34. Putnam; G. H, Books and Their Makers, II, 96.
35. Masson, David, Life of John Milton, IV, 164.
36. Nosek, Spirit of Bohemia, 110.
37. Paulsen, F, German Education, 136.
38. Janssen, XIII, 277.
39. Galileo, Discoveries and Opinions, ed. Stillman Drake, 77.
40. Singer, Studies, 407.
41. Wolf, A, History of Science, Technology, and Philosophy in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, 47; Singer, Studies, 412f
42. Bell, E. T., Men of Mathematics, 55.
43. Butterfield, Origins of Modern Science,
44. Galileo, Il saggiatore, in Discoveries and Opinions, 237.
45. Cooper, Lane, Aristotle, Galileo, and the Tower of Pisa, 14; Dampier, 143.
46. Janssen, XV, 281.
47. Wolf, 327.
48. Mumford, L, Technics and Civilization, 440.
49. Wolf, 544–5; Usher, A. P., History of Mechanical Inventions, 303.
50. Descartes, Principia philosophiae, Part IV, in Wolf, 351.
51. En. Br., I, 689d.
52. Galileo, Dialogue concerning the Two Chief World Systems, Dedication, p. 3.
53. Michel, Rembrandt, I, 123.
54. Mumford, L, The Condition of Man, 213.
55. Janssen, XIV, 68.
56. Ibid, 83.
57. 80.
58. Castiglioni, History of Medicine, 561.
59. Garrison, 307.
60. Janssen, XIV, 81.
61. Montaigne, Essays, tr. E. J. Trechmann, II, 222, quoted in Craig, Hardin, The Enchanted Glass, 44.
62. Garrison, 291–2.
63. Ibid, 226.
64. Descartes, Discours de la méthode, Part VI, p. 62, in Vartanian, Diderot and Descartes, 18.
65. Montaigne, Essays, III, ξ, 262.
66. Putnam, Censorship, I, 128–9; Belloc, H., How the Reformation Happened, 281; Fülop-Miller, Jesuits, 399; Smith, P., Culture, I, 43.
67. Campanella, Letter to Galileo, Jan. 12, 1611, in Smith, Culture, I, 45.
68. Buckle, I, 101; Thorndike, VI, 42.
69. Gade, Tycho Brahe, 35.
70. Ibid, 187.
71. Kesten, H., Copernicus and His World, 346.
72. Whewell, History of the Inductive Sciences, I, 290–3.
73. Hogben, Science for the Citizen, 207; Kesten, 353.
74. Dampier, 139.
75. Berry, 194.
76. In Inge, Christian Mysticism, 298.
77. Galileo, Dialogue concerning the Two Chief ‘World Systems, 105 (end of First Day).
78. Aristotle, De coelo, 4.2. 309, in Cooper, L., Aristotle, Galileo, and the Tower of Pisa, 64.
79. Lucretius, De rerum natura, II, 230–1.
80. Leonardo da Vinci, Codex Atlanticus, fol. 123ra, in Cooper, 69.
81. In Cooper, 47.
82. Viviani in Cooper, 26.
83. Ibid, 29–31.
84. Galileo, Two Chief World Systems, 147.
85. Galileo, Dialogues concerning Two New Sciences, 103.
86. Galileo, Il saggiatore, in Discoveries and Opinions, 274.
87. Ibid, 276–7.
88. Kesten, 348.
89. In Singer, Studies, 228.
90. Letter of Jan. 30, 1610, in Singer, 232.
91. Walsh, J. J, The Popes and Science, 393; Wolf, 29.
92. In Singer, 251.
93. Kesten, 396.
94. In Smith, Culture, I, 53.
95. Singer, 240.
96. Fülop-Miller, Jesuits, 397.
97. Singer, 240.
98. Fülop-Miller, 398.
99. Ibid.
100. Ibid.
101. Kesten, 371.
102. Galileo, Discoveries and Opinions, 177.
103. Ibid, 180.
104. 183.
105. Drake in Galileo, Discoveries and Opinions, 217.
106. Singer, 252.
107. Kesten, 375.
108. Wolf, 36.
109. Kesten, 379; Singer, 258.
110. Galileo, Two Chief World Systems, 5.
111. Ibid, 460.
112. Kesten, 388.
113. Singer, 269.
114. En. Br., IX, 980b.
115. Ibid.; Wolf, 37.
116. Viviani in Singer, 279.
117. Kesten, 93.
118. Ibid, 395.
1. Janssen, XVI, 132–4.
2. Robertson, Freethought, 483.
3. Ibid, 484.
4. Mousnier, Histoire générale, IV, 203.
5. Ibid, 201.
6. Owen, John, Skeptics of the French Renaissance, 676.
7. Ibid, 578–9.
8. Ibid.
9. 584.
10. 580.
11. Charron, Pierre, Of Wisdom, I, 61, 74, 79–80.
12. Owen, 598.
13. Cf. Charron, in Pascal, Pensées, ed. Havet, introd. xii.
14. Bury, Freedom of Thought, 75.
15. Owen, 570.
16. Singer, D. W., Giordano Bruno, 22.
17. Ibid, 24.
18. Owen, 274.
19. Bruno, La cena de le ceneri, Dialogue IV, in Singer, D. W., 33.
20. In Owen, 274.
21. Singer, Bruno, 137.
22. Ibid, 35.
23. Symonds, Catholic Reaction, II, 53–4.
24. Owen, 125.
25. Singer, Bruno, 146.
26. In Owen, 294.
27. Cassirer, Philosophy of the Enlightenment, 41.
28. Bruno, Dedication to De la causa, preincipio et uno, in Singer, Bruno, 103.
29. Thorndike, Magic and Experimental Science, IV, 425–7.
30. Owen, 290–3.
31. Singer, Bruno, 161.
32. Symonds, Catholic Reaction, II, 62.
33. Kesten, 323.
34. Singer, Bruno, 166.
35. Ibid, 172.
36. 179.
37. Owen, 390.
38. Ibid, 399.
39. 400.
40. Symonds, 128; Kesten, 328.
41. Tr. J. A. Symonds in Van Doren, Anthology, 599.
42. Campanella, City of the Sun, in Ideal Commonwealths, 147.
43. Ibid, 157.
44. 164.
45. 168.
46. Murray, R. H., Erasmus and Luther, 443.
47. Ranke, Popes, II, 13.
48. Carlyle, R. W., Medieval Political Theory, VI, 341.
49. Campbell, The Jesuits, 379.
50. Mariana, The King and The Education of the King, i, 2.
51. Ibid., i, 10.
52. Ibid., Preface, p. 108.
53. Ibid., iii, 15.
54. In Laski, Political Thought in England, Locke to Bentham, 85.
55. Mariana, The King, i, I.
56. Ibid, iii, 2.
57. i, 6, pp. 144–9.
58. Ibid.
59. Bodin, Method for the Easy Comprehension of History, II.
60. Allen, Political Thought, 395.
61. Bodin, De republica, i, 4, in Allen, 408–9.
62. Ibid, 410.
63. Bodin, De republica, i, 6.
64. Ibid, i, 9.
65. Ibid, vi, 4, in Dunning, Political Theories from Luther to Montesquieu, 107.
66. Ibid, in Allen, Political Thought, 436.
67. In Allen, 406.
68. Bodin, Method for the Easy Comprehension of History, in Allen, 399.
69. Allen, 400–1.
70. Blok, III, 463.
71. Grotius, Prolegomena, in Dunning, 161.
72. Grotius, Rights of War and Peace, I, i, 10, p. 21.
73. Ibid, I, ii, I.
74. II, xxii.
75. I, xvii.
76. II, xxvi.
77. Lange, F. E., History of Materialism, I, 266.
78. France, A, Elm Tree on the Mall, 13.
79. Russell, B., History of Western Philosophy, 558.
80. Fischer, K., Descartes, 194f.
81. Discours, Part III, in Descartes, Selections, 27.
82. Ibid, p. 28.
83. Faguet,
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