Saddam-Free Dinar Becomes Iraq's Official Currency. 2004. January 15. Central Bank of Iraq and the Coalition Provisional Authority, www.cpa-iraq.org; Half of Iraqis Lack Drinking Water-Minister // Agence France-Presse. 2003. November 4; Clover Ch., Spiegel P. Petrol Queues Block Baghdad as Black Market Drains Off // Financial Times. London. 2003. December 9.
Rumsfeld D.H. Prepared Statement for the Senate Appropriations Committee. 2003. September 24 // Washington, DC, www.defenselink.mil; Daragahi B. Iraq's Ailing Banking Industry Is Slowly Reviving // New York Times. 2004. December 30; Maclnnis L. Citigroup, U.S. to Propose Backing Iraqi Imports // Reuters. 2004. February 17; Blum J. Big Oil Companies Train Iraqi Workers Free // Washington Post. 2004. November 6.
Paying for Iraq's Reconstruction: An Update. 2006. December // Congressional Budget Office, p. 15, www.cbo.gov; Chandrasekaran R. U.S. Funds for Iraq Are Largely Unspent.
Bush G. W. President Bush Addresses United Nations General Assembly // New York City. 2003. September 23; Bush G. W. President Addresses the Nation // New York City. 2003. September 7.
Glanz }. Violence in Iraq Curbs Work of 2 Big Contractors // New York Times. 2004. April 22.
Chandrasekaran R. Best-Connected Were Sent to Rebuild Iraq // Washington Post. 2006. September 17; Yeager H. Halliburton's Iraq Army Contract to End // Financial Times. London. 2006. July 13.
Audit of USAID/Iraqs Economic Reform Program. Audit Report Number E-266-04-004-P. 2004. September 20. Office of Inspector General, US AID, pp. 5-6, www.usaid.gov; Award/Con-tract. RAN-C-00-03-00043-00. USAID, www.usaid.gov; Brunswick M. Opening of Schools to Test Iraqis' Confidence // Star Tribune. Minneapolis. 2006. September 17. Ахмед аль-Рахим, американец иракского происхождения, работавший с Creative Associates, сказал: «Первоначально было задумано создать учебные программы и предложить их Ираку». Но в результате иракцы были недовольны: «Вещи, сделанные целиком в Америке, были для них неприемлемы, так что эти программы не стали использовать». Rupert J. Schools a Bright Spot in Iraq // Seattle Times. 2004. June 30.
Wyden R. Dorgan, Wyden, Waxman, Dingell Call to End Outsourcing of Oversight for Iraq Reconstruction. 2004. May 5. Press release, wyden.senate.gov; Carolinas Companies Find Profits in Iraq // Associated Press. 2004. May 2; May field J. Understanding Islam and Terrorism — 9/11.2002. August 6, www.texashoustonmission.org, опубликовано January 7,2005; May field S. Letters from President Mayfield. 2004. February 27, www.texashoustonmission.org, опубликовано January 7, 2005. Исследовательский институт Триангла вынужден был покинуть страну, после того как он отстранил местные исламские партии от законной власти в некоторых городах.
Chandrasekaran R. Defense Skirts State in Reviving Iraqi Industry // Washington Post 2007. May 14.
Эти слова Гайдара приводит Марк Масарский, консультант по вопросам предпринимательства в правительстве Москвы; Krane J. Iraq's Fast Track to Capitalism Scares Baghdad's Businessmen // Associated Press. 2003. December 3; Nelson L.D., Kuzes I.Y. Privatization and the New Business Class // Russia in Transition: Politics, Privatization, and Inequality / Ed. D. Lane. London: Longman, 1995. P. 129; Begos K. Good Intentions Meet Harsh Reality // Winston-Salem Journal. 2004. December 19.
Jamail Д, Al-Fadhily A. U.S. Resorting to «Collective Punishment» // Inter Press Service. 2006. September 18.
Burnham G. et al. Mortality after the 2003 Invasion of Iraq: A Cross-Sectional Cluster Sample Survey // Lancet 368. October 12.2006. Pp. 1421-1428.
Peters R. Last Gasps in Iraq // USA Today. 2006. November 2.
National Survey of Iraq. 2004. February // Oxford Research International, p. 20, news.bbc.co.uk; Maclntyre D. Sistani Most Popular Iraqi Leader, US Pollsters Find // Independent. London. 2004. August 31.
Bremer L.P. Ill My Year in Iraq, p. 71.
The Lost Year in Iraq // PBS Frontline. 2006. October 17.
Graham P. Beyond Fallujah: A Year with the Iraqi Resistance // Harper's. 2004. June 1.
Chandrasekaran R. Imperial Life in the Emerald City, p. 118.
Wolfe A. Why Conservatives Can't Govern // Washington Monthly. 2006. July-August.
Cha А.Е. In Iraq, the Job Opportunity of a Lifetime // Washington Post 2004. May 23.
Chandrasekaran R. Imperial Life in the Emerald City, pp. 214-218; Miller T.C. U.S. Priorities Set Back Its Healthcare Goals in Iraq // Los Angeles Times. 2005. October 30.
Krone }. Iraqi Businessmen Now Face Competition // Associated Press. 2003. December 3.
Chandrasekaran R. Imperial Life in the Emerald City, p. 288.
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 // Congressional Record — Senate. 2006. June 14. P. S5855.
Witte G. Despite Billions Spent, Rebuilding Incomplete // Washington Post. 2006. November 12; Murphy D. Quick School Fixes Won Few Iraqi Hearts // Christian Science Monitor. 2004. June 28.
Witte G. Contractors Rarely Held Responsible for Misdeeds in Iraq // Washington Post. 2006. November 4; Miller T.C. Contractor's Plans Lie Among Ruins of Iraq // Los Angeles Times. 2006. April 29; Glanz J. Inspectors Find Rebuilt Projects Crumbling in Iraq // New York Times. 2007. April 29; Glanz }. Billions in Oil Missing in Iraq, U.S. Study Says // New York Times. 2007. May 12.
Интервью по электронной почте с Кристиной Белисл, вторым помощником генерального инспектора по Конгрессу и общественным связям, особым инспектором по восстановлению Ирака, 15 декабря 2006 года.
Hirsh М. Follow the Money.
Witte G. Invoices Detail Fairfax Firm's Billing for Iraq Work // Washington Post. 2005. May 11; Babcock Ch.R. Contractor Bilked U.S. on Iraq Work, Federal Jury Rules // Washington Post. 2006. March 10; Eckholm E. Lawsuit Accuses a Contractor of Defrauding U.S. Over Work in Iraq // New York Times. 2004. October 9.
Merle R. Verdict against Iraq Contractor Overturned // Washington Post. 2006. August 19; Eckholm E. On Technical Grounds, Judge Sets Aside Verdict of Billing Fraud in Iraq Rebuilding // New York Times. 2006. August 19.
Jamail Д, Al-Fadhily A. Bechtel Departure Removes More Illusions // Inter Press Service. 2006. November 9; Witte G. Despite Billions Spent, Rebuilding Incomplete.
ShadidA. Night Draws Near, pp. 173,175.
Brecht В. The Solution // Poems, 1913-1956 / Eds. J. Willett, R. Manheim. 1976, repr. New York: Methuen, 1979. P. 440.
Pfeifer S. Where Majors Fear to Tread // Sunday Telegraph. London. 2007. January 7.
Bremer L.R III New Risks in International Business // Viewpoint 2001. November 2, www.mmc.com, опубликовано 26 мая 2003 г.
McKew M. Confessions of an American Hawk // The Diplomat. 2005. October-November.
Bremer L.P. III My Year in Iraq, p. 93.
Интервью с Полом Бремером 26 июня и 18 августа 2006 года. The Lost Year in Iraq // PBS Frontline. 2006. October 17.
Booth W., Chandrasekaran R. Occupation Forces Halting Elections Throughout Iraq // Washington Post. 2003. June 28; Gordon M.R., Trainor B.E. Cobra II, p. 490; Booth W. In Najaf, New Mayor Is Outsider Viewed with Suspicion // Washington Post. 2003. May 14. Отчасти этим можно объяснить, почему «дебаасификация» вызвала такую ярость: обычные солдаты потеряли работу наряду с учителями и врачами, которым когда-то пришлось вступить в партию ради карьеры, в то время как военные высшего звена — приверженцы партии «Баас», которые прославились нарушениями прав человека, — были выдвинуты в советы и поддерживали порядок в городах и селениях.
Cha А.Е. Hope and Confusion Mark Iraq's Democracy Lessons // Washington Post. 2003. November 24; Booth W, Chandrasekaran R. Occupation Forces Halting Elections Throughout Iraq.
Foote С, Block W., Crane К, Gray S. Economic Policy and Prospects in Iraq // Public Policy Discussion Papers. 2004. May 4. № 04-1. Boston: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 2004. P. 37, www.bosfed.org.
Lone S. Iraq: This Election Is a Sham // International Herald Tribune. Paris. 2005. January 28.
Al-Sistani's Representatives Threaten Demonstrations, Clashes in Iraq // BBC Monitoring International Reports, report by Lebanese Hezbollah TV Al-Manar. 2004. January 16; El-Magd N.A. U.S. Commander Urges Saddam Holdouts to Surrender // Associated Press. 2004. January 16.
Moss М. Iraq's Legal System Staggers Beneath the Weight of War // New York Times. 2006. December 17; Kraul C. War Funding Feud Has Iraqis Uneasy // Los Angeles Times. 2007. April 28.
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