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Читем онлайн Английский с улыбкой. Брет Гарт, Стивен Ликок. Дефективный детектив / Bret Harte, Stephen Leacock - Стивен Ликок






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Half a bucket of cocaine and a dipper stood on a chair at his elbow (полведра кокаина и ковш стояли на стуле у его локтя; to stand).

His face was absolutely impenetrable (его лицо было совершенно непроницаемым).

The great detective sat in his office. He wore a long green gown and half a dozen secret badges pinned to the outside of it.

Three or four pairs of false whiskers hung on a whisker-stand beside him.

Goggles, blue spectacles and motor glasses lay within easy reach.

He could completely disguise himself at a second’s notice.

Half a bucket of cocaine and a dipper stood on a chair at his elbow.

His face was absolutely impenetrable.

A pile of cryptograms lay on the desk (кипа шифрограмм лежала на столе). The Great Detective hastily tore them open one after the other, solved them (Великий Сыщик торопливо вскрывал одну за другой, расшифровывал: «решал» их; to tear – рвать, разрывать), and threw them down the cryptogram-shute at his side (и бросал в шифрограммопровод сбоку от себя; to throw; at one’s side – сбоку от кого-л.; shute = chute – крутой скат; спускной желоб).

There was a rap at the door (раздался стук в дверь).

The Great Detective hurriedly wrapped himself in a pink domino (Великий Сыщик поспешно завернулся в розовое домино), adjusted a pair of false black whiskers and cried (приладил пару фальшивых черных бакенбард и крикнул),

“Come in (войдите).”

His secretary entered (вошел его секретарь). “Ha,” said the detective, “it is you (а, – сказал сыщик, – это вы)!”

He laid aside his disguise (он отложил свою маскировку в сторону; to lay).

“Sir,” said the young man in intense excitement (сэр, – сказал молодой человек в сильном волнении), “a mystery has been committed (совершено загадочное /преступление/)!”

“Ha!” said the Great Detective, his eye kindling (ха! – сказал Великий Сыщик с загоревшимися глазами), “is it such as to completely baffle the police of the entire continent (не такое ли, что совершенно сбивает с толку полицию всего континента)?”

A pile of cryptograms lay on the desk. The Great Detective hastily tore them open one after the other, solved them, and threw them down the cryptogram-shute at his side.

There was a rap at the door.

The Great Detective hurriedly wrapped himself in a pink domino, adjusted a pair of false black whiskers and cried,

“Come in.”

His secretary entered. “Ha,” said the detective, “it is you!”

He laid aside his disguise.

“Sir,” said the young man in intense excitement, “a mystery has been committed!”

“Ha!” said the Great Detective, his eye kindling, “is it such as to completely baffle the police of the entire continent?”

“They are so completely baffled with it,” said the secretary (они настолько сбиты им с толку, – сказал секретарь), “that they are lying collapsed in heaps (что грудами лежат вповалку; to collapse – рушиться, обваливаться; свалиться /от удара, напряжения и т. п./); many of them have committed suicide (многие из них уже совершили самоубийство).”

“So,” said the detective, “and is the mystery one (следовательно, – сказал сыщик, – это такое загадочное преступление) that is absolutely unparalleled in the whole recorded annals of the London police (которое совершенно не имеет зарегистрированных прецедентов за всю историю лондонской полиции; annals – хроники, анналы)?”

“It is (так и есть).”

“And I suppose,” said the detective (и я полагаю, – сказал сыщик), “that it involves names which you would scarcely dare to breathe (что здесь замешаны имена, которые едва осмеливаешься произнести шепотом; to involve – вовлекать, впутывать; to breath – дышать; говорить тихо, шептать), at least without first using some kind of atomiser or throat-gargle (во всяком случае, не без того, чтобы сперва использовать что-то вроде аэрозоли или полоскания для горла).”

“Exactly (точно так).”

“They are so completely baffled with it,” said the secretary, “that they are lying collapsed in heaps; many of them have committed suicide.”

“So,” said the detective, “and is the mystery one that is absolutely unparalleled in the whole recorded annals of the London police?”

“It is.”

“And I suppose,” said the detective, “that it involves names which you would scarcely dare to breathe, at least without first using some kind of atomiser or throat-gargle.”


“And it is connected, I presume, with the highest diplomatic consequences (и связано оно, как я предполагаю, с /такими/ критическими дипломатическими последствиями; high – высокий; серьезный, решающий), so that if we fail to solve it (что если нам не удастся раскрыть: «решить» его) England will be at war with the whole world in sixteen minutes (Англия окажется в /состоянии/ войны с целым миром через шестнадцать минут)?”

His secretary, still quivering with excitement, again answered yes (его секретарь, все еще трепеща от волнения, снова ответил утвердительно).

“And finally,” said the Great Detective (и наконец, – сказал Великий Сыщик), “I presume that it was committed in broad daylight (как я предполагаю, оно было совершено средь бела дня; in broad daylight – при дневном свете, при свете дня), in some such place as the entrance of the Bank of England (в таком каком-то месте, как, /например/, Английский банк), or in the cloak-room of the House of Commons, and under the very eyes of the police (или в гардеробе Палаты общин и на самом виду у полиции; eye – глаз, око; взгляд, взор)?”

“Those,” said the secretary, “are the very conditions of the mystery (это, – сказал секретарь, – истинные обстоятельства этой головоломки; mystery – таинственность; загадка, тайна).”

“And it is connected, I presume, with the highest diplomatic consequences, so that if we fail to solve it England will be at war with the whole world in sixteen minutes?”

His secretary, still quivering with excitement, again answered yes.

“And finally,” said the Great Detective, “I presume that it was committed in broad daylight, in some such place as the entrance of the Bank of England, or in the cloak-room of the House of Commons, and under the very eyes of the police?”

“Those,” said the secretary, “are the very conditions of the mystery.”

“Good,” said the Great Detective, “now wrap yourself in this disguise (хорошо, – сказал Великий Сыщик, – а теперь завернитесь в этот маскировочный /костюм/), put on these brown whiskers and tell me what it is (приклейте бакенбарды и расскажите мне, в чем она заключается; to put on – надевать).”

The secretary wrapped himself in a blue domino with lace insertions (секретарь завернулся в голубое домино с кружевными вставками), then, bending over, he whispered in the ear of the Great Detective (затем, наклонившись, прошептал в ухо Великому Сыщику):

“The Prince of Wurttemberg has been kidnapped (похищен Принц Вюртембергский).”

The Great Detective bounded from his chair as if he had been kicked from below (Великий Сыщик вскочил со стула, как если бы его снизу пнули ногой).

A prince stolen (украден принц; to steal)! Evidently a Bourbon (несомненно, какой-нибудь Бурбон)! The scion of one of the oldest families in Europe kidnapped (похищен отпрыск одного из древнейших родов в Европе; family – семья; род, фамилия). Here was a mystery indeed worthy of his analytical brain (в самом деле, то была загадка, достойная его аналитического ума).

“Good,” said the Great Detective, “now wrap yourself in this disguise, put on these brown whiskers and tell me what it is.”

The secretary wrapped himself in a blue domino with lace insertions, then, bending over, he whispered in the ear of the Great Detective:

“The Prince of Wurttemberg has been kidnapped.”

The Great Detective bounded from his chair as if he had been kicked from below.

A prince stolen! Evidently a Bourbon! The scion of one of the oldest families in Europe kidnapped. Here was a mystery indeed worthy of his analytical brain.

His mind began to move like lightning (/мысли/ в его мозгу начал метаться подобно молниям; to move – двигаться, передвигаться; приходить в движение).

“Stop!” he said, “how do you know this (остановитесь = погодите, – сказал он, – откуда вам это известно)?”

The secretary handed him a telegram (секретарь протянул ему телеграмму). It was from the Prefect of Police of Paris (она была от перфекта полиции Парижа). It read: “The Prince of Wurttemberg stolen (она гласила: «Принц Вюртембергский украден»; to read – читать; гласить). Probably forwarded to London (возможно переправлен в Лондон). Must have him here for the opening day of Exhibition (должен быть здесь ко дню открытия Выставки). 1,000 pounds reward (награда тысяча фунтов).”

So! The Prince had been kidnapped out of Paris at the very time (так! Принц был похищен из Парижа в тот самый момент) when his appearance at the International Exposition would have been a political event of the first magnitude (когда его присутствие на Международной выставке было бы политическим событием перво/степенной/ важности).

With the Great Detective to think was to act, and to act was to think (для Великого Сыщика думать значило действовать, а действовать означало думать).

His mind began to move like lightning.

“Stop!” he said, “how do you know this?”

The secretary handed him a telegram. It was from the Prefect of Police of Paris. It read: “The Prince of Wurttemberg stolen. Probably forwarded to London. Must have him here for the opening day of Exhibition. 1,000 pounds reward.”

So! The Prince had been kidnapped out of Paris at the very time when his appearance at the International Exposition would have been a political event of the first magnitude.

With the Great Detective to think was to act, and to act was to think.

Frequently he could do both together (часто он мог делать и то и другое одновременно; both – оба, и тот и другой; together – вместе; одновременно).

“Wire to Paris for a description of the Prince (телеграфируйте в Париж, чтобы /прислали/ описание = приметы Принца; to wire – связывать/скреплять проволокой; телеграфировать).”

The secretary bowed and left (секретарь поклонился и вышел).

At the same moment there was slight scratching at the door (в тот же миг послышалось легкое царапанье по двери).

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