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Читем онлайн Моссад. Самые яркие и дерзкие операции израильской секретной службы - Михаэль Бар-Зохар






Australia to the Temptation by Cindy: How Vanunu Was Kidnapped // Haaretz, April 21, 2004. (H)

Yechezkeli Z. Friends Speak About Cindy // Yedioth Ahronoth, April 8, 1997. (H)

Levitzky N. Machanaymi: She Slammed the Phone on Me Three Times // Yedioth Ahronoth, April 27, 1997. (H)

Lahav Y., Bar Y., Shaked R. The Italian Government Will Continue Investigating the Vanunu Kidnapping // Yedioth Ahronoth, January 11, 1987. (H)

Yechezkeli Z., Lior G. I Was Hijacked in Rome — Wrote Vanunu on His Palm // Yedioth Ahronoth, December 23, 1986. (H)

Sharav O. Vanunu Was Not the First to Fall in the Trap …The Tempting Girls // Yedioth Ahronoth, November 17, 1986. (H)

Lahav Y. The Girl Who Tempted Vanunu Is Cheryl Ben-Tov from Nataniya // Yedioth Ahronoth, February 21, 1988. (H)

Tal-Shir A., Yechezkeli Z. The Girl Who Tempted Vanunu Lives 18 Years Under His Shadow: Cindy Is Afraid // Yedioth Ahronoth, April 20, 2004. (H)

The Sunday Times: These Are the Atom Secrets of Israel. Under a Neglected Storeroom, 35 Meters Underground, Atom Bombs Are Being Built // Yedioth Ahronoth, October 6, 1986. (H)

Ben-Ishai R. He Did It Again // Yedioth Ahronoth, November 25, 1999. (H)

Kreitman M. That Is How I Photographed the Nuclear Reactor (Second Part of the Interview to the Sunday Times) // Yedioth Ahronoth, June 6, 2004. (H)

Lior G. Mordechai Vanunu: «There Is No Democracy in Israel» // Yedioth Ahronoth, June 6, 2004. (H)

Goldberg M. «And Then Entered the Blond Guy Who Kicked and Beat Me». Vanunu Testifies About His Kidnapping in Court // Yedioth Ahronoth, November 24, 1999. (H)

Cindy from the Vanunu Affair Is Selling Apartments in Florida // Sunday Times, цит. в Yedioth Ahronoth, April 20, 2004 (H)

Mula S., Awissat W. Missing Cindy // Yedioth Ahronoth, September 1, 2006. (H)

Nakdimon S., Zimuki T. Mordechai Vanunu: That’s How I Was Kidnapped // Yedioth Ahronoth, January 24, 1997. (H)

Goldberg M. I Told Vanunu: Beware of Cindy // Yedioth Ahronoth, November 24, 1999. (H)

16. СВЕРХДАЛЬНОБОЙНАЯ ПУШКА ДЛЯ САДДАМА Взлет и падение Джеральда Булла

Kendall A. Project Babylon: Gerald Bull’s Downfall // www.DamnInteresting, February 16, 2007.

Toolis K. The Man Behind Iraq’s Supergun // New York Times, August 26, 1990.

Eger C. The Paris Guns of World War One // Military History @ Suite 101, July 23, 2006.

Glanz J. Shades of Supergun Evoke Hussein’s Thirst for Arms // New York Times, September 10, 2006.

Murdered by the Mossad // Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, February 2, 1991.

Frum B. Who Killed Gerald Bull (Video). Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, http://archives.cbc.ca, April 5, 1990.

Убийство Вадии Хадада и Фатхи Шкаки

Poisoned Mossad Chocolate Killed PFLP Leader in 1977, Says Book // Middle East Times, May 5, 2006.

Marlowe L. Interview with a Fanatic // Time, February 6, 1995.

Thomas G. Mossad’s License to Kill // Telegraph, February 17, 2010.

Cockburn P. Islamic Jihad Betrayed by Mossad’s Spy // Independent, March 21, 1996.

Cordesman A. H. Escalating to Nowhere: The Israeli-Palestinian War — The Palestinian Factions That Challenge Peace and the Palestinian

Authority. Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, D. C., April 3, 2005.

Cockburn P., Haeri S. Arafat’s Murder Was Foiled by Malta Killing // Independent, December 7, 1995.

Sharon T. Der Spiegel: That’s How Shaqaqi Was Killed // Yedioth Ahronoth, November 5, 1995. (H)

Perry S., Shaked R., Regev D. The Mossad Liquidated the Leader of the Jihad // Yedioth Ahronoth, October 29, 1995. (H)

Bar Y., Perry S. Five Bullets in the Head, from Zero Range in a Crowded Street // Yedioth Ahronoth, October 29, 1995. (H)

Fishman A., Bar Y. A Search for a Frenchman Who Brought the Motorcycle // Yedioth Ahronoth, October 31, 1995. (H)

Tomer I. The Head of the Mossad Supervised the Operation from a Boat Near Malta // Yedioth Ahronoth, November 5, 1995. (H)

Melman Y. The Assassination in Malta: The Professional Skills of the Agents vis-à-vis the Negligence of Shaqaqi. No Bullets Were Found at the

Killing Location. The Motorcycle Was Brought Especially to the Island // Haaretz, October 30, 1995. (H)

Melman Y. Sometimes a Small Organization Cannot Recover // Haaretz, October 30, 1995. (H)

Melman Y. With a Gun, Explosive, Poison, Without Asking Questions // Haaretz, March 17, 1998. (H)

Eldar A. Der Spiegel: Rabin Ordered the Killing of Shaqaqi // Haaretz, November 5, 1995. (H)

Letz Y. 5 Shots in Malta // Globes, April 15, 2001. (H)

Bechor G. Despite the Iranian Financing, the Islamic Jihad Is Falling

Apart Since the Murder of Shaqaqi // Haaretz, October 14, 1996.


Yatom D. Secret Sharer: From Sayeret Matkal to the Mossad. Tel Aviv: Yedioth Ahronoth, 2009. (H)

Melman Y. Back to the Scene of the Crime // Haaretz, September 26, 2007 (10th anniversary of the fiasco). (H)

Tal-Shir A. The Mossad Affair (Mash’al): A Full Recapture of the Events.

Barnea N. Netanyahu Will Bury the Head of the Mossad Slowly but Sophisticatedly.

Shiffer S. Breaking News: The Jordanians Threatened to Break into the Embassy in Amman. Israel Was Forced to Hand the Secret Formula of the Chemical Weapon.

Perry S. Hussein Demands That the Mossad Fire All the People Involved in the Affair, or No Israeli Intelligence Agents Will Be Allowed into Jordan.

Ben-Ishai R. Due to Previous Successes, the Mossad Developed the Notion That Such an Operation Is Foolproof.

Ringel Hoffman A., Leshem G. Danny Yatom Was Left Alone; Now Everybody Is Turning Their Backs on Him.

Fishman A. The Rivalry Between the Intelligence Agencies Is Oozing to the Lower Levels; Senior Security Official: «If It Doesn’t Stop

Immediately We’ll Pay Dearly» // Yedioth Ahronoth, special edition, October 10, 1997. (H)

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