см. for the avoidance of any doubt
away from
в стороне от
Stay away from electrical equipment.
в сторону от
Angle the torch so that the flame is directed away from the domed sheets
в сторону, противоположную чему-л.
Our front yard faces away from the street.
back v
возвращаться, вернуться
Reversible adiabatic expansion backs to its initial temperature.
см. with this background
The reduction in optical absorption is at least 10 dB at a wavelength within a band from 1.45 to 1.65 microns.
based on
по (какому-л. признаку)
In this method, proteins are separated based on their molecular size.
battle adj.
бойцовый (о животных)
Breeding and handling battle cocks
волосяной покров лица; щетина разг.
I thought that he was quite an old age by seeing his long beards and his head covered with gray hairs.
Because you insist, we do see clearly, you are unable to escape your guilt.
God can be seen in His beingness and God can be seen in His essence.
He forged a route to accomplish new states of beingness and happiness.
between… and…
от… до…
The age of the children may vary between 10 years and 18 years and the level of care required could vary.
(в период) с… по…
Between 1815 and 1861 the economy of the Northern states was rapidly modernizing and diversifying.
between each + noun
после каждого + сущ.; между двумя следующими друг за другом + сущ.
Check temperature between each welding run.
best possible
наилучший; оптимальный
Industrial fermenters usually have a range of features to make sure the fermentation takes place in the best possible conditions.
за пределы
The domain extends beyond the area covered by the DEM data.
big n
ведущая компания; компания-лидер
To this day Diamond Supply Co. is one of the bigs in the skateboarding industry.
Spring hammering is used when a technician needs to give a series of light blows to metal, causing it to move or shrink.
см. on board
brain-case (braincase, brain case)
черепная коробка
Primates have a comparatively large brain-case.
показывать; демонстрировать
The film was broadcasted on one night only.
broadly construed
(если понимать) в широком смысле
The present invention relates, broadly construed, to tree injectors.
This is literally planning to build new worlds on new planets.
but there is still room for improvement
но остаются возможности для усовершенствования
Her writing is better but there is still room for improvement.
build v
There is an imperative to build the potential of learners to use language beyond specific instances.
by far
безусловно; бесспорно; вне всякого сомнения (всяких сомнений); наверняка; несомненно; однозначно; определенно
It is by far the best ending for one.
гораздо; значительно; намного; несравненно; несравнимо
Always assume that there is one silent student in your class who is by far superior to you in head and in heart.
by the date of
на дату чего-л.
It is vital that departments also maintain up-to-date records in CMS of their courses, instructors, co-instructors and students by the date of census.
землистый (землистого цвета); мертвенный
Death was looking at his last charge with obvious bafflement in his cadaveric face, which is not easy thing when you are nothing but bones.
задержание; перехват; изъятие; конфискация
The Australian Police made a monumental capture of drugs.
обладать чем-л.; характеризоваться чем-л. (контекстные знач.)
The AMP coin carries some properties that bitcoin doesn’t.
см. extreme case; from case to case
Drugs that may cause damage to liver blood vessels
сотовый телефон; смартфон
I want to buy a new cell for my daughter – probably the Samsung Galaxy Centura..
Champions League
лигочемпионский неол.
Showcase will show a minimum of 12 UEFA Champions League matches.
Memorizing these simple rules, you will avoid many complications of various character.
charged with
ответственный за
A software administrator is a person charged with the installation and maintenance of the computer software equipment.
charitably speaking
мягко говоря
Charitably speaking, the modifications look horrible.
результат выбора; выбранные данные
The user firstly selects one of the images as a reference image, after which the computer receives this choice in the next step.
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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