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know [nqu], sir [sq:], hard [hQ:d], London ['lAndqn]

«I don't know that my friends are the king's enemies,» Sir Richard answered. «You can't come into my castle. We must know what the king says.»

The sheriff rode hard to London. He told the king about Sir Richard, about Robin Hood, and about the brave bowmen.

«This Robin Hood is an outlaw (этот Робин Гуд — разбойник),» he said. «He and his men shoot your deer in the forest (он и его люди стреляют твоих оленей в лесу). They take money from lords and good churchmen (они отбирают деньги у феодалов и добрых священников). They are your enemies, and we must stop them (они твои враги, и мы должны остановить их).»

«In two weeks (через две недели),» said the king, «I will be in Nottingham (я буду в Ноттингеме). I will take Robin Hood myself (я сам захвачу Робина Гуда), and I will take Sir Richard of the Lee (и я сам захвачу сэра Ричарда из Ли). Ride back now to Nottingham and get bowmen from all the country round (а теперь скачи назад, в Ноттингем, и собери лучников со всей округи; all the country round — по всей стране).»

week [wi:k], Nottingham ['nOtINqm], myself [maI'self], country ['kAntrI], round [raund]

«This Robin Hood is an outlaw,» he said. «He and his men shoot your deer in the forest. They take money from lords and good churchmen. They are your enemies, and we must stop them.»

«In two weeks,» said the king, «I will be in Nottingham. I will take Robin Hood myself, and I will take Sir Richard of the Lee. Ride back now to Nottingham and get bowmen from all the country round.»

Meanwhile, the sheriffs men left their places round the castle and went back to Nottingham (тем временем люди шерифа оставили свои позиции вокруг замка и вернулись в Ноттингем; place — пространство; местонахождение, местоположение /какого-либо лица, вещи/; to go back — возвращаться, приходить назад). So Robin Hood and his men went into the greenwood (поэтому Робин Гуд и его люди вышли = вернулись в зеленый лес).

The Sheriff of Nottingham wanted to catch Robin, but he couldn't (шериф Ноттингемский хотел схватить Робина, но не смог).

«I can't catch Robin Hood (я не могу захватить Робина Гуда),» he thought, «but I can catch Sir Richard of the Lee if he comes out of his castle (но я могу схватить сэра Ричарда из Ли, если он выйдет из своего замка).»

meanwhile ['mi:nwaIl], wanted ['wOntId], can't [kQ:nt]

Meanwhile, the sheriffs men left their places round the castle and went back to Nottingham. So Robin Hood and his men went into the greenwood.

The Sheriff of Nottingham wanted to catch Robin, but he couldn't. «I can't catch Robin Hood,» he thought, «but I can catch Sir Richard of the Lee if he comes out of his castle.»

The sheriff sent a man to the knight's castle (шериф отправил человека к замку рыцаря).

«I come from Robin Hood (я пришел от Робина Гуда),» said this man. «He needs you (ты ему нужен). Please come to help him (пожалуйста, приди ему на помощь). I'll lead you (я отведу тебя).»

And that is how the Sheriff of Nottingham caught Sir Richard of the Lee (и вот так шериф Ноттингемский захватил сэра Ричарда из Ли; to catch — схватить, поймать). With a lot of soldiers he took the knight along the road to Nottingham (с большим количеством солдат он захватил рыцаря на дороге в Ноттингем).

I [aI], he [hi:], you [ju:], him [hIm], soldier ['squldZq]

The sheriff sent a man to the knight's castle.

«I come from Robin Hood,» said this man. «He needs you. Please come to help him. I'll lead you.»

And that is how the Sheriff of Nottingham caught Sir Richard of the Lee. With a lot of soldiers he took the knight along the road to Nottingham.

A woman saw them go (одна женщина увидела, как они уезжают), and she ran into the greenwood and found Robin Hood (она побежала в зеленый лес и отыскала Робина Гуда; to find — найти).

«Robin Hood,» she cried, «they have taken Sir Richard of the Lee (сэр Ричард из Ли схвачен)!»

«Who has taken him (кто захватил его)?» asked Robin.

«The Sheriff of Nottingham.»

woman ['wumqn], them [Dem], she [Si:], found [faund]

A woman saw them go, and she ran into the greenwood and found Robin Hood.

«Robin Hood,» she cried, «they have taken Sir Richard of the Lee!»

«Who has taken him?» asked Robin. «The Sheriff of Nottingham.»

Robin Hood sounded his horn (Робин Гуд протрубил в свой рог), and more than a hundred men in Lincoln green came running through the trees (и более сотни человек в ярко-зеленых костюмах выбежали из-за деревьев).

«Will you come with me to Nottingham to save Sir Richard of the Lee (пойдете ли вы со мной в Ноттингем, чтобы спасти сэра Ричарда из Ли)?»

They ran through the greenwood and over the fields (они побежали через лес и по полям), their bows in their hands (с луками в руках), their arrows on their backs (со стрелами за спиной), and their swords at their sides (и мечами на боках).

Lincoln ['lINkqn], save [seIv], their [Deq], back [bxk]

Robin Hood sounded his horn, and more than a hundred men in Lincoln green came running through the trees.

«Will you come with me to Nottingham to save Sir Richard of the Lee?»

They ran through the greenwood and over the fields, their bows in their hands, their arrows on their backs, and their swords at their sides.

They ran into Nottingham (они прибежали в Ноттингем), and there, in front of them, they saw the Sheriff of Nottingham (и там, /прямо/ перед собой, они увидели шерифа Ноттингемского). All his soldiers were with him, and Sir Richard of the Lee (с ним были все его солдаты и сэр Ричард из Ли).

«Stop, proud Sheriff (остановись, гордый шериф)!» shouted Robin. «Stop and speak to me (остановись и поговори со мной). Tell me what the king said to you in London (скажи мне, что сказал тебе король в Лондоне).»

there [Deq], were [wq:], with [wID], proud [praud], speak [spi:k]

They ran into Nottingham, and there, in front of them, they saw the Sheriff of Nottingham. All his soldiers were with him, and Sir Richard of the Lee.

«Stop, proud Sheriff!» shouted Robin. «Stop and speak to me. Tell me what the king said to you in London.»

«I don't speak to outlaws (я не разговариваю с разбойниками),» said the sheriff. And to the soldiers he said (а солдатам он скомандовал), «Take that man (схватите этого человека)!»

But the soldiers saw a hundred arrows in a hundred bows all round them (но солдаты увидели сотню стрел в сотне луков со всех сторон /вокруг них/), and not a man moved (и ни один человек не шелохнулся; to move — двигаться, передвигаться).

«I have never run so far or so fast (я никогда не бегал так далеко или так быстро),» said Robin Hood. «And I tell you, Sheriff, it is not to do you good (и я говорю тебе, шериф, это не принесет тебе добра = тебе несдобровать; good — благо, добро; to do smb. good — делать добро кому-либо, помогать кому-либо).»

An arrow flew from Robin’s bow (из лука Робина вылетела стрела), and the Sheriff fell dead (и шериф упал замертво).

«You must come with us to the greenwood, Sir Knight (ты должен пойти с нами в лес, сэр рыцарь), and you must stay with us for a time (и ты должен остаться с нами некоторое время). When the king gives us his pardon (когда король дарует нам свое прощение), you will have your castle and your lands again (ты снова получишь свой замок и земли).»

move [mu:v], have [hxv], never ['nevq], fell [fel], pardon [pQ:dn]

«I don't speak to outlaws,» said the sheriff. And to the soldiers he said, «Take that man!»

But the soldiers saw a hundred arrows in a hundred bows all round them, and not a man moved.

«I have never run so far or so fast,» said Robin Hood. «And I tell you, Sheriff, it is not to do you good.»

An arrow flew from Robin’s bow, and the Sheriff fell dead.

«You must come with us to the greenwood, Sir Knight, and you must stay with us for a time. When the king gives us his pardon, you will have your castle and your lands again.»

Chapter 13


(Робин Гуд и король)

The king came to Nottingham with a great number of knights (король прибыл в Ноттингем с огромным количеством рыцарей; number — число, сумма, цифра; количество, число). He came to take Robin Hood and Sir Richard of the Lee (он приехал, чтобы захватить Робина Гуда и сэра Ричарда из Ли).

«If any man brings me Sir Richard's head (если кто-нибудь: «любой человек» принесет мне голову сэра Ричарда),» the king said, «I promise to give him Sir Richard's castle and all his lands (я обещаю даровать ему замок сэра Ричарда и все его земли).»

number ['nAmbq], bring [brIN], head [hed], castle [kQ:sl], land [lxnd]

The king came to Nottingham with a great number of knights. He came to take Robin Hood and Sir Richard of the Lee.

«If any man brings me Sir Richard's head,» the king said, «I promise to give him Sir Richard's castle and all his lands.»

There was a good old knight who heard that, and he said (/среди них/ был один старый добрый рыцарь, который слышал это, и он сказал): «My Lord the King, do not give Sir Richard's lands to any man (мой повелитель король, никому не давай земли сэра Ричарда), if you like that man (если тебе нравится тот человек). Nobody in this country can have the knight's lands (никто в этой стране не может владеть землями этого рыцаря) if Robin Hood is alive and can carry a bow (если Робин Гуд жив и может нести лук = держать лук в своих руках).»

«Then we must kill Robin Hood first, mustn't we (тогда мы сначала должны убить Робина Гуда, не так ли)?» said the King.

knight [naIt], lord [lO:d], king [kIN], carry ['kxrI], first [fq:st]

There was a good old knight who heard that, and he said: «My Lord the King, do not give Sir Richard's lands to any man, if you like that man. Nobody in this country can have the knight's lands if Robin Hood is alive and can carry a bow.»

«Then we must kill Robin Hood first, mustn't we?» said the King.

The king stayed in Nottingham for many weeks (король оставался в Ноттингеме много недель), but nobody could find Robin Hood (но никто не мог найти Робина Гуда). Nobody knew where he was (никто не знал, где он был). Or if they did know, they didn't say (или, если они и знали, они не говорили).

At last one of the King's foresters said (наконец, один из лесничих короля сказал; forest — лес; forester — лесник, лесничий), «My Lord the King, if you want to see Robin Hood (мой повелитель король, если ты хочешь увидеть Робина Гуда), this is what you must do (вот что ты должен сделать). Take five of your best knights (возьми пять своих самых лучших рыцарей), and go down to the abbey near the river (и отправляйся к аббатству у реки). Get monk's clothes there (там возьми облачение монаха), and then take the road to Nottingham (а после этого следуй дорогой в Ноттингем; to take — брать, хватать; выбрать /дорогу, путь/, отправиться /по какой-либо дороге/). I'll lead you (я поведу вас /тебя и твоих рыцарей/). Before you get to Nottingham (прежде чем вы доберетесь до Ноттингема), you will meet Robin Hood if he is alive (вы встретитесь с Робином Гудом, если он жив).»

week [wi:k], nobody ['nqubqdI], forester ['fOrIstq], what [wOt], abbey ['xbI], near [nIq]

The king stayed in Nottingham for many weeks, but nobody could find Robin Hood. Nobody knew where he was. Or if they did know, they didn't say.

At last one of the King's foresters said, «My Lord the King, if you want to see Robin Hood, this is what you must do. Take five of your best knights, and go down to the abbey near the river. Get monk's clothes there, and then take the road to Nottingham. I'll lead you. Before you get to Nottingham, you will meet Robin Hood if he is alive.»

The king put on the clothes of a rich abbot (король надел облачение богатого аббата), with a big hat over his hood (и большую шляпу поверх капюшона). His five knights dressed as churchmen too (пятеро его рыцарей также оделись священниками; dress — платье, одежда; to dress — одеваться, наряжаться). Then, with horses carrying great bags, they started through the forest (после чего они отправились в путь через лес, и лошади везли их большие сумки). They hadn't gone far in the greenwood when they met Robin Hood (они уехали недалеко в лес, когда они встретили Робина Гуда; to meet — встречать) — and a few good bowmen with him (и несколько славных/добрых лучников с ним).

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