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Читем онлайн Темное, кривое зеркало. Том 5 : Средь звезд, подобно гигантам - Гэрет Уильямс






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"So," she said. "When are you going to bring them into this?" There was a definite bitterness in her words. She wanted him to know just how disgusted she was with his games. yu

"Never," he replied, still looking at the planet. sy

"What? But you said…." ou

"I know what I said. I will not deny that I could use their fleet, insignificant though it is, but I will cope without them. They are not warriors, and this is not their war. To the giants who fill the skies the Tuchanq are no more than insects, beneath their attention. If I do not involve them, if they remain in their world and their system, the Vorlons will not notice them either. wi

"The Vorlons destroyed a world. I restored one. For everything they do, I must react to counter it. A time is coming when that will not be possible, and I will have to act against them directly. The Tuchanq would be crushed if I involved them in that. ll

"No, let them live. Let them enjoy their existence, in the knowledge that there is so much worse that could befall them. Let them worship me if they like. ob

"But I will not throw children into battle. They will wait forever for a call that will never come." ey

Susan looked at him, breathing out slowly. She wrapped her arms tightly around herself. us

"So," she said. "What now?" yo

"There are a few people I need to contact. I need to gather all my agents. The time for subtlety will soon be over. One of my…. friends in particular, I think you will like. uw

"But I can do that on the way. Events are rushing to a climax, threads converging at the centre of the galaxy. il

"We set course for Babylon Five." lo

* * *

It felt different this time. be

Usually, whenever Talia communed with the Apocalypse Box, there was an incredible rush of power. It was the feeling she imagined her ancestors must have had taking their first baby steps into space, sheer wonder of what lay beyond and utter pride in how far they had come. Whole new vistas lay stretched out before her through the Apocalypse Box, whole new realms of power. yu

This time it felt different. sy

It was cold, for one thing. An icy, chilling cold. Her body could not feel anything, but her soul felt as though she were walking in a graveyard through waist — deep mist. There was an uncanny sensation of death in the air. ou

Moving forward, she could see specks of light in the air, dancing and swirling. She recognised them as parts of the Vorlon network, just a few of the millions of trapped souls bound to it. With renewed confidence she continued forward. wi

The city appeared from nowhere in front of her. It was vast, the size of a planet, bigger. She could not even begin to comprehend the number of people who must have lived there. There were not enough zeroes to express the number. ll

Every house was a tomb. Every building a mausoleum. ob

The sky beat in slow, rhythmic cycles, brilliant bolts of crackling light flashing across the clouds. The faint specks of light from the network seemed so much fainter now. ey

You have walked too far, intoned a voice. Or rather, she supposed it was something speaking to her. If she believed in God, then He would have a voice like that. It seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere. But no God could have created anything like this. She had a feeling that everything was alive, a travesty of life, twitching, shambling death given life. us

"Are you the spirit within the Box?" she asked. yo

We are more than you can comprehend. The vessel was one of many we seeded throughout your galaxy, adrift in the in — between, on lost, abandoned worlds among shrines to the dead.

A flicker of light appeared before her, and it took form. She had caught brief, agonising glimpses of the Vorlons during her passage through the network. They were beautiful and angelic, formed of light and wonder. She knew that was only an illusion, but it was a powerful image all the same. uw

This was no angel. Or rather, it was what an angel would become if it turned beauty to ugliness, love to hatred, life to death. Every extreme reversed. il

Some worshipped us, continued the voice. It has always been so. Your kind has always looked to the stars and to what lies beyond. When you find us, you always bend in worship. We are what lies beyond. We were the first in our dimension to grow to life. We were perfect, the blessed, and all that came after was but a shadow before us. We gained the secrets of eternity and we shared them with everything else in our existence. Races and worlds and stars all died before us.

Talia felt the cold wind batter at her, and it was all she could do to hear the meaning in the words. The voice was so overwhelming, so angry and harsh and yet so filled with…. love, love that was so strong it had become hatred. lo

We tried before to enter your existence, yours and all the others. Some admitted us, but the gateway was closed before we could fully emerge. Some of that race, who deemed themselves so strong and so knowledgeable, worshipped us as all do, and they remained in secret, in the shadows, preparing. And now they have bargained and sacrificed all that they have.

All we had to do was wait, and our patience is as eternal as death itself.

They have admitted us to this dimension, as you have. Your pitiful mortal existence can know nothing more sublime than death itself, and so we shall permit you to remain, to watch as we bless your race.

And all others.

None could stand against us in our dimension. Do you think you can stand against us when we come for you?

Talia threw her head back, shaking and screaming and trembling. The lights still blazed in the sky, but they seemed so faint. The network was there, but it seemed so weak. These things had infiltrated it, been allowed to enter it by the Vorlons. be

Al was there. yu

She stumbled backwards, staring up into the sky. sy

"Help me!"

* * *

There was no one to help him now. He was alone. ou

If he had to concede it to himself (and if he could not trust himself, whom could he trust?) he would admit that he had always been alone. That was the burden of power and responsibility. You could not regard those who followed you as real people with real lives. That way lay madness. wi

Still, General John J. Sheridan had hoped there were a few he could trust, a few he could call friends. ll

A few he could love…. ob

"Do you not believe me?" asked Sebastian, in his perfectly enunciated voice. He seemed to dwell on very syllable, every letter even, making sure its presence was known and commented on before moving to the next. ey

"No," Sheridan whispered, broken. "I believe you. It all…. makes too much sense to be lies. My father always used to know when I was lying to him, and he said he could hear the ring of truth in anything I said. us

"What you've just told me…. it has the ring of truth to it." yo

"We are nothing but truth, General. If you want lies, turn to the other side. If you desire to know truth and enlightenment…. then we are here. We will always be here." uw

"Yes," he said, with more than just a hint of bitterness. "I know you will." il

"It is painful, I know," said Sebastian, without any sympathy at all. "But better for you to know now than to have it always be hidden." lo

"Yes." be

"In any event, it was a pleasure, General. I can see you will need some time to think. There are many options before of you. You should consider them. I…. may be busy soon, but if I am available, feel free to come and visit me. Or there are always my associates. They will be happy to discuss any concerns you may have regarding these…. revelations. They will also be more than willing to answer any questions you may have." yu

Sheridan looked up as Sebastian started to walk away, the tip — tap of his cane on the floor rhythmic and precise. sy

"Why?" he asked. ou

Sebastian turned back. "I beg your pardon?" wi

"Why did you tell me this? Why now? Why me?" ll

"Three excellent questions." He regarded Sheridan levelly. "To the first, because you had a right to know, and because we hate lies, and because we have always regarded you as special. To the second, you have been…. changed recently. You have begun to question and doubt and seek answers in unfamiliar places. You would not have reacted this way before. You might not even have cared. But you have changed, and you have begun to question, and it was only fitting that you receive answers." ob

"Changed," he said, with a bitter laugh. "Oh, is that ever true." ey

"And as to the third," Sebastian continued as if he had never been interrupted. "You are special. You have a rare gift, General — to weld people to your side, to spread your dreams so that they become the dreams of others. You are a natural leader, and your position here is well — deserved. You have also seen much death and much loss, and you will not wish to see these things return to this galaxy. Yours can be a powerful voice for peace and unity. us

"You are special, General, and there are forces that will seek to take advantage of that for their own ends. We cannot permit that. We cannot permit others to control you by lies and by deceit and by shadows. We are the truth, as I trust we have now proven." yo

Sheridan looked down again, his head in his hands. uw

"If there is anything more I can do for you…." Sheridan did not reply. "Then I shall take my leave, and permit you to return to your thoughts. It has been a pleasure, General. Good day." il

He left. It took a long, long time before the echo of his cane stopped resounding in Sheridan's mind. lo

* * *

It seemed such a small room to hold so much. be

The Council Hall on Babylon 5 had always been big enough before. It was smaller than the Chambers they had used on Kazomi 7, but it had been more than adequate for their needs. Now it looked tiny. yu

Lethke zum Bartrado, diplomat and nobleman and Merchant — Lord, looked around at those he had gathered, and realised he was not just standing in a room with Ambassador Durano, but with the entire Centauri people. He was not talking merely with Ambassador G'Kael, but with every Narn man and woman alive. Little wonder the room looked small. sy

He had always known these implications, but over time the knowledge had been lost to him. His uncle had been a Merchant — Lord, an incredibly rich man, a wily and experienced trader with contacts on a score of worlds. Lethke had travelled with him as a child and as a young man, and he had dreamed of seeing more of these aliens, of understanding how they thought and why they acted, of knowing more than just how to take their money. ou

And so he had become a diplomat. The skills of language and perception his father had taught him served him well in both fields. wi

But over time, the meaning of what he was had escaped him. He had become just another servant of the Government, just another politician drawing a wage and holding down a job. ll

As he looked around at his companions, he realised again what he really was. ob

He was the voice of the Brakiri people, and he had been silent for too long. ey

Durano, the cold, icily — efficient Centauri statesman. Lethke had come to admire his competence and calm. He remembered the emotionless look on Durano's face as he signed the Kazomi Treaty joining the Alliance, as he reported the raids on Centauri worlds, as he announced the illness of Emperor Mollari II. us

G'Kael, pleasant, almost jovial. Lethke and he had dined together on a number of occasions, and spoken of their religious beliefs. G'Kael always seemed sincere and genuine and truly devout, dedicated to the cause of his people and his Government, a Government which no longer existed. yo

Taan Churok. He had been present at the birth of the Alliance, and for those early, difficult years he had been a rock of stability and certainty, always committed to the cause the Alliance stood for. He had fought beside his people during the Conflict, and had returned to the Alliance following the Drazi surrender. Lethke could not recall a single word he had spoken in Council since that day. uw

Kulomani. Loyal, driven, dedicated. It was no coincidence he had been chosen as Commander of Babylon 5, but Lethke did not know where Kulomani would align himself or where his decisions would lead him. il

No one else. Was this all there were? Lethke had wanted to call a private meeting before the Council meeting itself, a meeting of those he trusted. He wanted to test the water, to see where people would turn. lo

These were all the people he could trust. He felt almost sick. be

Delenn was too busy, and too synonymous with the Alliance. With G'Kar away, she led the Rangers. She had renounced her ties to her own people to concentrate on the Alliance. To Lethke, who would not have dreamed of taking the same step, it seemed an admirable act, but it compromised her. If she were here, Taan Churok would definitely not be, as well as maybe G'Kael and Kulomani. yu

The Minbari did not have an Ambassador, despite having been members of the Alliance for over a year and a half. Kulomani was aware that the Grey Council had sent a representative, but however many good words he heard of Satai Kats, he did not know her. sy

The humans were represented by General Sheridan, but his first duty would be to the Alliance and the Dark Star fleet. He had led the attack on Zhabar and other Drazi worlds during the Conflict, and Taan Churok would not be likely to forget it. ou

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