77 Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 478–479.
78 Johnson, Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire; Drayton, «Anglo-American «Liberal» Imperialism». P. 342.
Глава 5Война в джунглях
1 Lyttelton, The Memoirs of Lord Chandos. P. 379.
2 Quoted in TNA CAB 21/2925, Templer, «Report on Colonial Security» (23 апр. 1955).
3 Lyttelton, The Memoirs of Lord Chandos. P. 359–366; Hyam, Britain’s Declining Empire.
4 Bayly and Harper, Forgotten Wars. P. 408–409, 437; TNA KV 4/408 Лекционный материал по чрезвычайной ситуации в Малайе, s. 1a: JP Morton’s Lecture Notes (без даты).
5 TNA CO 537/6006 Law and Order – Malaya. Internal Security; Stockwell (ed.), BDEEP: Malaya doc [148] CO 717/167/52849/2/1948 Creech Jones «Declaration of emergency» (17 июня 1948).
6 TNA KV 4/422 Organization and function of Security Intelligence Organization in the Far East (SIFE) s. 94a: SIFE Representation on JIC(FE) (7 авг. 1948); RHLO, John Dalley, «The Malayan Security Service» (1 июля 1948); о том, как происходят классические провалы разведки, см. Wohlstetter, Pearl Harbor: Warning and Decision.
7 Hack, «British Intelligence and Counter-Insurgency in the Era of Decolonization: The Example of Malaya»; RHLO, John Dalley, «The Malayan Security Service» (1 июля 1948).
8 TNA KV 4/408 Лекционный материал о чрезвычайной ситуации в Малайе s. 3: J.P. Morton, «The problems we faced in Malaya and how they were solved» (июль 1954). P. 4; Aldrich, Intelligence and the War Against Japan. P. 65; Philby, My Silent War; Millar, «British Intelligence in the Far East».
9 Aldrich, The Hidden Hand. P. 495; Bayly and Harper, Forgotten Wars. P. 32–33.
10 Peng, My Side of History. P. 163; Short, The Communist Insurrection in Malaya. P. 39–40.
11 Peng, My Side of History. P. 190; Harper, The End of Empire and the Making of Malaya. P. 50, 142–143; Short, The Communist Insurrection in Malaya. P. 38; Bayly and Harper, Forgotten Wars. P. 342–350.
12 Short, The Communist Insurrection in Malaya; RHLO Mss. Ind. Ocn. s. 254 Special Conference. Конференция проходила под председательством его превосходительства генерал-губернатора, Сингапур (26 июня 1947); Comber, «The Malayan Security Service (1945–1948)».
13 Bayly and Harper, Forgotten Wars. P. 430.
14 Harper, The End of Empire and the Making of Malaya. P. 142–149.
15 Comber, «The Malayan Security Service (1945–1948)».
16 TNA KV 4/421 Organization and function of Security Intelligence Organization in the Far East (SIFE) s. 3a: сэр Перси Силлитоу, Хартия разведывательной службы на Дальнем Востоке (6 авг. 1946); KV 4/422 Organization and function of Security Intelligence Organization in the Far East (SIFE) s. 98a: Телеграмма Силлитоу – Келлару (18 авг. 1948); Elwell, An Autobiography. P. 91–93.
17 Hack, «Corpses, Prisoners of War and Captured Documents»; Bren-don, Decline and Fall. P. 442; Aldrich, The Hidden Hand. P. 497; Miller, Jungle War in Malaya. P. 91; Stockwell (ed.), BDEEP: Malaya doc [216] CAB 21/1681 MAL C (50)23 Доклад начальника штаба Комитету по Малайе при кабинете министров (24 мая 1950).
18 TNA CO 537/4757 Special Service Unit for Malaya; CO 537/4239B Special Forces: Malaya s. 10 O.H. Morris (17 Aug 1948); FCO 141/12407 Sarawak: Dayak units to police the jungle.
19 MacKenzie, Special Force. P. 296.
20 Aldrich, The Hidden Hand. P. 498.
21 Peng, My Side of History. P. 300; Marston, «Lost and Found in the Jungle: The Indian and British Army Jungle Warfare Doctrines for Burma, 1943-5, and the Malayan Emergency, 1948-60» in Strachan (ed.), Big Wars and Small Wars.
22 Формулировку «информационная паника» см. Bayly, Empire of Information; TNA CO 537/2662 Intelligence reports from DSO, Federation of Malaya and Singapore s. 2: DIA Hamblen, MI5, to Sir Marston Logan, CO (20 июля 1948); там же, s. 3a: Ежемесячный доклад офицера связи по вопросам обороны Федерации Малайи и Сингапура (июль 1948); KV 4/408. Лекционный материал по чрезвычайной ситуации в s. 3: Morton, «The problems we faced in Malaya». P. 11; RHLO Mss. Ind. Ocn. S. 254 Специальная конференция. Конференция проходила под председательством его превосходительства генерал-губернатора, Сингапур (26 июня 1947).
23 Hyam (ed.), BDEEP: The Labour Government and the End of Empire CO 537/5698 «The colonial empire today» (май 1950) [doc 72]. P. 342.
24 KV 4/426 Organization and function of Security Intelligence Organization in the Far East (SIFE) s. 272a: JA Harrison «SIFE liaison with foreign intelligence services» (20 янв. 1954); Государственный архив, Вашингтон, округ Колумбия, Цифровой государственный архив служб безопасности, оценка ЦРУ «Текущая ситуация в Малайе (17 ноября 1949)».
25 TNA KV 4/408 The Malayan Emergency s. 3: Morton, «The problems we faced in Malaya». P. 8; Harper, The End of Empire and the Making of Malaya. P. 96—103.
26 KV 4/408. Лекционный материал по чрезвычайной ситуации в Малайе, s. 1a: Лекционные записи мирового судьи Мортона (без даты).
27 Aldrich, The Hidden Hand. P. 502—3; KV 4/408 Чрезвычайная ситуация в Малайе, s. 3: Morton, «The problems we faced in Malaya». P. 4.
28 Short, Communist Insurrection in Malaya. P. 386; Cloake, Templer: Tiger of Malaya; Smith, «General Templer and counter-insurgency in Malaya: hearts and minds, intelligence, and propaganda»; Hack, «Corpses, prisoners of war and captured documents»; TNA KV 4/408. Лекционный материал по чрезвычайной ситуации в Малайе, s. 1a: Лекционные записи мирового судьи Мортона (без даты). P. 6.
29 Hack, «Corpses, prisoners of war and captured documents». P. 215, 219; Miller, Jungle War in Malaya. P. 90.
30 Miller, Jungle War in Malaya. P. 92; TNA CO 1022/51 The organization and function of the intelligence service in Malaya s. 4 General Sir Gerald Templer to S of S for the colonies (13 фев. 1952).
31 Lyttelton, The Memoirs of Lord Chandos. P. 366—7; CAB 129/48 Lyttelton, «Malaya» cabinet memorandum (21 дек. 1951) in Stockwell (ed.), BDEEP: Malaya, vol. II doc 257. P. 344.
32 Aldrich, The Hidden Hand. P. 509; Comber, Malaya’s Secret Police. P. 180; Madoc, An Introduction to the Birds of Malaya.
33 Aldrich, The Hidden Hand. P. 498, 505; Comber, Malaya’s Secret Police. P. 188.
34 Bayly and Harper, Forgotten Wars. P. 486; Aldrich, The Hidden Hand. P. 506; MacKenzie, Special Force. P. 69.
35 TNA FCO 141/7475 Malaya: Commission of Enquiry into the Se-menyih incident; allegations concerning searches; KV 4/408 Чрезвычайная ситуация в Малайе, s. 3: Morton, «The problems we faced in Ma-laya». P. 11, 14, 15.
36 TNA KV 4/408 The Malayan Emergency s. 3: Morton, «The problems we faced in Malaya». P. 11, 14, 15; Bayly and Harper, Forgotten Wars. P. 482.
37 Bayly and Harper, Forgotten Wars. P. 532.
38 За предыдущие абзацы мы очень благодарны Олдричу, The Hidden Hand. P. 507; Aldrich, GCHQ. P. 150; Clutterbuck, The Long Long War. P. 97; Miller, Jungle War in Malaya. P. 101—2; TNA CO 1035/7 Periodic Reports of the Malayan Holding Centre; KV4/426 Organization and function of Security Intelligence Organization in the Far East (SIFE) s. 273 Последние указания генерального директора SIFE (16 фев. 1954).
39 TNA KV 4/408. Лекционный материал по чрезвычайной ситуации в Малайе, s. 3: Morton, «The problems we faced in Malaya»; KV4/244 Organization and function of Security Intelligence Organization in the Far East (SIFE) s. 172a: Rough Notes on SB Organization (28 апр. 1949).
40 Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 451, 938; TNA WO 32/19064 War Office Intelligence in internal security (28 авг. 1963); French, The British Way. P. 161.
41 TNA KV 4/408 Morton, «The problems we faced in Malaya»; WO 33/2335 Joint Services pamphlet, «Interrogation in War». P. 18; French, The British Way. P. 157.
42 TNA KV 4/408 Morton, «The problems we faced in Malaya». P. 19.
43 TNA KV 4/254 Organization and function of Security Intelligence Organization in the Far East (SIFE) s. 254A: Courtenay Young to Sir John Shaw (23 июня 1954); FCO 141/12625 Security/intelligence courses – Kuching; Miller, Jungle War in Malaya. P. 94; Comber, Malaya’s Secret Police. P. 83—4; French, The British Way. P. 157.
44 TNA FO 371/70828 «Germany: Bad Nenndorf», «The value of a detailed interrogation centre» (17 дек. 1947); TNA FO 1005/1744, Statement Lt. Col. R.G.W. Stephens (7 апр. 1947).
45 Цитата взята у Френча из The British Way. P. 162; см. также O’Halpin, «A poor thing but our own»; TNA WO 33/2335 Joint Services pamphlet, «Interrogation in War».
46 Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 450; Chin Peng, My Side of History. P. 342–346; Miller, Jungle War in Malaya. P. 100.
47 FCO 141/7429 s. 6 Director of Intelligence The Monthly report on subversive activities (май 1957); French, The British Way. P. 152–153.
48 Ben Macintyre, «Lawyers Seek Hidden Documents Linked to British Massacre of 24 Malayan Villagers – Colonial Cover-Up», The Times (9 апр. 2011).
49 Peng, My Side of History. P. 195; Bayly and Harper, Forgotten Wars. P. 449—51; Hatton, Took Tok Birds. P. 138.
50 Bayly and Harper, Forgotten Wars. P. 458, 524.
51 Louis, Ends of British Imperialism. P. 563; KV 4/408 Чрезвычайная ситуация в Малайе s. 1a: Лекционные записи мирового судьи Мортона (без даты). P. 3; Nagl, Learning to Eat Soup With a Knife; Hoffman, «Insurgency and counterinsurgency in Iraq».
52 TNA KV 4/408 The Malayan Emergency s. 5 H Carleton Greene, head Emergency Information Services, «Report on emergency information services, Sept 1950 – Sept 1951» (14 сент. 1951).
53 TNA FO1110/28 Warner Minute (16 июня 1948); FCO 141/746 °Counter-propaganda: a Basic Analysis, extract from a lecture given by head of Information Research Department (сентябрь 1952), distributed in a FO circular; Koestler, The God that Failed.
54 Carruthers, Winning Hearts and Minds. P. 90–95; TNA KV 4/408 Чрезвычайная ситуация в Малайе, s. 5 H Carleton Greene, head Emergency Information Services, «Report on emergency information services» (14 сент. 1951).
55 TNA DEFE 28/71 Directorate of Forward Plans (23 июля 1951).
56 Brendon, Decline and Fall. P. 458–459.
57 TNA CO 1035/38 Organization of intelligence services in the colonies. Federation of Malaya Sir Donald MacGillivray to Alan Lennox-Boyd (1 авг. 1956); CO 1035/6 Problems of intelligence organization in the Federation of Malaya, in connection with constitutional development Minute ND Watson (6 дек. 1956); KV 2/3593 Neil Lawson Minute D.L Haldane Porter (4 фев. 1957); KV 2/3594 Neil Lawson s. 253a: Note on Neil Lawson (20 фев. 1958); Andrew, Defence of the Realm. P. 451.
58 TNA FCO 24/513 Malaysia: Defence. Intelligence cooperation with UK.
59 Hyam, Britain’s Declining Empire. P. 6–7; Lady Brooke, Queen of the Head-Hunters; TNA FCO 141/7524 Disposal of surplus signals s. 2 W.J. Watts to private secretary to His Excellency, King’s House, Kuala Lumpur (июль 1956).
60 TNA KV 2/1855 Anthony Brooke minute 10: CJL Elwell, OS2 (4 фев. 1950); там же s. 9a: H/SIFE to DG MI5 London (25 янв. 1950); FCO 141/1241 «Murderous assault on His Excellency the Governor», Roskams, «British intelligence, imperial defence…»
61 TNA FCO 141/7234 Malaya: Defence Agreement between UK and Federation of Malaya; Working Party on the Agreement on External Defence and Mutual Assistance; Reynolds, Britannia Overruled. P. 210.
62 TNA CO 1035/8 Intelligence and Security aspects of Singapore constitutional talks Minute ND Watson (14 авг. 1956); Там же, протокол ND Watson (5 дек. 1956).
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