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Читем онлайн Становление Европы: Экспансия, колонизация, изменения в сфере культуры. 950 — 1350 гг. - Роберт Бартлетт






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Sidney Painter, 'English Castles in the Early Middle Ages: Their Numbers, Location, and Legal Position, Speculum 10 (1935), pp. 321–32, at p. 322; C. Warren Hollister, The Military Organization of Norman England (Oxford, 1965), p. 138; Contamine, War in the Middle Ages, p. 46.


Lawrence of Durham, Dialogi 1, lines 367–8, ed. James Raine (Surtees Society 70, 1880 for 1878), p. 11.


Contamine, War in the Middle Ages, p. 44. Были, разумеется, и более крупные, см.: A Hermbrodt, 'Stand der frühmittelalterlichen Mottenforschung im Rheinland', Chateau Gaillard 1 (1964 for 1962), pp. 77–100, at p. 8i; H.W. Heine, 'Ergebnisse und Probleme einer systematischen Aufnahme und Bearbeitung mittelalterlicher Wehranlagen zwischen junger Donau und westlichen Bodensee', ibid. 8 (1976), pp. 121–34, at p. 126.


Vita Ludovici Grossi regis 24 (Crecy), 19 (Le Puiset), 18 (Mantes), 3, ed. H. Waquet (Paris, 1929), pp. 176, 140, 124, 20.


Alpert of Metz, De diversitate temporum 2.2, ed. Hans van Rij and Anna Sapir Abulafia (Amsterdam, 1980), pp. 42–4.


Bruno, De bello Saxonico liber 16, 27, ed. H.E. Lohmann (MGH, Deutsches Mittelalter 2, Leipzig, 1937), pp. 22, 31.


См.: Maurice Beresford, New Towns of the Middle Ages (London, 1967), pp. 172 (fig. 40), 425.


Cronica Reinhardsbrunnensis, ed. Oswald Holder-Egger, MGH, SS 30/1 (Hanover, 1896), pp. 490–656, at pp. 518–21; Hans Patze and Walter Schlesinger, Geschichte Türingens 2/1 (MF 48, Cologne and Vienna, 1974), pp. 10–13.


R.A. Brown, H.M. Colvin and AJ. Taylor, The History of the King's Works: The Middle Ages (2 vols., London, 1963) 1, pp. 64–5, 113; 2, pp. 630, 1023, 1029.


Michael Prestwich, War, Politics and Finance under Edward I (London, 1972), p. 160.


T.F. Tout. «The fair of Lincoln and the “Histoire de Guillaume le Marechal”», Collected Papers (3 vols., Manchester, 1932–4) 2, pp. 191–220, at pp. 218–20; Lynn White, Medieval Technology and Social Change (Oxford, 1962), p. 102; J.F. Fino, 'Machines de jet medievales’, Gladius 10 (1972), pp. 25–3; D.R. Hill, Trebuchets', Viator 4 (1973), pp. 99–114.


См.; Hans R. Hahnloser, Villard de Honnecourt: Kritische Gesamtausgabe des Bauhüttenbuches ms. fr. 19093 der Pariser Nationalbibliothek (2nd ed., Graz, 1972), pp. 159–62; The Sketchbook of Villard de Honnecourt, ed. Theodore Bowie (Bloomington, 1959), plate 61.


Annales Pegavienses, ed. George Hemrich Pertz, MGH, SS 16 (Hanover, 1859), pp. 232–70, at p. 264.


Littere Wallie, ed. John Goronwy Edwards (Cardiff, 1940), no. 3, pp. 7–8 (Treaty of Woodstock).


Katharine Simms, 'Warfare in the Medieval Gaelic Lordships', The Irish Sword 12 (1975–6), pp. 98–108; Peter Harbison, 'Native Irish Arms and Armour m Medieval Gaelic Literature, 1170–1600', ibid., pp. 173–99, 270–84.


Herbord, Dialogus de vita sancti Ottonis episcopi Babenbergensis 2.23, ed. Jan Wikarjak and Kazimierz Liman, MPH, n.s., 7/3 (Warsaw, 1974), pp. 101–2.


Randall Rogers, Latin Siege Warfare in the Twelfth Century (Oxford, 1992).


Francesco Gabrieli (ed.), Arab Historians of the Crusades (Eng. tr. Berkeley and London, 1969), p. 58 (Ibn al-Qalanisi).


Elena Lourie, 'A Society Organized for War: Medieval Spain', Past and Present 35 (1966), pp. 54–76, at p. 69.


Ambroise, L'estone de la guerre sainte, lines 6816–18, ed. Gaston Paris (Paris, 1897), col. 182.


Julio Gonzalez, El reino de Costilla en la epoca de Alfonso VIII (3 vols., Madrid, 1960) 3, no. 705, pp. 247–9 (1201); Emilio Saez (ed.), 'Fueros de Puebla de Alcocer у Yebenes', Anuario de bistorta del derecho espanol 18 (1947), pp. 432–41, at p. 435; Julio Gonzalez, Repoblacion de Costilla la Nueva (2 vols., Madrid, 1975–6) 2, p. 350, n. 169.


Fulcher of Chartres, Historia Hierosolymitana 1.34, ed. Heinrich Hagenmeyer (Heidelberg, 1913), p. 342.


Chronicon Livoniae 1.5–9, 9.3, 15.3, 10.8, 15.3, 10.12, 23.8, 14.11, 10.12, 26.3, 27.3, 28.3J, 11.8, 12.1, 27.3, 28.3, ed. Leonid Arbusow and Albert Bauer (АО 24, Darmstadt, 1959), pp. 4–6, 38, 134, 54, 132, 58, 242, 126, 60, 282, 298, 304, 80, 84, 296, 304.


Gesta Stephani, ed. K.R. Potter and R.H.C. Davis (Oxford, 1976), p. 14.


Brut у Tywysogyon, или The Chronicle of the Princes: Red Book of Hergest Version, ed. and tr. Thomas Jones (Cardiff, 1955), pp. 71–3.


Giolla Brighde Mac Con Midhe, Poems, ed. and tr. N.JA Williams (Irish Texts Society 51, Dublin, 1980) XIII, 20, p. 141.


Annals of Loch Cé, ed. and tr. William M. Hennessy (2 vols., RS, 1871), 1, p. 389.


History of Gruffydd ap Cynan, ed. and tr. Arthur Jones (Manchester, 1910), p. 133.


Brut у Tywysogyon, ed. Jones, pp. 175, 177; Gerald of Wales, Itinerarium Kambriae, 2.6, ed. Brewer et al., p. 123; Richard A vent, Cestyll Tywysogion Gwynedd / Castles of the Princes of Gwynedd (Cardiff, 1983), p. 7.


Song of Dermot and the Earl, 666–70, ed. and tr. Goddard H. Orpen (Oxford, 1892), p. 50.


Gerald of Wales (Giraldus Cambrensis), Descriptio Kambriae 2.8, in J.S. Brewer, J.F. Dimock and G.F. Warner (eds.). Opera (8 vols., RS, 1861–91) 6, pp. 153–227, at pp. 220–21; idem, Expugnatio Hibemica 2.38, ed. AB. Scott and F.X. Martin (Dublin, 1978), pp. 246–8; John of Salisbury, Policraticus 6.6, 16, ed. C.C.J. Webb (2 vols., Oxford, 1909), 2, pp. 18, 42–4; Gallus Anonymus, Chronicon 1.25; 3.23, ed. K. Maleczynski, MPH, n.s. 2 (Cracow, 1952), pp. 50, 152.


Matthew Paris, Chronica majora, ed. Luard, 5, p. 550.


Symeon of Durham, Historia regum, in Symeonis monachi opera omnia, ed. Thomas Arnold (2 vols., RS, 1882–5), 2, pp. 3–283, at pp. 191–2.


Turgot, Vita sancti Margaretae reginae, ed. James Raine in Symeonis Dunelmensis opera et collectanea 1, ed. J. Hodgson Hinde (Surtees Society 51, 1868), pp. 234–54, at p. 247.


Symeon of Durham (attrib.). De miraculis et translationibus sancti Cuthberti 10, in Symeonis monachi opera omnia, ed. Thomas Arnold (2 vols., RS, 1882–5), 1, pp. 229–61; 2, pp. 333–62, at 2, p. 339.


Symeon of Durham, Historia regum, ed. Arnold, 2, p. 190.


Aelred of Rievaulx, De Sanctis ecclesiae Haugustaldensis, ed. James Raine in The Priory of Hexham (2 vols., Surtees Society 44, 46, 1864–5) 1, pp. 172–203, at p. 178; cf. Symeon of Durham, Historia regum, ed. Arnold, 2, pp. 36–7.


Symeon of Durham, De miraculis... sancti Cuthberti 10, ed. Arnold, 2, p. 339.


Gerald of Wales, Topographia Hibemica 2.54, ed. Brewer et al., p. 137; C.L Salch, 'La protection symbolique de la porte au Moyen Age dans les châteaux-forts alsaciens', in Hommage a Genevieve Chevrier et Alain Ceslan: Etudes médiévales (Strasbourg, 1975), pp. 39–44.


Symeon of Durham, Historia regum, ed. Arnold, 2, pp. 199–200; ibid., p. 211; Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, s.a. 1092, ed. С Plummer and J. Earle, Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel (2 vols., Oxford, 1892–9) 1, p. 227; Symeon of Durham's continuator, Historia Dunelmensis ecclesiae, in Symeonis monachi opera omnia, ed. Thomas Arnold (2 vols., RS, 1882–5), 1, pp. 135–60, at 1, p. 140.


Geoffrey Barrow, The Anglo-Norman Era in Scottish History (Oxford, 1980); idem. Kingship and Unity: Scotland 1000–1306 (London, 1981), chapter 3; A.A.M. Duncan, Scotland: The Making of the Kingdom (Edinburgh, 1975), chapters 6–8; R.L.G. Ritchie, The Normans in Scotland (Edinburgh, 1954).


Early Scottish Charters prior to 1153, ed. Archibald С Lawrie (Glasgow, 1905), no. 54, pp. 48–9.


John of Hexham, Historia, in Symeonis monachi opera omnia, ed. Thomas Arnold (2 vols., RS, 1882–5), 2, pp. 284–332, at p. 290.


Richard of Hexham, Historia, ed. Richard Howlett in Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II and Richard I (4 vols., RS, 1884–9) 3, pp. 137–78,at pp. 156–7.


Aelred of Rievaulx, Relatio de Standardo, ed. Howlett, ibid., pp. 179–99, at pp. 187–8.


О вылазках из замков см.: Richard of Hexham, Historia, ed. Howlett, p. 157; John of Hexham, Historia, ed. Arnold, p. 291.


John of Hexham, Historia, ed. Arnold, p. 289.


Richard of Hexham, Historia, ed. Arnold, p. 145.


Aelred of Rievaulx, Relatio, ed. Howlett, pp. 189–98. Выражение незащищенные и голые взято из: Henry of Huntingdon, Historia Anglorum, ed. Thomas Arnold (RS, 1879), p. 263.


Jordan Fantosme, Chronicle, 640–41, 266, 1242–9, 1766, 1828, 185867, ed. and tr. R.C. Johnston (Oxford, 1981), pp. 48, 20, 92–4, 132, 136, 138.


William of Newburgh, Historia rerum Anglicarum 2.33, ed. Richard Howlett in Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II and Richard I (4 vols., RS, 1884–9) 1–2, at 1, p. 184.


См.: Gesta regis Henrici secundi Benedicti abbatis, ed. William Stubbs (2 vols., RS, 1867), 1, pp. 67–8.


См.: Annals of Furess, ed. Richard Howlett in Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II and Richard I (4 vols., RS, 1884–9) 2, pp. 503–83, at pp. 570–71.


Saxo Grammaticus, Gesta Danorum 13.9.6, ed. J. Olrik and H. Raeder (2 vols., Copenhagen, 1931–57), 1, pp. 361–2; см. также примечания Э. Кристиансена: Saxo, Danorum regum heroumque historia, Books XXVI (3 vols., British Archaeological Reports, International Series 84, 118/1–2, Oxford, 1980–81) 1, pp. 322–3, n. 84; Annales Erphesfurdenses Lothariani, ed. Oswald Holder-Egger, Monumenta Erphesfurtensia (SRC, Hanover and Leipzig, 1899), pp. 34–44, at p. 40. См. также: Lucien Musset, 'Problemes militaires du monde scandinave (Vile — XIIe s.)', in Ordinamenti militari in Occidente nell'alto medioevo (Settimane di studio del Centro italiano di studi sull’alto medioevo 15, 2 vols., Spoleto, 1968) 1, pp. 229–91, at pp. 288–90.

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