21 Hennessy, The Prime Minister. P. 227; Kyle, Suez. P. 84–85; Lucas, Divided we Stand.
22 Неофициальная информация.
23 Cradock, Know Your Enemy. P. 134; Aldrich, GCHQ. P. 156–159.
24 TNA FO 800/747 Suez Canal GG Fitzmaurice to Sir Ivone Kirkpatrick (5 нояб. 1956); FO 800/749 Suez records s. 2 Attorney General, Reginald Manningham-Buller, to Selwyn Lloyd (1 нояб. 1956); Hen-nessy, Having it so Good. P. 427–429.
25 Shuckburgh, Descent to Suez. P. 365.
26 Hyam and Louis (eds), BDEEP: The Conservative Government and the End of Empire doc [1] CAB 134/1555 CPC (57)6 (28 Jan 1957); там же doc [2] CAB 134/1551 CPC (57)27 Sir N. Brook, «Future constitutional development in the colonies» (май 1957); там же doc [3] Sir Norman Brook, «Future constitutional development in the colonies» (6 сент. 1957); French, The British Way. P. 229.
27 TNA PREM11/2321 Arrangement by Cabinet Secretary for small group of officials to carry out re-assessment of UK interests abroad s. 9 «The Position of the United Kingdom in World Affairs» (5 июня 1958).
28 CO 1035/22 Joint Intelligence Committee aspects: activities of Cairo radio and its impact on British territories in Africa.
29 Aldrich, The Hidden Hand. P. 568; Aldrich, GCHQ. P. 159–162.
30 За эти абзацы я благодарен Brendon, Decline and Fall. P. 615–620.
31 Aldrich, The Hidden Hand. P. 574.
32 Brendon, Decline and Fall. P. 620.
33 TNA CO 1035/98 Reports by Security Intelligence Advisers – Mr MacDonald’s report on Cyprus, декабрь 1955 AM MacDonald Minute 8 дек. 1954; там же sla AM MacDonald, SIA, to Governor of Cyprus (21 авг. 1954).
34 Foley (ed.), The Memoirs of General Grivas. P. 40.
35 French, The British Way. P. 22; TNA CO 1035/98 s. 6: «Final Report by the Security Service Adviser to the Cyprus Police Special Branch» (Nicosia, апр. 1955); CAB 158/30 Joint Intelligence Committee JIC (58) 49 «The situation in Cyprus» (28 апр. 1958).
36 Foley (ed.), The Memoirs of General Grivas. P. 28.
37 Там же. P. 69; Aldrich, The Hidden Hand. P. 571; Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 464; Brendon, Decline and Fall. P. 620.
38 Jack Malvern, «Secret Plan to Deport Troublesome Cypriot». The Times (18 апр. 2012).
39 Aldrich, The Hidden Hand. P. 573; Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 463.
40 French, The British Way. P. 159.
41 Aldrich, The Hidden Hand. P. 577; Foley (ed.), The Memoirs of General Grivas. P. 69.
42 Foot, Emergency Exit. P. 19–22; Bower, Perfect English Spy. P. 231.
43 Aldrich, The Hidden Hand. P. 577; Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 464.
44 Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 465; Horne, Macmillan, vol. II. P. 100.
45 CAB 158/38 Joint Intelligence Committee JIC (59) 92 «Cyprus intelligence organisation» (30 нояб. 1959).
46 Aldrich, GCHQ. P. 162–163.
47 Там же. P. 7, 163.
48 За это я благодарен новаторской магистерской диссертации Will Leslie, «British intelligence in Aden and South Arabia, 1963–1967»; также см. Vital, The Making of British Foreign Policy. P. 89—103; Mawby, British Policy in Aden and the Protectorate; French, The British Way. P. 13.
49 Brendon, Decline and Fall. P. 500.
50 Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 473.
51 Macmillan, At the End of the Day: 1961–1963. P. 267.
52 TNA CO 1055/196 Trevaskis to Colonial Office (10 дек. 1963).
53 French, The British Way. P. 26–27.
54 TNA CO 1035/181/6 Colonial Office, Organization of Intelligence 14 Jan 1964; CO 1055/62/9 Aden intelligence summary no. 4 for the month of April 1963; Mawby, British Policy in the Aden Protectorates. P. 25–26, 71–73, 78–79.
55 TNA CO 1055/196 Trevaskis to Colonial Office (10 дек. 1963).
56 Leslie, «British Intelligence in Aden». P. 30—3; cf. Trevaskis, Shades of Amber. P. 211.
57 Leslie, «British Intelligence in Aden». P. 30—3; TNA CO 1035/181/44 D Russell Minute (9 апр. 1964); CO 1035/181 s. 7 «Note of a meeting between Secretary for Defence and the High Commissioner» (9 янв. 1964).
58 TNA CO 1035/178 s. 1 W Formoy to D Russell (3 апр. 1963); CO 1035/86 Reports by Security Intelligence Advisers – Aden s. 49a GRH Gribble, SIA, to Sir William Luce, Governor, Aden (17 сент. 1956).
59 TNA CO 1035/180 s. 259, Report by J. Prendergast, Director of Special Branch, Hong Kong, on visit to Aden (18 нояб. 1965); CO 1035/178/89 J. Morton (11 фев. 1965); CO 1035/178 s. 82E Chairman JIC 1 фев. 1965; CO 1055/202 Acting High Commissioner to Colonial Office (25 дек. 1964); CO 1055/221 Turnbull to Colonial Office (14 сент. 1965); об убийстве офицеров особого отдела в предыдущем абзаце, см. French, The British Way. P. 24–26.
60 Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 474; TNA FO 371/185233 J. Pren-dergast, «A Note on Terrorism in Aden» (6 дек. 1966).
61 Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 474; Leslie, «British Intelligence in Aden». P. 54; TNA FO 371/185233 J. Prendergast, «A Note on Terrorism in Aden» (6 дек. 1966); von Bulow, «The Foreign Policy of the Federal Republic of Germany: Franco – German Relations, and the Algerian War 1954—62»; Trevelyan, Middle East in Revolution. P. 222.
62 French, The British Way. P. 242.
63 Там же. P. 149, 159, 170, 242; Horne, A Savage War of Peace. P. 212; TNA CO 1035/180 Prendergast to Turnbull, Aden Intelligence Centre, report by Prendergast on visit to Aden (18 нояб. 1965); CO 1055/266 Petition by 27 detainees held at Fort Morbut to the minister of state for colonial affairs (27 нояб. 1964).
64 Macmillan, At the End of the Day 1961–1963. P. 263; Hart-Davis, The War that Never Was; Smiley, Arabian Assignment; Hinchcliffe and Holt, Without Glory in Arabia; Aldrich, GCHQ. P. 164.
65 Hart-Davis, The War that Never Was.
66 Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 476–477.
67 TNA CAB 182/55/1 Joint Intelligence Committee Aden working party (15 апр. 1966); CAB 182/55/2 «Joint Intelligence Committee Aden working party» (27 апр. 1966).
ЗаключениеБританская разведка: последняя полутень империи
1 Hyam, Britain’s Declining Empire. P. 326.
2 TNA CO 1035/139 Survey of subversive activities in the colonies (1957) Minute ND Watson (13 фев. 1958).
3 Bloch, Strange Defeat. P. 83.
4 Freedman, The Official History of the Falklands; Bicheno, Razor’s Edge: The Unofficial History of the Falklands War.
5 Aldrich, GCHQ. P. 151; TNA FCO 141/12635 Hong Kong Local Intelligence Committee; FCO 141/7463 Papers of the Joint Intelligence Committee (Far East) JIC (FE) (55) 8 (Final) «The probable attitude of the Chinese population of South East Asia and Hong Kong in the event of war» (7 июня 1955); Louis, «Hong Kong: the critical years 1945–1949».
6 TNA FCO 21/199 «Long Term Study» OPDC (DR) (67) 52 (18 авг. 1967); Shibuya, «British intelligence in Hong Kong in the era of the Cultural Revolution», везде.
7 TNA CAB 158/7 JIC (49) 44/10 (Final) A Review of the threat to Hong Kong as of 19 сентября 1949; CAB 158/7 JIC 949) 44/11 (Final) A Review of the threat to Hong Kong as of 4 October 1949; CAB 158/15 JIC (53) 13 (Final) Radical Review – Consequences of reduction of garrison in Hong Kong (3 фев. 1953).
8 Shibuya, «British intelligence in Hong Kong in the era of the Cultural Revolution», везде.
9 Aldrich, GCHQ. P. 152.
10 Там же. P. 154.
11 Patten, East and West: The Last Governor of Hong Kong on Power, Freedom and the Future. P. 38–39, 65; неофициальная информация.
12 TNA CO 1035/187 Organization of intelligence services in the colonies – Kenya s. 6: EN Griffith-Jones to FD Webber (14 авг. 1963).
13 TNA CO 1035/39 Organization of intelligence services in the colonies s. 2 Sir Robin Black to Alan Lennox-Boyd «Organization of intelligence» (3 авг. 1956); CO 1035/187 Organisation of intelligence services in the colonies – Kenya s. 2: EN Griffith-Jones, Governor’s Office, Nairobi, to FD Webber, CO (18 июня 1963); FCO 141/6957 Security of official correspondence.
14 Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 468.
15 TNA CAB 158/30 JIC (57) 115 (Final) «Intelligence organization in the colonial territories» (8 нояб. 1957). P. 1, 5, and. P. 4 – о числе обученных офицеров.
16 Jeffery, MI6. P. 696—7; CAB 158/15 JIC 58 (53) 49 «Standards of security in Israel» (2 мая 1953); Hennessy, Having it so Good. P. 299, цитата от сэра Gerry Warner.
17 BDEEP part 1. P. 190–251 (no 59) CO 847/36/1 no 9 (22 мая 1947).
18 TNA FO 371/80617 «Political intelligence reports on West Africa for Colonel Stephens, Security Liaison Officer Accra», Juxon Barton, министерство по делам колоний, губернатору Золотого Берега (13 нояб. 1950); KV2/1788 Jomo Kenyatta; Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 470; TNA kv4/469 Diaries of Guy Liddell (10 сент. 1947).
19 Craig, Crisis of Confidence; Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 600—26.
20 Frankland, Child of My Time. P. 89; неофициальная информация.
21 Неофициальная информация.
22 Reynolds, Britannia Overruled. P. 203–208.
23 FCO 141/1355 British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT.
24 Pilger, Freedom Next Time. P. 38; Aldrich, GCHQ. P. 339.
25 Bancoult v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs [2006] EWHC 1038 (Admin); FCO 141/1355 British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) s. 13 BIOT 157/172 (17 окт. 1968).
26 Aldrich, GCHQ. P. 337; TNA FCO 141/1355 British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) FCO telegram to Washington (24 нояб. 1970); FCO 141/1431 BIOT радиосообщения.
27 French, The British Way. P. 33.
28 TNA WO 32/15834 Court of Enquiry in Kenya letter Erskine to Secretary of State for War (10 дек. 1953); Lazreg, Torture and the Twilight of Empire from Algiers to Baghdad.
29 Ian Cobain and Richard Norton-Taylor, «Sins of Colonialists Lay Concealed in Secret Archive for Decades», Guardian (18 апр. 2012).
30 Murphy (ed.), BDEEP: Central Africa Doc 257 Belgian Congo FO Minutes by HFT Smith, ADM Ross, and Sir R Stevens on proposal to remove Patrice Lumumba [FO 371/146650] (28 и 29 сент. 1960).
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