Карта 1. Европа в 1914 г.
Карта 2. Австро-Венгрия
Карта 3. Балканы и последствия войн на Балканах
Карта 4. Африка и Ближний Восток
See, for example, Paul Fussell, The Great War and Modern Memory (London 1975); Eric J. Leed, No Man’s Land: Combat and Identity in World War I (Cambridge 1979); Modris Eksteins, Rites of Spring: The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age (Boston 1989).
See Michael Ekstein, ’Sir Edward Grey and Imperial Germany in 1914’, Journal of Contemporary History, 6, No. 3 (1971), pp. 121–31.
Foreign Relations of the United States, 19I8 (Washingnon 1933) Supplement I, Vol. I, p. 383.
E. L. Woodward and Rohan Butler (eds) Documents on British Foreign Policy 1919–1939,1st series, Vol. 2 (London 1948) p. 913.
Manchester Guardian, 31 July 1914, quoted in Lawrence Martin, Peace without Victory (New Haven 1954), p. 47.
For a discussion of these materials, see A. J. P. Taylor, The Struggle for Mastery in Europe (Oxford 1954), pp. 569–83.
See e.g. Pierre Renouvin, Les Origines immediates de la Guerre (Paris 1927); Bernadotte E. Schmitt, The Coming of the War 1914, 2 vols (New York 1928); Sidney B. Fay, The Origins of the World War, 2 vols (New York 1928); Alfred von Wegerer, Der Ausbruch des Weltkrieges, 2 vols (Hamburg 1939); Luigi Albertini, Le Origini della Guerra del 1914, 3 vols (Milan 1942–43).
For example Rohan Butler, The Roots of National Socialism (London 1941).
Fritz Fischer, Griff nach der Weltmacht (Dusseldorf 1961), Eng. tr. Germany’s Aims in the First World War (London 1972); Krieg der Illusionen (Düsseldorf 1969), Eng. tr. War of Illusions (London 1974). For the controversy over Fischer’s views, see e.g. John Moses, The Politics of Illusion: The Fischer Controversy in German Historiography (London 1975); H. W. Koch (ed.) The Origins of the First World War (2nd edn. London 1984); Wolfgang Schieder (ed.) Erster Weltkrieg: Ursachen, Entstehung und Kriegsziele (Cologne 1969).
See the two volumes of essays celebrating Fischer’s sixty-fifth and seventieth birthdays: Imanuel Geiss and Bernd Jurgen Wendt (eds) Deutschland in der Weltpolitik des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts (Düsseldorf 1973); Dirk Stegmann and Peter-Christian Witt (eds) Industrielle Gesellschaft und politisches System (Bonn 1978), and especially the works of Hans-Ulrich Weliler, e.g. Bismarck und der Imperialismus (Cologne 1969); Das deutsche Kaiserreich 1871–1918 (Göttingen 1973).
Arno J. Mayer, ’Internal crises and war since 1870’ in Charles L. Bertrand (ed) Revolutionary Situations in Europe (Montreal 1977), p. 231. For a development of Mayer’s view that the war was a last attempt by the old European aristocracy to preserve ist position, see his The Persistence of the Old Regime; Europe to the Great War (New York 1981).
Luigi Albertini, The Origins of the War of 1914, Vol. Ill (Eng.tr. 1957), p. 178.
Isaiah Berlin, Historical Inevitability (London 1954), p. 33, fn 1.
The phrase was used by Count Taaffe. See e.g. Oscar Jaszi, The Dissolution of the Habsburg Monarchy (Chicago 1961), p. 115.
For Hoyos mission and the mood in the Austro-Hungarian Foreign Ministry see Frits Fellner, ’Die Mission Hoyos’ in Les Grandes Puissances et la Serbie? la veille de la Premiere Guerre Mondiale. Receuil des travaux aux Assises Scientifiques Internationales (Belgrade 1976).
R.J.O Evans, ’The Habsburg Monarchy and the Coming of War’ in Evans and Pogge von Strandmann (eds). The Coming o f the First World War (Oxford 1985), p. 40.
Karl Kautsky, Graf Max Montgelas and Prof. Walter Schucking (eds) Die deutschen Dokumente zum Kriegaus bruch, Vol. I (Charlottenburg 1919) No. 50, p. 78. (Hereinafter referred to as DD.)
O. Hoetsch (ed.) Die internazionalen Beziehungen im Zeitalter des Imperialismus. Dokumente aus den Archiven der Zaristischen und der Provisorischen Regierung, 5 vols (Berlin 1931–34) 1st series, Vol. IV, No. 245. (Hereinafter referred to as Int. Bez.) See L. Albertini, The Origins o f the War o f 1914, Vol. II (London 1953), p. 184.
Baron Schilling, How the War began in 1914 (London 1925) pp. 28–29. See also Albertini, op. cit., Vol. Ill, p. 290.
G. P. Gooch and Harold Temperley (eds) British Docu ments on the Origin o f War 1898–1914, Vol.. XI (London 1926). No. 91, p. 73. (Hereinafter referred to as BD.)
Int. Bez. 1st series, V, No. 37; Albertini, op. cit., Vol.II, p. 350.
Oesterreich-Ungarns Aussenpolitik von der Bosnischen Krise 1908 bis zum Krigsausbruch 1914, Vol. VIII (Vienna 1930) No. 10616, p. 646. (Hereinafter referred to as OeD.)
See Gale Stokes, ’The Serbian documents from 1914: a preview’. Supplement to the Journal o f Modern History,48, No.3, Sept. 1976.
DDI, No. 49, p. 74
DDIV, Appendix IV, No. 2, p. 127.
BDXI, No. 86, p. 70.
BDXI, No. 98, p. 77.
BDXI, No. 140, p. 101.
OeDVIII,No. 10648.
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