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her only personal contact, but undoubtedly there are records of her

somewhere in the Company system. However, the right word in the

right place can take care of that.

“What do you propose? Lucinda


“I propose that Valerie Lawrence died at sea in the same unfortunate

boating accident that kil ed her handler.

“I think youd bet er fil me in on the


Cam gave her a rundown of the events, and as she spoke, Blair shifted

closer and took Cams hand.

“You executed a CIA handler? Lucinda said


“Jesus, Luce, Blair


“I did, yes, Cam said


“And youre certain it was


“Yes, Cam said. “He was a traitor and he was about to kil Valerie

Lawrence, or cause her to be kil ed.

“What about this missile you described? Lucindas eyes narrowed as she

visibly assessed, ordered, and prioritized information. “Can we

trace it back to Matheson somehow?

“Doubtful. The boats and whatever might remain of the SSM are in

several hundred feet of heavily traf icked waters. Salvage would

draw unwanted at ention. I dont think its worth the risk.

“Al right. Lucinda tapped her fingers soundlessly on the arm of the

chair, an action that nevertheless had the impact of a gavel fal ing. “The

of icial line is that Agent Lawrence died at sea during a meeting with

her handler. And now what?

“Wel arrange for her to have a new identity, Cam said, “and shel join

my team as the counterintel igence chief.

“I know we told you to pick your own people, Lucinda said,


“You did. Cam leaned forward, tucking Blairs hand against her

middle. “If youve changed your mind, then I resign.

“Not many people try playing hardbal with me, Deputy Director


“I can appreciate why. But Im not playing. I didnt ask for this job, and

if Im going to do it, Im going to do it the way I see fit.

“Youl continue to report to me and, through me, to the security

adviser. Cam nodded. “Agreed.

“How do you assess the danger to


“Currently, I dont see her as a target. Matheson needed to eliminate his

contact in the Company because he knew we would be searching for

it. Who knows how much Henry knew about Matheson and his

operation? Matheson risked exposure and possible capture to deal with

Henry, but it was a calculated risk and for the time being, its paid of for

him. Now, I think hel go underground and consolidate his power base.

“Makes sense. What about the long term? Lucinda


Cam grimaced. “Eventual y, once Matheson has rebuilt his forces, I

think she hesitated and glanced at Blair. “I think hel make another

at empt on Blair.

“To what end? Lucinda


“Blair is as much a figurehead as her father, and striking at her would

not only privately undermine the president, but also publicly

demonstrate that he is incapable of protecting the American people,

even his own daughter.

“Interesting theory, Lucinda said, rising and beginning to pace. “That


Blair as important to national

security as

“Blairs sit ing here, Blair said, giving a lit le wave with her

free hand.




Lucinda laughed and regarded Blair with her hands on her hips. “You

wanted to stay, Blair. I never said we werent going to talk about you.

“Including me usual y works bet er. Blair shifted her focus from

Lucinda to

Cam. “Just how long have you been working on this


“Since the at ack at the Aerie. There had to be some compel ing reason

to risk something like thatfor Matheson to send his best men on a suicide

mission. Why you? Why not the president?

“Because, Blair said slowly, “if my father were kil ed, he would

become a martyr. The people would demand an explanation, if not

retribution. Congress would rush to al ocate money and personnel to

find out what happened. But if he remains in of ice while his ability

to lead is cal ed into question and his authority is eroded, just the

opposite happens. The political and economic ramifications would be


“Yes. Cam brushed her thumb over the top of Blairs hand, which she

cradled between both of hers. “Al this means is that you have to be

careful and wel al have to be vigilant. Thats nothing new.

Blair smiled and skimmed her fingers over the edge of Cams jaw. “Thank

you. I





“How close are you to get ing Matheson? Lucinda asked


“Not close enough. Cam frowned. “We wont find him through any

direct channels. Hes not going to return to his home base, or cal upon

men he served with, or contact remaining family members. Hes going

underground. And the only way to find someone who has done that is

to uncover a link to potential associates.

“And that is the slowest route, Lucinda said with a sigh. “Just ask the

FBI. How many people have been on their Ten Most Wanted list for a

decade or more?

“Exactly. Were compiling extensive profiles of known or possible

contacts, but we need to expand our investigation to include

paramilitary organizations. We might just stumble over him or someone

who can lead us to him.

“Youl need more people for


“Wel need information analysts and data col ectors based here in DC, but

none of them wil require critical security clearance. I want to

keep the core investigation with my personal team working out of

New York City.

Lucinda sat back down. “Who dont you trust


“The bet er question is, who do I trust. Cam shrugged. “I trust you, but

there are too many eyes and ears in this building and al over this city.

Cam laughed bit erly. “Hel , the CIA put people inside an escort

service. You can bet they have them in the White House.

“Its unorthodox to work that far outside the


“Matheson came after Blair, Cam said flatly. “Il do whatever I have to

do with or without anyones approval.

Lucinda glanced at Blair. “It boggles my mind that you havent kil

ed her.

“It was touch and go for a while when we first met. Blair smiled

softly and entwined her fingers with Cams. “Once you get to know

her, of course, you discovershes just as dangerous as she sounds.

“And what about the wedding, Lucinda said dryly. “Considering recent

events, have you two decided to take the prudent course and delay?

Cam eased back against the sofa and said


“Were get ing married Thanksgiving weekend in Colorado, Blair said.

“You can try to keep it a secret if you want to, but its going to leak and

we al know it, so you might as wel go ahead and announce the details.

Lucinda shook her head. “Youre


“Weve been sure for a long time, Blair





“Were going back to Whitley Point, Cam said, “to finalize details for

purchasing the house. Wed also like to arrange for renovation of the


“I thought wed decided that the security breach was too severe to risk

Blair returning.

“We need a place to live in Manhat an if Cams base of operations is

there, Blair said. “And thats my home.

“Blair and I talked about it on the flight down here, Cam said. “The

breach wasnt because of an inherent problem with building security,

but because Matheson had an inside person providing him with

details and access. Instead of reinventing the wheel somewhere else, wel

correct for weaknesses there.

“Il discuss it with the president. Lucinda held up her hand when Blair

started to protest. “You can save the damn declaration of independence,

Blair. There are some things he wants to know about, and your security

is one of them. Thats the way it is.

“Okay, Blair said quietly. “But Il talk to him about it,


“I suppose it i s a father-daughter thing. Lucinda smiled fleetingly. “So,

where are we then?

“Wel , Cam said, “we know our enemy, which is the critical element

necessary to win any war. We have the best people anywhere in the

world working for us. And we have every reason in the world to

prevail, so eventual y, we wil . She smiled at Blair. “As to the

immediate future, Blair and I have a wedding to prepare for.

Blair pul ed Cam to her feet and slid an arm around her waist. “Final y, a

plan I

cant find anything to argue with.

Lucinda laughed. “Wil wonders never cease.

“No, Blair said, kissing Cam tenderly, “not in this lifetime.

About the Author

Radcly f fe is a retired surgeon and full time author-

publisher with over twenty-fi ve lesbian novels and anthologies in

print. She is the recipient of the 2003 and 2004 Alice B.

Readers award for her body of work and has been short-

listed for the Lambda Literary Awards and Golden Crown

Literary Society Awards multiple times, winning the 2005

Lambda Literary Awards with Erotic Interludes 2: Stolen

Moments ed. with Stacia Seaman and Distant Shores, Silent

Thunder and the 2006 Gold Crown Awards with Justice Served .

She has selections in numerous anthologies including Call of the

Dark , The Perfect Valentine, Wild Nights , Best Lesbian

Erotica 2006 and 2007 , After Midnight, Caught Looking:

Erotic Tales of Voyeurs and Exhibitionists

, First-

Timers, Ultimate Undies: Erotic Stories About Lingerie and

Underwear , A is for Amour , and Naughty Spanking Stories 2 .

She is also the president of Bold Strokes Books, a

publishing company featuring lesbian-themed general and genre fi


Her forthcoming works include Winds of Fortune (Oct 2007),

and In Deep Waters: Volume 1 , an erotica col ection written

with Karin Kal maker (2007).

Books Available From Bold Strokes Books

Red Light by JD Glass. Tori forges her path as an EMT in the New

York City

911 system while discovering what mat ers most to herself and the

woman she

loves. (978-1-933110-81-


Honor Under Siege by Radclyf e. Secret Service agent Cameron

Roberts struggles to protect her lover while searching for a traitor

who just may be another woman with a claim on her heart. (978-1-


Dark Valentine by Jennifer Fulton. Danger and desire fuel a high

stakes cat- and-mouse game when an at orney and an endangered

witness team up to thwart a kil er. (978-1-933110-79-0)

Sequestered Hearts by Erin Dut on. A popular artist suddenly goes

into seclusion; a reluctant reporter wants to know why; and a heart

locked away yearns to be set free. (978-1-933110-78-3)

Erotic Interludes 5: Road Games eds. Radclyf e and Stacia

Seaman. Adventure, “sport, and sex on the roadhot stories of travel

adventures and games of seduction. (978-1-933110-77-6)

The Spanish Pearl by Catherine Friend. On a trip to Spain, Kate

Vincent is accidental y transported back in time. .an epic saga spiced

with humor, lust, and danger. (978-1-933110-76-9)

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