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road and our people would have stopped you, checked your ID, and cal

ed me.

“Assuming they were al your people, and


“You dont trust us? Paula flicked her gaze to Cam, who said


“I trust you and the other people in this room. And Mac, and

Hara, and Wozinski. I dont trust people I dont know. Valeries face

was hard to read. “Besides, I might have been fol owed.

“How do you know you werent? Paula couldnt keep the anger from her

voice. “You know youre a target, and you could have led whoever

might be fol owing you right here. And showed them a back door in.

“Number one, Valerie said, “anyone who might want me dead already

knows where you are. I was extracted from here a few weeks ago,


Paula said nothing, but the muscles along her jaw


“Number two, no one fol owed me last


“How do you know that? Paula


“Because Ive been on the island since late last week. No one has

been fol owing me.

“The marina, Cam said, annoyed with herself for not having

anticipating that.

Felicia laughed. Stark merely stared. Savard made a point of not looking

at her lover.




“You came in by


“I rented a slip at the marina for my cabin cruiser a

while ago.

Cam glanced out the window, realizing how far ahead Valerie had

planned her moves. On some level, she must have been uneasy with her

assignment from the beginning. “You set up an alternate identity when

you were here working with us last month. So when we did a sweep for

any newly registered guests last week, you didnt turn up. You were

already there.

“I worried when the Company sent me in to infiltrate your team that it

wasnt going to turn out wel . Its always prudent to establish a new

identity when you cant be certain that any of your old ones wil be safe.

Valerie spoke directly to Cam. “And I knew if you wanted to get Blair

to someplace inaccessible, youd come back here.

“Your handler doesnt know about any of



Stark made an exasperated sound. “So last night you just circled around

the tip of the island on foot and walked down the beach.

“Yes. Not exactly the route Id use for a surprise at ack, but it got me

where I




“So we can assume, Cam said, “that Matheson and your handler suspect

were here. They know the general area since they were able to

extract you

undetected, but we hadnt established a perimeter that far from the houses

at the time.

“Tanner has had reconnaissance boats on the water twenty-four hours

a day since weve been here. Stark looked pointedly at Valerie. “Other

than normal marina traf ic, every vessel is monitored to ensure they

arent at empting a beach landing.

Valerie felt a mixture of gratitude, guilt, and relief at the

disclosure. Stark trusted her or she would not be discussing

their security measures. Valerie could tell her col eague was still

angry with her for ignoring procedure the night before, but at

least she was talking as if they were still on the same side.

“Im sorry I put your team in an awkward position, Chief, she

said. “To tell you the truth, I just wanted to get here.

“Wel , we didnt shoot you, which is the main thing. It would

have caused all kinds of hassles trying to come up with a cover

story for that.

Cam gave Stark a nod, part affirmation, part prompt.

Stark rose. “If you dont need me any longer, Commander, Ill

go back to the marina and look at everyone who has a slip or

rents a room there.

“I think were done, Chief. You intend to advise Tanner of

the situation? Cam struggled not to issue orders to secure the


“Immediately, and Ill inform Egret and Ms. Bleeker that

the marina is off-limits for the time being until weve secured it.

“Thank you.

Stark nodded to the group and left.

“What name have you been using here? Felicia asked Valerie.

“Ingrid Klein.

“You realize youve just burned that identity if you want

to disappear again, Savard pointed out.

“I seem to be limiting my options, dont I? Valerie met Cams

eyes. Savard smiled. “Looks like youll just have to stay.

“Well then, put me to work.

Felicia turned a laptop in her direction. An array of photos

filled the screen. “Start looking.

* * * * *

Six hours later Valerie pushed away from the table in disgust.

“If hes in here, she said, gesturing toward the computer, “I

dont recognize him.

“When you met, did you ever get the feeling that he

was disguised? Felicia asked.

Valerie shook her head. “No. He always looked like a

nondescript guy in an off the rack business suit.

“Which Im sure is exactly how he wanted to


Valerie rubbed the bridge of her nose. “Maybe we should

try military archives.

“And start where? What branch, what years?

“Matheson served. Lets look at everyone he might have met

from boot camp until the day he was mustered out.

Felicia nodded. “Im working on it, but accessing those kinds

of military files I have to use a little finesse.

“Cant Cameron use her Homeland Security go-anywhere-free pass

to access those records?

“She could, Savard said from across the room where she

worked at her own computer station. “But it would alert any

number of individuals, and thats exactly what we dont want.

Valerie nodded. “I guess until we find out how deep this goes,

its safer to trust no one. She looked from one to the other. “So,

when will I have more photographs to look at?

“Later today,



“All right. Until then, if you give me a secure line, Ill try

contacting some of my previous sources. I might be able to pick

up a hint of whats happening out there.

“We should be able to arrange Savard tensed and swiveled

toward the front door at the sound of it opening. She relaxed

when Cam walked in.

“Stark says theres no one suspicious at the

marina. “Excel ent, Savard said.

“Where are we?

“I didnt get anywhere with the photographs. Im sorry, Valerie


“It was a long shot with no reference point. Are you at a

place where you can take a break? Cam asked.

Valerie stood. “Yes, of course. Whatever you need.

“I thought wed try to work up a sketch of your

handler. “We dont have a sketch artist here, do we?

“No. Cam smiled. “Weve got something even better.

* * * * *

Blair closed the French doors to the living room and carried

her supplies to the sofa. She pushed back the sleeves of her

long- sleeved T-shirt, kicked off her ankle high boots, and sat

cross- legged on the sofa with her sketch pad propped on her

knees. “Have you ever done anything like this before?

“No. Valerie settled into an adjacent chair and crossing her

legs. After waking with Diane and working with the team all

morning, she felt almost normal again. “Have you?

“No. It should be a

chal enge.

Valerie smiled thinly. “Wel , what else is


Blair glanced up. “I guess its new ground for all of


“I thought I had learned to expect the unexpected a long time

ago, Valerie said, draping her hands over the ends of the arm

rests. “Apparently, I was wrong.

“Because of 9/11? Blair asked, sketching Valeries profile. It

wasnt why they were there, but she couldnt help but be

captivated by the classic lines of her face.

“That, and being asked to usurp information from an

ongoing investigation and, Valerie said as Blair drew rapidly,

“fal ing in love with Diane.

Blairs hand stil ed. “Is that what happened?



“You approve? Valerie inquired with a hint of


Blair turned over a fresh page in her sketch pad. “I could say its not for

me to approve or disapprove, but Diane is one of my two oldest

friends and I love her. She didnt ask for my opinion, by the way.



“I think youre a terrible choice for her. Youre involved in dangerous

work that requires you to lie to everyone, probably even yourself, about

what you do and what you feel. Anyone with sense would find that

scary. Blair met her eyes. “Speaking as her friend, Id rather she got

involved with someone who wasnt so likely to break her heart.

“Im going to try very hard

not to.

“I believe you, and like I said, thats good. Because youre the one she

wants, and in the end, thats the only thing that mat ers. Blair picked up

her pencil. “So, just of the top of your head, who does this guy remind

you of when you see him?

“Bob Hoskins, only thinner.

“Roundish face, broad eastern European features Blair sketched quickly

and asked without looking up, “Hair?

“Dark brown, thinning, no obvious balding spots. Subtle widows peak.

“Good eye. Thats great.

“Thanks, Valerie said. “For this and for looking after Diane.

“Youre welcome. Blair continued to draw. “And by the way, Im

glad you showed up.

“Pale blue eyes, five oclock shadow. Valerie sighed. “I shouldve

thought to wear one of those lit le lapel cameras to one of our meets.

Blair stopped drawing and stared. “You actual y use those things?

“No, but Ive always wanted to.

Blair shook her head. “Like I said.

Scary. Chapter Twenty-

Three Wednesday

Y es, thats correct. 777-3214. Il pay by credit card. Valerie turned at

the sound of footsteps behind her. Cam stood in the doorway watching

her intently. “Im sorry. Here it is. Holding Cams gaze, she recited her

account number. “And youl be sure that goes in tonight. I understand.

Thats fine. Thank you.

Valerie closed her phone. “Did you need me?

“Phone drop? Cam asked neutral


“Yes. I change the contact number weekly and reprogram

my cel .

Cam crossed the guest house kitchen to the window that looked out onto

the wraparound deck. It was late afternoon and the sky was a solid

blanket of hazy gray clouds. “Storm coming. I think its cold enough to


“Arent you going to ask me if Im planning on disappearing again?

Valerie joined Cam and their shoulders touched lightly. She might have

imagined the heat that penetrated Cams shirt and her own blouse, but

she knew the sensation was real.

“No. Thats not what I was thinking. I know youre not

ducking out.



“I do have a few questions,


Valerie smiled. “What do you want to


“It sounds like youre anxious to get a new number to your


“He wont use one more than once, and I ignored his last message a

week ago.

“Any particular reason you want an open line to Henry

right now?

Valerie shrugged impatiently. “Cameron, in the last two days Ive

looked at hundreds, probably thousands of photographs. Felicia has

worked on a regression image of the sketch Blair did. Its a good

approximation of him when he was younger, and weve run that,

plus an age-appropriate computer- generated image, through every

database that exists, including Interpol. We cant find him, not this way.

“Eventual y wel sort out Mathesons other contacts, wel find Matheson,

and hel lead us to Henry or someone else wil . Cam turned her back to

the window. She

was inches from Valerie. “This is the tiresome part of

investigative work.

“Believe me, I understand that some things take time. I spent five years

creating my cover in DC before Id even met you.

“Jesus. Cam was blindsided by a wave of anger and tenderness when

she imagined Valerie being used as currency in the high-stakes game of

international espionage. For an instant, the barriers of professionalism

and personal restraint wavered, and she almost touched her.

Valerie shook her head, recognizing the change in Cams expression.

“Its al right, Cameron. Truly.

Cams charcoal eyes darkened to obsidian. “It isnt, but its


“Not quite. Valerie backed away. There was too much heat between

them, there always had been. “It wont be done until I know that I can

trust Henry or I can be sure the link is broken for good.

“Youre planning to meet


Valerie smiled rueful y. “Youre very good at this. The Company lost

out when they didnt recruit you.



“Im not surprised. What stopped


Cam shrugged. “I was a lit le older than you by the time they approached

me, and I already had serious trust issues. Seeing my father kil ed

when he was supposedly being guarded made me wary of giving too

much control to anyone. And I guess it made me want to do a bet er job

than had been done for him.

“God, Valerie sighed. “I wish Id had a lit le less trust when Henry first

showed up in my life.

“How do you intend to determine if Henry can be

trusted? “Hel either try to kil me, or he wont,

Valerie said simply. “And if he does try?

“Then Il know that my entire life has been more of a lie than I ever

realized. Cam stepped closer, but kept her hands at her sides. “Not

al of it.

“No, Valerie whispered, her gaze gently caressing Cams face. “Not

al of it.




“Im not asking you or your team to put yourselves at risk because

of my miscalculation.

“Bul shit, Cam said dismissively. “Number one, youre part of the team.

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