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but cared for by you.

“Valerie, Cam murmured.


“Let me finish, because weve got work to do, Valerie said gently.

“Ive been happier these last few weeks, despite everything, than Ive

ever been in my life. Diane means everything to me, and if it werent for

having met you and realizing that I could love someone, I dont think I

would have been able to love her the way I do. Take care of her for me,

if anything happens to me tonight.

“Al right, Cam said roughly. “Il make you that promise because I dont

want you thinking about anything tonight except the operation.

Do your job, and Il do mine, and youl be back here before


“Thank you, Cameron. Valerie leaned close and kissed Cam lightly

on the mouth. “Happy hunting, Commander. Then she turned and

walked out the front door.

Cam listened to the engine start and the vehicle pul away before heading

back to the operations center. The ache in her chest eased as soon as she

walked in and saw Mac and Stark sit ing before computer consoles.

Felicia stood just behind Mac, her hand on his shoulder. These were her

people, the best at what they did of anyone in the world. She trusted

them to keep Blair safe. To keep Valerie safe.

“Hows the feed? Cam


Without turning around, Mac said, “Excel ent. Our friends in the

Pentagon have great toys.

Cam leaned down to look at the satel ite image of the sector of ocean


Valerie would rendezvous with Henry. It was so clear, she could feel the

spray. “Amazing. Why didnt we have this before we hit Mathesons

compound? We might not have dropped into a hot zone.

“Because it wasnt their action. Mac looked over his shoulder at

Cam and grinned. “And, you werent a deputy director of Homeland

Security. If you had been, who knows what kind of cool equipment they

would have pul ed out for you.

“Hopeful y Henry doesnt have the same toys. Cam glanced at Stark.

“Exit strategy in place?

“Yes. Weve got choppers standing by at


“Do they know


Stark shook her head. “No, only that its priority


Starks phone rang and she pul ed it of her belt. “Stark. Send him in. She

closed the connection. “Tanners man is here.

A moment later, Wozinski entered with a thin, sandy haired young man

dressed in black BDUs.

“This is Jef Donaldson, Wozinski

said. Cam held out her hand.

“Donaldson. “Maam.

“Tanner tel s me youre a good


“Sniper duty in Somalia,


“Good. Cam watched his eyes as she spoke. They were clear and calm


steady. “Comfortable with infrared


“Yes maam. If its hot, I can

hit it.

“Thats what were counting on. Cam thought of the injection shed just


Valerie. “And were hoping that one hot target is al youl


Chapter Twenty-Six

T heyre leaving. Blair rose from the living room sofa where she

had been waiting with Diane.

“If you dont mind, Il stay here, Diane replied, her voice


“Il be right


Blair caught up to Cam just as the team reached the front door. She

smiled briefly at Savard and Felicia, then turned to her lover. She ran

the edges of Cams windbreaker through her fingers as she leaned close

and kissed her softly, far more quickly than she wanted. “See you soon.

“Il cal you, Cam murmured. “I love


Blair stepped away and in the next instant, Cam and the others were

gone. When she turned, she saw Diane halfway down the hal , standing

in the doorway of the living room. She forced a smile and went to join


“What now? Diane


“Its going to be quite a while before we hear anything, Blair said.

“Im too restless to sit, and if youl be al right, Id like to check in with

Mac and Paula. Il feel bet er if I know whats going on.

“I dont know what I want to do. Diane made an angry sound. “But I dont


to tel you, sit ing around and waiting is not my style. Can I come

with you?

Blair hesitated, remembering the horror of seeing Cam on the video

monitor after shed been shotlying on the ground, bleeding and literal y

watching her die. She doubted that they would have that kind of

communication link tonight, but even if they couldnt see or hear exactly

what was happening, she stil wasnt certain that let ing Diane listen to

Paula and Mac monitoring the events was such a great idea. If

something went wrong, Diane would never be able to forget it. Blair

didnt want that kind of nightmare for her.

“I may be new at this, Diane said as if reading her mind, “and Im hoping

this is the last time I have to wait while shes out doing something like

this, but if shes wil ing to go out there and do it, I can at least be a part

of it here. Then Il feel like shes not alone.

“Okay, Blair said, shaking her head rueful y. “I dont know why I

even questioned it. You wouldnt have fal en in love with her if you

couldnt handle who she is.




Blair knocked on the closed door to the dining room before opening it

a few inches and sticking her head in. “Can Diane and I come in?

Paula swiveled in her chair, her expression distracted but her tone

polite. “Of course. Were not going to be able to explain much once

things get going, but youre welcome to stay.

“Thanks, Blair said. “You dont need to worry about us,

Chief. Blair and Diane moved up behind Mac and


“Can you tel us what were looking at? Blair


“This is a satel ite relay of ten square miles surrounding the meet point,


said, turning back to the computer monitor, which showed a smat ering

of smal blips on a grid surrounding a dark circle in the center. “The

majority of the vessels in the area are fishing boats, commercial

ships, and the occasional recreational vehicle. She pointed to a

glowing dot in the middle of the circle. “Thats Valerie.

“How do you know that? Diane


“We have GPS transponders in al of the vessels, including

Valeries, the command ship with Renée and the commander and

Felicia, and Tanners surveil ance boats. Paula skimmed her finger in a

semi circle along the border of the screen. “These are Tanners people


“When wil we be able to see Cam? Blair


“Theyre just leaving the marina now. Mac adjusted the wireless receiver

in his ear and spoke using a throat mic, keeping both hands on the

keyboard of his computer. “Commander? How do you read?

A few seconds passed, then Mac spoke again. “Loud and clear,

Commander. Paula said without looking at him, “Can you put that on

audio, please, Mac.

“Yes maam. Mac keyed a series of commands into his computer

and then spoke again. “Ready for camera scan.

“Sending imagenow, Felicias voice announced from the


Yel ow, red, and blue images vaguely resembling human forms

flickered on

Macs screen and then


“How do you read? Felicia


“Four hots. Mac opened a smal window within the larger screen

and a fluctuating bar-graph appeared. “Temperature variation less than

two degrees.

Give me a coordinates check.

Savard rat led of a list of


“What are they doing? Blair asked, not real y expecting an


“Checking the variance on the infrared thermal detector camera, Paula

said. “The lower levels of thermal radiance are due primarily to two

thingseither larger body mass and high body fat, which blunts the

reading, or a true depression in body temperature.

“Youre the warm one, Renée, Mac

said. Savard laughed. “Thats what

they tel me.

“Mac, can you correct for body mass using the limited readings we

have? Felicia asked. “Valerie is thin and her core temperature is

going to skew the thermal readings. Can you factor for that?

“Working on it, Mac said, input ing figures as he


“Youre in visual range, Commander. Paula straightened and her voice

took on an edge. “We have an approach vessel closing on ground zero,


Blair sensed Diane trembling beside her and slid an arm around her

waist. She kept her voice low so as not to disturb Mac and Paula.

“Just remember that were only get ing part of the picture here, so dont

worry, no mat er what seems to be happening.

“I know. Il remember. Its justshe feels so far away, Diane

whispered. “She isnt. And Cam and Renée and the others are

right there. “Savard, hold us here, Cams voice said.

The words were so clear that Blair almost looked over

her shoulder to see if Cam had miraculously returned. Even

miles away over radio, the sound of Cams voice eased the

tension that had been slowly clenching her muscles and

squeezing around her heart until she felt as if she were a

piano wire tightened to the point of snapping. She forced herself

to take a breath and let it out slowly.

The red numerals in the lower left-hand corner of Paula

Starks monitor read 2258.

* * * * *

Cam opened the priority one channel to Valerie.

“Lawrence? “Im here, Commander, Valerie said.

“Approach vessel on its way.

“Roger that.

“If youre forced to board his ship and we lose our audio link

to you, I want you to bail at the first sign of trouble. Are we


“Clear, Commander, Valerie replied.

“Confirming scan now, Cam said. “Switching to open channel.

“Roger that. Greetings, team, Valerie said. “Glad to see you.

“Were right behind you, Valerie, Savard said.

“Do we have her? Cam asked Felicia, bending down beside

Felicias computer array against one wall of the ships cabin.


them, Savard eased the engine down to idle and the ship rocked

in the swells.

“Ive got her, Felicia said. “Im just adjusting the feed

to Donaldsons video goggles. She opened up the com link in her

head set. “Donaldson? Target on screen?

“Sweet and hot, maam, he radioed from his position outside on

the bow.

“Not too hot, I hope, Cam murmured. “Where does she fall on

the thermal range?

“Five percent below mean.

Cam frowned. “Thats not much to distinguish her from Henry.

“Shes cold, I can guarantee you that, Savard said. “Much


and her reaction time will be so slow she wont be able to



“Here he comes. Valeries voice filled the cabin. “Switching

to transdermal mic.

Savard linked to Mac. “Anyone else out here with us?

“Lots of someones, Mac radioed, “but no one in critical

range. “Okay, let me know if anyone moves within the strike

radius. “Roger.

A minute of silence passed until broken by Valeries voice,

muted by the shielded microphone.

" Toss me your tie line, Valerie said, "and come aboard. "Here

you go. Catch, a deep male voice responded. "Drop your ladder.

Savard glanced at Cam in surprise. Cam shook her head,

thinking it wasnt necessarily a good sign that Henry was so

wil ing to board Valeries boat. It meant they had an open channel

to Valerie if they needed one, but if Henrys plan was to

eliminate Valerie, he wouldnt want to do it on his own vessel.

Hed want to do it on hers.

Are you armed? Henry










Dont tell me you came without


Do you see anyone? Valerie


Henry laughed. “Only about two dozen boats out


I told you I dont trust them. No one knows Im out here. Search the

boat if you want.

Not necessary. I agreed to this meet under these less than

optimal circumstances, Henry said, “so youll believe me when I tell

you that you need to come in. Youre in danger.

From whom?

From Roberts. The White House sent her after



They need a scapegoat. How long do you think theyll be able to keep


attack on the presidents daughter quiet? Add to that they botched

the assault on Mathesons compound and let him escape.




The country needs accountability, especial y after 9/11. Someone needs

to pay for that, Henry said. “Washburn and the security adviser and

a fair number of other people have decided it will be you, for starters.

Its out of our hands.

And if I come


Well help you get lost for a year or two. Theres work to be

done elsewhere.

“Convincing, isnt he, Felicia mut ered. “Bastard. “Whats the

temperature register look like? Cam asked. “Theres a three degree dif

erence between them. Felicia keyed Donaldson. “Can you distinguish

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