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даче нашли чудное местечко с белыми и подосиновиками. А на территории возле самого домика я нашел самый большой белый. Дома грибы поделили на 3 кучки – для Славы в Киев (белые побольше), Гросс-Вите (большой белый и большие подосиновики) и нам – маленькие белые и подосиновики.

После обеда Слава с Гросс-Витей уехали, а мы остались. Дождь постепенно усиливался и шел всю ночь, сопровождаемый жуткой грозой. От света букетов молний порой было светло, как днем. Было очень приятно и уютно спать на трех спальниках в полуметре (можно было достать рукой) от стены дождя. Ближе к рассвету я начал опасаться за судьбу мостика, через который нам предстояло утром проехать – ручей возле домика ревел так, что перекрывал раскаты грома над головой.

Наутро выглянуло солнце. Я быстро собрался и пошел на грибы. Практически все грибы я нашел на Димином участке. Вначале за лесочком срезал 4 подосиновика. Затем за домом старовера в одном месте нашел с десяток молоденьких боровиков, один огромный белый и еще один поменьше. И, наконец, на опушке леса на небольшой полянке росли около десятка шикарных подосиновиков. Я пожалел, что не захватил с собой фотоаппарат – настолько приятным для грибника было это зрелище. Сразу же за оградой дачи нашел массу молоденьких подосиновиков, причем, если мне надо было лезть за грибом под мокрый куст, я на такие грибы уже, как говорится, игнорировал. В общем, необходимость в подъеме на гору за подосиновиками отпала – грибов было более чем достаточно и так.

Попили кофе со свежим молоком, взятым у старовера, убрали помещение, помыли посуду и под таким же ливнем, как и во время заезда, покинули Берегомет. Пока ехали – наблюдали результаты «дождика». Сирет вышел из берегов и затопил низкие участки берега, подбираясь к дороге. В Черновцах по ТВ нам сообщили о мощном наводнении в соседней области, ну а в Европе было уже совсем хорошо. В некоторых городах можно было нырять прямо на улицу из окон второго этажа.


How to write paper in biochemistry

Short tutorial for post-graduates and young scientists

(The parody on Academician Yu.A.Ovchinnikov’s paper with the same title)

To learn, to learn and once again to learn…

V. I. Lenin. (Speech on the III Convention of Komsomol, 1922)

In the life of every young scientist sooner or later the moment comes when obtained with such a hard work experimental material is necessary to present for the judgement of the scientific world. Usually it is being performed in the form of a paper. Writing a decent paper is an uneasy task even for a skilled scientist, not to mention a “green” post-graduate student. Therefore, simple recommendations are brought over below, following which one can push his work in any of respectable journal without any problems. I think these advices will be useful also for mature scientists, many of which intuitevely use these rules in their practice already.

Paper should be divided in the sections: “introduction”, “ materials and methods”, “results” and “discussion”. Sometimes it is additionally alloted with “conclusions” and list of cited literature finishes all.


Introduction is a fine opportunity of self-advertisement. Begin it with references to your own earlier data (preliminary results, rejected papers, abstracts of student’s conferences…) – anyway nobody will be looking for these works. If nobody cites you – do it yourself! Do not forget to give a bow towards the head of lab and probable reviewers. Your efforts will surely be properly appreciated. All of us love flattery very much though we try to pretend it is disgusting.

When citing yourself, do it a little bit carelessly not bringing it into a focus. References to the boss’s works should include epithets such as: “brilliant”, “magnificent”, “elegant” (about experiment), “deep”, “comprehensive”, “ingenious” (about analysis, hypothesis, theory). At the very end it is possible to mention 2 or 3 works of extraneous authors if you feel absolute necessity in it. However, data received by these authors are scanty, insignificant, contradictory, inconsistent and is not data at all – that is substantiation of a doubtless urgency of your work.

It is desirable that the size of “introduction” would not exceed the sum of all other sections of the paper.

Materials and methods

This part of paper serves exceptionally to throw dust in eyes of scientific public, to create in some way the image of “a master of experiment”. Write it in details – a lot of headings, subtitles and sub-subtitles. Devote separate section to the quality of used reagents. Here it is possible to boast with a bouquet of highly reputable foreign companies (salts from “Меrck”, enzymes – “Sigma”, sucrose – “Schwartz-Mann”) though you have seen only by a glance at the chief’s safe a ten years-old АТP from “Reanal”. All the rest reagents you have purified, distilled, recrystallized and sublimated many times (actually all your purification was limited to that you have thrown out the dead cockroach from the can with magnesium chloride). A centrifuge necessarily – last model of “Spinco”, spec – “Gilford”, and even рН-meter “Pye-Unicam”. Rats you used were of precisely fixed weight – 100 g ± 500 mg. Animals weighing 100 g 510 mg, were not taken in experiment any more. If you used wheat in your experiments, it should be refered to as “Kentucky 301” (in brackets it is necessary to specify, that it is a kind gift of professor Mattias), as a last resort – “Chuckchee 12”. Your method, if you have it, should be described very widely and in all details (2138 wheat germs washed out with 8620 ml extra pure water at 18.560C …). If you do not have one – think up updating a well-known method. For this purpose ,a great intellect it is not necessary: instead of 0.25 M of sucrose accept 0.27, instead of 40000 rpm – 38000, and updating is ready.

Important note. The detailed description of experimental techniques does not mean that it is necessary to give out all cherished secrets. By no means. Follow

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