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Human Cerebral Cortex IV: Structure of the Olfactory Cerebral Cortex of Man and Mammals, in Cajal on the Cerebral Cortex: An Annotated Translation of the Complete Writings, ed. J. DeFelipe and E. G. Jones (1901/02; New York: Oxford University Press, 1988).


Steven Pinker, How the Mind Works (London: Penguin Books, 1998), 183; в переводе на русский язык: Пинкер Стивен, Как работает мозг, М.: Кучково поле, 2017.


John P. McGann, Poor Human Olfaction Is a 19th-Century Myth, Science 356, no. 6338 (2017): eaam7263.


Shyam Srinivasan and Charles F. Stevens, Scaling Principles of Distributed Circuits, Current Biology 29, no. 15 (2019): 2533–2540e.7.


Kara E. Yopak et al., A Conserved Pattern of Brain Scaling from Sharks to Primates, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107, no. 29 (2010): 12946–12951.


Межклеточном. – Прим. ред.


Leslie M. Kay and S. Murray Sherman, An Argument for an Olfactory Thalamus, Trends in Neurosciences 30, no. 2 (2007): 47–53.


Camillo Golgi, Sulla fina struttura dei bulbi olfactorii, Rivista sperimentale di freniatria e medicina legale 1 (1875): 66–78; английский перевод статьи Гольджи о луковице представлен в работе: Gordon M. Shepherd et al., The Olfactory Granule Cell: From Classical Enigma to Central Role in Olfactory Processing, Brain Research Reviews 55, no. 2 (2007): 373–382.


Mark D. Eyre, Miklos Antal, and Zoltan Nusser, Distinct Deep Short-Axon Cell Subtypes of the Main Olfactory Bulb Provide Novel Intrabulbar and Extrabulbar GABAergic Connections, Journal of Neuroscience 28, no. 33 (2008): 8217–8229.


Venkatesh N. Murthy, Olfactory Maps in the Brain, Annual Review of Neuroscience 34 (2011): 233–258.


Кул-Эйд (Kool-Aid) – популярный в США растворимый безалкогольный напиток с разными фруктовыми вкусами. – Прим. пер.


Thomas A. Cleland, Early Transformations in Odor Representation, Trends in Neuroscience 33, no. 3 (2010): 130–139.


Murthy, Olfactory Maps, 250.


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Soucy et al., Precision and Diversity in an Odor Map.


Elissa A. Hallem and John R. Carlson, Coding of Odors by a Receptor Repertoire, Cell 125, no. 1 (2006): 143–160.


Rainer W. Friedrich and Mark Stopfer, Recent Dynamics in Olfactory Population Coding, Current Opinion in Neurobiology 11, no. 4 (2001): 468–474; Gilles Laurent, A Systems Perspective on Early Olfactory Coding, Science 286, no. 5440 (1999): 723–728.


Paolo Lorenzon et al., Circuit Formation and Function in the Olfactory Bulb of Mice with Reduced Spontaneous Afferent Activity, Journal of Neuroscience 35, no. 1 (2015): 146–160.


Frank R. Sharp, John S. Kauer, and Gordon M. Shepherd, Local Sites of Activity-Related Glucose Metabolism in Rat Olfactory Bulb during Odor Stimulation, Brain Research 98, no. 3 (1975): 596–600; W. B. Steward et al., Functional Organization of Rat Olfactory Bulb Analysed by the 2-Deoxyglucose Method, Journal of Comparative Neurology 185, no. 4 (1979): 715–734.


Peter Mombaerts et al., Visualizing an Olfactory Sensory Map, Cell 87, no. 4 (1996): 675–686.


Peter Mombaerts, Odorant Receptor Gene Choice in Olfactory Sensory Neurons: The One Receptor – One Neuron Hypothesis Revisited, Current Opinion in Neurobiology 14, no. 1 (2004): 31–36.


Kensaku Mori and Yoshihiro Yoshihara, Molecular Recognition and Olfactory Processing in the Mammalian Olfactory System, Progress in Neurobiology 45, no. 6 (1995): 585–619; Naoshige Uchida et al., Odor Maps in the Mammalian Olfactory Bulb: Domain Organization and Odorant Structural Features, Nature Neuroscience 3, no. 10 (2000): 1035; Kensaku Mori et al., Maps of Odorant Molecular Features in the Mammalian Olfactory Bulb, Physiological Reviews 86, no. 2 (2006): 409–433.


Fuqiang Xu, Charles A. Greer, and Gordon M. Shepherd, Odor Maps in the Olfactory Bulb, Journal of Comparative Neurology 422, no. 4 (2000): 489–495; OdorMapDB: Home – SenseLab, Olfactory Bulb Odor Map DataBase, Yale University, https://senselab.med.yale.edu/odormapdb/.


Leonardo Belluscio et al., Odorant Receptors Instruct Functional Circuitry in the Mouse Olfactory Bulb, Nature 419, no. 6904 (2002): 296.


Paul Feinstein et al., Axon Guidance of Mouse Olfactory Sensory Neurons by Odorant Receptors and the β2 Adrenergic Receptor, Cell 117, no. 6 (2004): 833–846.


Dong-Jing Zou, Alexaner Chesler, and Stuart Firestein, How the Olfactory Bulb Got Its Glomeruli: A Just So Story? Nature Reviews Neuroscience 10, no. 8 (2009): 611–618.


Диаметр клубочков млекопитающих колеблется от 30 до 200 мкм. – Прим. авт.


Bolek Zapiec and Peter Mombaerts, Multiplex Assessment of the Positions of Odorant Receptor-Specific Glomeruli in the Mouse Olfactory Bulb by Serial Two-Photon Tomography, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, no. 43 (2015): E5873–E5882.


Zapiec and Mombaerts, Positions of Odorant Receptor-Specific Glomeruli, E5873.


От перефирии к центру. – Прим. ред.


N. Buonviso et al., Short-Lasting Exposure to One Odour Decreases General Reactivity in the Olfactory Bulb of Adult Rats, European Journal of Neuroscience 10, no. 7 (1998): 2472–2475; N. Buonviso and M. Chaput, Olfactory Experience Decreases Responsiveness of the Olfactory Bulb in the Adult Rat, Neuroscience 95, no. 2 (2000): 325–332.


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