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“Charming idea, Mrs. Darcy. Shall you send word to the Gardiners and Miss Bennet, or shall I?”

“Miss Bennet is in London?” Bingley asked, surprised.

“My sister accompanied me to my uncle’s house. My father, obviously, could not allow Fitzwilliam and me to travel to London alone.”

“I will be pleased to see Miss Bennet again.”

Elizabeth smiled at Darcy knowingly. “If you would see to the invitation, Mr. Darcy, I will go to the kitchen and speak to Mrs. Perkins about the menu.”

“I will see to it immediately, my dear.” Darcy stood and escorted her to the door.

“I will be in my sitting room if you have need of me. I must wrap the packages to send home with Jane.” Elizabeth touched Darcy’s cheek before turning to his friend. “Until later, Mr. Bingley.” She made a curtsy and was gone.

Darcy gazed after her retreating form. Elizabeth had assumed the role of his wife in a natural, easy manner. It was pleasant to observe her in action. Speaking to their cook would go a long way

“Splendid, Darcy.”

Nearly an hour later, Elizabeth sat staring out the fogged windows of her bedchamber. So far, her life with Darcy amazed her. Today alone, they had seen his sister off to Matlock.Then they had taken public transportation to Edward Street to track down a vampire. Now they entertained Darcy’s best friend and her family.

Elizabeth’s thoughts drifted to her husband. She missed him. He was downstairs with his friend, but she missed him. It is ironic that the man I once loathed has become the obsession of my heart. Elizabeth had come to depend on him—to need him—she felt truly alive only with Darcy close by.

She sighed deeply and peered down into the withered garden. Just then, a light tapping on the door caught her attention.“Come,” she said, assuming it to be her maid.

She glanced up to find Darcy standing in the doorway. Just his presence brightened the room, and she bestowed a full smile on him.“Mr. Darcy,” she greeted him, coming to her feet.

Darcy drank of her presence. Everything seems brighter when Elizabeth is near. “Ah, there you are, Elizabeth.”

“You needed me, Sir?” She gazed at him lovingly.

Slowly he closed the door behind him and returned the look, taking in her beauty.“Mrs. Darcy,” his voice came out a bit raspy,“I always need you.”

Elizabeth rushed into his welcoming arms. Darcy lifted Elizabeth to him and held her close; she snuggled into him, resting her head against his chest.“I know it is the most absurd foolishness,” she whispered as he lifted her higher, “but I was just considering how very dear you are to me.”

Darcy’s heart skipped a beat. Elizabeth rarely spoke of her affection. He often felt selfish for marrying her; she would have been happier, he thought, with a man with a less tragic family. It gladdened him to hear her declaration. Instantly, Darcy’s mouth found

“Do you think me foolish?”

Darcy smiled down at her. “I think you exquisite.” He sat her gently on her feet in front of him before using his fingertips to brush an errant curl back from her forehead. He lightly kissed the place his fingertips had touched.“I heard from your uncle,” he said, his voice caressing her as much as his hand or his lips.

“Will they join us this evening?” She did not move, needing to feel his warmth.

“Actually, I have a surprise for you, my love. After you left Mr. Bingley and me downstairs, he suggested an evening out, as well. So when I sent word to Mr. Gardiner, I requested that your family attend the opera as our guests this evening.Your uncle accepted for the family; we will dine here and then enjoy the musical entertainment from our box.”

“We have a box?” she asked and giggled.

Darcy traced her lips with the tip of one finger.“We do indeed have a box.”

“Oh, Fitzwilliam!” Her arms laced around his waist. “You are the most generous man!” She hugged him tightly.

He bent slowly, forcing Elizabeth to anticipate the kiss. “Then you are happy, Sweetling?”

“Happier than I have ever been.”

That was all the confirmation he needed. His tongue traced the outline of her mouth before her lips parted and welcomed him. She moved closer, and Darcy caressed her hips and groaned as he held her tightly against him.

“Fitzwilliam, what about Mr. Bingley?” she inquired provocatively.

“Let Mr. Bingley find his own wife.” Caught up in the heat of the moment, all reason left him. He backed Elizabeth towards the bed and pinned her down there. He kissed her mouth—her temple—her ear—her neck. Instinctively, her hips moved against him, seeking something she desired. Darcy’s mouth traced lines of heat across the swell of her breasts before returning to her mouth.

He palmed her breast as he released the kiss, recognizing her growing need for him. Looking deep into her hypnotic eyes, he said hoarsely,“It is wrong, but I must touch you. Please allow me.” As he spoke, Darcy edged her skirt tail up, exposing Elizabeth’s legs; yet he never looked away from her eyes.“You are so beautiful.” His hand slid up the inside of her calf, and a small warm pool formed inside her body.

Darcy lowered his head and sucked gently on the side of her neck. His fingers massaged the back of her thigh, increasing his hunger, and so he sucked harder, lightly raking his teeth over his favorite spot. His breath on her skin brought her a new shiver of pure desire.

Totally involved, neither of them initially heard Morris’s knock. “Mr. Darcy, Sir,” came the familiar voice.

Darcy closed his eyes. Then he lowered his wife’s skirt. “Just a moment, Morris,” he called out in a strained voice, but Darcy and Elizabeth did not break their gaze. “I apologize,” he whispered, preparing to roll away from her.

But before he could do so, Elizabeth caught the lapels of his jacket and pulled him back. “If you apologize, my Husband, for having to stop what we began, then I accept your regrets.” She turned his chin to her. “However, do not ever make amends for showing me your affections.Touch me—kiss me. I am yours.” Her lips brushed against his lightly.

Darcy swallowed hard, taking command of his body. He did not respond to her declaration; he would think on it later. He simply nodded, moved away from her, and straightened his waistcoat and combed his fingers through his hair. Reaching the door, he released the lock; cracking it open only a few inches, he looked out into the worried eyes of his valet.“What is it, Morris?”

“Mr. Redford reports, Sir, that he found your gun and your cane in the recess off the main street where you dropped them while assisting Miss Darcy yesterday. But he found no traces of the sword. I placed the items in your chambers, Sir.”

“Thank you, Morris.”

Darcy closed the door as his manservant strode away. Immediately, Elizabeth was beside him. “You sent someone to retrieve your weapons?”

“I could not go myself. I sent one of the Bow Street runners. Wickham disappeared and Mrs. Younge crumbled into decay before our very eyes. I feared someone might have taken notice of our altercation—the sound of gunfire—the screams.That is why I rushed you and my sister from the scene—to protect both of you. I wanted no evidence to link us to that battle. Could the sword have disappeared with Amelia Younge? Could Wickham have taken it? Or could someone else have taken it after we left?”

“What did you tell the runner?”

“Georgiana hurt her ankle, and a nefarious character tried to take advantage of her before I brought the carriage around. I chased the man into the alley, and we fought. I was defending my sister’s honor. I dropped my weapons when I carried my sister to safety, totally forgetting about them in my concern for her.”

Elizabeth chuckled with a new realization about her husband. “Another half truth, Mr. Darcy?”

“It is the way of high society. One becomes accustomed to such shades of verity. People believe what they want to believe. A man would protect his sister’s honor by chasing her attacker into a service alley. No more needs to be said.” He closed his eyes briefly, and when Darcy opened them again, Elizabeth looked into blue pools. “I tell others what they wish to hear. I tell you the truth; you know me as no one else does. I hide nothing from you, Elizabeth—not my fight to end the curse—not my need to protect those I love—not my barely controlled desire to possess you.”

Elizabeth caressed his chin line, and Darcy turned his head to kiss her palm. “I know you, Fitzwilliam,” she whispered in a thready voice. “You are like me. We neither of us want anyone to really know us for fear we will be found wanting.” She squeezed her eyes shut to control the tears forming behind her lids. She felt a not unfamiliar constriction in her throat. Darcy said, “My need to protect those I love.” Does that mean he loves me? Does he love me with? Or did he marry me only because it was the honorable thing to do?

Elizabeth opened her eyes to find his eyes had turned nearly transparent and were rimmed with an icy blue. It was the color she knew well—it was the color of his eyes when he looked at her with desire. In such unguarded moments, Elizabeth actually believed he did love her. He held her gaze. “You, Mrs. Darcy, could never be found wanting.” He kissed her tenderly.

“Be careful, Mr. Darcy,” she said playfully. “Such half truths will lead me to try to convince you to finish what we started here.”

Darcy’s large palm held her chin, and his thumb touched Elizabeth’s lips—moving gently across them. “Ah, what a tempting minx you are; but we have guests to attend to. Mr. Bingley would wonder at my absence.”

Mr. Bingley will forget all our offenses once he lays eyes on Jane,” she claimed.

“You may be right, my Love. Perhaps all the Bennet sisters have such powers.” Elizabeth swatted his chest, and Darcy chuckled as he stepped away from her.“I will send Sally to help you dress.Wear one of your new gowns.”

“The emerald-colored one?”

“Yes, my darling. No one who beholds you this evening will forget your beauty. I will be considered to be most astute for having carried away the brightest jewel of the country.” He kissed the tip of her upturned nose and was gone.

Elizabeth leaned her back against the door and smiled. Somehow, they would survive the evil of George Wickham; the dangerous darkness of the odious creature would be a shared secret taken to their graves.


Elizabeth heard laughter coming from the drawing room as she approached the open door. She paused to catch her breath before making her entrance.The dress was cut lower in front and in back than any she had ever worn, and she felt ravishing in it.The sound of her uncle’s deep, rolling voice brought her back to reality, and Elizabeth swept into the room, awaiting their evaluation. Conversation stopped when they caught a glimpse of her.

Jane gasped,“Elizabeth!”

Her aunt uttered what they all were thinking,“You are dazzling.”

Elizabeth smiled, but she waited for the reaction she cared about the most. She turned to face Darcy, but the intensity of his gaze caused her to lower hers and look away.

Darcy moved quickly to take her hand and raise it to his lips. “Mrs. Darcy, you look extraordinarily lovely,” he said into her ear.

“Thank you, my Husband. As foolish as it may seem, I require your approval.”

“You have it and more, my love.” Darcy placed her hand on his arm and led Elizabeth forward to greet her family.

“You look stunning, Lizzy,” Mr. Gardiner said as he kissed her cheek.

She beamed.“Thank you, Uncle.”

Darcy pressed her arm to his side, pulling Elizabeth closer to him.When she had entered the room, passion flooded his body and need drove him to her side. Absurdly, he could not force himself away from Elizabeth. Impulsively, he kissed the back of her hand again and watched her blush. He enjoyed making his Elizabeth blush. And she was his; she had said so that very afternoon. Touch me—kiss me. I am yours.

“Supper awaits everyone in the dining room, Mr. Darcy,” Mr.

“Thank you.”

Darcy informed the others and then led Elizabeth to the head of the table. Before taking his seat, he sent a footman to find Morris.

Conversation flowed at the table. Bingley devoted his attention purely to Miss Bennet. Their brief separation had told him that Jane Bennet owned his heart, and the man was determined to use their time together to his advantage.

Elizabeth bubbled to Mrs. Gardiner about her first few days as Darcy’s wife. Mr. Gardiner consulted with Darcy on a new business venture he was considering.

When Morris appeared at the door, Darcy motioned the man forward and whispered instructions to him. No one about the table took note except Elizabeth, who raised one eyebrow in curiosity, but all Darcy offered was a raise of his glass and a slight nod of his head.

With the last course, Morris reappeared, slipping something into Darcy’s hand before bowing out of the room.As they each finished the cheese and fresh fruit, all eyes fell on Darcy, expecting him to take the lead in their evening plans. He cleared his throat. When he spoke, his eyes rested on his wife. “Mrs. Darcy and I thank you for sharing our evening. As we are expected at the theatre soon, we will not retire to the drawing room. I thought, perhaps, to lead you on a tour of Overton House before we depart.”

“Yes, please!” Jane said. “Mama will expect a full report upon my return.”

Mr. Gardiner added, “As we will accompany you, my dear, it would be beneficial to give a like account to my brother Bennet as to Lizzy’s well-being in her new life with Mr. Darcy. Thank you, Sir.”

Bingley added, “Pemberley is likewise impressive. It is one of the most renowned estates in England.”

“Aunt Merry is from Lambton,” Jane lightly reminded him. “She is familiar with Pemberley.”

“It will be satisfying to know Lizzy is its new mistress, however. I have had no opportunity to visit Derbyshire for many years, but

“Mrs. Gardiner speaks of little else, Mr. Darcy,” Elizabeth’s uncle informed the table.

Mrs. Gardiner chuckled. “As is only fitting, Sir. I look forward to seeing Lizzy well settled, along with the opportunity to renew long lost acquaintances.”

Darcy came slowly to his feet.“Before we share our home with your family, Elizabeth,” he said as he moved closer to where she sat, “I have a surprise for you.As this is our first evening out together, I chose a gift to match your beauty.” Darcy reached into his pocket and removed a palm-sized black velvet cloth. He knelt on one knee at Elizabeth’s chair.“This was my mother’s.” He extended his hand, and Elizabeth gingerly took what he offered, laying the velvet box on the table.

With trembling fingers, Elizabeth untied each of the strings. Darcy remained on his knee beside her.Tears of happiness misted her eyes.

Then she rolled back the last of the black cloth, and Darcy watched her chest rise with a quick intake of air. Joy filled her face. “Fitzwilliam!” she gasped, and her arms encircled his neck and a kiss landed on the side of his cheek. He drew Elizabeth to him and to her feet.

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