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Mac turned to Paula who was staring at the speakers as if

she were trying to see through them to Felicia and the others.

“Felicia, this is Stark. We have debris from two


survivors identified.

“Thermal scans? Felicia asked sharply.

“Nothing, Mac said, “but if Valeries in the water, shes

probably too cold already.

“We have two in the water. Do you read?

Two. “Who? Paula inquired urgently.

Blair didnt need to hear the answer. She already knew.

* * * * *

Cam didnt have the energy to fight. The cold in her bones

had dissipated, and so had the pain. Her body was strangely

heavy, yet weightless at the same time. She couldnt see, but the

sharp smoky sting in the air was gone. She wasnt in the

air. She was underwater.

She was underwater, and Valerie was with her. Valerie

wasnt moving. What had Blair said to her? Shed made her

promise something. Cam was so tired and it was so hard to think.

Promise me. Promise me you wont sacrifice yourself for


Thats right. She had promised Blair. Promised her not to die



A surge of adrenaline shot through Cam, electrifying her.

Shed promised not to die for Valerie, but she hadnt promised to

let her die. What had she said? No one was going to die. She

tightened her grip on Valerie and kicked. The surface seemed very

far away.

And then she felt itValerie was kicking too. Neither one of

them was going to give up without a fight.

* * * * *

“Macs got a thermal body pattern in the water, Felicia announced,

hurrying from the cabin to join Savard on deck.

Renée strained to see through the smoke, arcing the floodlights

back and forth. “Over theretwo in the water, twenty yards off

to the right. Help me lower the life raft.

“Im coming with you. Donaldson can handle the


Renée nodded and between the two of them they unlashed the life

raft from its deck moorings, disengaged the lock on the pul ey,

and swung the small boat out over the water. Felicia hit the

switch for the motor and as the inflatable raft lowered

automatical y, she grabbed two PFDs from a nearby locker. She

tossed one to Renée and pul ed hers on.

“There are two more clipped inside the raft for them.

Felicia swung her leg up and over the railing. “Lets get them the

hell out of the water.

“Great idea, Renée shouted and fol owed her over the side

and down the ladder.

Felicia started the motor and propel ed the boat toward the area

of the last sighting. “Do you have them?

“No! Renée leaned as far over the front of the raft as she

dared, gripping the handholds. “Head further to your right.

There wait.

Yes! There!

“Be careful, Felicia shouted as Renée braced her legs against

the side of the raft, released the handholds, and leaned over the

side. Felicia set the motor to idle and clambered forward, joining

Renée. Together, they grabbed for Cam, whose head and

shoulders were just visible above the water next to the raft.

Even in the flickering red light from the scattered fires still

burning amongst the debris, her face looked deathly pale.

“Commander, Renée shouted as she reached down with

both arms. “Can you grab on to me?

“No, Cam gasped. She pushed Valerie forward. “Take her first.

Felicia and Renée grasped Valeries inert body under the arms


pulled her into the raft. She wasnt moving and appeared

unresponsive. When Renée looked back into the water she

saw Cam go under. She dove in, grabbed Cam around the

waist and pul ed her back to the surface. Shaking water from

her eyes, she saw Felicia leaning down and pushed Cam into her

arms. Then she fumbled for the rope around the edge of the

raft and final y managed to hold onto it. Together she and

Felicia pushed and pul ed Cam into the raft. Final y, Felicia

grabbed Renées arm and Renée managed to lever herself up

and onto the floor of the life raft.

“Commander, Renée gasped. Cam lay curled up against

the opposite side of the raft. Valerie was stretched out between


“The commanders conscious, but I dont think Valeries

breathing, Felicia shouted, hurrying back to rev the engine. “We

need to get them to the boat.

Renée scarcely noticed as the smal , crowded raft tossed and

spun from crest to trough and back up again. Kneeling beside

Valerie, she opened her blouse and pressed an ear to Valeries

breast. She heard a distant heartbeat but she couldnt detect any

movement of her chest. Cupping Valeries chin, she tilted her head

back, covered her nose with her opposite hand, and sealed her

mouth to Valeries. As she blew into her lungs, all she could think

was that Valerie was cold. Cold as ice. Cold as death.

“Come on, Valerie. Come on. Renée blew another

breath. “Breathe. Goddamn it. Breathe. She felt the barest

flicker as Valeries chest rose beneath her hand and she hurriedly

pressed her cheek to Valeries breast again. This time the

heartbeat was slow and even fainter than before. Far slower

than it should be. Frantical y, she yel ed over her shoulder,

“Shes breathing, but Im not sure for how long. Hurry up or were

going to lose her!

* * * * *

“This is Staff Sergeant Donaldson reporting, Donaldsons

voice announced through the speakers.

Paula straightened up abruptly. “Where is everyone


“The agents are engaged with resuscitation efforts, maam. I

have the conn, and we are returning to base.

“Status? Paula snapped.

“Two casualties.

“Put that launch right up on the beach below our location. Do

you copy?

“Loud and clear.

Paula signaled to Mac as she spoke and he nodded, murmuring

instructions into his radio. “DonaldsonETA?

“Ten minutes.

“How badly are they hurt? Blair said, standing so close to

Stark she could hear her rapid breathing. “Are they burned?

Behind her, she heard Diane groan softly.

“Whats their condition? Paula asked.

“Major hypothermia. Thats all I can tell you, maam.

“Roger that. Bring them home, Donaldson.

“Yes maam. Ill be pleased to do


As Paula instructed Mac to call the marina for

additional resuscitation equipment, Blair grabbed Dianes arm and

dragged her toward the door. “Come on. We need to get fires

going in the bedrooms and fill the bathtubs. Were going to

have to get them warmed up.

“Shouldnt we call for an ambulance or something? Diane

asked, hurrying along beside Blair.

“No time, Blair said, taking the stairs to the second floor on

the run. “The most critical thing for an exposure victim is to get

them warm as quickly as possible. Blair stopped outside

Dianes bedroom. “Are you okay?

Diane stared at her as if she were insane. “This is a nightmare


I keep praying Ill wake up. But until I do, Ill do anything I have

to. Im not going to let her die.

“Dont worry, Blair said grimly. “No one is dying


Chapter Twenty-Eight

I t was too dark for Blair to see exactly what was happening on the

beach, even with the floodlights on the boat spotlighting the people

swarming al over it. When she had at empted to run down in search of

Cam, Paula had informed her that both she and Diane were confined to

the house until further notice. Blair would have argued, but that only

would have delayed Paula in organizing the teams to get Cam and

Valerie up to the house. She was acutely aware that Paula was doing

everything possible to take care of the injured, even though she had to be

crazy with worry over Renée.

Despite understanding the reasons behind the protocols, Blair couldnt

control what she felt, which verged very close on panic. She just

wanted to see Cam, and waiting was agony. She alternated between

stalking out to the rear deck and pacing in the kitchen. Diane waited at

the window, watching the activity on shore in pale silence.

“Here they come, final y, Blair said when she was able to make out a

clutch of figures transporting a stil form on a stretcher toward the

house. Only a single stretcher. Her chest tightened. What did that

mean? Where was the second casualty? Where was Cam ?

“Im sure theyl take them right upstairs, Blair said, concentrating on

what she could do rather than let ing the terror swal ow her. “Lets go up

so we can help.

Within minutes, Felicia and Wozinski half-carried Cam into the

bedroom. She was wrapped in an emergency thermal blanket and,

other than her shoes, appeared to be naked. Her face was gray and her

skin looked rubbery from the

cold, but Blair was nevertheless enormously relieved to see that

she was conscious and making some ef ort to walk. Blair pushed back

the covers on the bed. “Over here.

“Il get the IV set up, Wozinski said, as Felicia and Blair helped Cam

into bed.

“No, Cam rasped. “You and Felicia give Savard a hand with


“Stark had supplies brought over from the emergency aid center at the

marina, Blair said, replacing Cams damp blanket with several layers

of dry ones. “I heated four liters of saline in the microwave. Greg, I can

help you get Cams line started while Felicia assists in the other room.

“Yes maam, Greg


Cam shook her head weakly. “I can


“No, you cant, Blair said firmly. “Go ahead,

Greg. Felicia said, “Il be next door with


When Greg left to get supplies, Blair sat on the edge of the bed next to

Cam. She cupped her cheek, shuddering inwardly at the icy touch. “Are

you injured anywhere?

“Bumps and bruises. Cams teeth chat ered. “Fire feels good. Maybe I

can sit closer.

“As soon as you get some warm fluids into you. Blair stroked her face.

“You know that rapid external rewarming can cause problems. Blair

had skied in enough remote areas to know the protocol for exposure

and hypothermia. So did al of her security staf , and every shift

contained at least one agent who was an EMT like Savard and Wozinski.

Many hypothermia victims died during the initial resuscitation at empts

because warming the outside of the body without raising the internal

temperature led to cardiac col apse. “Wel get you warmed

up as fast as we can, but were not taking any


“Right now Id take my chances, Cam said, shivering violently. “Christ,

Im cold.

“Il get some more


“No, Cam said, grasping Blairs hand. “It wont help. Juststay


“I can do bet er than that. Blair kicked of her shoes, shed her jeans,

and got under the covers. She cradled Cams head against her shoulder

and wrapped her arms and legs around her. “Im not going anywhere.

Cam had drifted of by the time Wozinski returned. He silently and ef

iciently started an IV in Cams right arm and hung a liter of warm saline.

“That wil run for about ten minutes. Il be back to hang the second liter


“Thanks, Greg. Blair said, stroking Cams hair. “For

everything. “Its an honor, maam.

Alone, Blair closed her eyes, even though she wasnt tired.

She wasnt planning on sleeping. All she wanted was to listen to

Cam breathe.

* * * * *

“Glad youre here Greg, Renée Savard said, applying EKG pads

to Valeries chest. “Start another IV in her left arm, would you.

We need to get another bag of the hot stuff into her. Her temps

ninety- two.

“Got it.

“Tell me what I can do, Diane urged, pressing close to the side


the bed near Valeries head, trying not to interfere but

wanting desperately to do something. Valerie looked so white,

so stillso lifeless. “Please.

“Here. Felicia tossed Diane a thermal towel from the emergency

kit brought over from the marina. “Dry her hair and when

that towel gets cool, Ill get you another hot one.

Valerie moaned, her body twitching reflexively when

Diane touched her. Diane blocked out the sound and

concentrated on doing anything she could to get her warm and

dry. “Is she going to be all right?

“Yes. Renée placed an oxygen mask over Valeries face.

“Here, hold this on. Its real y important. The warm air will heat

the blood in her lungs and help raise her core temperature.

“Ive got it, Diane said, taking the mask from Savard.

When Valerie moaned again and jerked her head away,

threatening to dislodge the mask, Diane leaned down and

whispered in her ear. “Valerie, darling, its Diane. Youre all right.

Youre safe. Let us help you.

Valeries eyelids, so bloodless that the blue of her irises

shone through the skin, flickered and opened. Wordlessly, she

stared into Dianes eyes.

Diane smiled and caressed her forehead above the re-

breathing mask. “Youre going to be all right. I love you.

Valerie nodded almost imperceptibly and closed her eyes

again. Diane shivered, not from cold, but from the pain of

losing that brief connection. “Tell me what to do. Tell me how

to help her,

she said desperately.

Renée slid an arm around Dianes shoulders and hugged her briefly.

“Youre here, and she knows it. Thats exactly what she needs.

* * * * *

“Do we know yet what happened out there? Renée said,

slumping into a chair in the command center. Mac and Paula

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