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With trembling fingers, Elizabeth untied each of the strings. Darcy remained on his knee beside her.Tears of happiness misted her eyes.

Then she rolled back the last of the black cloth, and Darcy watched her chest rise with a quick intake of air. Joy filled her face. “Fitzwilliam!” she gasped, and her arms encircled his neck and a kiss landed on the side of his cheek. He drew Elizabeth to him and to her feet.

Both Jane Bennet and Mrs. Gardiner dabbed at their eyes, assured of Mr. Darcy’s affection for Elizabeth; Mr. Gardiner beamed with pride, observing the match his niece had made.

Darcy picked up the emerald-and-diamond necklace and draped it around her neck, fastening it in back.

Her sister declared,“Lizzy, you are as beautiful as a princess!”

“My husband,” Elizabeth looked lovingly at Darcy, “is most generous.” She turned her attention back to the man.“Fitzwilliam, there are no words to express my gratitude.”

“My mother would be pleased to see these jewels find such a beautiful home.”Then he took Elizabeth’s hand and wrapped her arm about his. “Let us show the house, Love.” The others rose to

At this time of year, the theatre crowd consisted mainly of lords and ladies who turned over the running of their estates to their eldest son, widows who preferred the draw of Bond Street and London’s cultural attractions to a dowager house, and second sons who would never have their own estate, but who lived happily in their family’s town house. Darcy introduced Elizabeth to his circle of acquaintances. For the past six years, he had spent the winters in London, socializing with many of these same people; although they were not first-tier ton, they would write to those who were and describe the woman Fitzwilliam Darcy had chosen for his wife.

“Ah, Darcy,” Lord Eddington said, approaching them as they reached Darcy’s private box.“I heard you gave up the ghost, old boy.”

“Your Lordship,” Darcy said as he offered a quick bow. “How are you, Sir?”

“I will be of excellent standing when I have met this lovely young lady holding so tightly to your arm.”The white bushy eyebrows rose and fell playfully.

“Mrs. Darcy, may I present Lord Eddington of Edsterton Abbey in Dove Dale, a distant neighbor in Derbyshire.Your Lordship, this is my wife, Elizabeth Darcy.”

Elizabeth dropped a quick curtsy before Lord Eddington took her free hand in his and brought it to his lips. “My pleasure, Mrs. Darcy.” The old man gave Elizabeth a wry smile before returning his attention to Darcy. “I heard you recently married, Darcy. Does this mean that you will be spending more time at Pemberley?”

“That is our plan,Your Lordship,” Darcy said as he recaptured Elizabeth’s hand.

“We are glad to hear it. It is time you made Pemberley your home—your dear parents are gone and life is for the living. Raise a family!”

Darcy motioned to Bingley to lead the others to their seats.“Mrs. Darcy and I will do our best to live up to your expectations, Sir.”

Lord Eddington puffed up with self-importance. “James Darcy and I were at Oxford together. He was a fine man, and he would want this for you. I never saw a man so proud as the day you were born. It was as if the world had righted itself.”

“Thank you, Your Lordship. Your words are balms to my grief. Now, if you will excuse us, I believe the performance is about to start.”

“Of course, Darcy.”The man eyed Elizabeth again.“Mrs. Darcy, your beauty is such that I understand why this scoundrel hid you away until he secured your hand.” He winked conspicuously at Darcy. “Your wife is lovely, Darcy.” He bowed to them both and made his way to his seat.

Elizabeth leaned in close to Darcy as he held the curtain leading to the private box.“Lord Eddington is quite the character.”

“An old man can get away with outrageous remarks,” Darcy commented.

“Do you not think I am lovely, my Husband?” Elizabeth asked flirtatiously.

“You know perfectly well that I find you to be the most exquisite of God’s creatures.” His breathing was shallow, and he felt her closeness in every fiber of his being.

Elizabeth stroked his arm lightly; then she entered the box as Darcy closed the curtain. Bingley placed Jane and the Gardiners in three of the lower-level chairs before taking the seat next to Jane. Darcy seated Elizabeth behind her sister and took the chair to her right.Then he took Elizabeth’s hand into his large grasp.

Elizabeth leaned forward to whisper in Jane’s ear, “Do not forget to tell Mama we have a private box, but be sure to have a bottle of vapors close at hand when you do.”

Jane smiled brightly.“Mama will tell all of Meryton and probably several strangers passing through.”

Elizabeth patted her sister’s shoulder before leaning back into Darcy’s nearness. Her family meant everything to her, but now Darcy was her world. Only when he was near did she feel complete. Automatically, she tightened her grip on his hand, and he

When the performance began, she turned her head to him. Only inches apart, she whispered,“I wish we were alone so I could thank you properly for all of this.” She gestured first to the theatre, and then to her family.Then she allowed her fingers to touch the necklace.

“I will accept your gratitude later,” he teased her.

“Guaranteed.” She winked at him before turning towards the stage.

Darcy gazed at the effect the dampened lamps had on her eyes. They glowed with the shaded light, as if every point of brightness in the room began and ended in her eyes.They were the green of limes and of new leaves and of moss, all at the same time. In the light of the nearest sconce, he could see the indentation of her neck. The diamond and emeralds glistened there, sparkling at the spot he most desired, a spot that was now slightly reddened from his earlier attentions to it.

Darcy smiled at her when she looked back at him. Her eyes danced with happiness, and he knew he had married the right woman. Without Elizabeth, Georgiana might now be dead, and he surely would be. Plus, she brought hope with her—hope for a different way of life. Just for a moment, Darcy wondered, If we destroy Wickham, will I change, too? Will I still carry the curse? Will I still create another vampire if we have a son? Or—He dared not finish his own thought.

At the intermission, Darcy and Mr. Gardiner sought refreshments while Bingley escorted Jane about the building, showing her the architecture of what was once a royal residence. Alone with her aunt, Elizabeth could not resist asking, “Do you still suspect Fitzwilliam of crimes most heinous?”

“I no longer believe Mr. Darcy could take a life violently because I believe in you, Lizzy.You could not love the man as you do if

Elizabeth looked about to see if anyone might hear her confession. “Aunt Merry, I do love Mr. Darcy, and I do not speak of the man who gives me diamonds. I speak of the man who holds me when I have a nightmare—of the man who buys a horse from his friend because I love the animal—of the man from whose eyes I cannot look away.”

“The necklace is enchanting.” Mrs. Gardiner reached out and touched the jewels with her fingertips. She spoke in a lower tone: “I noted the red mark on your neck, Lizzy.”

Elizabeth’s fingers shot to the spot.“Does it show,Aunt Merry?”

“Your husband cleverly covered it with the necklace. I, too, have the mark.” Her aunt rolled back the netted scarf draped around her neck and tucked it in at the bodice of her gown.

“Uncle Edward?” Elizabeth could not believe her own ears. Her uncle could not be a vampire, too. Besides, he was her mother’s brother, not a relative of Lord Thomas.

Mrs. Gardiner blushed. “Your uncle enjoys my femininity, as he calls it.”

“Are you saying, Aunt, that my uncle—your husband—kisses you in such a way?”

A bit sarcastically, Aunt Merry responded, “Yes, Lizzy, your uncle and I still share a bed, even after all these years.”

Elizabeth’s mind churned—turning faster and faster. What if what Darcy thought to be the perversion of the curse was actually just part of what he desired during lovemaking? What if he was not a vampire? But he was a vampire, she reasoned. She had witnessed his supernatural powers. But what if he is not? Aloud, she said, “So every time you wear a scarf, it is to cover up Uncle Edward’s affectionate attentions?”

Her aunt laughed.“Not every time, dear Lizzy.”

Elizabeth’s eyes danced in delight.“Aunt Merry, I love you,” she said and gave her a hug.

“I love her, too,” Uncle Edward attested as he entered the box, followed closely by Darcy. He handed his wife a glass of punch.“Of

Elizabeth shot her aunt a shy glance. “Of Pemberley, Uncle. Of your trip to Pemberley.”

“I should have known.” Mr. Gardiner settled himself next to his wife.“Shall I have no peace until summer, Merry?” he teased.

“None whatsoever.”

Bingley and Jane returned just in time for the lights to go down. Elizabeth sipped the lemonade Darcy had brought her. Throughout the second act, she could not help sneaking peeks at her husband. Perhaps she knew something he did not.

They spent four more days in London, visiting museums and art galleries and allowing Elizabeth time to learn the city.They would not return until the season; then she would be on display at all times—a daunting thought. Elizabeth thought she might rather face Wickham’s wrath than come face-to-face with the ton. Bingley chose to remain in town as long as Jane Bennet resided at Gracechurch Street. He called on her daily, and they often joined Darcy and Elizabeth at Overton House or out for the evening.

The newlyweds’ private time became more routine, even though Darcy continued to fight his desires for Elizabeth. When they were out on the town as a couple, he could almost believe the lie they presented. He and Elizabeth were in love and were planning a family. He would have his heir for Pemberley. But Darcy knew that although he loved Elizabeth, they would never produce children; nor would life be routine until he and Elizabeth had disposed of Wickham. It made his heart ache to know Elizabeth had given up so much by becoming involved with him; therefore, he threw all his energies into gratifying her with little things. Sometimes he wondered if he should tell her that he loved her. Would that knowledge please Elizabeth? Could she ever return his love? Would such a declaration make a difference to her? Darcy’s pride would not allow him to take the chance of Elizabeth rebuking

On the way to Pemberley, they spent two days at Matlock with his aunt and uncle. His family welcomed Elizabeth, and she sparkled when she was with them. The Earl offered Darcy his approval before their departure. “It will be good to have you at Pemberley. Your estate needs you; the country needs you. Mrs. Darcy will bring you contentment at last, my boy.You will see what a good woman can bring to a man’s life.You were never known as a rakehell, but you always seemed to lack a focus. Now, with Mrs. Darcy, you appear finally ready to meet your destiny.”

“You are astute,Your Lordship.”

“Your aunt is quite taken with your bride, Fitzwilliam. I dare say my sister would approve most wholeheartedly.”

A week from the day they had spent an evening at the opera with her family, Darcy’s coach arrived at Pemberley. Elizabeth, as they drove along, watched for the first appearance of Pemberley Woods with some perturbation, and when at length they turned in at the lodge her spirits were in high flutter. This was her home—their home—where she would spend her days and nights with Darcy.

Looking out the coach’s window, she noted the expanse of the park.They entered it in one of its lowest points and drove for some time through a wood stretching over a wide extent.“Pemberley in the spring and summer is the most beautiful of places,” Georgiana assured her.

Elizabeth nodded. Her mind was too full for conversation, but she saw and admired every remarkable spot and point of view.They gradually ascended for half a mile, and then found themselves at the top of a considerable eminence, where the wood ceased and Pemberley House instantly caught the eye. She remembered Darcy’s words from that first night in the Netherfield library. It is a large, handsome stone building, standing well on high ground and backed by a ridge of high woody hills with a stream of some natural importance in front. Its banks are neither formal nor falsely adorned. He had described it

Darcy allowed himself to breathe and to release the tension he held high in his shoulders. He had waited and watched for Elizabeth’s reactions as the coach drew nearer to the house. “Your approval is important to me, Elizabeth.” He clasped her hand in his. If Georgiana and Mrs.Annesley did not travel with them, he might have pulled Elizabeth onto his lap and kissed her properly. Instead, he leaned across her and pointed out places along the route where he planned to make improvements. He spoke of maintaining the natural order of the land. Finally, they descended the hill, crossed the bridge, and drove up to the door.

Once the coachman let down the carriage steps, Darcy descended first. He helped Georgiana and Mrs. Annesley alight, and then he reached into the coach to take Elizabeth’s hand.“Welcome to your new home, Mrs. Darcy,” he said softly.

She glanced up at the pink gold brick façade of the house; the late afternoon winter sun reflected off the rows of windows, making the place glow with light.“What is the superlative form of magnificent?” she murmured. She took his proffered arm, allowing him to lead her forward, all the while keeping up a litany of adjectives to describe Pemberley, intent on finding the right one. “Splendid—resplendent—glorious—grandiose—sublime—stately—superb—imposing—radiant.”

Darcy chuckled at her nervousness.“I believe the house cannot live up to such praise,” he whispered close to Elizabeth’s ear.

“Was I saying those words out loud?” Elizabeth was shocked.

“You were, my love.” He locked her arm close to his side. “Let us meet the assembled staff.”

Elizabeth glanced up to find two lines of servants gracing the entrance steps to the house. She took a deep, steadying breath and allowed Darcy to usher her forward. With each of the servants,

“Behold the conquering hero,” Darcy joked after excusing the staff to their various duties. He lifted her gloved hand and planted a kiss on the inside of her wrist.Then Darcy replaced her hand on his arm to make the last of the introductions. “These three, Elizabeth”—he gestured to the remaining servants in the front foyer—“are the real experts on Pemberley. Among them, they have nearly seventy years of service to the Darcys. They keep the house and land running in my absence. This is Mr. Harold, my steward; Mr. Lockwood, my butler; and Mrs. Reynolds, the housekeeper.” The men bowed and Mrs. Reynolds curtsied. “It is with great pleasure that I present my wife, Elizabeth Darcy.”

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