steward n – управляющий, распорядитель; стюард
23. corporate citizenship – социально ответственное поведение корпораций
corporate citizen – социально ответственная корпорация
24. branding n – брендинг
25. socially responsible investments (SRI) – социально ответственные инвестиции
26. resolution n – выражение желания или намерения что-то сделать; резолюция или решение; разрешение спора
27.threshold n – порог
threshold a – пороговый
28. Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) – индекс устойчивости Dow Jones
29.fine n – штраф, пеня; тонкий; точный; первоклассный
fine v – взимать штраф, налагать штраф
30. litigation n – судебный процесс, судебное дело, тяжба
litigant n – истец или ответчик в судебном процессе
litigate v – судиться, оспаривать на суде
31. non-governmental organization (NGO) – неправительственная организация
32. morale n – моральное состояние, боевой дух
33. recycling n – рециклирование
recycle v – рециклировать
34. cost/benefit analysis – анализ издержек и прибыли
Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.
1. What does CSR mean? 2. What is the generally accepted definition of sustainable development and what does it entail in practice? 3. What is the difference between CSR and charity? 4. What is the triple bottom line reporting? 5. What are the key arguments against the triple bottom line reporting? 6. What are the views of CSR critics? 7. What kind of conflict can arise with respect to companies that proclaim their commitment to CSR? 8. What do advocates of CSR say and what are their arguments in favor of this concept? 9. Does it pay to be a good corporate citizen? 10. What do you think is the proper role of business in society?
Exercise 2*. Find terms in the text that match definitions given below and make sentences of your own with each term.
1. anything imposing a moral or legal duty; an agreement that may be enforced by law
2. pertaining to work or operations of a highly delicate, secretive, or precarious nature
3. outside the authority of any one nation or national government
4. the private or public relief of the poor
5. a state or condition of well-being, as of health, happiness or prosperity
6. the proceedings in a suit at law
7. payment exacted as punishment for an offense
8. mental attitude expressing courage, zeal, hope or confidence
Exercise 3. You are a journalist writing for The Economist, and your assignment is to interview BP’s HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) vice president on environmental objectives of the company. Make a dialogue between these two individuals using the following briefing materials.
BP Towards Sustainable Future
Minimizing Emissions
BP’s recognition of the need for precautionary action over climate change led to a program of action in which we set and met a target to lower our own emissions (выбросы) of greenhouse gases (парниковых газов) by 10% from the 1990 level. We have now set a new target – to maintain emissions at or below that level up to 2012, despite growth in production of energy.
The emission reduction program showed that economic benefits can accompany environmental ones. Overall, rather than damaging BP’s business, the four year program created over half a billion dollars of value in fuel saved. For example, the Texas City Refinery (НПЗ) reduced emissions by 300,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in emissions and also saved $5 million.
Another way that BP has addressed the need to take precautionary action was to reduce flaring (сжигание газа в факелах) by 34%. The energy industry collectively flares almost 10bn cubic ft of gas a day – as much as is used by France, Belgium and the Netherlands together. BP has joined a partnership established by World Bank to cut flaring, along with partners including the Norwegian Government, Sonatrach and Royal Dutch/Shell.
BP has also reduced the environmental impact of the products it sells. Within the next 3 years we plan that half of our retail sales worldwide will be of cleaner fuels. These are designed to enable motorists to reduce the emissions from their vehicles and have been particularly targeted at cities where air quality problems are most acute. Already cleaner fuels are available at over 100 cities worldwide.
Leading in Renewables
Renewable (возобновляемые) energy sources hold out the promise of fuel with very low environmental impact. Although commercially viable in some situations today, these sources are generally too expensive to compete with oil and gas in the major energy markets. However, BP is committed to building a substantial renewable and alternative energy business focusing on solar, wind and hydrogen.
BP is a global solar leader, accounting for 20% of the world market for solar energy. BP Solar provides products to help our customers use cleaner energy in 160 countries. We use our own products to provide renewable energy at service stations, plants and offices.
Hydrogen has the potential to revolutionize energy for transportation. BP is already a major producer of hydrogen for industrial use, and we are taking part in R&D projects around the world to help overcome barriers to the introduction of hydrogen as a fuel for motor vehicles.
Source: www.bpamoco.org
Exercise 4*. Fill in the blanks using terms given below.
Shell’s Business Principles
Principle 2 – Responsibilities to Society and Employees
We continue to make a substantial……. to local economies in over 135 countries where we have an interest in……… through……… and the use of local contractors and suppliers.
Shell companies employ some 90,000 people the majority of which are local……. The number of employees has fallen at all levels of the Group since last year due to transfer of labor to other organizations and…….. exercises started in 1999.
In 50 countries Shell companies have a policy to promote…….. – the use of local contractors and suppliers. In 106 countries Shell companies spend more than 50% of total……… on goods and services inside that country.
Shell companies in 130 countries compare……… levels to ensure they are competitive. No member of staff receives less than the…….. wage. The lowest wage paid to a Shell company employee in 2000 was $50 per month plus $20 transport……. in a country in Africa where the national minimum is $25 per month.
Principle 4 – Business Integrity
We have a Group-wide policy and target of no……. ……. is a global problem that can occur at any level but in some countries the payment of bribes and……. payments to low-level government officials is common practice – putting managers under continuous pressure. The primer «Dealing with Bribes and Corruption» helps managers maintain the highest standards of……
In 2000, Shell companies reported four instances in which seven employees were detected……../accepting bribes. All seven employees were……..
There was one case in which a bribe was solicited by a third party offering to secure a Shell company a favorable place in the….. for a license. The offer was refused.
Principle 5 – Political Activities
We have a policy and…….. of no political payments. Shell companies in 117 countries operate a procedure to prevent and identify possible……… of the policy. In 2000, there was one case where a Shell company detected a political payment made on its……. through a marketing organization of which the company is a member. An official public…….. was made.
Principle 6 – Health, Safety and Environment
Climate change remains one of the most important……. issues of our time. We are acting to reduce our own………. and supporting our customers, partners and suppliers to reduce theirs. We strive to continuously reduce negative environmental……… across our operations. Over 90% of our major…….. have achieved ISO 14001………..
We deeply regret that in 2000 60 people (55 contractors and five Shell employees) lost their lives during work activity compared with 47 in 1999. This is unacceptable and we continue to promote local and global initiatives to address the……….. issues. As last year, the majority of deaths occurred in road accidents in……. countries where driving conditions are particularly difficult.
Principle 8 – Competition
Shell companies seek to compete fairly and ethically within the framework of applicable……… laws. In 95 countries Shell companies operate a…….. to ensure their operations do not……. such laws. In 71 countries employees receive…….. to help them understand applicable competition laws.
In 2000, nine competition cases involving Shell companies were……. In two cases, the Shell company was found…….. In both, Shell companies were judged to have…….. competition law by being part of price-fixing……. resulting in……. of $11,000 and $17 million.
A……. commission ordered eight wholesalers, including a non-Shell operated joint venture, to pay some $17 million for rigging……. in the supply of oil products to the…….. industry. This is being…….
Source: 2000 Shell Report (excerpts)
defense, fines, contested, developing and emerging, bids, facilitation, installations, target, statutory, emissions, behalf, fair trading, environmental, bribes, competition, allowance, contribution, operations, bidding, guilty, employment, staff, downsizing, local content, infringed, expenditures, remuneration, corruption, integrity, soliciting, dismissed, breaches, complaint, procedure, impacts, certification, occupational safety, corruption, completed, cartels, training, violate
Exercise 5. Translate into English.
Политика ОАО «ЛУКОЙЛ» в области промышленной безопасности, охраны труда и окружающей среды в XXI веке
Стратегическая цель ОАО «Лукойл» в ХХI веке – обеспечить устойчивое развитие и стать одной из ведущих нефтяных компаний мира. Достижение поставленной цели осуществляется сбалансированным решением социально-экономических задач и проблем сохранения благоприятной окружающей среды.
Приоритетными задачами ОАО «Лукойл» являются обеспечение безопасных условий труда работников, защита здоровья персонала Группы «Лукойл» и населения, проживающего в районах деятельности организаций Группы «Лукойл», а также сохранение благоприятной окружающей природной среды.
Для этого в компании созданы и успешно функционируют системы управления промышленной и экологической безопасностью, охраной труда. Они построены в полном соответствии с действующим российским законодательством, на основе лучшей отечественной и зарубежной практики и прошли сертификацию на соответствие требованиям международного стандарта ISO 14001 и стандарта OHSAS 18001.
Политика ОАО «Лукойл» разработана и принята в полном соответствии со стратегией государства в области промышленной и экологической безопасности и рационального использования природных ресурсов.
Политика ОАО «Лукойл» в области промышленной безопасности, охраны труда и окружающей среды устанавливает на ближайшие пять лет следующие цели:
– постоянное улучшение состояния промышленной безопасности, охраны труда, окружающей среды и обеспечение контроля за выполнением этих обязательств;
– рациональное использование природных ресурсов как вовлекаемых в производство, так и находящихся в регионах деятельности организаций Группы «Лукойл»;
– достижение уровня промышленной и экологической безопасности, соответствующего современному состоянию развития науки, техники и общества;
– повышение промышленной и экологической безопасности производственных объектов компании, снижение негативного воздействия на окружающую среду за счет повышения надежности технологического оборудования, обеспечения его безопасной и безаварийной работы;
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