Privilegios reales у viejos documentes de Toledo, ed. Juan Francisco Rivera Recio et al. (limited ed., Madrid, 1963), no. 1.
De expugnatione Lyxbonensi: The Conquest of Lisbon, ed. and tr. Charles W. David (New York, 1936), pp. 178–80 and n. 5.
Primera cronica general de Espana 1129, ed. Ramon Menendez Pidal (2 vols., Madrid, 1955), 2, p. 769.
Об истории латинской церкви Восточного Средиземноморья см.: Bernard Hamilton, The Latin Church in the Crusader States: The Secular Church (London, 1980); Hans Eberhard Mayer, Bistumer, Oldster und Stifte im Konigreich Jerusalem (MGH, Schriften 26, Stuttgart, 1977), part 1; Jean Richard, 'The Political and Ecclesiastical Organization of the Crusader States', in Kenneth M. Setton (ed.), A History of the Crusades (Philadelphia and Madison, 6 vols., 1955–89) 5: The Impact of the Crusades on the Near East, ed. Norman P. Zacour and Harry W. Hazard, pp. 193–250; Giorgio Fedalto, La Chiesa Latina in Oriente (2nd ed., 3 vols., Verona, 1981); R.L. Wolff, 'The Organization of the Latin Patriarchate of Constantinople, 1204–1261', Traditio 6 (1948), pp. 33–60.
Об Афинской церкви см.: Innocent III, 14 July 1208, Sacrosancta Romana ecclesia, Po. 3456; Registrum sive epistolae 11.113, PL 214–16, at 215, col. 1433, см.: Jean Longnon, 'L'organisation de l'eglise d'Athenes par Innocent III, in Memorial Louis Petit: Melanges d'histoire et d'archeologie byzantines (Archives de Г Orient Chretien 1, Bucharest, 1948), pp. 336–46; Leo Santifaller, Beitrage zur Geschichte des Lateinischen Patriarchats von Konstantinopel (1204–1261) und der venezianischen Urkunden (Weimar, 1938), pp. 130–40; G.L.F. Tafel and G.M. Thomas (eds.), Urkunden zur alteren Handels und Staatsgeschichte der Republik Venedig (3 vols., Fontes rerum Austriacarum II, 12–14, Vienna, 1856–7) 2, p. 101, no. 209.
О епархиях Прибалтики см.: Petersohn, Der siidliche Ostseeraum; R. Bartlett, 'The Conversion of a Pagan Society in the Middle Ages', History 70 (1985), pp. 185–201; Karl Jordan, Die Bistumsgriindungen Heinrichs des Lowen (MGH, Schriften 3, Leipzig, 1939); Eric Christiansen, The Northern Crusades (London, 1980).
Об Ордене меченосцев см.: Friedrich Benninghoven, Der Order der Schwertbrüder (Cologne and Graz, 1965). О Тевтонских рыцарях имеется обширная литература, одним из добротных последних исследований является: Hartmut Boockmann, Der Deutsche Orden (Munich, 1981).
Notker: Gesta Karoli 1.10, ed. Reinhold Rau, Quellen zur karolingischen Reichsgeschichte 3 (AQ7, Darmstadt, 1960), pp. 321–427, at pp. 334–6.
'Tota latinitas': Orderic Vitalis, Historia ecclesiastica 12.43, ed. Chibnall, 6, p. 364.
Об истории Ирландии XII–XIII веков см.: Robin Frame, Colonial Ireland 1169–1369 (Dublin, 1981); idem. The Political Development of the British Isles 1100–1400 (Oxford, 1990); Л J. Otway-Ruthven, A History of Medieval Ireland (2nd ed., London, 1980); R. Bartlett, 'Colonial Aristocracies of the Fligh Middle Ages', in Robert Bartlett and Angus MacKay (eds.). Medieval Frontier Societies (Oxford, 1989), pp. 23–47.
Vita sancti Malachiae 8.16, in J. Leclerq and H.M. Rochais (eds.). Opera 3 (Rome, 1963), pp. 295–378, at p. 325.
ibid. 8.17, ed. Leclerq and Rochais, p. 326; цит. из Библии: Осия 2:23.
Song of Dermot and the Earl, lines 431–5, ed. and tr. Goddard H. Orpen (Oxford, 1892), p. 34.
Walter Bower, Scotichronicon 12.27, ed. D.E.R. Watt, 6 (Aberdeen, 1991), p. 388 (Remonstrance of 1317–18).
Bernard, Vita sancti Malachiae 8.16, ed. Leclerq and Rochais, p. 325.
Цит. по кн.: Chanson de Roland, laisse 72, line 899, ed. F. Whitehead (Oxford, 1942), p. 27.
John of Salisbury, Letters, 1: The Early Letters (1153–61), ed. W.J. Millor, H.E. Butler and C.N.L. Brooke (London, etc., 1955), no. 87, p. 135.
Schlesisches UB, ed. Heinrich Appelt and Winfried Irgang (4 vols, to date, Graz, Cologne and Vienna, 1963-), 1, no. 11, pp. 8–9 (1143–5).
Philip of Novara (Philippe de Navarre), Les quatres ages de l'homme 1.16, ed. Marcel de Freville (Paris, 1888), p. 11.
О роде Жуанвилей см.: Henri-François Delaborde, Jean de Joinville et les seigneurs de Joinville (Paris, 1894)
Jean de Joinville, Histoire de Saint Louis XXXVI (167), ed. Natalis de Wailly (Paris, 1874), p. 92.
Calendar of the Gormanston Register, ed. James Mils and M.J. McEnery (Dublin, 1916), p. 182.
Joinville, Histoire, ed. de Wailly, p. 545.
Orderic Vitalis, Historia ecclesiastica, ed. and tr. Marjorie Chibnall (6 vols., Oxford, 1968–80), indices, s.v. 'Grandmesml'; генеалог, древо — ibid. 2, p. 370; Marjorie Chibnall, The World of Orderic Vitalis (Oxford, 1984), p. 227; Leon-Robert Menager, 'Inventaire des families normandes et franques emigrees en Italie meridional e et en Sicile (Xle-XIIe siècles)', in Roberto il Guiscard e il suo tempo (Fonti e studi del Corpus membranarum italicarum. Centre» di studi normanno-suevi. Universita degli studi di Bari, Rome, 1975), pp. 259–387, at pp. 316–18.
Orderic Vitalis, Historia ecclesiastica 3, ed. Chibnall, 2, p. 94.
'Funambuli': Gesta Francorum 9.23, ed. and tr. Rosalind Hill (London, 1962), p. 56; Baudri de Bourgueil, Historia jerosolimitana, RHC, Occ. 4, pp. 1–111, at pp. 64–5.
Orderic Vitalis, Historia ecclesiastica 8.3, ed. Chibnall, 4, pp. 138–40.
О Роберте Рудланском см.: Domesday Book, ed. Abraham Parley (2 vols., London, 1783), 1, fol. 269; map in H.C. Darby, Domesday England (Cambridge, 1977), p. 332, fig. Ill; Rees Davies, Conquest, Coexistence and Change: Wales 1063–1415 (Oxford, 1987), pp. 30–31, 82–3; John Le Patourel, The Norman Empire (Oxford, 1976), pp. 62–3, 312–14.
О Сурдевалях см.: Domesday Book 1, fols. 298, 305–8, 373; Lewis C. Loyd, The Origins of Some Anglo-Norman Families, ed. C.T. Clay and D. C. Douglas (Harleian Society Publications 103, 1951), p. 99; Menager, 'Inventaire des families normandes', p. 346; Red Book of the Exchequer, ed. Hubert Hall (3 vols., RS, 1896), 2, p. 602; Register of the Abbey of St Thomas Dublin, ed. John T. Gilbert (RS, 1889), nos.106, 349–50, pp. 92, 302–4.
Derek W. Lomax, The Reconquest of Spain (London, 1978),p. 62.
Orderic Vitalis, Historia ecclesiastica, 13.5, ed. Chibnall, 6, p. 404.
Reinhold Rohricht, Beitrage zur Geschichte der Kreuzzüge 2: Deutsche Pilger- und Kreuzfahrten nach dem heiligen Lande (700–1300) (Berlin, 1878), pp. 297–359.
Pommersches UB 1: 786–1253, ed. Klaus Conrad (2nd ed., Cologne and Vienna, 1970), nos. 213, 485, pp. 261–3, 579–80.
O. Eggert, Geschichte Pommems 1 (Hamburg, 1974), pp. 150–60, and also the bibliography cited there, pp. 263–4.
Schlesisches UB, ed. Heinrich Appelt and Winfried Irgang (4 vols, to date, Graz, Cologne and Vienna, 1963-), 2, no. 346, p. 208 (1248).
См.: Т.Е. McNeill, Anglo-Norman Ulster: The History and Archaeology of an Irish Barony 1177–1400 (Edinburgh, 1980), esp. chapter 1; Goddard H. Orpen, Ireland under the Normans, 1169–1333 (4 vols., Oxford, 1911–20) 2, pp. 5–23, 114–18, 134–44; New History of Ireland 2: Medieval Ireland, 1169–1534, ed. Art Cosgrove (Oxford, 1987), pp. 114–16, 135.
См. также: R. Bartlett, 'Colonial Aristocracies of the High Middle Ages', in Robert Bartlett and Angus MacKay (eds.), Medieval Frontier Societies (Oxford, 1989), pp. 23–47, at pp. 31–41.
О кампании 1201 г. см.: Annals of Ulster (Annala Uladh), ed. and tr. William M. Hennessy and Bartholomew MacCarthy (4 vols., Dublin, 1887–1901), 2, pp. 235–7; ibid. 2, p. 229.
См.: William Dugdale, Monasticon Anglicanum, ed. John Caley et al. (6 vols, in 8, London, 1846), 6/2, p. 1125; Gearoid MacNiocaill, 'Cartae Dunenses XII–XIII Cead', Seanchus Ard Mhaca 5/2 (1970), pp. 418–28, at p. 420, nos. 4–5.
См.: William O'Sullivan, The Earliest Anglo-Irish Coinage (Dublin, 1964), pp. 1–5, 20–21; plate 1.
См.: Roger of Howden, Chronica, ed. William Stubbs (4 vols., RS, 1868–71), 4, pp. 176 and 25; cf. Jocelyn of Fumess, Vita sancti Patricii, Acta sanctorum Martii 2 (Antwerp, 1668), pp. 540–80, at p. 540, who refers to de Courcy as Ulidiae princeps.
См.: Eberhard Schmidt, Die Mark Brandenburg unter den Askanien (1134–1320) (MF 71, Cologne and Vienna, 1973); Johannes Schultze, Die Mark Brandenburg 1: Entstehung und Entwicklung unter den askanischen Markgrafen (bis 1319) (Berlin, 1961); Hermann Krabbo and Georg Winter, Regesten der Markgrafen von Brandenburg aus Askanischem Hause (Leipzig, Munich and Berlin, 1910–55).
О дате образования Марки Бранденбург см.: Schultze, Die Mark Brandenburg 1, p. 74.
Henry of Antwerp, Tractatus de captione urbis Brandenburg, ed. Oswald Holder-Egger, MGH, SS 25 (Hanover, 1880), pp. 482–4, at p. 484.
Cronica principum Saxonie, ed. Oswald Holder-Egger, MGH, SS 25 (Hanover, 1880), pp. 472–80, at p. 478.
О семье фон Веделей см.: Helga Cramer, 'Die Herren von Wedel im Lande fiber der Oder: Besitz und Herrschaftsbildung bis 1402', Jahrbuch für die Geschichte Mittel- und Ostdeutschlands 18 (1969), pp. 63–129; документ 1212 содержится в: Hamburgisches UB (4 vols, in 7, Hamburg, 1907–67) 1, no. 387, pp. 342–3. См. также документы, связанные с историей этой семьи, в: UB zur Geschichte des schlossgesessenen Geschlechts der Grafen und Herren von Wedel, ed. Heinrich Friedrich Paul von Wedel (4 vols, in 2, Leipzig, 1885–91).
См.: Pommersches UB 2 (Stettin, 1881–5, repr. Cologne and Graz, 1970), no. 891, pp. 218–19.
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