDG, p. 18; H. MacFall, Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1928), p. 10; AB’s album (Princeton); ‘The Story of a Confession Album’, Tit-Bits, 4.1.1890, p. 203.

6. MDG, p. 18; ibid., p. 23; AB’s album – flyleaf (Princeton); C. B. Cochran, Poster and Art Collector, 8.9.1898, p. 104.

7. C. B. Cochran, Showman Looks On (London, 1945), p. 164; Cochran quoted in Margery Ross (ed.), Robert Ross, Friend of Friends (London, 1952), p. 51; Court Minutes of the Guardian Fire & Life Assurance Office, 1888–1801 [MS], (Guildhall Library, London), p. 232; King, in An Aubrey Beardsley Lecture, p. 30; A. W. Tarn & C. E. Byles, A Record of the Guardian Assurance Company Ltd, 1821–1921 (Privately Printed, 1921), p. 69; G. C. Williamson, Aubrey Beardsley: A Few Memories’, Carmina (1931), p. 279.

8. R. A. Walker, Some Unknown Drawings of Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1923), p. i8n; A. W. Tarn & C. E. Byles, op. cit.; Scotson-Clark, op. cit.; MacFall, op. cit., p. 10; Anne Hammond (ed.), Frederick H. Evans-Selected Texts and a Bibliography (Oxford, 1992).

9. G. F. Scotson-Clark, ‘The Artist of the Yellow Book’, Bookman, vol. I, No. 3 (1895), p. 161; Scotson-Clark, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’; M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 164; Scotson-Clark, Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’; MDG, p. 23; R. A. Walker, Some Unknown Drawings of Aubrey Beardsley, p. 15; EW, p. 20.

10. EW, p. 16; Peter Ackroyd, Blake (London, 1996), p. 67; Iconography, item 20; P&P, December 1890, p. 203; the programme is reproduced in Brigid Brophy, Beardsley and His World (London, 1976), p. 38; Scotson-Clark, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’; Brighton and Sussex Telegraph, 8.II.1890, p. 5; P&P, December 1890, p. 203.

11. Alfred Gurney, ‘Preface’ to R. S. George Chapman, p. vi; Iconography, item 17; Court Minutes of the Guardian Fire and Life Assurance Office, 1888–1891, p. 268–272; census return, 1891, PRO.

12. R. Ross, Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1909), p. 17; ALS, A. H. Pargeter to R. A. Walker, 1.1.1936 (Princeton). D.S. MacColl, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’, B. Misc., p. 17–32; W. P. Frith, ‘Crazes in Art’, Magazine of Art, 1888, p. 190–191; D. S. MacColl, B. Misc., p. 17–32; Graham Hough, The Last Romantics (London, 1949), p. 1–32; E. Burne-Jones quoted in Christopher Wood, Olympian Dreamers (London, 1983); J. M. Whistler, ‘Ten O’clock Lecture’, reprinted in The Gentle Art of Making Enemies (London, 1890), p. 135–159; Walter Sickert. Preface to A Collection of Paintings by London Impressionists (London, 1889) [exhibition catalogue].

13. G. F. Scotson-Clark, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’; MDG, p. 19; Scotson-Clark, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’; MDG, p. 19–20; MacFall, op. cit., p. 11; M. Easton, Apollo, 1967, p. 66–68; Scotson-Clark, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’.

14. Lionel Lambourne, The Aesthetic Movement (London, 1996), p. 50–60; MDG, p. 19; ALS, AB to [G.F. Scotson-] Clark, 1891 (Library of Congress, Washington DC); R. Ross, op. cit., p. 45; ALS, AB to Scotson-Clark, 1891.

15. Katherine Lyon Mix, A Study in Yellow (Kansas/London, i960), p. 44; MDG, p. 1931), p. 73ff; Angela Thirkell, Three Houses (London, 1931), p. 15–28; MDG, p. 21–23; E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc.; MDG, p. 22–24.

16. G. F. Scotson-Clark, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’; MDG, p. 21–23. MDG, p. 23; AB to Scotson-Clark, July 1891 (printed in Linda Zatlin, ‘Beardsley and Biography’, biography, vol. 15, No. 2, p. 132–133; MDG, p. 24–25, 27.

17. MDG, p. 28–9 (the illustrated original is at Princeton); EW, p. 30–32; UW, p. 70; MDG, p. 25; AB to G. F. Scotson-Clark, in biography, vol. 15, no. 2; Scotson-Clark, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’; King, in An Aubrey Beardsley Lecture, p. 31; Alfred Gurney to AB, 23.8. [1891] (British Library, London); AB to G. F. Scotson-Clark, in biography, vol. 15, no. 2; MDG, p. 27.

18. G. F. Scotson-Clark, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’; Hopkins, The Bookman (1927), p. 307; H. MacFall, op. cit., p. 12.

19. Oscar Wilde, Intentions (London, 1891); Matthew Sturgis, Passionate Attitudes (London, 1995), p. 19–55; Richard Ellman, Oscar Wilde (London, 1987), p. 20iff.; Oscar Wilde, ‘The Decay of Lying’, in Intentions; AB to Scotson-Clark, in biography, vol. 15, no. 2; Vincent O’Sullivan, ‘Literature in France’ [MS], p. 6 (Princeton); G. F. Scotson-Clark, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’.

20. The Times, 1.4.1891, p. 4; Athenaeum, 4.4.1891, p. 451–452; L’Enfant prodigue closed 29.10.1891; C. B. Cochran, Poster and Art Collector, 8.9.1898, p. 104; A. G. Lehmann, ‘Pierrot and Fin de Siecle’ in lan Fletcher (ed.), Romantic Mythologies (London, 1967); MDG, p. 27.

21. R. Ross, op. cit., p. 17–18; AB to G. F. Scotson-Clark, in biography, vol. 15, no. 2; A. W. King, in An Aubrey Beardsley Lecture, p. 31; G. F. Scotson-Clark, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’; MDG, p. 29–30; G. F. Scotson-Clark, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’; For Fred Brown see DNB (1941–1950); D.S. MacColl, ‘Professor Fred Brown’, Magazine of Art, 1894, p. 403–409; Charles W. Furse, Illustrated Memoir (London, 1908), p. 52; J. M. Hone, Tlie Life of Henry Tanks (London, 1939), p. 53–54.

22. D.S. MacColl, ‘The Beardsleys’ [MS] (University of Glasgow); D.S. MacColl, ‘Professor Fred Brown’, p. 403; DNB; Isobel Watson, Westminster and Pimlico Past (London, 1993); D.S. MacColl, ‘The Beardsleys’; DNB; C. W. Furse, op. cit.;). M. Hone, op. cit.; C. W. Furse, op. cit.; D.S. MacColl, ‘Professor Fred Brown,’ p. 404; C. W. Furse, op. cit.; G. F. Scotson-Clark, ‘The Artist of the Yellow Book’, Bookman, 1895, p. 160.

23. G. F. Scotson-Clark, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’; D.S. MacColl, ‘The Beardsleys’; MDG, p. 29–30; G. F. Scotson-Clark, Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’.

24. MDG, p. 29–30; EW, p. 26, 29. ‘Mr Aubrey Beardsley’, Leslie’s Weekly, 6.8.1894, p. 90; William Lawler, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’, London Year Book (London, 1898), p. 49; MDG, p. 29–30; C. B. Cochran, Secrets of a Showman, p. 7.

25. The Last Will and Testament of Sarah Pitt, Somerset House, London; MDG, p. 32; King, in An Aubrey Beardsley Lecture, p. 32; Alfred Gurney to E. A. Beardsley, 14.11. [1891] (British Library, London); EW, p. 36–37; Atalanta, vol. V, no. 51, December 1891, p. 143ff.; A. W. King, ‘Our Illustrator’, The Bee, 2 November 1891, p. 21–22; MDG, p. 31–32.

Глава IV. Собственный стиль

1. Court Minutes of the Guardian Fire & Life Assurance Office Co., i8gi – i8g} [MS] (Guildhall Library, London), p. 28; MDG, p. 31–32; the article is almost certainly Walter Crane’s ‘The Language of Line – Part I: Outline’, Magazine of Art, 1888, p. 145–149; MDG, p. 32.

2. W. Crane, ‘Language of Line – Part I’; Magazine of Art, 1888, p. 325 ff; p. 415ff; W. Crane, ‘The Language of Line – Part II: Design’; EW, p. 25, 26.

3. MDG, p. 37; Aymer Vallance, ‘The Furnishing and Decoration of the House’ (six parts), Art Journal, 1892; Crockford’s Clerical Directory, 1886–1888; Catholic Who’s Who (London, 1910); A. Vallance, ‘The Invention of Aubrey Beardsley’, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 362–368; H. MacFall, Aubrey Beardsley, p. 16; A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898 p. 362–363.

4. R. Ross, Aubrey Beardsley, p. 15–17; MDG, p. 20; R. Ross, op. tit., p. 16; Iconography, items 32, 34; R. Ross, op. tit., p. 17; John Adlard, Stenbock, Yeats and the Nineties (London, 1969); Derek Hudson, Norman O’Neill, A Life of Music (London, 1945), p. 18, 21.

5. A.J.L. Busst, ‘The Image of the Androgyne in the Nineteenth Century’ in I. Fletcher (ed.), Romantic Mythologies (London, 1967); MDG, p. 282; ALS, Julian Sampson to R. A. Walker, 30.10.1935 (Princeton); Charles Baudelaire, ‘The Painter of Modern Life’, My Heart Laid Bare, and other prose writings [trans. Norman Cameron] (London, 1950), p. 21–73; Helen Thorp [nee Syrett] to Elspeth Grahame, 1933, quoted in Alison Prince, Kenneth Grahame (London, 1994), p. 109; M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 218; A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 363.

6. Fiona MacCarthy, William Morris (London, 1994); A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 363; Iconography, item 40.

7. Elizabeth Aslin, The Aesthetic Movement (London, 1981); Westminster Budget, 25.3.1898, p. 10; ‘The Sound of Architecture’, in Anne Hammond (ed.), Frederick H. Evans – Selected Texts and a Bibliography, p. 11–13.

8. MDG, p. 33–35, 37–38, 43–45; ‘Mr Aubrey Beardsley’, Leslie’s Weekly, 8.1894, p. 90; MDG, p. 33–35; R. Ross, op. cit., p. 44.

9. MDG, p. 37; B. Brophy, Beardsley and His World (London, 1976), p. 55; A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 367.

10. Court Minutes of the Guardian Fire and Life Assurance Office; MDG, p. 33; Art Journal, 1892, p. 243ff; 274ff; H. MacFall, op. cit., p. 20; D.S. MacColl, B. Misc., p. 22; MDG, p. 34, 37; Iconography, item 36; MDG, p. 34, 37.

11. MDG, p. 44; Catherine Slessor, The Art of Aubrey Beardsley (New Jersey, 1989), p. 23; UW, p. 10, 11 [misdated as 1894]; EW, p. 22, 24; MDG, p. 44.

12. James Thorpe, English Illustrators of the Nineties (London, 1935); MDG, p. 44; A. S. Hartrick, A Painter’s Pilgrimage (Cambridge, 1939), p. 96–97; Elizabeth Robins Pennell, Nights (London, 1916), p. 138–139; MDG, p. 34.

13. J. M. Dent, Memoirs (London, 1928), p. 68; this account is derived from: H. MacFall, op. cit., p. 25–26; J. M. Dent, op. cit., p. 68–69; and C. Lewis Hind, ‘Introduction’ to UW, p. XV–XVI; Brian Reade, Beardsley (London, 1967), p. 313; J. M. Dent, op. cit., p. 69; ALS, AB to J. M. Dent, 3.10.1892 (Private Collection).

14. R. Ross, op. cit., p. 23; MDG, p. 38; Court Minutes of the Guardian Fire & Life Assurance Office 1891–181) 5, p. 118; MDG, p. 38; H. MacFall, op. cit., p. 26, 28–29; AB’s copy of Anton Springer, Albrecht Duhrer (Berlin, 1892), inscribed ‘A. Beardsley, 1892’ (Princeton); cf. MD Book I, chapters vi, vii, xiv; A. Vallance, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’ in R. A. Walker (ed.), Morte Darthur Portfolio (London, 1927), p. 12; Walter Pater, ‘Pico della Mirandola’, in Studies in the History of the Renaissance (London, 1873).

15. H. MacFall, op. cit., p. 27; ALS, AB to J. M. Dent, [October, 1892] (Private Collection); A. Vallance, in Morte Dartliur Portfolio, p. 12; A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 365; MDG, p. 34.

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