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class="p1">The Gatty Log // Around the World in Eight Days. Р. 292.


Harold Gatty. The Raft Book: Lore of the sea and sky. George Grady, 1944.


Harold Gatty. Finding Your Way Without Map or Compass. Dover, 1999. Р. 25, 26. Репринт издания: Nature is Your Guide: How to find your way on land and sea. Collins, 1957.


Перевод Н. В. Вронского.


Francis Chichester. The Lonely Sea and the Sky. Hodder and Stoughton, 1964. Р. 124.


The Lonely Sea and the Sky. Р. 63.


The Journal of Navigation 11 (1). January 1958. Р. 107–109.


Jennifer E. Sutton. Melanie Buset and Mikayla Keller (2014). Navigation experience and mental representations of the environment: do pilots build better cognitive maps? // PloS ONE. 9 (3): e90058.


Frank Arthur Worsley. Endurance: An epic of polar adventure. Philip Allan, 1931. Р. 88.


F. A. Worsley. Shackleton’s Boat Journey. Philip Allan, 1933. Р. 45.


Shackleton’s Boat Journey. Р. 85.


Finding Your Way Without Map or Compass. Р. 39.


Более подробно о «Хокулеа» и полинезийской навигации: hokulea.com; http://annex.exploratorium.edu/neverlost


Richard Irving Dodge. Our wild Indians: thirty-three years’ personal experience among the red men of the great West. A popular account of their social life, religion, habits, traits, customs, exploits, etc. With thrilling adventures and experiences on the great plains and in the mountains of our wide frontier. A. D. Worthington, 1882. Ch. XLIII.


См.: John MacDonald. The Arctic Sky: Inuit astronomy, star lore, and legend. Royal Ontario Museum and Nunavut Research Institute, 2000; Claudio Aporta and Eric Higgs (2005). Satellite culture: global positioning systems, Inuit wayfinding, and the need for a new account of technology // Current Anthropology. 46 (5). Р. 729–753.


Яркое и подробное описание песенных троп: Bruce Chatwin. The Songlines. Franklin Press, 1987.


Claudio Aporta (2013). From Inuit wayfinding to the Google world: living within an ecology of technologies // Judith Miggelbrink et al., eds, Nomadic and Indigenous Spaces: Productions and Cognitions. Routledge, 2013. Ch. 12.


Более подробно о влиянии GPS на культуру иннуитов см.: Claudio Aporta and Eric Higgs (2005). Global positioning systems, Inuit wayfinding, and the need for a new account of technology // Current Anthropology. 46 (5). Р. 729–753.


F. Spencer Chapman. On not getting lost // John Moore, ed. The Boys’ Country Book. Collins, 1955. Р. 40.


Claudio Aporta (2003). Inuit orienting: traveling along familiar horizons // глава 5 его диссертации: Old routes, new trails: contemporary Inuit travel and orienting in Igloolik, Nunavut // University of Alberta, 2003.


Kirill V. Istomin (2013). From invisible float to the eye for a snowstorm: the introduction of GPS by Nenets reindeer herders of western Siberia and its impact on their spatial cognition and navigation methods // Judith Miggelbrink et al., eds. Nomadic and Indigenous Spaces: Productions and Cognitions. Routledge, 2013. Ch. 10.


Kirill V. Istomin (2013).


Примеры: R. R. Baker (1980). Goal orientation by blindfolded humans after long-distance displacement: possible involvement of a magnetic sense // Science. 210 (4469). Р. 555–557; Eric Hand. Polar explorer (23 June 2016), Science 352 (6293). Р. 1508–1513; Connie X. Wang et al. (2019). Transduction of the geomagnetic field as evidenced from alpha-band activity in the human brain // eNeuro (E-publication). DOI 10.1523/eneuro.0483–18.2019


Lera Boroditsky and Alice Gaby (2010). Remembrances of times east: absolute spatial representations of time in an Australian aboriginal community // Psychological Science. 21 (11). Р. 1635–1639. Также смотрите подкаст NPR Radiolab «С птичьего полета» (Bird’s-Eye View).


Franz Boas. From Geographical Names of the Kwakiutl Indians. Columbia University Press, 1934.


Harry R. DeSilva (1931). A case of a boy possessing an automatic directional orientation // Science 73 (1893). Р. 393–394.


Rebecca Solnit. A Field Guide to Getting Lost. Canongate, 2006. Р. 10.


Сообщение о пропавшем туристе см.: Gerry Largay Missing Hiker report, Bureau of Warden Service, State of Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, 12 November 2015.


Kathryn Miles. How could a woman just vanish // Boston Globe, 30 December 2014. Доступно: https://www.bostonglobe.com/magazine/2014/12/30/how-could-woman-justvanish/CkjirwQF7RGnw4VkAl6TWM/story.html


Используется англ. интернет-сленг: XOX (hugs and kisses). – Примеч. ред.


Подробности: Gerry Largay Missing Hiker report (2015).


Canadian Crusoes: A Tale of the Rice Lake Plains, by Moodie’s sister Catharine Parr Traill. Arthur Hall, Virtue and Company, 1852. Р. vi–vii. В воспоминаниях самой Муди, Life in the Clearings versus the Bush, приводится ряд рассказов о людях, погибших после того, как заблудились в лесу. Richard Bentley, 1853. Р. 269–278.


Canadian Crusoes. Р. 77.


Lost in a forest. University of St Andrews press release, 1 April 2002, based on Perceptions, Attitudes and Preferences in Forests and Woodlands, Terence R. Lee. Forestry Commission, 2001.


Francis Chichester. The Lonely Sea and the Sky. Hodder and Stoughton, 1964. Р. 249.


Ralph A. Bagnold. Libyan Sands: Travel in a dead world. Hodder and Stoughton, 1935. Р. 80.


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