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Caldwell С. The Walls That Work Too Well // Financial Times. London. 2006. November 18.


WolfM. A Divided World of Economic Success And Political Turmoil // Financial Times. London. 2007. January 31; Ex-Treasury Chief Summers Warns on Market Risks // Reuters. 2007. March 20.


Aboulafia R. Guns-to-Caviar Index. Teal Group, 2007.


Dollars, Not Sense; Weiner Т. Lockheed and the Future of Warfare; Swibel M. Defensive Play // Forbes. 2006. June 5.


Индекс Доу-Джонса по акциям компаний в сфере капитального строительства остановился на уровне 143,34 доллара по итогам торгов 10 сентября 2001 г., а 4 июня 2007 г. это показатель вырос до 507,43 доллара. DJ-2357, «Historical Quotes», money.cnn.com; Glanz J. Iraq Reconstruction Running Low on Funds // International Herald Tribune. Paris. 2005. October 31; Nakashima E. A Wave of Memories // Washington Post. 2005. December 26; Simmons A.M., Fausset R., Braun St. Katrina Aid Far from Flowing // Los Angeles Times. 2006. August 27; Cooper H. Aid Conference Raises $7.6 Billion for Lebanese Government // New York Times. 2007. January 26.


McCarthy Sh. Exxoris «Outlandish» Earnings Spark Furor // Globe and Mail. Toronto. 2007. February 2.


Curiel J. The Conspiracy to Rewrite 9/11 // San Francisco Chronicle. 2006. September 3; Wooten J. Public Figures' Rants Widen Racial Chasm // Atlanta Journal-Constitution. 2006. January 22.


2006 Disasters in Numbers // EM-DAT, The OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database, www.em-dat.net; Bergen P., Cruickshank P. The Iraq Effect: War Has Increased Terrorism Sevenfold Worldwide // Mother Jones. 2007. March-April.


McCarthy Sh. Exxon's «Outlandish» Earnings Spark Furor; Hartung W., Ciarrocca M. The Military-Industrial-Think Tank Complex // Multinational Monitor. 2003. January-February; O'Harrow R. Jr. LexisNexis to Buy Seisint for $775 Million // Washington Post. 2004. July 15; Monahan R.> Beaumont E.H. Big Time Security.


Recap of Saturday. 2005. July 9 // Fox News: The Cost of Freedom, www.foxnews.com.


Gillerman D. The Economic Opportunities of Peace. Press statement. Chambers of Commerce. 1993. September 6; цит. no: Ben-Porat G. A New Middle East?: Globalization, Peace and the «Double Movement // International Relations 19. 2005. № 1. P. 50.


Davidi E. Globalization and Economy in the Middle East — A Peace of Markets or a Peace of Flags? // Palestine-Israel Journal 7. 2000. № 1-2. P. 33.


Ben-Ami Sh. A Place for All. Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 1998, p. ИЗ; цит. no: Davi-di E. Globalization and Economy in the Middle East, p. 38.


The Russians // Settlements in Focus 1.2005. № 16. December 23, www.peacenow.org.


Nadler G. Exodus or Renaissance? // Washington Times. 1992. January 19; Ford P. Welcome and Woes Await Soviet Jews in Israel // Christian Science Monitor. 1991. July 25; Talesnick L. «Unrest Will Spur Russian Jews to Israel», Official Says // Associated Press. 1993. October 5. Israel's Alienated Russian Voters Cry Betrayal // Agence France-Presse. 2006. May 8.


Myre G. Israel Economy Hums Despite Annual Tumult // International Herald Tribune. Paris, December 31. 2006; Israel Reopens Gaza Strip // United Press International. March 22.1992.


Hirschberg P. Barak Settlement Policy Remains Virtually the Same as Netanyahu's // Jerusalem Report. December 4. 2000.


Americans for Peace Now. The Russians.


Simons D. Cold Calculation Of Terror // Forbes. 2002. May 28; Klein Z. January-May Trade Deficit Shoots up 16% to $3.59 Billion // Globes. Tel Aviv. 2001. June 12; Sandler N. As If the Intifada Weren't Enough // Business Week. 2001. June 18.


Термин «ракетное топливо» упоминается Шломом Майталем, профессором Израильского технического института менеджмента. Schwartz N.D. Prosperity without Peace // Fortune. 2005. June 13; Ben-Ami Sh. Scars of War, Wounds of Peace: The Israeli-Arab Tragedy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. P. 230.


United Nations Special Coordinator in the Occupied Territories // Quarterly Report on Economic and Social Conditions in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. 1997. April 1; Ben-Ami Sh. Scars of War, Wounds of Peace, p. 231; Roy S. Why Peace Failed: An Oslo Autopsy // Current History 101. 2002. № 651. January 2002. P. 13.


McGreal С. Deadly Thirst // Guardian. London. 2004. January 13.


Norman Finkelstein & Former Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami Debate // Democracy Now! 2006. February 14, www.democracynow.org.


По данным израильской деловой газеты Globes, с 2001 по 2003 год в Израиле наблюдалось «падение производства в целом на 8,5 процента на душу населения», что является крайне высоким показателем такого рода. Klein Z. 2002 Worst Year for Israeli Economy Since 1953 // Globes. Tel Aviv. 2002. December 31; Sandler N. As If the Intifada Weren't Enough.


Heller A., Bagnall J. After the Intifada: Why Israel's Tech Titans Are Challenging Canadian Entrepreneurs as a Global Force // Ottawa Citizen. 2005. April 28; Schwartz N.D. Prosperity without Peace.


Karlin S. Get Smart // Forbes. 2005. December 12.


Dagoni R. O'seas Cos, Gov'ts to Inspect Israeli Anti-Terror Methods // Globes. Tel Aviv. 2006. January 22; Winograd B. US. Airport Directors Study Tough Israeli Security Measures Ahead of Summer Travel // Associated Press. 2007. May 8; International Homeland Security Conference, 2006 // State of Israel, Ministry of Public Security. 2006. March 19, www.mops.gov.il.


Heller A., Bagnall J. After the Intifada; Katz Y. Defense Officials Aim High at Paris Show // Jerusalem Post. 2007. June 10; Manor H. Israel in Fourth Place among Defense Exporters // Globes. Tel Aviv. 2007. June 10; Rodan S., Rosenfeld J. Discount Dealers // Jerusalem Post. 1994. September 2; Dorsch G. The Incredible Israeli Shekel, as Israel's Economy Continues to Boom // The Market Oracle. 2007. May 8, www.marketoracle.co.uk.


Schwartz N.D. Prosperity without Peace.


Там же; Nice Digital Video Surveillance Solution Selected by Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport // Nice Systems. Press release. 2007. January 29, www.nice.com; Time Warner (Charlotte), Success Stories // Nice Systems, www.nice.com.


Bagnall}. A World of Risk: Israel's Tech Sector Offers Lessons on Doing Business in the New Age of Terror // Ottawa Citizen. 2006. August 31; Draper E. Durango Office Keeps Watch in War on Terror // Denver Post. 2005. August 14.


SuperCom Signs $50m National Multi Id Agreement with a European Country // SuperCom. Press release. 2006. September 19; City of Los Angeles to Deploy Supercom's IRMS Mobile Creden-tialing and Handheld Verification System // SuperCom. Press release. 2006. November 29; SuperCom Signs $1.5m ePassport Pilot Agreement with European Country // SuperCom. Press release. 2006. August 14, www.supercomgroup.com.


Facts at a Glance // Check Point, www.checkpoint.com.


Machlis D. US Gets Israeli Security for Super Bowl // Jerusalem Post 2007. February 4; Partial Client List / New Age Security Solutions, www.nasscorp.com.


Johnson K. Mansions Spared on Uptown's High Ground // USA Today. 2005. September 12.


«About» and «Clients», www.isiusa.us.


Golan Group Launches Rigorous VIP Protection Classes. Press release. 2007. April; Clients // Golan Group, www.golangroup.com.


Schwartz N.D. Prosperity without Peace; Sandler N. Israeli Security Barrier Provides High-Tech Niche // Engineering News-Record. 2004. May 31.


Hubler D. SBInet Trawls for Small-Business Partners // Federal Computer Week. 2006. October 2; Sandler N. Israeli Security Barrier Provides High-Tech Niche.


Schwartz N.D. Prosperity without Peace.


Historical Prices // Elbit Systems Ltd. and Magal Security Systems Ltd. Yahoo! Finance, finance. yahoo.com; Wall B. Fear Factor // International Herald Tribune. Paris. 2006. January 28; Draper E. Verint Systems Emerges as Leader in Video Surveillance Market.


Friedman T.L. Outsource the Cabinet? // New York Times. 2007. February 28; Eglash R. Report Paints Gloomy Picture of Life for Israeli Children // Jerusalem Post. 2006. December 28.


Katzman K. Some Stories You May Not Have Heard // Report to the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, www.shalomdc.org; Laor Y. You Are Terrorists, We Are Virtuous // London Review of Books. 2006. August 17.


TASE Main Indicators // Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Ltd. 2006. August 31, www.tase.co.il; Friedman T.L. Outsource the Cabinet?; GDP Growth Figure Slashed // Los Angeles Times. 2007. March 1; My re G. Amid Political Upheaval, Israeli Economy Stays Healthy // New York Times. 2006. December 31; West Bank and Gaza Update. 2006. September // World Bank Group, www.worldbank.org.


Lerner S. Israeli Companies Shine in Big Apple // Jerusalem Post. 2006. September 17; Habib O. Labor Minister Says War Led to Huge Jump in Number of Unemployed // Daily Star. Beirut. 2006. October 21.


Интервью с Даном Гиллерманом 14 июля 2006 года // CNN: Lou Dobbs Tonight.

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