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“Honey,” said Piglet to himself in a thoughtful way (мед, — сказал Пятачок себе задумчиво), as if it were now settled (словно это было теперь решено; to settle — поселить/ся/, обосноваться; урегулировать, разрешить). “I'll dig the pit, while you go and get the honey (я выкопаю яму, пока ты сходишь за медом: «пойдешь и достанешь мед»).”

“Very well,” said Pooh, and he stumped off (очень хорошо, — сказал Пух, и /он/ заковылял прочь / ушел тяжелым шагом).

dream [drJm], argue ['RgjH], thoughtful ['TLtful]

Pooh, who had gone into a happy dream, woke up with a start, and said that Honey was a much more trappy thing than Haycorns. Piglet didn't think so; and they were just going to argue about it, when Piglet remembered that, if they put acorns in the Trap, he would have to find the acorns, but if they put honey, then Pooh would have to give up some of his own honey, so he said, “All right, honey then,” just as Pooh remembered it too, and was going to say, “All right, haycorns.”

“Honey,” said Piglet to himself in a thoughtful way, as if it were now settled. “I'll dig the pit, while you go and get the honey.”

“Very well,” said Pooh, and he stumped off.

As soon as he got home (как только он добрался домой), he went to the larder (он пошел в кладовую); and he stood on a chair (и он встал на стул), and took down a very large jar of honey from the top shelf (и снял очень большую банку с медом с верхней полки; to take down — снимать, спускать). It had HUNNY written on it (на ней было написано МИОТ), but, just to make sure (но просто чтобы убедиться / на всякий случай), he took off the paper cover and looked at it (он снял бумажную крышку и посмотрел на него = содержимое банки), and it looked just like honey (и оно выглядело в точности как мед). “But you never can tell,” said Pooh (но /ты/ никогда точно не можешь отличить = разберешь, — сказал Пух). “I remember my uncle saying once that he had seen cheese just this colour (я помню, /как/ мой дядя однажды сказал, что он видел сыр точно такого цвета).” So he put his tongue in, and took a large lick (поэтому он засунул /свой/ язык вовнутрь и взял большой кусок = и хорошенько лизнул; lick — облизывание; небольшое количество, небольшой кусочек, маленькая порция; to lick — лизать, облизывать). “Yes,” he said, “it is (да, — сказал он, — это он = мед). No doubt about that (никаких сомнений по этому поводу). And honey, I should say, right down to the bottom of the jar (и мед, я бы сказал, до самого дна банки). Unless, of course,” he said (если, конечно, — сказал он), “somebody put cheese in at the bottom just for a joke (кто-то не положил сыра на дно просто ради шутки). Perhaps I had better go a little further (возможно, мне лучше зайти = углубиться немного дальше)... just in case (просто на всякий случай)... in case Heffalumps don't like cheese (на тот случай, если Слонопотамы не любят сыр)... same as me... Ah (так же, как я — Ах)!” And he gave a deep sigh (и он глубоко вздохнул). “I was right (я был прав). It is honey, right the way down (это мед, до самого дна).”

chair [CFq], uncle [ANkl], doubt [daut]

As soon as he got home, he went to the larder; and he stood on a chair, and took down a very large jar of honey from the top shelf. It had HUNNY written on it, but, just to make sure, he took off the paper cover and looked at it, and it looked just like honey. “But you never can tell,” said Pooh. “I remember my uncle saying once that he had seen cheese just this colour.” So he put his tongue in, and took a large lick. “Yes,” he said, “it is. No doubt about that. And honey, I should say, right down to the bottom of the jar. Unless, of course,” he said, “somebody put cheese in at the bottom just for a joke. Perhaps I had better go a little further... just in case... in case Heffalumps don't like cheese... same as me... Ah!” And he gave a deep sigh. “I was right. It is honey, right the way down.”

Having made certain of this, he took the jar back to Piglet (удостоверившись в этом, он отнес банку обратно Пятачку; to make certain of — удостовериться), and Piglet looked up from the bottom of his Very Deep Pit, and said (а Пятачок посмотрел вверх со дна его Очень Глубокой Ямы и сказал), “Got it (принес)?” and Pooh said, “Yes, but it isn't quite a full jar (и Пух сказал, — да, но это не совсем полная банка),” and he threw it down to Piglet (и он бросил ее Пятачку; to throw — бросать), and Piglet said, “No, it isn't (и Пятачок сказал, — нет = да, неполная)! Is that all you've got left (это все, что у тебя осталось)?” and Pooh said, “Yes (и Пух сказал: да).” Because it was (потому что /так/ это и было). So Piglet put the jar at the bottom of the Pit, and climbed out (и Пятачок положил банку на дно Ямы и выбрался), and they went off home together (и они отправились вместе домой).

“Well, good night, Pooh,” said Piglet (ну, спокойной ночи, Пух, — сказал Пятачок), when they had got to Pooh's house (когда они добрались до дома Пуха). “And we meet at six o'clock to-morrow morning by the Pine Trees (и мы встречаемся в шесть часов утра завтра у Сосен), and see how many Heffalumps we've got in our Trap (и увидим, сколько Слонопотамов у нас есть = мы поймали в нашу Западню).”

certain ['sWtn], threw [TrH], night [naIt]

Having made certain of this, he took the jar back to Piglet, and Piglet looked up from the bottom of his Very Deep Pit, and said, “Got it?” and Pooh said, “Yes, but it isn't quite a full jar,” and he threw it down to Piglet, and Piglet said, “No, it isn't! Is that all you've got left?” and Pooh said, “Yes.” Because it was. So Piglet put the jar at the bottom of the Pit, and climbed out, and they went off home together.

“Well, good night, Pooh,” said Piglet, when they had got to Pooh's house. “And we meet at six o'clock to-morrow morning by the Pine Trees, and see how many Heffalumps we've got in our Trap.”

“Six o'clock, Piglet (/в/ шесть часов, Пятачок). And have you got any string (а у тебя есть веревка)?”

“No (нет). Why do you want string (зачем тебе веревка: «почему ты хочешь веревку»)?”

“To lead them home with (чтобы на ней отвести их домой).”

“Oh!... I think Heffalumps come if you whistle (о, я думаю, Слонопотамы идут, если ты свистишь = идут на свист).”

“Some do and some don't (некоторые идут, а некоторые нет). You never can tell with Heffalumps (/ты/ никогда не поймешь со Слонопотамами). Well, good night (ну, спокойной ночи)!”

“Good night (спокойной ночи)!”

And off Piglet trotted to his house TRESPASSERS W (и Пятачок потрусил к своему дому ПОСТОРОННИМ В), while Pooh made his preparations for bed (в то время как Пух приготовился ко сну: «сделал приготовления для кровати»).

lead [lJd], some [sAm], while [waIl]

“Six o'clock, Piglet. And have you got any string?”

“No. Why do you want string?”

“To lead them home with.”

“Oh!... I think Heffalumps come if you whistle.”

“Some do and some don't. You never can tell with Heffalumps. Well, good night!”

“Good night!”

And off Piglet trotted to his house TRESPASSERS W, while Pooh made his preparations for bed.

Some hours later, just as the night was beginning to steal away (несколько часов спустя, как раз когда ночь начинала незаметно ускользать; to steal — воровать; красться; to steal away — незаметно ускользнуть), Pooh woke up suddenly with a sinking feeling (Пух вдруг проснулся от чувства слабости; to wake up; to sink — опускаться, погружаться). He had had that sinking feeling before, and he knew what it meant (он уже испытывал это чувство слабости прежде, и он знал, что это означало; to mean). He was hungry (он был голоден). So he went to the larder (поэтому он пошел в кладовую), and he stood on a chair (и встал на стул) and reached up to the top shelf (и потянулся /вверх/ к верхней полке), and found—nothing (и /не/ нашел ничего).

“That's funny,” he thought (/это/ странно, — подумал он). “I know I had a jar of honey there (я знаю, /что/ у меня была там банка меда). A full jar, full of honey right up to the top (полная банка, полная меда до самых краев), and it had HUNNY written on it (и на ней было написано МИОТ), so that I should know it was honey (так чтобы я знал, /что/ это мед). That's very funny (/это/ очень странно).” And then he began to wander up and down (а потом он начал прохаживаться туда-сюда), wondering where it was and murmuring a murmur to himself (интересуясь, где она, и нашептывая / ворча себе ворчалку). Like this (такую):

meant [ment], hungry ['hANgrI], murmur ['mWmq]

Some hours later, just as the night was beginning to steal away, Pooh woke up suddenly with a sinking feeling. He had had that sinking feeling before, and he knew what it meant. He was hungry. So he went to the larder, and he stood on a chair and reached up to the top shelf, and found—nothing.

“That's funny,” he thought. “I know I had a jar of honey there. A full jar, full of honey right up to the top, and it had HUNNY written on it, so that I should know it was honey. That's very funny.” And then he began to wander up and down, wondering where it was and murmuring a murmur to himself. Like this:

It's very, very funny (/это/ очень, очень странно),

'Cos I know I had some honey (потому что я знаю, /что/ у меня был мед):

'Cos it had a label on (потому что на нем была наклейка),

Saying HUNNY (гласящая = с надписью МИОТ),

A goloptious full-up pot too (к тому же сладкий полный до краев горшок; full-up переполненный, битком набитый; goloptious = goluptious вкусный, сладкий, ароматный),

And I don't know where it's got to (и я не знаю, куда он девался),

No, I don't know where it's gone— (нет, я не знаю, куда он пропал)

Well, it's funny (ну, это странно).

Попал я в странный переплет.

Куда девался Мишкин мед?

Ведь у меня он был с табличкой,

Которая гласила «МЁТ».

Полный горшок аппетитного меда

Запропастился неясно куда.

Шутит недобро над Мишкой природа,

Ведь мне без меда совсем никуда[27].

label [leIbl], goluptious [gq'lApSqs], 'cos [kOz]

It's very, very funny,

'Cos I know I had some honey:

'Cos it had a label on,

Saying HUNNY,

A goloptious full-up pot too,

And I don't know where it's got to,

No, I don't know where it's gone—

Well, it's funny.

He had murmured this to himself three times in a singing sort of way (он проворчал это себе три раза в виде песенки), when suddenly he remembered (когда вдруг он вспомнил). He had put it into the Cunning Trap to catch the Heffalump (он положил ее в Хитроумную Западню для ловли Слонопотама).

“Bother!” said Pooh (Ай-ай-ай! — сказал Пух). “It all comes of trying to be kind to Heffalumps (это все происходит оттого, что пытаешься быть добрым со Слонопотамами).” And he got back into bed (и он вернулся в кровать).

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