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Читем онлайн Здоровый сон – счастливый ребенок - Марк Вайсблут







Siegel, D. M., Janeway, D., and Baum, J. (1998). Fibromyalgia syndrome in children and adolescents: Clinical features at presentation and status at follow-up. Pediatrics, 101, 377–382.

Лекарства и продукты, которые способствуют сну

Camfield, C. S., Chaplin, S., Doyle, A. B., Chapiro, S. H., Cummings, C., and Camfield, P. R. (1979). Side effects of phenobarbital in toddlers: Behavioral and cognitive aspects. Journal of Pediatrics, 95, 361–365.

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Kolata, G. (1982). Food affects human behaviour. Science, 218, 1209–1210.

Norvenius, G., Widerlov, E., and Lonnerholm, G. (1979). Phenylpropanolamine and mental disturbances. Lancet, 1, 1367–1368.

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Russo, R. M., Gururaj, V. J., and Allen, E. J. (1976). The effectiveness of diphenhydramine HCl in pediatric sleep disorders. Journal of Clinical Pharmocology, 16, 284–285.

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Schneider-Helmert, D., and Spinweber, C. L. (1986). Evaluation of L-tryptophan for treatment of insomnia. Psychopharmacology, 89, 1–7.

Spring, B., Maller, O., Wurtman, J., et al. (1982–1983). Effects of protein and carbohydrate meals on mood and performance: Interactions with sex and age. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 17, 155–167.

Yogman, M. W., and Zeizel, S. H. (1985). Nutrients, neurotransmitters and infant behaviour. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 45, 352–360.

Глава 10. Особые проблемы со сном


Archbold, K. H., Pituch, K. J., Panabi, P., and Chervin, R. D. (2002). Symptoms of sleep disturbances among children at two general pediatric clinics. Journal of Pediatrics, 140, 97–102.

Hublin, C., Kaprio, J., Partinen, M., Hejjila, K., and Koskenvu, M. (1997). Prevalence and genetics of sleepwalking: A populationbased twin study. Neurology, 48, 177–181.

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Neveus, T., Cnattingius, S., Olsson, U., and Hetta, J. (2001). Sleep habits and sleep problems among a community sample of schoolchildren. Acta Paediatrica, 90, 1365–1367.

Klackenberg, G. (1982). Somnambulism in childhood – Prevalence, course, and behavioural correlations. Acta Paediatrica Scandinavia, 71, 495–499.

Разговоры во сне

Reimao, R., and Lefevre, A. B. (1980). Prevalence of sleep-talking in childhood. Brain Development, 2, 353–357.

Ночные страхи

DiMario, F. J., Jr., and Emery, E. S. 3d. (1987). The natural history of night terrors. Clinical Pediatrics, 26, 505–511.

Kales, J. D., Kales, A., Soldatos, C. R., Chamberlain, K., and Martin, E. D. (1979). Sleep walking and night terrors related to febrile illness. American Journal of Psychiatry, 136, 1214–1215.

Weissbluth, M. (1984). Is drug treatment of night terrors warranted? American Journal of Diseases of Children, 138, 1086.


Cason, H. (1935). The nightmare dream. Psychological Monographs, 46 (5, Whole No. 209).

Cellucci, A. J., and Lawrence, P. S. (1978). Individual differences in self-reported sleep – Variable correlations among nightmare sufferers. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 34, 721–725.

Mindell, J. A., and Barrett, K. M. (2002). Nightmares and anxiety in elementary-aged children: Is there a relationship? Child: Care, Health and Development, 28, 317–322.

Smedje, H., Broman, J. E., and Hetta, J. (2001). Short-term prospective study of sleep disturbances in 5– to 8-year-old children. Acta Paediatrica, 90, 1456–1463.

Удары головой и раскачивание всем телом

Abe, K., Oda, N., and Amatomi, M. (1984). Natural history and predictive significance of head-banging, head-rolling and breathholding spells. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 26, 644–648.

Leung, A. K., and Robson, W. L. (1990). Head banging. Journal of the Singapore Paediatric Society, 32, 12–17.


Reding, G. R., Rubright, W. C., and Zimmerman, S. O. (1966). Incidence of bruxism. Journal of Dental Research, 45, 1198–1204.

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Reding, G. R., Zepelin, H., Robinson, J. E., Smith, V. H., and Zimmerman, S. O. (1968). Sleep pattern of bruxism: A revision. Psychophysiology, 4, 396.

Weideman, C. L., Busch, D. L., Yan-Go, F. L., Clark, G. T., and Gornbein, J. A. (1996). The incidence of parasomnias in child bruxers versus nonbruxers. American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, 18, 456–460.


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Yoss, R. E., and Daly, D. D. (1960). Narcolepsy in children. Pediatrics, 77, 1025–1033.

Затруднения дыхания (аллергия и храп)

Ali, N. J., Pitson, D. J., and Stradling, J. R. (1993). Snoring, sleep disturbances, and behaviour in 4– to 5-year olds. (1993). Archives of Disease in Childhood, 68, 360–366.

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Anderson, O. W. (1950). The management of ‘infantile insomnia’. Journal of Pediatrics, 38, 394–401.

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Butte, W., Robertson, C., and Phelan, P. (1985). Snoring in children: Is it pathological? Medical Journal of Australia, 143, 335–336.

Chervin, R. D., Archbold, K. H., Dillon, J. E., Panahi, P., Pituch, K. J., Dahl, R. E., and Guilleminault, C. (2002). Inattention, and symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing. Pediatrics, 109, 449–456.

Chervin, R. D., Dillon, J. E., Bassetti, C., Ganoczy, D. A., and Pituch, K. J. (1997). Symptoms of sleep disorders, inattention, and hyperactivity in children. Sleep, 20, 1185–1192.

Flemming, B. M. (1925). A study of sleep of young children. Journal of the American Association of University Women, 19, 25–28.

Goldstein, N. A., Fatima, M., Campbell, T. F., and Rosenfeld, R. M. (2002). Child behaviour and quality of life before and after tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. Archives of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, 128, 770–775.

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Guilleminault, C., Winkle, R., Korobkin, R., and Simmons, B. (1982). Children and nocturnal snoring: Evaluation of the effects of sleep related respiratory resistive load and daytime functioning. European Journal of Pediatrics, 139, 154–171.

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Kahn, A., Mozin, J., and Casimir, G. (1985). Insomnia and cow’s milk allergy in infants. Pediatrics, 76, 880–884.

Klein, G. L., Ziering, R. W., Girsh, L. S., and Miller, M. F. (1985). The allergic irritability syndrome: Four case reports and a position statement from the Neuroallergy Committee of the American College of Allergy. Annals of Allergy, 55, 22–24.

Kravath, R. E., Pollack, C. D., and Borowiecki, B. (1977). Hypoventilation during sleep in children who have lymphoid airway obstruction treated by nasopharyngeal tube and T and A. Pediatrics, 59, 865–871.

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Mangat, D., Orr, W. C., and Smith, R. O. (1977). Sleep apnea, hypersomnolence, and upper airway obstruction secondary to adenotonsillar enlargement. Archives of Otolaryngology, 103, 383–386.

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Owens, J., Opipari, L., Nobile, C., and Spirito, A. (1998). Sleep and daytime behaviour in children with obstructive sleep apnea and behavioural sleep disorders. Pediatrics, 102, 1178–1184.

Weissbluth, M., Davis, A. T., and Poncher, J. (1984). Night waking in 4– to 8-month-old infants. Journal of Pediatrics, 104, 477–480.

Weissbluth, M., Davis, A. T., Poncher, J., and Reiff, J. (1983). Signs of airway obstruction during sleep and behavioural, developmental, and academic problems. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 4, 119–121.

Определение проблемы

Brouillette, R., and Thach, B. T. (1979). A neuromuscular mechanism maintaining extrathoracic airway patency. Journal of Applied Physiology: Respiration, Environment, Exercise and Physiology, 46, 772–779.

Brouillette, R., Fernbach, S. K., and Hunt, C. E. (1982). Obstructive sleep apnea in infants and children. Journal of Pediatrics, 100, 31–40.

Chokroverty, S. (1980). Phasic tongue movements in human rapid-eye-movement sleep. Neurology, 30, 665–668.

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Remmers, J. E., deGroot, W. J., Sauerland, E. K., and Anch, A. M. (1978). Pathogenesis of upper airway occlusive during sleep. Journal of Applied Physiology: Respiration, Environment, Exercise and Physiology, 44, 931–938.

Wilkinson, A. R., McCormick, M. S., Freeland, A. P., and Pickering, D. (1981). Electrocardiographic signs of pulmonary hypertension in children who snore. British Medical Journal, 282, 1579–1581.

Поиск ответов

McGeary, G. D. (1981). Help a snorer. Journal of the American Medical Association, 245, 1729.

Simmons, F. B., Guilleminault, C., Dement, W. C., and Tilkian, A. G. (1977). Surgical management of airway obstruction during sleep. Laryngoscope, 87, 326–338.

Результаты лечения

Guilleminault, C., Winkle, R., Korobkin, R., and Simmons, B. (1982). Children and nocturnal snoring: Evaluation of the effects of sleep-related respiratory resistive load and daytime functioning. European Journal of Pediatrics, 139, 165–171.

Гиперактивное поведение

Busby, K., Firestone, P., and Pivik, R. T. (1981). Sleep patterns in hyperkinetic and normal children. Sleep, 4, 366–384.

Conners, C. K. (1974). Rating scale for use in drug studies with children. Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 10, (Special Issue), 24.

Greenhill, L., Puig-Antich, J., Goetz, R., Hanlon, C., and Davies, M. (1983). Sleep architecture and REM sleep measures in pre-pubertal children with attention deficit disorder with hyper-activity. Sleep, 6, 91–101.

Porrino, L. J., Rapoport, J. L., Behar, D., Sceery, W., Ismond, D. R., and Bunney, W. E. (1983). A naturalistic assessment of the motor activity of hyperactive boys. Archives of General Psychiatry, 40, 681–687.

Simonds, J. F., and Parraga, H. (1984). Sleep behaviours and disorders in children and adolescents evaluated at psychiatric clinics. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 5, 6–10.

Weissbluth, M. (1984). Sleep duration, temperament, and Conners’ ratings of 3-year-old children. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 5, 120–123.

Weissbluth, M., and Liu, K. (1983). Sleep patterns, attention span, and infant temperament. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 4, 34–36.

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