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Читем онлайн Становление Европы: Экспансия, колонизация, изменения в сфере культуры. 950 — 1350 гг. - Роберт Бартлетт






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AJ. Otway-Ruthven, 'Knights' Fees in Kildare, Leix and Offaly', Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland 91 (1961), pp. 163–81, at p. 164, n.10.


Catalogue baronum, ed. Evelyn Jamison (Fonti per la storia d'ltalia 101, Rome, 1972); see, in general, Claude Cahen, Le regime feodale d'ltalie normande (Paris, 1940).


L'estoire d'Eracles empereur et la congueste de la terre d'Outremer, RHC, Occ. 2, pp. 1–481, at pp. 188–90 (note); La continuation de Guillaume de Тут (1184–1197) 136, ed. Margaret R. Morgan (Documents relatifs a l'histoire des croisades 14, Paris, 1982), p. 139 (cf. also p. 138); Peter Edbury, The Kingdom of Cyprus and the Crusades 11911374 (Cambridge, 1991), chapter 3, 'Settlement'.


Barrow, Anglo-Norman Era, pp. 132, 44 and n. 59, 40, 62, 127.


Early Scottish Charters prior to 1153, ed. Archibald С Lawrie (Glasgow, 1905), no. 186, p. 150.


Gervase of Tilbury, Otia imperialia 2.10, ed. G.W. Leibnitz, Schptores rerum brunsvicensium illusi ratio ni inservientes (3 vols., Hanover, 1707–11) 1, pp. 881–1004; 2, pp. 751–84; at 1, p. 917, with better readings at 2, p. 772.


См.: К. Schunemann, Die Deutsche in Ungam bis zum 12. Jahrhundert (Berlin, 1923), p. 130.


См.: (Contributions to a) Dictionary of the Irish language (Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 1913–76), s.v. Polish and Czech loan words: Perry Anderson, Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism (London, 1974), p. 231.


См.: Cahen, Regime feodale, p. 47.


J.F.A. Mason, 'Roger de Montgomery and his Sons (1067–1102)', Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 5th ser., 13 (1963), pp. 1–28, at pp. 6–12.


Murray, 'Origins of the Frankish Nobility', p. 293.


Erik Fügedi, 'Das mittelalterliche Konigreich Ungam als Gastland', in Walter Schlesinger (ed.). Die deutsche Ostsiedlung als Problem der europaischen Geschichte (Vortrage und Forschungen 18, Sigmaringen, 1975), pp. 471–507, at pp. 495–6.


См.: Robert I. Burns, Islam under the Crusaders: Colonial Survival in the Thirteenth-Century Kingdom of Valencia (Princeton, 1973), ос. Гл. 13.


См.: Barrow, Anglo-Norman Era, pp. 157–8.


См.: Fügedi, 'Das mittelalterliche Königreich Ungam', pp. 495–6.


См.: William Rees, South Wales and the March 1284–1415 (Oxford, 1924), pp. 145–7; Cahen, Regime feodale, pp. 38–9, 82–9; OtwayRuthven, 'Knight Service', pp. 14–15.


Amatus of Montecassino, Storia de' Normanni 1.42, ed. de Bartholomaeis, pp. 53–4.


Bemhard Guttmann, 'Die Germanisierung der Slawen in der Mark', Forschungen zur brandenburgischen und preussischen Geschichte 9 (1897), pp. 39 (395) — 158 (514), at p. 70 (426).


Fulcher of Chartres, Historia Hierosolymitana 3.37, ed. Hagenmeyer, p. 748.


Henri Bresc, 'Feodalite coloniale en terre d'Islam: La Sièile (1070–1240)', in Structures feodales et feodalisme dans l'Occident mediterraneen (XeXIIIe s.) (Paris, 1980), pp. 631–47, p. 640.


Chronicle of Morea, tr. Lurier, p. 165.


Об истории рода де Ласи см.: W.E. Wightman, The Lacy Family in England and Normandy 1066–1194 (Oxford, 1966).


Davies, Conquest, Coexistence and Change, p. 181.


См.: Bartlett, 'Colonial Aristocracies', pp. 38–40.


См.: Lacarra, nos. 354, 366.


Julio Gonzalez, El reino de Costilla en la epoca de Alfonso VIII (3 vols., Madrid, 1960) 3, no. 897, pp. 567–8.


См.: Helbig & Weinrich 1, no. 121, pp. 448–50; Queden (Klein Queden) is the German Tiefenau and modem Polish Tychnowy.


Codex iuris Bohemici, ed. Hermenegild Jiricek (5 vols, in 12, Prague, 1867–98), 2/2, p. 114 (Majestas Carolina 7).


The Leiden Book of Maccabees is Leiden, University Library, MS Perizoni 17; репродукции см.: A. Merton, Die Buchmalerei in St. Gallen (Leipzig, 1912), plates LV — LVTI.


Frank Stenton et al,. The Bayeux Tapestry (London, 1957); см. также: Ibid, 'Arms and Armour', pp. 56–69.


Thietmar of Merseburg, Chronicon 4.12, ed. Werner Trillmich (АО 9, Darmstadt, 1957), p. 126.


Lacarra, no. 238 (c. 1145); Gerald of Wales (Giraldius Cambrensuis), De principis instructione 2.13, in J.S.Brewer, J.F.Dimock and G.F.Warner (eds.), Opera (8 vols., RS, 1861–91) 8, pp. 183–4.


См.: Indiculus loricatorum, in Constitutions et acta publico imperatorum et regum 1, ed. Ludwig Weiland (MCH, Hanover, 1893), no. 436, pp. 632–3; Karl Ferdinand Werner, 'Heeresorganisation und Kriegfuhrung im Deutschen Königreich des 10. und 11. Jahrhunderts', in Ordinamenti militari in Occidente nell'alto medioevo (Settimane di studio del Centro italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo 15, 2 vols., Spoleto, 1968) 2, pp. 791–843.


Forge production: Fino, 'Notes sur la production du fer'.


William Beveridge, Prices and Wages m England 1 (London, 1939), pp. xxv — xxvi.


См.: William of Poitiers, Gesta Guillelmi ducis Normannorum 1.13, 40, ed. Raymonde Foreville (Paris, 1952), pp. 26, 98; Matthew Paris, Chronica majora, ed. Henry R. Luard (7 vols., RS, 1872–84), 4, pp. 135–6; see in general R.H.C. Davis, The Medieval Warhorse (London, 1989).


Pierre Chaplais (ed.). Diplomatic Documents preserved in the Public Record Office 1:1101–1272 (Oxford, 1964), pp. 1–4.


См.: Philippe Contamine, War in the Middle Ages (Eng. tr., Oxford, 1984), p. 670.


P. Guilhiermoz, Essai sur l'origine de la noblesse en France au Moyen Age (Paris, 1902); George Duby, “The Origins of Knighthood', The Chivalrous Society (Eng. tr., London and Berkeley, 1977), pp. 158–70; idem, 'La diffusion du titre chevaleresque', in Philippe Contamine (ed.). La noblesse au Moyen Age (Paris, 1976), pp. 39–70; Arno Borst (ed.). Das Rittertum im Mittelalter (Wege der Forschung 349, Darmstadt, 1976); Leopold Genicot, La noblesse dans I'Occident medieval (London, 1982); Jean Fiori, L'essor de la chevalerie (Geneva, 1986), L'ideologie du glaive: Prehistoire de la chevalerie (Geneva, 1983).


William of Poitiers, Gesta Guillelmi 2.29, ed. Foreville, p. 218.


О боевых конях см.: Davis, The Medieval Warhorse


Gerald of Wales (Giraldus Cambrensis), Itinerarium Kambriae 1.4, in J.S. Brewer, J.F. Dimock and G.F. Warner (eds.). Opera (8 vols., RS, 1861–91) 6, pp. 1–152, at p. 54.


См.: Richer, Historiae 2.92; 3.98, 104, ed. R. Latouche, Histoire de France (2 vols., Paris, 1930–37) 1, p. 282; 2, pp. 126, 134; J.F. Fino, Forteresses de la France medievale (3rd ed., Paris, 1977), p. 89; Paris BN lat. 12, 302, Haimo of Auxerre's Commentary on Ezekiel.


Anna Comnena, Alexiad 10.8.5, ed. B. Leib (3 vols., Paris, 1937–45), 2, pp. 217–18.


Conciliorum oecumenicorum decreta, ed. J. Alberigo et al. (3rd ed., Bologna, 1973), p. 203 (canon 29).


Constitutions et acta publico imperatorum et regum 2, ed. Ludwig Wetland (MCH, Hanover, 1896), no. 335, p. 445.


B. Thordemann, Armour from the Battle of Wisby 1361 (2 vols., Stockholm, 1939) 1, pp. 186–7.


Roger of Wendover, Flores historiarum, ed. H.G. Hewlett (3 vols., RS, 1886–9), 2, pp. 116, 151, 194, 212, 215–16; this material was incorporated into Matthew Paris, Chronica majora, ed. Luard, 2, pp. 586–7, 626, 666; 3, pp. 18, 21.


E. Audouin, Essai sur l'armee royale au temps de Philippe Auguste (Paris, 1913), pp. 113–14.


Red Book of the Exchequer, ed. Hubert Hall (3 vols., RS, 1896), 2, pp. 458–9, 467; J.H. Round, The King's Serjeants and Officers of State (London, 1911), pp. 13–14.


Liber fundationis episcopatus Vratislaviensis, ed. H. Markgraf and J.W. Schulte (Codex diplomaticus Silesiae 14, Breslau, 1889), pp. 14–15.


Hariulf, Gesta ecclesiae Centulensis 4.21, ed. F. Lot, Chronique de l'abbaye de Saint-Riquier (Paris, 1894), p. 230.


Otto of Freising, Gesta Friderici I imperatoris 1.12, ed. Georg Waitz and Bemhard von Simson (SRC, Hanover and Leipzig, 1912), p. 28.


J.P. Bushe-Fox, Old Sarum (London, etc., 1930).


G. Fournier, Le peuplement rural en Basse Auverqne durant le haut Moyen Aqe (Paris, 1962), pp. 329–99.


Atlas vorqeschichtlicher Befestigungen in Niedersachsen, ed. A. von Opperman and C. Schuchhardt (Hanover, 1888–1916), pp. 67–8, fig. 53.


Karl Wilhelm Strave, 'Die slawischen Burgen in Wagrien', Offa 17–18 (1959–61), pp. 57–108, at pp. 61, 99–100.


К рис. 2: бурги — С. A. Ralegh Radford, 'Later Pre-Conquest Boroughs and their Defences', Medieval Archaeology 14 (1970), pp. 83–103; Aggersborg — David M. Wilson, 'Danish Kings and England in the Late 10th and Early 11th Centuries — Economic Implications', in Proceedings of the Battle Conference on Anglo-Norman Studies 3 (1980), ed. R. Allen Brown, pp. 188–96, at pp. 192–3; славянские крепости Barpuu — Struve, 'Die slawischen Burgen', p. 60; австрийские замки — W. Getting and G. Griill, Burgen in Oberosterreich (Wels, 1967), p. 317 (figures for Hauptburg); мотт — Contamine, War in the Middle Ages, p. 44.

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