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Charoensuthipan P. Survivors Fighting for Land Rights // Bangkok Post. 2005. December 14; Mydans S. Builders Swoop in, Angering Thai Survivors.


The Tsunami in Thailand: January-March 2005 // Asian Coalition for Housing Rights, www.achr.net.


Senanayake S., Sengupta S. Monitors Say Troops Killed Aid Workers in Sri Lanka // New York Times. 2006. August 31; Perera A. Tsunami Recovery Skewed by Sectarian Strife // Inter Press Service. 2007. January 3.


Senanayake S. An Ethnic War Slows Tsunami Recovery in Sri Lanka // New York Times. 2006. October 19.


Paris R. At War's End: Building Peace After Civil Conflict. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. P. 200.



Marais Н. A Plague of Inequality // Mail & Guardian. Johannesburg. 2006. May 19.


Names and Faces // Washington Post. 2005. September 19.


Reed A., Jr. Undone by Neoliberalism // The Nation. 2006. September 18.


Elliston J. Disaster in the Making // Tucson Weekly. 2004. September 23; IEM Team to Develop Catastrophic Hurricane Disaster Plan for New Orleans & Southeast Louisiana // Innovative Emergency Management. Press release. 2004. June 3, www.ieminc.com.


Fournier R., Bridis T. Hurricane Simulation Predicted 61,290 Dead // Associated Press. 2005. September 9.


Krugman P. A Can't Do Government // New York Times. 2005. September 2; Kelly M. Neocon-servatism's Berlin Wall // The G-Gnome Rides Out blog. 2005. September 1, www.theggnomeri-desout.blogspot.com; Goldberg J. The Feds // the Corner blog on the National Review Online. 2005. August 31, www.nationalreview.com.


Friedman M. The Promise of Vouchers // Wall Street Journal. 2005. December 5; Wilke J.R., Mullins B. After Katrina, Republicans Back a Sea of Conservative Ideas // Wall Street Journal. 2005. September 15; Teller P.S. Pro-Free-Market Ideas for Responding to Hurricane Katrina and High Gas Prices // House Republican Study Committee, e-mail sent on September 13,2005.


Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis // Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Summary for Policymakers. 2007. February. P. 16, www.ipcc.ch.


Teller P.S. Pro-Free-Market Ideas for Responding to Hurricane Katrina and High Gas Prices.


Upton E., Nixon R. Many Contracts for Storm Work Raise Questions // New York Times. 2005. September 26; Kumar A. Speedy Relief Effort Opens Door to Fraud // St. Petersburg Times. 2005. September 18; Scahill J. In the Black(water) // The Nation. 2006. June 5; Hsu S.S. $400 Million FEMA Contracts Now Total $3.4 Billion // Washington Post. 2006. August 9.


Shaw Announces Charles М. Hess to Head Shaw's FEMA Hurricane Recovery Program // Shaw Group. Press release. 2005. September 21, www.shawgrp.com; Fluor's Slowed Iraq Work Frees It for Gulf Coast // Reuters. 2005. September 9; Edsall T.B. Former FEMA Chief Is at Work on Gulf Coast // Washington Post. 2005. September 8; Enders D. Surviving New Orleans // Mother Jones. 2005. September 7, www.motherjones.com.


Waste, Fraud and Abuse in Hurricane Katrina Contracts // United States House of Representatives, Committee on Government Reform — Minority Staff, Special Investigations Division. 2006. August. P. i, www.oversight.house.gov.


King R.J. Big, Easy Money: Disaster Profiteering on the American Gulf Coast // Corp Watch. 2006. August, www.corpwatch.org; Barry D. A City's Future, and a Dead Man's Past // New York Times. 2006. August 27.


DannerP. AshBritt Cleans Up in Wake of Storms // Miami Herald. 2005. December 5.


Private Companies Rebuild Gulf // PBS NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. 2005. October 4.


Shane S., Nixon R. In Washington, Contractors Take on Biggest Role Ever.


Davis М. Who Is Killing New Orleans? // The Nation. 2006. April 10.


Eaton L. Immigrants Hired After Storm Sue New Orleans Hotel Executive // New York Times. 2006. August 17; King R.J. Big, Easy Money; Stoller G. Security Generates Multibillion Business // USA Today. 2006. September 11. Условия труда в Новом Орлеане не стали предметом масштабных исследований, однако «Проект развития», группа новоорлеанских активистов, подсчитала, что 60 процентов работников-иммигрантов не получили сполна денег за свою работу. Browne-Dianis }., Lai J., Hincapie M. et al. And Injustice for All: Workers Lives in the Reconstruction of New Orleans // Advancement Project. 2006. July 6. P. 29, www.advancementproject.org.


Klein R. Senate Votes to Extend Patriot Act for 6 Months // Boston Globe. 2005. December 22.


Duncan J. The Unkindest Cut // Times-Picayune. New Orleans. 2006. March 28; Nussbaum P. City at a Crossroads // Philadelphia Inquirer. 2006. August 29.


Anderson Е. Federal Money for Entergy Approved // Times-Picayune. New Orleans. 2006. December 5; Donze F. 146 N.O. Transit Layoffs Planned // Times-Picayune. New Orleans. 2006. August 25; Quigley B. Robin Hood in Reverse: The Looting of the Gulf Coast, justiceforneworleans. org. 2006. November 14.


Mr. Endesha Juakali // Asian Coalition for Housing Rights, www.achr.net.


Herbert В. Our Crumbling Foundation // New York Times. 2007. April 5.


Help Jet, www.helpjet.us.


Borenstein S. Private Industry Responding to Hurricanes // Associated Press. 2006. April 15.


Glanz J. Idle Contractors Add Millions to Iraq Rebuilding // New York Times. 2006. October 25.


Hemingway М. Warriors for Hire. Эта индустрия внушает опасения из-за ее однозначных идеологических симпатий. Так, Blackwater тесно связана с движением против абортов и другими движениями правого крыла. Она жертвует деньги исключительно республиканской партии, а не делает ставки на разные направления, как поступает большинство крупных корпораций. Halliburton посылает 87 процентов своих пожертвований на предвыборную кампанию республиканцев, а СН2М Hill — 70 процентов. Трудно вообразить, что произойдет в том случае, если политические партии будут нанимать эти компании для сбора информации о соперниках по выборам — или для проведения тайных операций, которые настолько сомнительны, что их нельзя поручить даже ЦРУ. Scahill /. Blackwater Down // The Nation. 2005. October 10; Oil & Gas: Top Contributors to Federal Candidates and Parties. Election Cycle 2004 // Center for Responsive Politics, www.opensecrets.org; Construction: Top Contributors to Federal Candidates and Parties. Election Cycle 2004 // Center for Responsive Politics, www. opensecrets.org.


Manchester J. Al Qaeda for the Good Guys: The Road to Anti-Qaeda // TCSDaily. 2006. December 19, www.tcsdaily.com.


Sizemore В., Kimberlin J. Profitable Patriotism // The Virginian-Pilot. Norfolk. 2006. July 24.


KingRJ. Big, Easy Money; Leslie Wayne L. America's For-Profit Secret Army // New York Times. 2002. October 13; Miller G. Spy Agencies Outsourcing to Fill Key Jobs // Los Angeles Times. 2006. September 17; Shane S., Nixon R. In Washington, Contractors Take on Biggest Role Ever.


В комитет, составлявший отчет, входили представители корпораций Lockheed Martin, Boeing и Booz Allen. Flynn SUE., Prieto D.B. Neglected Defense: Mobilizing the Private Sector to Support Homeland Security, CSR №. 13. 2006. March // Council on Foreign Relations, p. 26, www.cfr.org.


Fetterman M. Strategizing on Disaster Relief // USA Today. 2006. October 12; Langfitt F. Private Military Firm Pitches Its Services in Darfur // National Public Radio: All Things Considered. 2006. May 26.


Рае P. Defense Companies Bracing for Slowdown // Los Angeles Times. 2006. October 2.


Neuman /., Spiegel P. Pay-as-You-Go Evacuation Roils Capitol Hill // Los Angeles Times. 2006. July 19.


Weiner Т. Lockheed and the Future of Warfare.


В двух следующих абзацах использована информация из статьи: Robb}. Security: Power to the People // Fast Company. 2006. March.


Juvenile. Got Ya Hustle On // The album Reality Check. Atlanta/Wea label, 2006.


Quigley B. Ten Months After Katrina: Gutting New Orleans // CommonDreams.org. 2006. June 29, www.commondreams.org.


Nurse D. New City Bets Millions on Privatization // Atlanta Journal-Constitution. 2005. November 12.


Gentile A. Fewer Cities Increase Outsourced Services // American City & County. 2006. September 1; Nurse D. New City Bets Millions on Privatization.


Nurse D. City Hall Inc. a Growing Business in North Fulton // Atlanta Journal-Constitution. 2006. September 6; Gross D. Proposal to Split Georgia County Drawing Cries of Racism // Seattle Times. 2007. January 24.


Humanitarian Situation Report — Sri Lanka. 2005. September 2-8 // United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, www.reliefweb.int.



Caldwell С. The Walls That Work Too Well // Financial Times. London. 2006. November 18.

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