At this time any person will be allowed to speak on any matter that pertains to City business.
all things being equal
при прочих равных условиях
All things being equal, we would have a surplus of police officers.
Accelerating by previous preparation of the plant is a method of considerable importance, whether taken alone, or in connection with other modes.
и без того; и так
Wouldn’t that complicate their lives when they are already complicated enough?
см. and also
alternate v
поочередно переходить
The flap valve alternates from a position covering an orifice to a remote position.
в другой ситуации (контекстное знач.)
When EGHR valve is open and EGR valve is closed, heat from the exhaust may be transferred to the engine coolant. Alternatively, when EGR valve is open, exhaust flow through EGR line may occur.
and also
да разг. (в знач. «и еще»)
I bought bread and also cheese. (Купил хлеба да сыру).
с головой человека; с человеческой головой; человекоголовый
This sculpture represents an androcephalic bull.
с головой человека; с человеческой головой; человекоголовый
The Pharaoh is symbolized by the androcephalous sphinx.
and this
причем; при этом
Government becomes an instrument for securing the lives, property, and well-being of the governed, and this without enslaving the governed in any way.
английский; англоязычный
The Anglo-Saxon term for the «view of frank-pledge» is «frith-borh» – literally «peace-pledge.»
Many genes involved in programmed cell death undergo alternative splicing to generate functionally distinct or even antagonistic products.
anti- + proper name
противник + имя собственное
The next 24 hours will determine whether the anti-Mubarak have the stomach for a fight. (враги Мубарака)
a number of issues remain
остается ряд вопросов (остаются некоторые вопросы)
A number of issues remain that we have to address seriously. (Пример взят из ресурса Reverso Context.)
a number of questions remain
остается ряд вопросов (остаются некоторые вопросы)
A number of questions remain before it can be tried in humans.
any and all
всевозможные; самые разнообразные
The courts have broad common-law authority to devise any and all equitable remedies for the misconduct of faithless fiduciaries.
Mitt Romney warned Americans that a second term for President Obama would have apocalyptic consequences for the economy.
In the media, meteorologists predicted apocalyptical consequences for the climate and the environment.
apostroph v
ставить апостроф
Both the possessive and the contraction ’it’s’ are apostrophed.
с апострофом
You can type in an apostrophed letter pair: «PA for Point Name, «PN for Point Number,…
очевидным образом; с очевидностью
This conclusion apparently follows from the fact that much sand and sedimentary clay are component parts of the tuff.
производимый (выпускаемый) компьютерной компанией Apple; яблочный проф. жарг.
Get an alert by Email or RSS when we post deals and sale prices in the Apple Computers category.
подавать (ток, напряжение и т. п.)
The method of magnetising the lash adjuster may comprise placing a coil around a portion of the lash adjuster and applying a current to the coil.
apply smth to smth
воздействовать чем-л. на что-л. (контекстное знач.)
The magnetic material may have been magnetised by applying an electro-magnetic field to the lash adjuster. (воздействуя на регулятор зазора электромагнитным полем)
apply to
распространять на
They strongly inclined to apply this rule to other actions of debt on simple contract.
to be appreciated
пользоваться спросом (контекстное знач.)
These packings are especially appreciated in the field of export of cars.
см. all around
to be articulated on
концентрироваться вокруг чего-л.; строиться на чем-л.; быть посвященным чему-л.; быть сфокусированным на чем-л.
The indicative plan of the country report is articulated on the following points:
By an ingenious artifice of his groom, Darius Hystaspes became the successful candidate, and was immediately acknowledged king by his confederates.
As another example,…
Другой пример:…
For example, sludged throttle bodies can restrict aurflow. As another example, soot deposit on spark plugs can increase knock limitation.
as a precaution
в качестве меры предосторожности; для перестраховки; для профилактики; на всякий случай
A backup chlorine line should be provided as a precaution in the event of a break in the existing line.
as a result of
в силу
The top part of the deflection surface can be machined if required as a result of process constraints.
as far as is known
как известно; насколько известно; по имеющимся данным
As far as is known, earth is unique in the solar system in that it has an ozone layer.
as for
как и; как и в случае с
Case Study 2:… As for the first case study, we can simulate the above system…
что и
As the same panel construction was used, the values of the first term of Eq. (13) remain the same as for the first example.
as is
в таком виде
The rounded thermally polished surfaces are not suitable as is for reliable operation when used as a drop-on-demand ejection nozzle and need to be removed.
как и
Each species is a single, particular organism unique to itself, as are we humans, homo sapiens.
as known
как известно
As known, recent studies have shown promising results.
as required by
как того требует…
The vehicle is registered as required by the law of the main place of residence.
по требованию кого-л.
You shall submit to narcotic or drug testing as required by any Supervision Officer.
associated with
вызванный чем-л.; обусловленный чем-л.
Residual strains associated with a nuclear explosion
as such
в связи с этим; в этой связи; в силу этого
It was recognized that the process of reproduction is an essential requirement in order to maintain the species in a population that ages and degrades. As such, reproduction and fertility were concluded to be a greater factor in the evolutionary drive…
as well as
кроме того, что; не считая того, что; помимо того, что
As well as carrying a significant cost, the clip can also impact on the design.
в фазе; на стадии; на этапе
How fast is the space shuttle at take off?
at a later date
по прошествии некоторого времени
It is an object of this invention to provide a closure plug that can be extracted at a later date from the component to which it is fitted.
at equidistance
на одинаковых (равных) расстояниях
An idealised, proportionate face has these landmarks at equidistance from one another.
at large
в бегах
One Boston Marathon Suspect Killed, Second At Large
to be at large
не быть пойманным; скрываться (о преступнике) (контекстное знач.)
One Boston Marathon Suspect Killed, Second At Large
at last
напоследок разг.
Job suffered tremendously, and at last he cried out, «I am watched and restrained».
см. pay attention that; pay attention to
at the confluence of
на стыке
Scott (1985) regarded ethnomathematics as lying at the confluence of mathematics and cultural anthropology.
at the last
в конечном итоге; в конечном счете; в конце концов; наконец
He had explored other varieties of mystical experience, coming at the last to the most classic.
at the level of
The apical heartbeat in an adult is best heard at the level of the fifth intercostal space.
в области чего-л.
Typically, this is pain at the level of the fracture, that is, in the back.
в зоне чего-л.; в зоне расположения чего-л.; в месте расположения чего-л.; возле чего-л.; рядом с чем-л.; у чего-л.
The two compartments should be joined by a pipe at the level of the outlet.
в отношении чего-л.; в смысле чего-л.; в части чего-л.; с точки зрения чего-л.
A key question that needs to be addressed at the level of organization of interactions between populations is:…
присутствующие сущ.; собравшиеся сущ.
The Prime Minister thanked the audience for the outpouring of support and assistance.
см. where available
available for you
к вашим услугам (контекстное знач.)
We are always available for you whenever you may need us.
This Tuesday 10th of May is World Migratory Bird Day is a massive, global celebration of the beauty and wonder of our avian friends.
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