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“I shall do it,” said Pooh, after waiting a little longer (я сделаю это, — сказал Пух, подождав еще немного), “by means of a trap (с помощью западни). And it must be a Cunning Trap (и это должна быть Хитроумная Западня; cunning — умелый, искусный; находчивый), so you will have to help me, Piglet (поэтому тебе придется помочь мне, Пятачок).”

several ['sevrql], means [mJnz], cunning ['kAnIN]

“What have you decided, Pooh?”

“I have decided to catch a Heffalump.”

Pooh nodded his head several times as he said this, and waited for Piglet to say “How?” or “Pooh, you couldn't!” or something helpful of that sort, but Piglet said nothing. The fact was Piglet was wishing that he had thought about it first.

“I shall do it,” said Pooh, after waiting a little longer, “by means of a trap. And it must be a Cunning Trap, so you will have to help me, Piglet.”

“Pooh,” said Piglet, feeling quite happy again now, “I will (Пух, — сказал Пятачок, чувствуя себя совершенно счастливым снова, — я помогу: «буду»).” And then he said, “How shall we do it (а потом он сказал, — как мы сделаем это / как нам сделать это)?” and Pooh said, “That's just it. How (а Пух сказал, — вот именно, как)?” And then they sat down together to think it out (и тогда они сели вместе, /чтобы/ продумать это).

Pooh's first idea was that they should dig a Very Deep Pit (первой мыслью Пуха было выкопать: «чтобы они выкопали» Очень Глубокую Яму), and then the Heffalump would come along and fall into the Pit, and (и тогда Слонопотам придет и упадет в Яму, и)—

“Why?” said Piglet (почему? — спросил Пятачок).

“Why what?” said Pooh (что почему? — спросил Пух).

“Why would he fall in (почему он упадет в нее)?”

idea [aI'dIq], should [Sud], along [q'lON]

“Pooh,” said Piglet, feeling quite happy again now, “I will.” And then he said, “How shall we do it?” and Pooh said, “That's just it. How?” And then they sat down together to think it out.

Pooh's first idea was that they should dig a Very Deep Pit, and then the Heffalump would come along and fall into the Pit, and—

“Why?” said Piglet.

“Why what?” said Pooh.

“Why would he fall in?”

Pooh rubbed his nose with his paw (Пух потер /свой/ нос /своей/ лапой), and said that the Heffalump might be walking along (и сказал, что Слонопотам, возможно, будет прохаживаться), humming a little song, and looking up at the sky (напевая песенку и глядя вверх на небо), wondering if it would rain, and so he wouldn't see the Very Deep Pit (интересуясь, /не/ пойдет ли дождь, и поэтому он не увидит Очень Глубокую Яму) until he was half-way down, when it would be too late (пока он /не/ окажется на полпути вниз, когда будет слишком поздно).

Piglet said that this was a very good Trap (Пятачок сказал, что это очень хорошая Западня), but supposing it were raining already (но, предположим, дождь уже будет идти; to suppose — предполагать)?

Pooh rubbed his nose again (Пух снова потер /свой/ нос), and said that he hadn't thought of that (и сказал, что он не подумал об этом). And then he brightened up, and said that (а потом он просиял и сказал, что), if it were raining already, the Heffalump would be looking at the sky (если уже будет идти дождь, Слонопотам будет смотреть на небо) wondering if it would clear up (интересуясь, прояснится ли), and so he wouldn't see the Very Deep Pit (и поэтому он не увидит Очень Глубокую Яму) until he was half-way down (пока не окажется на полпути вниз).... When it would be too late (когда будет слишком поздно).

brighten ['braItn], already [Ll'redI], clear [klIq]

Pooh rubbed his nose with his paw, and said that the Heffalump might be walking along, humming a little song, and looking up at the sky, wondering if it would rain, and so he wouldn't see the Very Deep Pit until he was half-way down, when it would be too late.

Piglet said that this was a very good Trap, but supposing it were raining already?

Pooh rubbed his nose again, and said that he hadn't thought of that. And then he brightened up, and said that, if it were raining already, the Heffalump would be looking at the sky wondering if it would clear up, and so he wouldn't see the Very Deep Pit until he was half-way down.... When it would be too late.

Piglet said that, now that this point had been explained (Пятачок сказал, что теперь, когда этот пункт растолкован), he thought it was a Cunning Trap (он думает, /что/ это Хитроумная Западня).

Pooh was very proud when he heard this (Пух был очень горд = очень загордился, когда /он/ услышал это), and he felt that the Heffalump was as good as caught already (и он почувствовал, что Слонопотам был уже почти пойман; as good as — все равно что, почти, фактически), but there was just one other thing which had to be thought about, and it was this (но был лишь еще один пунктик, о котором нужно было подумать, и это было это = следующее). Where should they dig the Very Deep Pit (где им следует вырыть Очень Глубокую Яму)?

Piglet said that the best place would be somewhere where a Heffalump was (Пятачок сказал, что лучшее место будет где-то там, где будет Слонопотам), just before he fell into it (как раз перед тем, как он упадет в нее; to fall — падать), only about a foot farther on (только где-то на фут дальше).

proud [praud], caught [kLt], farther ['fRDq]

Piglet said that, now that this point had been explained, he thought it was a Cunning Trap.

Pooh was very proud when he heard this, and he felt that the Heffalump was as good as caught already, but there was just one other thing which had to be thought about, and it was this. Where should they dig the Very Deep Pit?

Piglet said that the best place would be somewhere where a Heffalump was, just before he fell into it, only about a foot farther on.

“But then he would see us digging it,” said Pooh (но тогда он увидит нас, роющими ее = как мы роем ее, — сказал Пух).

“Not if he was looking at the sky (если он не будет смотреть на небо).”

“He would Suspect,” said Pooh (он будет Подозревать, — сказал Пух), “if he happened to look down (если он случайно посмотрит вниз: «если он случится смотреть вниз»).” He thought for a long time and then added sadly (он долго думал и потом грустно добавил), “It isn't as easy as I thought (это не так просто, как я думал). I suppose that's why Heffalumps hardly ever get caught (я полагаю, что именно поэтому Слонопотамы почти никогда не попадаются; to get caught — попасться, оказаться пойманным).”

“That must be it,” said Piglet (то должно быть это = наверное, поэтому, наверное, в этом дело, — сказал Пятачок).

easy ['JzI], hardly ['hRdlI], ever ['evq]

“But then he would see us digging it,” said Pooh.

“Not if he was looking at the sky.”

“He would Suspect,” said Pooh, “if he happened to look down.” He thought for a long time and then added sadly, “It isn't as easy as I thought. I suppose that's why Heffalumps hardly ever get caught.”

“That must be it,” said Piglet.

They sighed and got up (они вздохнули и встали); and when they had taken a few gorse prickles out of themselves they sat down again (и когда они вытащили /по/ несколько колючек утесника из себя, они снова сели); and all the time Pooh was saying to himself (и все время Пух говорил себе), “If only I could think of something (если бы только я мог что-нибудь придумать)!” For he felt sure that a Very Clever Brain could catch a Heffalump (потому что он ощущал уверенность /в том/, что Очень Умный Мозг мог бы поймать Слонопотама) if only he knew the right way to go about it (если бы только он знал подходящий способ приступить к этому; to know — знать; to go about — приступить к, взяться за, начинать).

“Suppose,” he said to Piglet (предположим, — сказал он Пятачку), “you wanted to catch me, how would you do it (ты захотел бы поймать меня, как ты бы сделал это)?”

themselves [Dqm'selvz], knew [njH], wanted ['wOntId]

They sighed and got up; and when they had taken a few gorse prickles out of themselves they sat down again; and all the time Pooh was saying to himself, “If only I could think of something!” For he felt sure that a Very Clever Brain could catch a Heffalump if only he knew the right way to go about it.

“Suppose,” he said to Piglet, “you wanted to catch me, how would you do it?”

“Well,” said Piglet, “I should do it like this (ну, — сказал Пятачок, — я бы сделал это так). I should make a Trap (я бы сделал Западню), and I should put a Jar of Honey in the Trap (и я бы положил в Западню Банку Меда = Банку с Медом), and you would smell it (и ты бы учуял его), and you would go in after it, and— (и ты бы полез внутрь за ним)”

“And I would go in after it,” said Pooh excitedly (и я бы полез внутрь за ним, — сказал Пух взволнованно; to excite — возбуждать, волновать), “only very carefully so as not to hurt myself (только очень осторожно, чтобы не ушибиться: «не ушибить меня самого»), and I would get to the Jar of Honey (и я бы добрался до Банки с Медом), and I should lick round the edges first of all (и я бы облизал прежде всего края), pretending that there wasn't any more, you know (/ты/ знаешь, делая вид, что /там/ больше ничего не осталось), and then I should walk away and think about it a little (а потом я бы отошел и подумал бы немного о нем), and then I should come back and start licking in the middle of the jar, and then— (а потом я бы вернулся и начал лизать в середине банки, а потом)”

jar [GR], honey ['hAnI], excitedly [Ik'saItIdlI]

“Well,” said Piglet, “I should do it like this. I should make a Trap, and I should put a Jar of Honey in the Trap, and you would smell it, and you would go in after it, and—”

“And I would go in after it,” said Pooh excitedly, “only very carefully so as not to hurt myself, and I would get to the Jar of Honey, and I should lick round the edges first of all, pretending that there wasn't any more, you know, and then I should walk away and think about it a little, and then I should come back and start licking in the middle of the jar, and then—”

“Yes, well never mind about that where you would be (да, совершенно неважно, где бы ты был; never mind — ничего, неважно, не беспокойтесь, не беда), and there I should catch you (и там я бы тебя поймал). Now the first thing to think of is (теперь первое, о чем нужно подумать), What do Heffalumps like (что любят Слонопотамы)? I should think acorns, shouldn't you (я полагаю желуди, не так ли)? We'll get a lot of (мы соберем кучу) —I say, wake up, Pooh (эй / послушай, проснись, Пух)!”

never ['nevq], mind [maInd], acorn ['eIkLn]

“Yes, well never mind about that where you would be, and there I should catch you. Now the first thing to think of is, What do Heffalumps like? I should think acorns, shouldn't you? We'll get a lot of—I say, wake up, Pooh!”

Pooh, who had gone into a happy dream (Пух, который вошел = погрузился в счастливый сон), woke up with a start, and said (проснулся вздрогнув / как от толчка и сказал) that Honey was a much more trappy thing than Haycorns (что Мед гораздо более опасная вещь = гораздо западнистее, чем желуди). Piglet didn't think so (Пятачок так не думал); and they were just going to argue about it (и они как раз собрались поспорить об этом), when Piglet remembered that (когда Пятачок вспомнил, что), if they put acorns in the Trap (если они будут класть в Западню желуди), he would have to find the acorns (то ему придется найти желуди), but if they put honey (но если они положат мед), then Pooh would have to give up some of his own honey (тогда Пуху придется уступить часть его собственного меда), so he said, “All right, honey then (поэтому он сказал: хорошо, тогда мед),” just as Pooh remembered it too (как раз когда Пух вспомнил об этом тоже), and was going to say, “All right, haycorns (и собирался сказать: ладно, желуди).”

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