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Читем онлайн Путь Дзэн - Уотс Алан






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1. Cheng-tao Ке (Shodoka) Song of the Realization of the Way.

Yung-chia Hsuan-chueh (Yoka Genkaku), 665–713. Taisho 2014. Перевод в [77,63].

2. Ching-te Ch'uan-leng Lu (Keitoku Den to Roku) Record of the Transmission of the Lamp. Tao-Yuan (Dogen),c. 1004. Taisho 2076. Nanjio 1524.

3. Daiho Shogen Kokushi Hogo Sermons of the National Teacher Daiho Shogen (i.e.Bankei). Bankei Senji, 1622–1693. Ред. Suzuki и Furata. Daiho Shuppansha, Tokyo, 1943.

4. Hsin-hsin Ming(Shinjinmei) Treatise on Faith in the Mind Seng-ts'an (Sosan), ум.606. Taisho 2010. Перевод Судзуки в [74] т.1 и 6. и Walley в [22].

5. Ku-tsun-hsu Yu-lu (Kosonshuku Goroku) Recorded Sayings of the ancient Worthies. Tse(Seki), династия Сунг. Fu-hsueh Shu-chu, Шанхай Dainihon Zokuzokyo, Kyoto 1905–1912.

6. Lin-chi Lu(Rinzai Roku) Record of Lin-chi. Lin-chi 1-hsuan (Rinzai Gigen). ум.867. Taisho 1 985.См.[5–1].

7. Liu-tsu T'an-ching (Rokushu Dangyo) Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch. Ta-ohien Hui-neng (Daikan Eno|., 638–713. Taisho 2008. Nanjio 1525. Перевод в [102], [61].

8. Pi-yen Lu (Hekigan Roku) Record of the Green Rock. Yuan-wu K'o-ch'in (Engo Kokugon), 1063-1 135. Taisho 2003.

9. Shen-hui No-chang I-chi (Jinne Osho Ishu) Collected Traditions of Shen-hui. Ho-tse Shen-hui (Kataku Jmne), 668–770. Tun-lmang MS, Pelliot 3047,3488. Ed. Hu Shih. Oriental Book Co., Shanghai, 1930. Перевод [38].

10. Shobo Genzo The eye treasure of the True Dharma. Dogen Zenji, 1200–1253. Ред. Kunihiko Hashida. Sankibo Busshorm, Tokyo, 1939. Также в Dogen Zenji Zenshuc. 2-472. Shinjusha, Tokyo, 1940. 1 1. Wu-men Kuan (Mumon Kan) The Barrier without Gate. Wu-men Hui-k'ai (Mumon Ekai),

11 84-1260. Taisho 2005. Перевод [66], [57], [28].

В. Работы на европейских языках

12. Anesaki, М., History of Japanese Religion (Kegan Paul, London, 1 930).

13. Benoit.H., The Supreme Doctrine (Pantheon,New York, and Routledge, London, 1955).

14. Blyth.R.H., Zen in English Literature and Oriental Classics (Hokuseido, Tokyo, 1948).

15. Blyth.R.H., Haiku, 4.vols. (Hokuseido, Tokyo, 1949-52).

16. Blyth.R.H., Buddhist Sermons on Christian Texts (Kokudosha, Tokyo, 1952).

17. Blyth.R.H., Tkkyu's Doka ', The Young East, vols.II.2 to III.9 (Tokyo,1952-4).

18. Chapin, H.B., 'The Ch'an Master Pu'tai1, Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol.LIII,P.47–52.

19. Chu Ch'an (Blofeld, J.) The Huang Po Doctrine of Universal Mind (Buddhist Society, London, 1947)

20. Chu Ch'an (Blofeld, J.) The Path to Sudden Attainment (Buddhist Society, London, 1940)

21. Ch'u Ta-kao. Tao Те Clung (Buddhist Society, London, 1937)

22. Conze, E., Buddhism: Its Essense and Development (Cassirer, Oxford, 1 953).

23. Conze, E., Buddhists Texts Through the Ages. Совместная редакция с I.B.Horner.D.Snellgrove и A.Walley. (Cassirer, Oxford, 1954).

24. Conze, E., Selected Sayings from the Perfection of Wisdom (Buddhist Society, London, 1955)

25. Coomaraswamy, A.K., 'Who is Satan and Where Is Hell' The review of religion, vol.XII, I,стр.76–87 (New York, 1 947).

26. Demieville, P.,(l) Honogirin, 4 fasc. Совместная редакция с S.Levi и J.Takakusgu (Maison Franco-Japonaise, Tokyo, 1928–1931).

27. Demieville, P.,(2) Le Concile de Lhasa, vol. I (impnmerie Nationale de France, Paris, 1952).

28. Dumoulin H., 1 'Das Wu-men-kuan Oder «Der Pass ohne Tor»' (monumenta Senca, vol.HI, 1943).

29. Dumoulin H., 2 'Bodhidharma und die Anfange des Ch'an Buddhismus (Monumenta Nipponica, vol.VII, 1951).

30. Dumoulin H., & Sasaki, R.F., The development of Chinese Zen after the Sixth Patriarch (First Zen Institute, New York, 1 953).

31. Duyvendak, J.J.L., Tao Те Ching (Murray, London, 19.54).

32. Eliot, Sir C, Japanese Buddhism (Arnold, London, 1935).

33. First Zen Institute of America (1) Cat's Yawn, 1940–1941. Опубликовано в одном томе (First Zen Institute, New York, 1947).

34. First Zen Institute of America (2) Zen Notes (First Zen Institute, New York, с января 1954).

35. Fung Yu-lan, (1) A History of Chinese Philosophy, 2 т. Tr. Derk Bodde (Princeton, 1953).

36. Fung Yu-lan, (2) The Spirit of Chinese Philosophy. Tr. E.R.Hughes (Kegan Paul, London, 1947).

37. Gatenby, E.V., The Cloud Men of Yamato (Murray, London, 1929).

38. Gernet, J., (1) 'Entretiens du Maitre de Dhyana Chen-houei du Ho-tso' (Publications de I'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Onent, vol. XXXI, 1949).

39. Gernet, J., (2) 'Biographie du Maitre Chen-houei du Ho-tso' (Journal Asiatique, 195 1).

40. Gernet, J., (3) 'Entretiens du Maitre Ling-yeou du Kouei-chan' (Bulletin de I'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme- Orient, vol. XLV, I. 195 1).

41. Giles, H.A., Chuang-tzu (Kelly & Walsh, Shangai, 1926).

42. Giles, L., Taoist Teachings. Переводы Ли-цзи (Murray, London, 1 925).

43. Grosse, E., Die Ostasiatishe Tuschmalerei (Cassirer, Berlin, 1923).

44. Harrison E.J., The Fighting Spirit of Japan (Unwin, London, 1913).

45. Herrigel, E., Zen in the Art of Archery (Pantheon, New York, 1953).

46. Humphreys.C Zen Buddhism (Heiemann, London, 1949).

47. Hu Shih (1) 'The Devolopment of Zen Buddhism in China' (Chinese Political and Social Review, vol. XV.4. 1932).

48. Hu Shih (2) 'Ch'an (Zen) Buddhism in China, Its History and Method' (Philosophy East and West, vol.HI.I. Honolulu, 1953).

49. Keith, Sir А.В., Buddhist Philosophy in India and Ceylon (Oxford, 1 923).

50. Liebenthal, W., 'The Book of Chao' (Monumenta Serica, Monog., XIII, Peking, 1 948).

51. Lin Yutang, The Wisdom of Lao-Tse (Modern Library, New York, 1 948)

52. Linssen, R., Essaise sur le Bouddhisme en general et sur le Zen en particulier. 2 vols. (Editions Etre Libre, Brussels,

53. Masunaga, R., 'The Standpoint of Dogen and His Treatise on Time' (Religion East and West, vol.I. University of Tokyo, 1 955).

54. Murti, T.R.V., The Central Philosophy of Buddhism (Allen & Unwin, London, 1955).

55. Needham, J… Science and Civilization in China. 2 т. (ещё 5 томов должны выйти) (Cambridge University Press, 1954 и 1956).

56. Nukariya, К.,The Religion of the Samurai (Luzac, London,1913).

57. Ogata, S., Guide to Zen Practice. Частичный перевод Mu-mon Kan (Bukkasha, Kyoto, 1934).

58. Ohasama, S. & Faust, A., Zen, der lebendige Buddhismus in Japan (Gotha, 1925).

59. Okakura, K., The Book of Tea (foulis, Edinburgh, 1919).

60. Pelliot, P., 'Notes sur quelques artistes des Six Dynasties et des T'ang' (T'oung Pao, vol.XXII. 1923).

61. Rouselle, E., 'Liu-tsu T'ang-ching' (Sinica, тт. V,VI и XI, 1 930, 1 931, 1936).

62. Sasaki, Т., Zen: With Special Reference to Soto Zen (Soto Sect Headquarters, Tokyo, 1955).

63. Sengai, India-ink Drawings (Oakland Museum, Oakland, 1956).

64. Senzaki, N., Zen Meditation (Bukkasha, Kyoto, 1936).

65. Senzaki, N.. & McCandless, R., Buddhism and Zen (Philosophical Library, New York, 1 953).

66. Senzaki, N., & Reps, P.,(l) The Gateless Gate. Перевод Mu-mon Kan (Murray, Los Angeles, 1934).

67. Senzaki, N., & Reps, P.,(2) 101 Zen Stories (McKay, Philadelphia, n.d.).

68. Siren, O., 'Zen Buddhism and Its Relation to Art1 (Theosophical Path, Point Loma, calif., October, 1934).

69. Sogen Asahina, Zen(Sakane, Tokyo, 1954).

70. Sorokin, P., (ред.) Forms and Techniques of Altruistic and Spiritual Gjowth (Beacon Press, Boston, 1954).

71. Soyen Shaku, Sermons of a Buddhist Abbot (Open Court, Chicago, 1906).

72. Scherbatsky, Th., The Conception of Busshist Nirvana (Leningrad, 1927).

73. Steinilber-Oberlin, E., & Matsuo, K., The Buddhists Sects of Japan (Allen & Unwin, London, 1 938).

74. Suzuki, D.T., (1) Essays in Zen Buddhism, 3 т. (Luzac, London, 1927, 1933, 1934. Bocnp.Rider, London, 1 949, 1950, 1951).

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