Quoted in E. Molnar, La Politique d’Alliances du Marxisme 7545–7 W (Budapest 1967), p. 152.
Quoted in Gustav Maier, Friedrich Engels (The Hague 1934). Vol. II, p. 186.
Maier, op. cit., p. 187.
F. Engels, Introduction to S. Borkheim, Zur Erinnerung fur die deutschen Mordspatrioten 1806–1812 (1887), quoted in Karl Kautsky, Sozialisten und Krieg (Prague 193 7), pp. 250–251.
Quoted in V. I. Lenin, The War and the Second International (London 1936), p. 57. For a further discussion of these questions see James Joli. ’Socialism between peace, war and revolution’ in S. Bertelli (ed.) Per Federico Chabod (1901–1960), Vol. II. Equilibrio ed Espansione Coloniale 1870–1914 (Perugia 1982).
Quoted in Erich Eyck, Das persönliche Regiment Wilhelms II (Zurich 1948), p. 62.
Quoted in Kautsky, op. cit., p. 274.
See Jean-Jacques Becker, Le Carnet В. (Paris 1973).
See e.g. Becker, 1914, pp. 106–117; J. J. Becker and Annie Kriegel, 1914: la guerre et le mouvement ouvrier français (Paris 1964); Georges Haupt, Socialism and the Great War: The Collapse of the Second International (Oxford 1972), pp. 171–180; Annie Kriegel, Le Pain et les Roses (Paris 1968), pp. 107–124.
Quoted in Annie Kriegel, ’Jaurès en 1914’ in Le Pain et les Roses, p. 115.
Quoted in Maier, op. cit., Vol. II, p. 519.
Bebel at SPD Congress 1891, Protokoll uber die Verhandlungen des Parteitages der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands (Berlin 1891), p. 285.
See R. J. Crampton, ’August Bebel and the British Foreign Office’, History, 58 (June 1973) and Helmut Bley, Bebel und die Strategie der Kriegsverhütung 1904–1913 (Göttingen 1975).
See the tables in Becker, 1914, pp. 286–291.
Vossische Zeitung 5 May 1916, quoted in Edwyn Bevan, German Social Democracy during the War (London 1918), p. 15. See also Joli, Second International, p. 179.
BD XI, No. 676, p. 356.
Quoted in Georges Haupt, Socialism and the Great War: The Collapse of the Second International (Oxford 1972), pp. 251–252.
Quoted in George Woodcock and Ivan Avakumovic, The Anarchist Prince (London 1950), p. 379.
R. de Felice, Mussolini il Revolvzionario (Turin 1965), p. 104.
G. Bozzetti, Mussolini direttore dell Avanti! (Milan 1979), p. 189.
Hansard, 5th series, Vol. LXV, col. 1881.
Margaret I. Cole (ed.) Beatrice Webb’s Diaries 1912–1924 (London 1952), p. 26.
’In Kitchener’s Army’, New Statesman, 5 Dec. 1914; F. H. Keeling, Keeling Letters and Reminiscences (London 1918), p. 209, see Arthur Marwick, The Deluge (London 1965), pp. 35–36.
The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell 1914–1944 (London 1968), p. 16.
Rupert Brooke, ’The dead’, 1914 and other Poems (London 1915), p. 13; Julian Grenfell, ’Into battle’, Nicholas Mosley, Julian Grenfell: His Life and the Times of his Death (London 1976), p. 256.
The phrase was used by the conservative historian Heinrich Leo in 1853 so had presumably been familiar for some decades. See Christoph Freiherr von Maltzan, Heinrich Leo (Göttingen 1979), p. 213. I am grateful to Lord Dacre of Glenton and Mr Daniel Johnson for this reference. The suggestion of the folk-song echo is made by Maurice Pearton, The Knowledgeable State: Diplomacy War and Technology since 1830 (London 1982), p. 32.
Herbert Spencer, Social Statics (London 1868), p. 80.
Franz Baron Conrad von Hotzendorf, Aus meiner Dienstzeit (Vienna 1923). Vol. IV, pp. 128–129.
Ze Figaro, 1 Sept. 1891, quoted in Claude Digeon, La Crise allemande de la Pensée francaise (Paris 1959), p. 278.
G. Papini and G. Prezzolini, Vecchio e nuovo Nazionalismo, quoted in Mario Isnenghi, Il Mito della Grande Guerra da Marinetti a Malaparte (Bari 1970), p. 77.
Quoted in W. L. Langer, The Diplomacy of Imperialism (New York 1951), p. 90.
Le Figaro, 29 Oct. 1912, quoted in Becker, 1914, p. 40.
Canon E. McLure, Germany’s War-Inspirers Nietzsche and Treitschke (London 1914), p. 5. For a further discussion of this topic, see James Joli, ’The English, Friedrich Nietzsche and the First Word War’ in Imanuel Geiss and Bernd Jurgen Wendt (eds) Deutschland in der Weltpolitik des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts (Düsseldorf 1973).
Quoted in Peter Winzen. ’Treitschke’s influence on the rise of anti-British and imperialist nationalism in Gennany’ in Paul Kennedy and Anthony Nicholls (eds) Nationalist and Racialist Movements in Britain and Germany before 1914 (London 1981), p. 164
Heinrich von Treitschke, Politik: Vorlesungen von Heinrich von Treitschke (ed. Max Cornicelius) (Leipzig 1899–1900). Vol. II, p. 550, English tr. in H. W. C. Davis, The Political Thought of Heinrich von Treitschke (London 1914) p. 177.
Treitschke, op. cit., Vol. I, p. 74; Davis, op. cit., p. 152.
Sir Charles Petrie, The Life and Letters of the Right Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (London 1940). Vol. I, p. 28.
The Times, 31 Oct. 1914.
’Agathon’ (Henri Massis and Alfred de Tarde), Les Jeunes Gens d’Aujourd’hui (Paris 1913), pp. 32–33. See Robert Wohl, The Generation of 1914 (Cambridge, Mass. 1979) Ch. I.
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